Friday, November 23, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 35656

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
From: Work at Home

2.1. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
2.2. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
2.3. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
2.4. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
2.5. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
2.6. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
2.7. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
2.8. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs

3a. Potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month
From: Nevs
3b. Potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month
From: Nevs
3c. Potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month
From: Nevs

4. Vai ser lan€ ¦çado entre final de novembro e inicio de dezembro
From: Carlos Alberto Monteiro Carneiro

5. Safari & Camping Equipment Now at Maadi Overstock
From: ADS Egypt

6a. Wanna Earn $33,000.00 A Month Online Without A Website!
From: Aileen

7.1. Earn Up To $250/hour Online Taking Surveys!
From: Roselin

8a. Make Over $400.00 Per Hour With This!
From: Oleg

9a. Make Serious Money By Giving Away FREE E-book!
From: Reynolds

10.1. Am I saying you will make $152,327 in one month?
From: Roy

11a. Website Marketing Guide
From: Internet Ideas

From: Fran Galton

13a. ____________ 468,000 FREE Leads For You!!
From: rita heid

14a. File transfer and email service. Also offer secure and large file tr
From: 2 GB Free Upload

15. Vendors wanted for The INSTOCK ONLY EVENT
From: Cheryl H

16. Vendors Wanted for INSTOCK ONLY EVENT
From: Cheryl H


1.1. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
Posted by: "Work at Home" adby41marketing02
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:39 am ((PST))

As incredible as it may sound youre about to discover just like
I did how you can start creating a steady stream of income working
from home.


Powered by Mach5 Mailer:

Messages in this topic (228)

2.1. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:42 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

2.2. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:42 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

2.3. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:42 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

2.4. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:42 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

2.5. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:44 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

2.6. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:44 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

2.7. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:44 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

2.8. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:45 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (379)

3a. Potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:46 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (3)

3b. Potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:46 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (3)

3c. Potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:46 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (3)

4. Vai ser lan€ ¦çado entre final de novembro e inicio de dezembro
Posted by: "Carlos Alberto Monteiro Carneiro" osantorj20052001
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:48 am ((PST))

Vai ser lan€ ¦çado entre final de novembro e inicio de dezembro
o cart€ ¦ão de credito MMN do BANCO do BRASIL com bandeira VISA.

AT€ ¦É O DIA 26/11/2007!!!!!!

Em completo sigilo ainda, mas fontes minha j€ ¦á me garantiram que o
cart€ ¦ão de cr€ ¦édito ir€ ¦á dar de limite inicial de R$ 150,00...mesmo para
pessoas que estiverem com nome no SPC e SERASA.
Receberemos R$ 1,00 por indica€ ¦ção e as bonifica€ ¦ções ser€ ¦ão muito boas.
Muitas premia€ ¦ções, promo€ ¦ções e b€ ¦ônus!!!

E o melhor: Ter€ ¦á al€ ¦ém do telefone 0800, tamb€ ¦ém um cadastro pela
internet, o que falicitar€ ¦á muito a nossa divulga€ ¦ção; podendo fazer
cadastros r€ ¦ápidos!!!

Enviem seu e-mail para Asssunto banco
do Brasil

Assim que eu receber o convite, que j€ ¦á estou aguardando passarei para
voc€ ¦ês todas as informa€ ¦ções poss€ ¦íveis de esclarecimento sobre essa nova





Messages in this topic (1)

5. Safari & Camping Equipment Now at Maadi Overstock
Posted by: "ADS Egypt" ads_mohammed
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:48 am ((PST))

Maadi Overstock <> wrote: st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } Enjoy the Adventure!
Safari & Camping Equipment Now at Maadi Overstock
Before you embark on a 4€ ¦×4 self-drive trip, it is essential to make sure that you take along all the necessary camping equipment. Not only for your safety but also for your comfort. Maadi Overstock brought you some equipment and tools that are essential for any camping trip as well as off road safari to make your 4€ ¦×4 safari an unforgettable experience.
Some product images along with the price attached.
**5% off till December 7th 2007**

Thanks to all participants; shoppers and sellers that help make 16 & 17 November€ ¦'²s Garage Sale a success.
Look Ahead Calendar!
NEXT Winter Garage
Sale @ Overstock
Nov. 30.2007
11am : 6pm
Deadline to drop off your items: Wednesday 28 Nov 2007
Drop off by appointment, 0123255195

*** we are always interested in many clearance items but at the time being we are specifically looking for good second hand or closeout stock of Italian and French office & home furniture, so if you have some of these that you would like to sell or if you are a dealer we would like to hear from you. Please contact - 0123255195

Maadi Overstock € ¦'¥Your Independent Sales & Marketing Partner
Are you a Retailer, Manufacturer, Service Provider?
Are you a Shop owner or an Open Day Organizer?
Do you have stock to clear?
Do you need to increase your brand awareness?
Do you want to build a communication channel with your customers?
Do you want to inform your customers about existing new trends you have, your new or improved products, sales and other promotions?
Do you want to send out some tips to your customers about what to look for when they shop for technology or furniture? Or what fashion trends are in for the year? How do they know which piece of jewelry looks best for various occasions? What€ ¦'²s the latest in research and trends for pet care?

Maadi Overstock € ¦'¥helps well-established and start up companies to get their product and service into different market categories.
Maadi Overstock € ¦'¥helps you
To keep communication line open with your customers.
To expand your sales without the risk associated with hiring sales force.

Limit salary and benefits expense NOW.
Maadi Overstock€ ¦'¥ Your Independent Sales & Marketing Partner
For more info please contact
Success to you!
Maadi Overstock
Email 1:
Email 2:

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.
Messages in this topic (1)

6a. Wanna Earn $33,000.00 A Month Online Without A Website!
Posted by: "Aileen" bizim_marketing_008
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:49 am ((PST))

How I Escaped From The Mind-Numbing, Passion-Sucking World Of Claustrophobic Cubicles And Buzzing Florescent Lights And Started Raking In $33,000.00 A Month Online --WITHOUT A Product, WITHOUT A List, And WITHOUT A Website!

Messages in this topic (3)

7.1. Earn Up To $250/hour Online Taking Surveys!
Posted by: "Roselin" dym_game
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:49 am ((PST))

Earn Up To $250/hour Online Taking Surveys!

Get Cash For Surveys.
Top Converting Affiliate Program.
Earn Up To $250/hour Online Taking Surveys!

Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or

New Secrets They Tried To Ban $2000/Day.

This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".

Messages in this topic (52)

8a. Make Over $400.00 Per Hour With This!
Posted by: "Oleg" bizim_marketing_009
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:49 am ((PST))

Make $384,000.00 With This Brand New Unique Idea!
Get Paid Every Day - Make Money - I make $7,400 per week
I will personally give you access to my Video showing my Formula of how I earned over $14,800.00 within 14 days of starting & THE MONEY NEVER QUITS!!

Messages in this topic (5)

9a. Make Serious Money By Giving Away FREE E-book!
Posted by: "Reynolds" bizim_marketing_010
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:49 am ((PST))

Now You Can Make a Staggering amount of Money every single Month by simply giving away a FREE 9-page e-book!

And ... you can use this same Incredible Totally 100% Generic Free e-book to promote your own Online Business, Program, Opportunity, Affiliate Link, Product, or Service and even have the potential to Make a lot More Money!

Messages in this topic (4)

10.1. Am I saying you will make $152,327 in one month?
Posted by: "Roy" dym_game
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:51 am ((PST))

Am I saying you will make $152,327 in one month?

It's Time You Experienced Real Results...

"Finally! A No-Hype, No-Fluff Profit Formula That REAL People Are Using To Make REAL Money Online!"

For less than the cost of a pizza, you can copy the exact tactics my clients and I have been using to make a full time online income. See PROOF below...

Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or

This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".

Messages in this topic (43)

11a. Website Marketing Guide
Posted by: "Internet Ideas" youngmax59
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:03 am ((PST))

Website Marketing Guide

If you own a website, you will most certainly find these websites, useful..
Full opt-in bulk 'graphic html' email campaigns at an affordable price
Full opt-in 'plain text' email campaigns at an incredibly low price
Fast website traffic services. One million website visitors in 30 days!
Place your classified advert on 50,000 sites for just $69
The most unique advertising and 'viral' video marketing service on the planet!
50,000 FRESH 100% opt-in leads every week for just $59 a month!

Messages in this topic (3)

Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair63
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:05 am ((PST))

Imagine sending your ad every day to a potential 100 million Yahoo
users all across the globe, with just one click! Imagine what that could do to your sales if
even a small percentage actually read your ad and was interested in what
you were offering.

This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo customers to your
website now.

We have developed a state-of-the-art mailing system whereby you can
access your account unlimited times per day, and simply place your ad copy for submission. This is truly
powerful and was developed with the novice marketer at heart. No need to
validate your email, no need for spam filters or junk mail boxes. No need
to worry about losing your ISP either!

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.
Messages in this topic (123)

13a. ____________ 468,000 FREE Leads For You!!
Posted by: "rita heid" mheid1919
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:09 am ((PST))



Here is 468,000 FREE Leads For You:


*OFFERS are NOT GOOD for People already in our Company!

To Your Success!

Mike Heid
Here is a free gift for you!

Messages in this topic (5)

14a. File transfer and email service. Also offer secure and large file tr
Posted by: "2 GB Free Upload" basa1003
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:10 am ((PST))

File transfer and email service. Also offer secure and large file transfer.

Send, Receive and Track Files. Sign up now and get a free offer!

The maximum size of each file you can send.

Send and receive Digital Files very easy and securly.

Messages in this topic (4)

15. Vendors wanted for The INSTOCK ONLY EVENT
Posted by: "Cheryl H" snowangel5590
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:12 am ((PST))

Do you have some in-stock merchandise you want to move before the Holiday Season?

If you do The Velvet Box is hosting a Vendor Event for In-Stock only items!
To participate in this fair all items offered MUST be in-stock.

Thursday November 29th - Sunday December 2nd

Prices are as follows:
2-30 minute spots $10
4- 30 minute spots $12

We have been running successful moderated fairs for several years now. Feel confident when becoming a vendor with us at the velvet box.

For More Information or to Register to be a Vendor for the fair please visit:

Cheryl Hector

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.
Messages in this topic (1)

16. Vendors Wanted for INSTOCK ONLY EVENT
Posted by: "Cheryl H" snowangel5590
Date: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:13 am ((PST))

Do you have some in-stock merchandise you want to move before the Holiday Season?

If you do The Velvet Box is hosting a Vendor Event for In-Stock only items!
To participate in this fair all items offered MUST be in-stock.

Thursday November 29th - Sunday December 2nd

Prices are as follows:
2-30 minute spots $10
4- 30 minute spots $12

We have been running successful moderated fairs for several years now. Feel confident when becoming a vendor with us at the velvet box.

For More Information or to Register to be a Vendor for the fair please visit:

Cheryl Hector

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (1)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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