Topics in this digest:
1. 103 INCHES of viewing pleasure ….
From: Rebeca Mon
2. Sometimes You Need To Ask Yourself
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
4a. Number 1 Program in 2005 , 2006
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
6.1. Own an ACTIVE 5x6 Matrix for all the programs out there
From: rn_reza_del_04
7a. New to online marketing ?
From: rn_reza_del_04
8a. TRUTH about online marketing REVEALED !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
9a. [New] Marketing Secret # 1
From: rn_reza_del_04
10a. Increase the activity ratio in your downline for FREE!!
From: rn_reza_del_04
11a. TEAM UP with the active ones !
From: rn_reza_del_04
12a. Do you know why downline clubs won't work ?
From: rn_reza_del_04
13a. Ultimate Guide to have your downlines refers for you!
From: rn_reza_del_04
14a. Finally ! A Step By Step Promotion Guide for FREE !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
17a. [Urgent] Come see if your program is listed here.
From: rn_reza_del_04
18a. [Newsletter] Truth About Matrices , a MUST SEE !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
19a. Why NO ONE sees YOUR Ad!
From: rn_reza_del_04
20.1. Ride the equation to success
From: rn_reza_del_04
21.1. Even if you're a newbie, this WORKS !
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
23.1. People are making thousands every month !
From: rn_reza_del_04
24.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
From: rn_reza_del_04
25a. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
1. 103 INCHES of viewing pleasure ….
Posted by: "Rebeca Mon" rebeca_mon
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:43 pm ((PDT))
103 INCHES of viewing pleasure € ¦'¥.
More on:
Pictures At:
Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.
Messages in this topic (1)
2. Sometimes You Need To Ask Yourself
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:46 pm ((PDT))
http://www.easypostjob4u.comSometimes You Need To Ask Yourself
We do hope you are in good health and full of confident expectations
that the good that you love and desire will be yours someday soon. It
must surely be if you constantly and consistently focus on it.
Remember what we focus on expands.
Sometimes, you need to ask yourself the following;-
1. What do I do to ensure that I have passive income?
2. What simple program would ensure this happens?
3. What if I need assistance and support, will the program offer both?
4. What if I am unable to refer anyone, will the admin of the program
and my upline assist in this?
And many more questions.
Only you can answer these questions.
In the program that we are involved in;
1. We do not promise the heavens.
2. We do not even give guarantees that you will make money.
3. We do however give guarantees that you will not lose money.
4. We do not even ask you to upgrade?
If you feel you would like to test our program and decide for
yourself, then click the following link.
We do give some free marketing reports to assist whoever is interested
in progressing in this business. If you would like to view these
reports, then click the link below.
To our prosperity.
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:46 pm ((PDT))
2x7, 3x9, or even 5x7.
There are so many different types of matrices out there. Do you know
the secret behind those matrices?
Do you know the KEY to succeed in every single one of them?
To find out the truth about all those matrices and the techniques used
by the top marketers to succeed in all of them to make millions of
dollars, please click on the link below:
Messages in this topic (36)
4a. Number 1 Program in 2005 , 2006
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:47 pm ((PDT))
Number 1 Program in 2005 , 2006
Limited budget to use an auto-safelist-submitter ?
Don't have motivation and the time to promote ?
Come get your free copy of a Step By Step Guide showing you exactly
how with only 20 safelists and 5 min a day can generate a minimum of 5
sign ups for you in 14 days !!!
Pass on this free guide to your own referrals so they can do the same !!
Don't refer hundreds by yourself anymore. Start making all your
referrals refers only the minimum with this free Step By Step Guide.
Click here to claim your copy now before it's gone !!
Messages in this topic (2)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:47 pm ((PDT))
Have you figure out the problem with all of the online opportunities yet?
You should begin to see that it doesn't really matter what kind of
system are out there simply because all you ever need to do is refer.
If you can refer thousands of people, does it matter what kinds of
system are out there?
No, I didn't think so.
Since you're not making millions of dollars yet, that means while it
is easy for some people to promote, it is extremely hard for others.
In orders to understand what methods best suit you, and what kind of
support best suit your referrals to maximize the promoting efforts, it
is important to identify which type of marketers are you and your
To find out about the 4 different types of marketers and the different
ways to motivate them to give their best performance and truly help
YOU build you team, please click on the link below:
Messages in this topic (7)
6.1. Own an ACTIVE 5x6 Matrix for all the programs out there
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:47 pm ((PDT))
Own an ACTIVE 5x6 Matrix for all the programs out there
How many times have you seen the ad:
"You only need 2, and you'll be able to earn thousands of dollars ??"
Does that really mean all you have to do is referred 2 people ? Or
does that mean every single person in your matrix need to refer 2 people ?
I'm sure you know the answer very well.
The key to succeed on line is not about what kind of matrix you're in.
It's always about whether or not you can make your entire team of
referrals to do their part of the job.
To find out how you can obtain the resources, the supports, and the
tools to help and motivate your team of referrals for FREE , simply
click the link below:
Messages in this topic (33)
7a. New to online marketing ?
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:47 pm ((PDT))
New to online marketing ?
This unique system has reduced the traditional 95% inactive ratio down
to 90% in just 1 month and this ratio is expected to be A LOT lower
within the next few months!
What does this mean?
This means with this system, your downlines will no longer sign and
die anymore! You will finally be able to have them start referring and
build your matrix for you!!
If you're experiencing hardship getting all of your referrals to refer
for you, then this system will benefit you big time!
Every one of us is already seeing a great improvement from our
referrals' activity in as little as 14 days. I'm sure you will too.
This unique system is free for a limited time. Come reserve your
position right away!
You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Click below to reserve your position:
Messages in this topic (5)
8a. TRUTH about online marketing REVEALED !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:48 pm ((PDT))
TRUTH about online marketing REVEALED !!
Scenario 1:
You're in a program where you only need to refer 2. Then at the 9th
level, you'll earn $200,000+ per month.
95% of your downlines are not moving at all. You're only managed to
refer up to maybe the 3rd or 4th level with your own and a couple
active promoters' effort.
Scenario 2:
You're in a program where you do not need to refer. The program itself
will do all the referring for you.
95% of the program's downline are not moving at all. The program
itself may manage to refer up to 4th ~ 6th level with their effort
then they will crash. These programs are often perceived as scams
because they failed to deliver their promises.
The only way to truly earn money online is never about what kind of
system you're in. It is always about getting those 95% of people to
refer for you.
In the link below, you'll be able to find a FREE Ultimate Guide to
Referring only 5 people within 14 days using only 20 safelists. Pass
this guide to all of your referrals and have them do the same.
This Ultimate Guide will turn all those 95% inactive members into
active members!
What are you still waiting for?
Click here to get your copy for FREE before it's gone!!
Messages in this topic (16)
9a. [New] Marketing Secret # 1
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:48 pm ((PDT))
[New] Marketing Secret # 1
My name is smith, I am answering your e-mail and would have signed up
to your programme 5 months ago, without a doubt, but that was 5 months
I am going to get right to the point here€ ¦'¥.do you realise that no-one
reads all those mails you send? You may think they do, but, nope! They
all do the same as you do€ ¦'¥.delete, delete, delete. Heartbreaking,
isn't it! And I know this as a fact.
I found out the hard way that sending out a billion ads a day just
does NOT work. I began to think there was something wrong with my
e-mail service because nothing worked, no-one answered, I was spending
money instead of earning it. It was all leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I hated my full time job. I was always at work, just going through the
motions, you know the score€ ¦'¥.get up, go to work, clock in, spent 8-10
hours wishing your life away, clock out, go home. That's it, all very
mundane. There had to be a better way. I decided to try the "Get Rich
Quick" schemes out that you see all over the Internet. You have got to
have seen the "Make a million in a week" ads, or "Send $10 and you
will make you a $10000" promises. I was so na€ ¦ïve and desperate that I
admit I signed up for a lot of them. They all promised me a better
life and it was all soooo easy to do! I get so angry now when I think
about how much I was conned.
I joined 6 downline clubs, where for a monthly fee you join hundreds
of others all trying to get rich. (Incidentally, two of those sites
disappeared into thin air one night€ ¦'¥with my money!) But I still
advertised these to death on safe lists, ad blasters, FFA's and all I
got in return was bounced mail, undeliverable mail and a full inbox I
had to delete every day! This went on for months, and absolutely
nothing happened. I had put hours into my new venture not to mention
the money and now I felt totally deflated, frustrated and fed up with
the whole thing. Does this sound familiar?
The site below saved me. I can honestly say with my hand on my heart
that this site really saved me!
I was about to give up, and I had seen this site many times, (I bet
you have as well) but I just kept ignoring it. One day, I just
happened to open an e-mail because it just "sounded" different. That
e-mail changed everything. This guy told me exactly what I knew and
feared already. He told me that I was wasting my time, that I would
never make a penny, and I would fail miserably. He was right! He then
told me to read through this site, I mean REALLY read through it and
everything will become crystal clear. And it did!
I was suddenly aware that I had done everything wrong€ ¦'¥ along with so
many others, and it wasn't my fault!€ ¦'¥.I had been lied to, hood winked,
scammed! Call it what you want but at the end of the day I had been
ripped off BIG TIME! As I said, I felt very angry.
After visiting this site, I felt so relieved that I finally found out
the TRUTH! I now approach Internet Marketing as a REAL business,
before I never really believed it would happen, because I never got
any responses€ ¦'¥.now I know why€ ¦'¥.I was doing it all wrong. And I know
that there are thousands of people just like you living on false
dreams. Sorry to have to say that but it is true.
My advise is to just visit this site and Really Read it through. You
will find that you will benefit from it enormously. You owe it to
yourself, because at least you had the guts to try this business out
in the first place.
Of course, I cannot make you go to this site€ ¦'¥'¥.It is totally up to
you. That is YOUR decision€ ¦'¥'¥'¥..but for what it's worth, It literally
changed my life.
I wish you luck whatever you decide, and I mean that sincerely.
Best wishes and take care
Messages in this topic (5)
10a. Increase the activity ratio in your downline for FREE!!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:48 pm ((PDT))
Increase the activity ratio in your downline for FREE!!
Come Join the 630,000 Member Team !!!
You simply CANNOT LOSE with 630,000 people HELPING and BUILDING YOUR
Click the link below to find out how you can benefit from all those
630,000 people right now !
Messages in this topic (8)
11a. TEAM UP with the active ones !
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:48 pm ((PDT))
TEAM UP with the active ones !
Click below to find out if the programs you're in can truly generate
money for you:
Messages in this topic (5)
12a. Do you know why downline clubs won't work ?
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:48 pm ((PDT))
Do you know why downline clubs won't work ?
Hello friend!
If you are trying to promote your business
online, the LAST thing you need is to hear
is that someone else's business is so much
better than yours? or how the only way you
will ever make money online is by quitting
YOUR business and joining THEIRS. BULL! You
can make money online with ANY legitimate
business IF you have the right tools and IF
you know how to use those tools!
Listen, I'm going to be straight with you. I
spent more than 3 years jumping from
program to program, always believing that
if I could just find the right one, I could
make it work for me. I never made a DIME
and spent thousands of dollars trying! The
hard truth is that I could have made money
with ANY of the programs I joined ?if I
had only known then what I know now.
As soon as I learned what to do everyday on
a daily basis and learned what to STOP
doing ?everything turned around for me.
In just a week,I drove over 1,000 unique
visitors to my site and in just two weeks I
made five sales. Now that may not sound
like much to you ?but for someone who had
struggled for two years without making as
much as a dime - let me tell you ? I was a
During those first two weeks, I followed a
step-by-step marketing system. Now, I just
repeat those steps over and over, everyday.
THE MYSTERY IS GONE! This system WILL truly
turn things around for you and open your
eyes to a WHOLE LOT you have been missing!
Messages in this topic (3)
13a. Ultimate Guide to have your downlines refers for you!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:48 pm ((PDT))
Ultimate Guide to have your downlines refers for you!
22 Reports written by internet marketing newbies.
If they can become successful online, I'm sure you can too!
There's no catch. And you don't even have to be an internet guru to
understand these reports.
Simply follow the easy to understand step-by-step instruction and you
can be on your way to FINANCIAL FREEDOM !!!
Click the link below to claim your copy right now for FREE before they
are gone !!!
Messages in this topic (3)
14a. Finally ! A Step By Step Promotion Guide for FREE !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:48 pm ((PDT))
Finally ! A Step By Step Promotion Guide for FREE !!
Would you like to make money in our FREE club? This is NO HYPE. You
really can!
Why is our club so unique and sought after?
Click my link and find out.
We reached over 600,000 members in less than 1 year.
Our club is spreading like wildfire!
Many industry leaders have joined us. Why not you, too?
Join us as we make history in both online and offline marketing.
Without a doubt in a few weeks you will know why.
We have a one of a kind vision that will knock your socks off.
Join us in a business environment where you can earn as you learn.
In other programs, you lose money as you learn. In our business club,
you will profit as you learn.
We will prepare you so you can be equipped with the tools and skills
that you will need to help you earn $100,000 monthly or even millions
annually. Our club is designed to reward those who work. Even if you
are new to the Internet, our training will help make YOU a success!
You decide how much money you want to make. Do you want a few hundred
extra each week or a few thousands? It really is up to you and we are
dedicated to help YOU succeed. It's the kind of success you may taste
for the first time in your life.
It starts with one simple step. Join our business club for FREE right now.
We have over 20 of the TOP Leaders in the industry who are about to
explode our business to heights you have never seen.
Get in first. Get in now and be richly rewarded from their efforts.
There really is nothing to lose except a whole lot of money if you
don't join for FREE now!
Messages in this topic (16)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:49 pm ((PDT))
Disappointed in many of the programs that you have joined on line ?
Have no luck at all trying to refer ?
Well, don't give up yet !!
Nobody is born a skilled marketer. All you need is the right tool, and
the right guidance.
Here at Reality-Networkers, a group of dedicated, active promoters are
getting paid by us to HELP YOU promote !!
That's right !!
These people are willing to tell you, step by step, what kind of ads
they are using, what kind of promotion tools they are using, and where
they post their ads to.
And all you have to do, is follow the instruction and try to learn
from those steps and become a top marketer yourself !!!
Don't just tell yourself that you cannot refer and give up. For sure
that's not how you've learned to ride a bicycle right ? All you need
is the proper support and guidance.
Please follow the link below to find out how you can benefit from
Reality-Networkers for FREE right away !!
Messages in this topic (16)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:49 pm ((PDT))
Are you an active promoter ?
Are you having troubles getting your own referrals to be just like you ?
If so, look no further.
Thousands of active promoters like you are gathering here at
Reality-Networkers so the ENTIRE TEAM of active promoters can
contribute their experience, their talents, their skills, and their
knowledge to help each other's referrals to also become an active
Just think, if all of your referrals is now able to refer 2 ~ 5 people
required in every matrices out there, do you still have to put in so
much effort to promote to earn that millions of dollars in the last
level of every matrices ?
Follow the link below to find out more details on how you can benefit
from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away:
Messages in this topic (20)
17a. [Urgent] Come see if your program is listed here.
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:49 pm ((PDT))
[Urgent] Come see if your program is listed here.
Dear friend,
Have you ever lost money on the internet ?
Do you know what you can do about it ?
Click on the link below and I'll show you how you can recover all the
money you've lost:
Best Regard,
Messages in this topic (2)
18a. [Newsletter] Truth About Matrices , a MUST SEE !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:49 pm ((PDT))
[Newsletter] Truth About Matrices , a MUST SEE !! may very well be the fastest growing program on
the internet today.
Why? Easy entry, low, low cost and huge potential payout. Check it out
for yourself.
Messages in this topic (2)
19a. Why NO ONE sees YOUR Ad!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:50 pm ((PDT))
Why NO ONE sees YOUR Ad!
I've been in Network Marketing for some time now, and I've found that
there is a very simple equation that illustrates why most people fail
with most MLMs:
High cost of auto-ship + hard to duplicate system = drop out of
members from you downline.
To find out how to ride this equation to success:
Low cost of auto-ship + easy to duplicate system = Weekly addition of
members in your organization(Who duplicate your success,leading to
more success for you ) and NO SELLING
Go to
Messages in this topic (2)
20.1. Ride the equation to success
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:51 pm ((PDT))
Ride the equation to success
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 690,000 people which help each other,
support each other, and motivate and push each other in every one step
to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (112)
21.1. Even if you're a newbie, this WORKS !
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:51 pm ((PDT))
Even if you're a newbie, this WORKS !
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (108)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:52 pm ((PDT))
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (101)
23.1. People are making thousands every month !
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:52 pm ((PDT))
People are making thousands every month !
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to,
click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (108)
24.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:52 pm ((PDT))
Please stop sending your Ad to me!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (117)
25a. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:52 pm ((PDT))
[Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !! may very well be the fastest growing program on
the internet today.
Why? Easy entry, low, low cost and huge potential payout. Check it out
for yourself.
Messages in this topic (23)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!
Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
Go here for details:
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