Friday, October 5, 2007
[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34696
[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34695
Topics in this digest:
1. I would like to invite you to
From: ab mohamed
2a. crazy boys and girls,wanna be mad!!!
From: britsimpson05
2b. crazy boys and girls,wanna be mad!!!
From: britsimpson05
3. A new c0ck is always welcome
From: kittyhotlegse
4. Turn $25 into a lifetime of enrichment for yourself and others.
From: ab mohamed
6a. MinuteProfits Text Ad
7. Change Is Coming
From: Steven Wagstaff
8a. Home Business Opportunity that will Knock your Socks Off!
From: Greg Martin
9a. L@@K This Is How I Quit My Job! Click Here!
10. $111,110 .00 In 60 Days Or Less!!
From: gavinfgn
From: Free Money !
12. Give away FREE report and make money on it
From: Diane K
13. Get Paid While Surfing The Internet!!
From: fortune4u888
14. Hanya RM25 ..Boleh Jadi RM29 Juta, Bukan MLM, Baru Dilancar!!
From: fortune4u888
15. Earn Extra Income Using Your Mobile Phone, Just SMS, Everyone Can Do
From: fortune4u888
16. Earn $1 For Everyone You GIVE This Report To...
From: team_butler
17a. Is Internet Marketing A Myth?
From: team_butler
18a. Perfect Work at Home!
From: typeathomes
19a. Rahsia kekayaan terbongkar
From: buatduit online
20. cepat-cepat!!!program baru daftar segera
From: buatduit online
21a. Kami menawarkan satu program keusahawan internet.
From: buatduit online
22.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
From: 41 Marketing
23a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Fun & Enjoy Available for FREE Download
From: rachana choudry
1. I would like to invite you to
Posted by: "ab mohamed" khalidkhalid44
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 7:41 pm ((PDT))
I would like to invite you to islam ,i know it`s weird to recieve such a mail from somone you don`t know, but actually it`s important that each person on the planet of earth to receive the universal message, & the last one, which is islam.
i know that you may have some doubts about islam , or maybe you never thought about it, but actually when you discover the beauty of that message, which isn`t only a religion or faith to have it in the heart, it`s a daily practicing thing, that you can`t stop thinking of.
it doesn`t prevent you from doing your usual things, on the contrary, it does encourage you to keep practicing them , & not preventing yourself from anything, only prevents you from doing things that may harm you or harm others.
also ,the entertainment activities you like to practice, may cause you to gain a reward by doing them, because it simply releases your energy & directs you towards positive things, & prevents you from negative things.
islam does make you fulfill all aspects of life , your spirit, your body & your mind.
it does not give one side a priority over the other , each is important, & each must be taking care of.
hope that you would give it a thought, i`m really looking forward to receive your reply, & i`m willing to answer any doubt you have in mind about islam (by the will of god)
thank you very much for listening
Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase.
Messages in this topic (1)
2a. crazy boys and girls,wanna be mad!!!
Posted by: "britsimpson05" britsimpson05
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 7:41 pm ((PDT))
It only takes a few short minutes to join this exciting lesbian dating
site and we guarantee that it is 100% FREE to do so. That's right, you
can create and load your own individual profile, up photos and browse
our female-only database without having to reach for your credit card
and make a payment.
And once you've registered your details, you'll then be part of a
growing community of members who share your own lifestyle goals and
Messages in this topic (2)
2b. crazy boys and girls,wanna be mad!!!
Posted by: "britsimpson05" britsimpson05
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 7:41 pm ((PDT))
It only takes a few short minutes to join this exciting lesbian dating
site and we guarantee that it is 100% FREE to do so. That's right, you
can create and load your own individual profile, up photos and browse
our female-only database without having to reach for your credit card
and make a payment.
And once you've registered your details, you'll then be part of a
growing community of members who share your own lifestyle goals and
Messages in this topic (2)
3. A new c0ck is always welcome
Posted by: "kittyhotlegse" kittyhotlegse
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 7:46 pm ((PDT))
Married my high school sweetheart and now I`m having the sexual life
and experiences that I missed earlier. After dating a while, my
husband knows that I love strange cock and he has to let me get it!
Do you want to join? Here I am:
Messages in this topic (1)
4. Turn $25 into a lifetime of enrichment for yourself and others.
Posted by: "" missmeka27
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 7:48 pm ((PDT))
Help Wanted for Holiday Season! Discovery Toys needs you! Starter Kit
remains $99 but has 3 additional products for an incredible value of $319 in
products! Join for $25 deposit and pay the rest in 2 easy monthly installments.
Spread the word, consultants are needed nation-wide to keep up with the
holiday demand for our toys!
Discovery Toys, based in Livermore, California, is the leading direct seller
of educational toys, games, and books, and sells its products through
approximately 36,000 Educational Consultants in the U.S. and Canada. Founded in
1978 with a two-fold mission, Discovery Toys strives to enhance the lives of
children by providing developmentally appropriate products that make learning
fun and to offer flexible career opportunities that allow distributors to earn
an income by making their own schedule. Visit _www.discoverytoys.info_
( or _
( I would love to have you join my team.
Meka Johnson
_www.discoverytoys.info_ (
************************************** See what's new at
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "ab mohamed" khalidkhalid44
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 7:56 pm ((PDT))
Maryam al-Mahdayah (USA/EGYPT)
(received 08/24/98)
Al-Salamu Alaykum,
My name is Maryam al-Mahdayah - I was not born with this name, but chose it when I converted to Islam (in 1992). My Christian birth name is Maria (Mary in English, Maryam in Arabic). I would like to share with you my personal story of converting to Islam,
with the hope that this story might bring with it a better understanding of Islam.
My story is organized into different life-periods:
Growing up Christian (early years)
Turning away (teen years)
Searching for Truth (the twenties)
The Opening (the thirties)
Coming Home (the forties and forever)
I was raised in the Catholic tradition. I went to Catholic elementary school, learned my Cathechism, received my First Communion, received my Catholic name (after a saint), went to confession, all the important steps to growing up Catholic. I tried my best to be good, and I was (I was too afraid of some terrible retribution from God if I wasn't) and throughout these years I developed a substantial feeling of guilt (for what, I wasn't sure, but I knew I was guilty of something). The nuns who taught me seemed harsh, and I couldn't understand why these 'brides of Christ' were so tense and angry. In the summers I would travel south to visit my mother's family - my grandfather was at one time a Baptist minister, and my mother was raised in the Baptist tradition. (Because my father was Catholic she had to convert to Catholicism in order to marry him). So, when I went south, I went to church and Bible school, and sang Christian songs around the antique organ - my aunt would play,
and my cousin and I would sing with great feeling. These were good times, and this part of my Christian upbringing was more enjoyable and comfortable. And so the years passed. I spent the school year at home, and summers in the south. My religious life was much of a double life. Looking back, it seems that the only thing the Catholic and Baptist traditions had in common was a foundation in Jesus (peace be upon him). Beyond that, they
were two different worlds for me.
I didn't have an easy childhood, and the family problems grew in severity to the point where one day, I came to the conclusion that there is no God (or, at the very least, if there was a God, He wasn't there for me). I remember that day, laying in my bed at night, waking up to that reality. I suddenly felt a great vacuum within myself, but, I told myself, if that's reality, then I have to accept it. At my level of understanding, that was my reality. As my teen years progressed, I started searching. By this time, I was no longer required to go to church (in our family religious practice was non-existent by then), so I decided to seek the truth myself. I remember reading about Jesus (pbuh). I had a very strong feeling about him, and even felt connected to him in some way. But I could never accept his manner of death (how could someone so special and close to God die like that???). That seemed a tragedy beyond de******ion. And so I developed my own opinion and belief that
Jesus (pbuh) was in fact a real person, did in fact live on this earth, was in fact a very special person with a very special mission, but beyond that, I didn't know. Eventually I gave up on the idea of Christianity entirely, because too many things didn't make sense.
As I entered my twenties, I felt a tremendous need to find the truth, to still the restlessness in my heart and soul. I was introduced to
Buddhism, and since it seemed to come close to what I was looking for (at least there was a clear logic to it), I joined. In many ways it did help me feel better, but to me it seemed to be missing something (what, I didn't know at that time). Over the years, I drifted away from Buddhism as well. It was becoming more of a burden than a comfort in my life. During this time I traveled to Egypt for business, where I met my husband, who was raised in the Muslim tradition. Still involved in Buddhism, I tried to convert him. He patiently listened, and I believed I was succeeding, but I know now that he would never have converted.
So I continued, became more uncomfortable with Buddhist practice, went back to Egypt to get married, came back to the USA alone and eventually returned to Egypt to live with my husband. We were there together for a year, a wondrous, healing and unforgettable year. By now I was in my early thirties. I had just arrived in Egypt to really start married life, stressed out to my limit, feeling very much that I had arrived with my last breath. I had been separated from my husband for over a year (my job kept me in the USA, other concerns kept him in Egypt). We kept in touch all during this time, but it was so difficult and stressful that I lost a great deal of weight. I was described as looking anorexic. I wasn't aware of this until one day I happened to see myself in the rearview mirror of a taxi. I saw my neck, with bones extending. At first I didn't realize that was me - when I did, it was quite a shock. I looked at myself with new eyes - my hands were bony - I was beginning
to look like a living skeleton. During this time my husband was talking to me - quietly, patiently - explaining not about Islam, but about believing in God. He told me that it didn't matter which religion I chose to practice, as long as I believed in God. I argued with him over and over that there was no God
(and Buddhism supported this belief) and over and over he explained that there IS a God and gave me details of the signs of God, the qualities of God. He explained how God is very much with me, and talked to me about God from the perspective of Islam, emphasizing throughout that I did not have to be Muslim - just believe in God. Being a stubborn person, I still resisted outwardly, but inwardly, a small window of hope began to open....
My husband asked a friend to bring me some books about Islam. I was surprised he would do so, because I was still "not interested in hearing about God" - sometimes emphatically so. So he left me with the books: an English translation of the Qur'an, a book about all facets of Islam and a book from the Sufi perspective. My interest was slightly piqued, but I dismissed it. I put the books aside, and later went to bed. That night, I had a dream. In this dream, I was somewhere, surrounded by glorious white light. In the background, I heard beautiful music that sounded like Qur'anic reading. I saw the face of a sheikh, wearing a white hat with a red band. Behind me was a golden, spiralling staircase. All these images were suspended in this wondrous white light. This light was brighter that anything I had seen in waking life, but the brightness didn't hurt my eyes. It was pure, heavenly whiteness. Then I looked down, and became aware that I was covered all in white, in the Muslim
fashion. Beautiful white flowing dress and head covering. All the while, I kept feeling a tremendous joy pouring out from inside me, and I was filled with this same white light from within. In front of me to my left was a child, about 5 or 6 years old, facing forward so I could not see the face. I didn't know if it was a boy or girl, but I knew this was my child. (At the time, I was physically unable to have children). This dream had a profound impact on me. Although it was 7 years ago, I can still remember it vividly in detail. When I awoke, I related this dream. Not knowing its significance, I told my husband about it because it was so vivid in my mind and didn't make sense to me. I had never had this kind of dream before. When I finished telling it, my husband said, "This is the kind of dream every Muslim wishes to have". But why me? I didn't believe in God, denied His existence (passionately at times), and had no interest in Islam or becoming Muslim. He explained that
God was telling me something in this dream and I was very lucky. He also told me that God was close to me. That surprised me. (Interestingly, this dream did not have a dreamlike quality, but in fact gave me the feeling that I was looking at things to come.) After this dream, I decided to open the books about Islam, and find out more about this religion...
I read about the principles of Islam. They made sense to me, with no contradiction. The de******ions of the Islamic way of life, the roles of men and women in society as complimentary rather than competitive were so logical. After reading this I understood that what I felt instinctively about myself as a woman was, in fact, true to my real nature. Rather than feeling demeaned, I felt uplifted, not only as a woman, but as a member of the human race. I started to feel my true self, for the first time in my life. I began to have the sense that I was coming home. I read the Qur'an. Although not in the Arabic original, I found that just reading the verses in English filled me with a tremendous sense of peace and quiet, in a most gentle way. The verses themselves answered many questions I had throughout my life, but could never get a clear answer to. Reading the Qur'an, I began to realize that this book must be the work and the word of God, because of its impeccable logic and its
effect on me. I learned that this is one of the qualities of the Qur'an, a certain "barakah" or grace that has a very calming effect on the human soul.
Shortly afterward, I had surgery with the hope that I may be able to have a child. The surgery went well, but my chances for having a child were still slim to none. By this time I was reading the Qur'an regularly and trying to learn more about Islam. I asked questions constantly and immersed myself in the atomosphere of Islam - I loved hearing the daily prayer calls on every street and one day asked my husband to take me to Al-Azhar, world-renowned center for Islamic learning, to visit the mosque. I had seen this mosque on TV and felt curiously drawn to it. So one day we went. It was quiet; I walked around, read the Qur'an, sat quietly for a while. It was a nice peaceful time, and we left. About halfway down the street, I stopped and looked down - I wanted to make
sure my feet were touching the ground, because I couldn't feel the sidewalk underneath my footsteps. I truly felt I was walking on air....this is the effect of Islam on me - the feeling of lightness was translated literally.
I had so many unusual experiences during this time, many just momentary things, that I truly began to believe in my heart that God was, indeed, with me and close to me. The best of all in the human sense was that the following year we had a beautiful daughter - truly a gift from God. Even the doctor who had performed the surgery was amazed. This was the first time ever for her to do this kind of surgery, and she had no way of predicting the outcome, except that the chances were small. (God was with me even then).
We moved to the USA and our daughter was born in the autumn, 4 months after our arrival. The following year we went back to Egypt so my husband's family could meet this wonderful addition to our family. Before we left, I decided it was time to officially become Muslim - God had shown me so many signs, that I knew this was the clear path for me. And so, back in Egypt, I went to Al-Azhar to declare, "There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his Messenger." Now I'm in my forties and looking back through my life, particularly the last 10 years, I see the hand of God in all the hundreds of incidents and events along the way. As one always searching for the Truth, whether good or bad, I have found, through personal experience, that God is THE ONE REALITY. We need only to open our eyes, ears and hearts to recognize the Truth:
[Bismillah al-rahman al-rahim] " We shall show them Our signs in the
horizons and in themselves, till it is clear to them that it is the
truth. Suffices it not as to thy Lord, that He is witness over
everything? Are they not in doubt touching the encounter with their
Lord? Does He not encompass everything?" [Sadaqa allahu alazim]
(Qur'an XLI:53-54 / Distinguished)
Discovering Islam has been like discovering treasure - a treasure of unlimited value. Because of Islam I have found myself. Through concrete experience I have found that God does exist; that He is kind, loving, merciful and ever-watchful over me. I have found clarity, meaning and clear direction in my life. God has given me so much, including a family beyond my dreams, a family that resonates perfectly with the deepest desires of my heart and soul, as only He can provide in the most perfect way. I have peace of mind and spirit only when I drink deeply of Islam and the Qur'an, a wondrous healing drink that only God can provide in
the most perfect way. The greatest gift from God to me is that He has touched my soul and let me feel His gentleness, loving kindness and mercy. By the grace of God, I am becoming al-mahdayah, the rightly guided one. In order to become the best, the most productive and most compassionate human beings we can be, God has sent us His final message to mankind in
the most perfect way - the way of Islam, the way of peace. My personal experience with Christianity left me feeling empty for so long that I could not acknowledge its value. However, Islam teaches us that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all come from God, each with a message sent from God, and therefore all are worthy of respect. Although born into Christianity, Islam is the true path of my soul. Because I am now firmly grounded in my relationship to God, I find that I can appreciate other traditions as well, from the perspective of Islam. There is no more conflict within, because I have come home.
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Praise belongs to God, the Lord of all Being,
the All-Merciful, the All-compassionate,
the Master of the Day of Doom.
Thee only we serve; to Thee alone we pray for help
Guide us in the straight path,
the path of those whom Thou hast blessed,
not of those against whom Thou art wrathful, nor of those who go astray.
[Sadaqa allahu alazim]
(Qur'an 1:1-7 / Al-Fatihah)
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Messages in this topic (1)
6a. MinuteProfits Text Ad
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:00 pm ((PDT))
Profits in 15 Minutes ?! MinuteProfits!
How would you like to make $50 - $250 every hour - starting minutes from NOW ?
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Thats right... up to $75 an hour for being an " undercover eye " for the company. So if
your ready to get started then we are going to take you through the process of getting
paid to shop!
Messages in this topic (10)
7. Change Is Coming
Posted by: "Steven Wagstaff" stryder2_2000
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:11 pm ((PDT))
Climate change bill calls for 50-cent fuel tax
Fri Sep 28 04:20:36 UTC 2007
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. drivers would pay a 50-cent tax on each
gallon of gasoline they pump to encourage less fuel use and cut
greenhouse gas emissions, under draft legislation to fight global
warming released on Thursday.
"In order or reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make the planet safe
and healthy for future generations it will take a significant
investment from all of us," said Rep. John Dingell, the powerful
chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
"A fee on carbon emissions requires a tithe from all citizens and
industries, but no one entity will be unfairly leveled with a
devastating burden," Dingell said about his climate change proposal.
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To truly make a difference you must build your network!
The key is to follow the system.
Messages in this topic (1)
8a. Home Business Opportunity that will Knock your Socks Off!
Posted by: "Greg Martin" prosperusa
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:14 pm ((PDT))
Finally an affordable home based business that is a turn key package,
which includes a lead capture page, your own personal website, auto
responder and thousands worth of downloadable software and ebooks for
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$100.00 over and over. Don't let this opportunity pass you up, this is
your chance to make some real money with virtually no risk. Don't
believe me check it out for yourself at;
Messages in this topic (2)
9a. L@@K This Is How I Quit My Job! Click Here!
Posted by: "" moneyonlinemake
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:20 pm ((PDT))
Discover How To Really Turn Your Computer Into A Money Making Machine!
Go To Free Info!
Messages in this topic (8)
10. $111,110 .00 In 60 Days Or Less!!
Posted by: "gavinfgn" gavinfgn
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:25 pm ((PDT))
What If I Told You That You Could Make $111,110.00 In 60 Days Or Less
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With Cash In The Next 60 Days That Your Bank Tellers Eyes Will Be
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See You There
Lynda E
Ever Got Paid For Joining A Social Networking Site ?
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "Free Money !" pen7ok
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:32 pm ((PDT))
Here's a completely FREE way to earn thousands of dollars to your Paypal account. However, this free offer is valid till Oct 9. So signup rightaway and tell everyone about this amazing offer of FREE money –
You earn $1 on your direct referrals and $0.50 on your level 2. If everyone can refer 100, then you will earn $5,100 ($100 from your direct referals and $5,000 from your level 2 referrals).
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Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.
Messages in this topic (1)
12. Give away FREE report and make money on it
Posted by: "Diane K" wealth4justus2
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:34 pm ((PDT))
Here's the deal: Millionaire internet marketer Russell Brunson has just released a special offline report: "The IM Myth" where he shatters the myth that internet marketing is the "be all-end all" of marketing. And this is a free download.
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Messages in this topic (1)
13. Get Paid While Surfing The Internet!!
Posted by: "fortune4u888" fortune4u888
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:43 pm ((PDT))
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Messages in this topic (1)
14. Hanya RM25 ..Boleh Jadi RM29 Juta, Bukan MLM, Baru Dilancar!!
Posted by: "fortune4u888" fortune4u888
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:54 pm ((PDT))
Salam ...
Jika tiada keberatan, saya ingin berkongsi impian dan Cita-Cita saudara
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TETAPI... Buntu? Tidak tahu bagaimana CARA meraih itu semua ?
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Kunjungi Website saya : <>
Semoga berjaya!
Messages in this topic (1)
15. Earn Extra Income Using Your Mobile Phone, Just SMS, Everyone Can Do
Posted by: "fortune4u888" fortune4u888
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 8:56 pm ((PDT))
We are not selling silly items that you don't need. In fact, it deals
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your group gets bigger!
Messages in this topic (1)
16. Earn $1 For Everyone You GIVE This Report To...
Posted by: "team_butler" team_butler
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:09 pm ((PDT))
I've taken a lot of internet marketing courses
and read a lot of ebooks. Most of them talk about
the same :
--Sign up for an autoresponder
--Create a squeeze page
--Create a series of emails
--Rinse and repeat
You can make a LOT of money doing this...don't
get me wrong.
But you can make a lot more if you start
harnessing offline marketing in your business.
You see, online marketing is preached as the
"holy grail" of marketing.
But ask the big information marketing
powerhouses like Agora, Boardroom, and Weiss
where the REAL money is made. They absolutely
clean house offline...humiliating any online
marketer who comes in their path.
Here's the deal: Millionaire internet marketer
Russell Brunson has just released a special
offline report: "The IM Myth" where he shatters
the myth that internet marketing is the "be
all-end all" of marketing.
You can check it out here:
Believe me, this stuff is the real deal. The
marketers who absolutely annihilate their
competition are the ones that incorporate offline
marketing into the mix.
So check out Russell's report today before you're
competition discovers it.
P.S. One of Russell's tips he reveals is how he
moved his offline list online. This absolutely
blew me away, and is something I'm going to
implement in my own business immediately.
So get it today, right now, while it's still on
your mind.
Messages in this topic (1)
17a. Is Internet Marketing A Myth?
Posted by: "team_butler" team_butler
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:10 pm ((PDT))
I hope things are going well for you.
Everybody knows that the most important asset for
any internet marketer is their list. No matter
what autoresponder you use, if you don't have a list
of qualified buyers, you're never going to make
the big money.
But what if you woke up one morning and your
autoresponder service got wiped out by some freak
of nature?
Here's another scenario: what if your pay-per-click
campaign got shut down? Or new spam laws prevented
your emails from getting delivered?
If you aren't keeping up with the changes in
technology (or your autoresponder goes up in smoke)
you're outta luck.
Russell Brunson realized this a long time ago and
decided to do something about it. He implemented
offline marketing into his marketing mix and
has tripled his business every year since!
He created a controversial report called the "IM-Myth"
where he explains how he did it.
You can read about it here:
One of Russell's techniques brought in massive profits
that wouldn't have been possible online. It's extremely
easy to do, yet hardly anyone's doing it.
(And you don't have to worry about watching your profits
circle down the drain when your autoresponder fries up)
So download it here:
...and be prepared for a huge "A-HA" moment.
Take care,
P.S. Ask the big offline information mailing houses
like Agora, Bottom Line, and Boardroom where the big
bucks are made. These guys make the Clickbank
screenshots of some of the "IM "gurus" look like peanuts.
Messages in this topic (3)
18a. Perfect Work at Home!
Posted by: "typeathomes" typeathomes
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:36 pm ((PDT))
Find your perfect work at home job and paid regularly every week.
Get your free work at home Tutorial today.
Apply Now
Messages in this topic (12)
19a. Rahsia kekayaan terbongkar
Posted by: "buatduit online" buatduit13
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:39 pm ((PDT))
Rahsia kekayaan terbongkar
percaya atau tidak terpulang pada anda sila lihat pada bukti
Laporan PERCUMA Membongkar
Rahsia Kekayaan Yang Disimpan
Rapi Oleh Orang Kaya... Dan
Mereka Tidak Mahu Anda Tahu
sila ke link berikut
semoga anda berjaya..
join this <>
menjana pendapatan melalui satu affiliate yang terbaru
Terdapat 2 pelan dalam Program Affiliate
Messages in this topic (9)
20. cepat-cepat!!!program baru daftar segera
Posted by: "buatduit online" buatduit13
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:40 pm ((PDT))
cepat-cepat!!!program baru daftar segera
Menjana pendapatan melalui satu affiliate yang terbaru
Terdapat 2 pelan dalam Program Affiliate
iaitu Pelan A dan Pelan B. Untuk menyertai Pelan A
anda hanya perlu membuat belian Website Affiliate sebanyak RM30,
Dan anda berpotensi untuk menjana pendapatan sehingga RM55,600
dalam masa yang singkat sahaja.
sila di link di bawah
Messages in this topic (1)
21a. Kami menawarkan satu program keusahawan internet.
Posted by: "buatduit online" buatduit13
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:41 pm ((PDT))
Kami menawarkan satu program keusahawan internet.
Satu program keahlian dimana ahli akan berpeluang
mendapatkan beratus-ratus ebook untuk dimuat turun.
Dengan program keahlian ini,
anda berhak memuat turun ebook bila-bila masa sahaja
yang anda mahu dan menjualnya semula.
Dengan keahlian RM36.00 (pembayaran keahlian sekali seumur hidup
dan terendah dari program-program lain) anda layak menyertai kami
Untuk anda yang benar-benar mahu menambah pendapatan secara sepenuh masa
atau sambilan hanya menggunakan apa yang anda biasa gunakan dan
ia akan menjadi satu senjata hebat untuk anda iaitu email!!.
Jadikan ini satu bisnes HomeBase Business anda.
Menambah pendapatan anda dengan komisen maksimum, a
nda hanya perlu memperkenalkan laman web kami.
Anda akan menerima RM25 bagi setiap ahli baru yang mendaftar
sila di linkan
Program RESPONSE2U bukannya MLM, jual saham, pelaburan,
skim piramid atau skim cepat kaya. Anda akan mendapat
wang yang teramat lumayan jika anda mengikuti
segala panduan secara langkah demi langkah seperti
yang diarahkan kepada anda setelah menyertai Program RESPONSE2U.
Sama ada bekerja secara sepenuh masa atau separuh masa (sambilan),
ianya adalah terpulang kepada anda untuk menentukannya.
Program RESPONSE2U terbuka kepada sesiapapun,
pekerja kerajaan, swasta, penganggur, pelajar IPTA dan IPTS,
suri rumah tangga, peniaga, mahupun petani;
semuanya adalah digalakkan menyertai RESPONSE2U.
Oleh kerana anda akan memberikan respon kepada pelanggan
dari seluruh Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei dan Indonesia,
anda boleh menetapkan masa bekerja anda sendiri.
sila dilink
selamat mencuba dan berjaya...
selamat datang ke dunia kamilh06
pelbagai program menanti anda di sini <>
Messages in this topic (20)
22.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:43 pm ((PDT))
You are going to get some incredible tools that help you rake in
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Messages in this topic (71)
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Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 9:48 pm ((PDT))
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