Topics in this digest:
1a. Work From Home Opportunity ... $0 Start-up cost!
From: Baby Cakes
2a. L@@K How I Make $500 A Week! Click Here!
3. Your Job Truly Sucks!
From: Ron Taylor
4a. Home Business - 6 Secret Tips of Starting your own Business from Hom
From: Vyom A
5. Nude girls Photos Updated on August 11
From: Hot Girls Photos
6. Powerful New Software Tool
From: The Web Reporter
7a. Flower Bonanza!
7b. Flower Bonanza!
8. Powerful Business Opportunity!
From: smtglotrd
9a. I have BEEN CHALLENGED!! Can you HELP ME??
From: Marcy
10a. Want something MUCH BETTER than GDI .... Pays more & has a forced m
From: Deb's Ad Service
11. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Fun & Enjoy Available for FREE Download!!!!!
From: rachana choudry
12.1. Hottest Selling eBay Products!
From: Hansen
13.1. $158,000 Online/Month Without A Website or Product!
From: Gabriela
14.1. Instant Article Submitter!
From: Jale
15.1. Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
From: Kate
16.1. Submit Your Website To 5,000+ Search Engines & Directories!
From: Figen
17.1. Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
From: Kisar
18.1. Make Unrealistic Amounts Of Money Online!
From: Gazelle
19.1. EBAY Niche Finding Software!
From: Henry
20.1. Software Mission - Stuff Any Website Full Of FREE Targeted Traffic!
From: Jane
21.1. Receive 5.000 Visitors A DAY!
From: Felix
22a. TAKE FREE SURVEYS! EARN $300-$1000 WEEK!!!
From: mama2jonathan
From: Karishma K
24.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
From: 41 Marketing
1a. Work From Home Opportunity ... $0 Start-up cost!
Posted by: "Baby Cakes" fantasiesforfun
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:38 pm ((PDT))
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Messages in this topic (3)
2a. L@@K How I Make $500 A Week! Click Here!
Posted by: "" moneyonlinemake
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:41 pm ((PDT))
Discover How To Turn Your Computer Into A Money Making Machine!
Go To Free Info!
Messages in this topic (4)
3. Your Job Truly Sucks!
Posted by: "Ron Taylor" cashideasnow
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:49 pm ((PDT))
Work Sucks!
Would you like to:
Make real money?
Get out of debt?
Take more time off work?
Retire early€ ¦'·with money?
Buy a house?
Maybe even get rich?
Your job will never help you achieve any of these things. Sorry to clue you in to this sad little fact, but your job is not the answer to these questions. Let€ ¦'²s be frank€ ¦'·your job sucks!
But, for a few of us with a little initiative and a bit of vision, a home-based business may be the answer to those questions above.
By now you€ ¦'²re probably thinking you don€ ¦'²t have the business skills to be successful, or you don€ ¦'²t want to have to sell things. Hah, if you work at the mall or at the local fast food outlet, you sell things€ ¦'·only for somebody else. As for business skills, who gives a flip; Business majors are not brain surgeons€ ¦'·or even educators for that matter. I know, because I were one.
My degree landed me an assistant manager€ ¦'²s job at a hamburger joint you would know well, where I proceeded to waste six of the best years of my life. I told you I was stupid. It took me six years to find the exit.
As an Internet surfer and blogger you know a lot about business and social networking. Business is about creating relationships with people, and using your natural skills to make friends and maintain online relationships. Believe it or not, you have the ability to create a highly successful online business€ ¦'·starting from where you are at today.
Why let this natural talent and free resource waste away while you think about applying to flip burgers down the street? Forget it.
Working for the man is for losers too ugly or socially inept to make a friend. Who€ ¦'²s the man? He€ ¦'²s the guy that strolls into the store once or twice a week to pick up the bank bag you filled.
Do you have two friends? Join my team, or somebody else€ ¦'²s for that matter, and then share the concept of Internet marketing with them. You€ ¦'²re young, and I know you would rather spend time surfing the Net and making friends than sweating over a hot grill flipping burgers for minimum wage while some guy who barely speaks English tells you you€ ¦'²re doing it wrong.
Get real. There€ ¦'²s more to life. Starting today, resolve to learn more about affiliate and Internet marketing. Start putting your natural skills to work to create your own business. You can thank me later.
Ron Taylor
P.S. Share this message with somebody you care about.
P.P.S. If you€ ¦'²re on your way to work soon, don€ ¦'²t forget your apron and nametag. You know Habeeb won€ ¦'²t let you clock in until you€ ¦'²re in uniform.
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Messages in this topic (1)
4a. Home Business - 6 Secret Tips of Starting your own Business from Hom
Posted by: "Vyom A" good.fun4u
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:08 pm ((PDT))
Home Business Tips
Dear Member,
Want to work from Home ?
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6 Secrets of Home Business
Home Business Legalities
Is Home Business Really a Business
Diary of Home Business Entrepreneur
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Messages in this topic (6)
5. Nude girls Photos Updated on August 11
Posted by: "Hot Girls Photos" cheryls_scentsations
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:34 pm ((PDT))
Celebrities Nude Photos Updated on August 11
(College Girls, Celebrities special photos)
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Messages in this topic (1)
6. Powerful New Software Tool
Posted by: "The Web Reporter" messagemate3006
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:47 pm ((PDT))
Powerful New Software Tool
Uncovers Hot Untapped Niche Markets
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You Can Create and Sell. click here to view the website
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Messages in this topic (1)
7a. Flower Bonanza!
Posted by: "CHRISTINE LAUG" mycompany24
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:48 pm ((PDT))
Keyword: Flowers Philippines
Title: Flower Bonanza!
Are you looking for the best online flower shop here in the Philippines?
Well, you just found it.
So here the situation, you're abroad for work and you left someone special
here in the Philippines, let's say it's your fianc€ ¦ï¿½, and it's your
anniversary, of course you want to make her day a memorable one, the problem
is you are miles and miles away, what are you going to do? Hundreds of
thousands of Filipinos share the same scenario like this one some are even
worse because it's with their kids or families, in light of this we set out
to find the best flower and gift shop around to minimize the gap and let you
give flowers and gifts to your loved ones any time you want and we found
Flowers Philippines. Flowers Philippines is the online gift and flower shop
that has everything you need to give the perfect gift to your special
someone, be it a girlfriend, a wife, your kids or your parents, I'm sure
you'll find something they will love in this place. For now let's talk about
flowers for your fianc€ ¦ï¿½, I'm sure you've been conjuring up images in your
mind of what your perfect bouquet might look like, well Its time to bring
that one bouquet to life, with Flowers Philippines you can bring life to
that image and let your special someone see the beauty you made. To bring it
to your lady's doorstep Flowers Philippines is tied with LBC Group of
Companies which is well known for their careful hands and quick service so
your lady won't have to wait for her surprise. So visit Flowers Philippines
now at
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Messages in this topic (2)
7b. Flower Bonanza!
Posted by: "CHRISTINE LAUG" mycompany24
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:49 pm ((PDT))
Keyword: Flowers Philippines
Title: Flower Bonanza!
Are you looking for the best online flower shop here in the Philippines?
Well, you just found it.
So here the situation, you're abroad for work and you left someone special
here in the Philippines, let's say it's your fianc€ ¦ï¿½, and it's your
anniversary, of course you want to make her day a memorable one, the problem
is you are miles and miles away, what are you going to do? Hundreds of
thousands of Filipinos share the same scenario like this one some are even
worse because it's with their kids or families, in light of this we set out
to find the best flower and gift shop around to minimize the gap and let you
give flowers and gifts to your loved ones any time you want and we found
Flowers Philippines. Flowers Philippines is the online gift and flower shop
that has everything you need to give the perfect gift to your special
someone, be it a girlfriend, a wife, your kids or your parents, I'm sure
you'll find something they will love in this place. For now let's talk about
flowers for your fianc€ ¦ï¿½, I'm sure you've been conjuring up images in your
mind of what your perfect bouquet might look like, well Its time to bring
that one bouquet to life, with Flowers Philippines you can bring life to
that image and let your special someone see the beauty you made. To bring it
to your lady's doorstep Flowers Philippines is tied with LBC Group of
Companies which is well known for their careful hands and quick service so
your lady won't have to wait for her surprise. So visit Flowers Philippines
now at
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Messages in this topic (2)
8. Powerful Business Opportunity!
Posted by: "smtglotrd" smtglotrd
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:59 pm ((PDT))
Take a look at this and if you have any questions give me a call.
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Messages in this topic (1)
9a. I have BEEN CHALLENGED!! Can you HELP ME??
Posted by: "Marcy" crafter6900
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:04 pm ((PDT))
HI Everyone!
I would like to take a minute of your time and invite you all to join me in a few of MY businesses, and ventures. I HAVE BEEN CHALLENEGED!!
1st I have a BRAND NEW shopping group, that has launched recently, and we woul dlove to have you join us. Monthly committment is just $10 and turns rotate.
Stop by and check us out, we woul dlove to have you .
2nd. I NEED TO RECRUIT! My leader has challenged us to get the 135th recruit in this BRAND NEW business. Can you help me?
I can gaurentee, you willlove her work, and she is an awesome lady to work for and with.If you decide to join this company please email me and let me know , but first and for most important, please my name ( Marcy or my #108) in the fax line so Denise knows who sent you .
3rd. I would also love to have you join me at this is another wonderful lady , who is super to work for and does awesome work. Here I need you to put my name ( Marcy or #109 ) In the fax line so Linda knows who sent you .
Please check out all my sites and email me with any questions about anything you see here. I will be happy to help you before you join, and anytime after if you decide to join, I am always here for my anyone, not just my downlines.
If you would just like to place an order , email me, I would be happy to help you that way also.
Thanks a Bunch
Marcy H.
Thanks a Bunch
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Messages in this topic (3)
10a. Want something MUCH BETTER than GDI .... Pays more & has a forced m
Posted by: "Deb's Ad Service" prowealthmom
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:07 pm ((PDT))
Want something MUCH BETTER than GDI ....
Pays more & has a forced matrix?
... how about a MUCH BETTER hosting package.
Messages in this topic (11)
11. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Fun & Enjoy Available for FREE Download!!!!!
Posted by: "rachana choudry" rachana_ebooks
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:12 pm ((PDT))
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Messages in this topic (1)
12.1. Hottest Selling eBay Products!
Posted by: "Hansen" woorshib
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:12 pm ((PDT))
Hottest Selling eBay Products!
Want to know which products are in
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Say hello to Auction Inspector: Your own personal
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Messages in this topic (129)
13.1. $158,000 Online/Month Without A Website or Product!
Posted by: "Gabriela" bizim_marketing_003
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:13 pm ((PDT))
$158,000 Online/Month Without A Website or Product!
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The Affiliate Data Center is perfect for absolute beginners and current internet marketers. Inside are easy to follow step by step guides and information showing exactly how internet marketing experts make unrealistic amounts of money online.
Messages in this topic (147)
14.1. Instant Article Submitter!
Posted by: "Jale" bizim_marketing_007
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:14 pm ((PDT))
Instant Article Submitter!
Attention: Proven Technique To Rise In The Search Rankings Has Just Gotten Quicker, Easier, and More Profitable...
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Messages in this topic (212)
15.1. Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
Posted by: "Kate" bizim_marketing_008
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:17 pm ((PDT))
Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
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Messages in this topic (144)
16.1. Submit Your Website To 5,000+ Search Engines & Directories!
Posted by: "Figen" bizim_marketing_002
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:17 pm ((PDT))
Submit Your Website To 5,000+ Search Engines & Directories!
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Messages in this topic (150)
17.1. Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
Posted by: "Kisar" bizim_marketing_008
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:44 pm ((PDT))
Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
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Messages in this topic (109)
18.1. Make Unrealistic Amounts Of Money Online!
Posted by: "Gazelle" bizim_marketing_003
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:44 pm ((PDT))
Make Unrealistic Amounts Of Money Online!
Discover Step-by-Step How I Make Over $158,000 Dollars Online Every Single Month
without A Website or a Product...
The Affiliate Data Center is perfect for absolute beginners and current internet marketers. Inside are easy to follow step by step guides and information showing exactly how internet marketing experts make unrealistic amounts of money online.
Messages in this topic (119)
19.1. EBAY Niche Finding Software!
Posted by: "Henry" woorshib
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:44 pm ((PDT))
EBAY Niche Finding Software!
Want to know which products are in
HOT demand with LOW competition from other sellers and What ACTUALLY sells on eBay!
Imagine if you had your finger on the pulse of this marketplace... instantly knowing which products were in hot demand and low supply, so you could step in and grab those buyers?
Say hello to Auction Inspector: Your own personal
money-making snoop!
Messages in this topic (104)
20.1. Software Mission - Stuff Any Website Full Of FREE Targeted Traffic!
Posted by: "Jane" bizim_marketing_007
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:45 pm ((PDT))
Software Mission - Stuff Any Website Full Of FREE Targeted Traffic!
Attention: Proven Technique To Rise In The Search Rankings Has Just Gotten Quicker, Easier, and More Profitable...
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Messages in this topic (121)
21.1. Receive 5.000 Visitors A DAY!
Posted by: "Felix" bizim_marketing_002
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:45 pm ((PDT))
Receive 5.000 Visitors A DAY!
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Messages in this topic (117)
22a. TAKE FREE SURVEYS! EARN $300-$1000 WEEK!!!
Posted by: "mama2jonathan" mama2jonathan
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:45 pm ((PDT))
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Messages in this topic (3)
Posted by: "Karishma K" arsk19
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:48 pm ((PDT))
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24.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" adby41marketing02
Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:58 pm ((PDT))
Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!
GBAN... What is it?
The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of international businesses and business people who are willing to work together in order for all members to benefit through education, international relationship building, and increased sales!
Why Join?
1. Forming Strategic Alliances is an important part of any marketing plan.
2. Increase your potential customer base through networking
3. Create mutually beneficial relationships with other companies. This can happen many ways, such as through the referral process, word-of-mouth, and advertisement exchange.
4. Learning from others by sharing knowledge, experiences, and gaining new perspectives.
5. With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other similar groups.
Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!
1. Your business featured in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for two days.
2. Your Link and business info in our directory published on our GBAN webpage.
3. Your business will also be featured (one time) in our weekly newsletter.
Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in
Its absolutely FREE!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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