Wednesday, August 22, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 33933

There are 10 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Learn SQL in Just 24 Hours - Fire the Queries to the Database using
From: Vyom A

From: peluang_paidmail

3a. EZ
From: yg_postmaster

4a. Buy one Digital Quran and get one free at

From: marina.mlik

5. ***Unusual and Rare Opportunity***
From: megaweba2

6. Hair Care Tips !!!!
From: Vyom A

From: vejay.chin

8. Top 50 FREE eBooks for ASP.Net - Read Now
From: rachana choudry

9. Earn money by joing this great affiliate program
From: Peculiar_Guy

10. scandal Video "famous_newscaster_scandal"
From: free download


1. Learn SQL in Just 24 Hours - Fire the Queries to the Database using
Posted by: "Vyom A" good.fun4u
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:35 pm ((PDT))

Dear All,

Academic is world's largest FREE Online Learning website for different technologies. You can find a full range of online tutorials - from HTML, DHTML, XML, XSL, XHTML, VB, ASP, Javascript to SVG, FLASH, TCP, PHP, ASP.Net etc. If you are looking for learning any new technology and adding value to yourself, your first destination is

The best part is you can learn almost every new computer technology, with just a few hours of efforts in a very interesting fashion & that too TOTALLY FREE OF COST.

Academic - World's Largest Collection of FREE Online Learning over Internet Learn SQL in Just 24 Hours - Fire the Queries to the Database using your Applications from Academic

Learn SQL in Just 24 Hours - Fire the Queries to the Database using your Applications

SQL : Structured Query Language . It is a language that provides an interface to relational database systems.
SQL was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in System R.
SQL is a de facto standard, as well as an ISO and ANSI standard..
It is a special-purpose, nonprocedural language that supports the definition, manipulation, and control of data in relational database management systems.
Start Learning

SQL Introduction - Introduction to SQL

SQL Select Statement - Select command is use to select data from the tables

SQL WHERE Clause - To conditionally select the data from a table

SQL Insert Statement - The insert clause has one function; to insert data into a table.

SQL Update Statement - This command updates the column values of a table.

SQL Delete Statement - Delete command removes Entire rows from a table.

SQL Order By Clause - Order By Command The order by statement allows for table column range. WHERE keyword might be used to conditionally select data from a table.

SQL AND OR Operator - WHERE keyword might be used to conditionally select data from a table.

SQL in operator - A special kind of operator which uses with where clauses.

SQL Between - The BETWEEN keyword allows for selecting a values in range.

SQL Aliases - Aliases for table and column.

SQL Join - Combines columns of one table to that of another.

SQL Outer Join - A type of join.

SQL Union - Combine the results of two queries together.

SQL Subqueries - Queries placed within an existing SQL statement.

SQL Date Function - All SQL platform has its own version of date functions.

SQL Create Statement - Create statement in SQL

SQL Drop Statement - Delete an existing index in a table with the DROP INDEX statement.

SQL Alter - Change the structure of the table.

SQL Function - A function is a special type of command that return a single value.

SQL Group By Statement - The aggregate of all column values.

SQL Select Into - Make a backup copy

SQL Create View - Virtual table based on the result-set of a SELECT statement.

SQL Server - SQL server

SQL Summary - Summary

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XHTML Tutorial
CSS Tutorial
TCP/IP Tutorial
XML Tutorials XML Tutorial
XSL Tutorial
XSLT Tutorial
DTD Tutorial
Schema Tutorial
Xforms Tutorial
XSL-FO Tutorial
XML DOM Tutorial
XLink Tutorial
XQuery Tutorial
XPath Tutorial
XPointer Tutorial
RDF Tutorial
SOAP Tutorial
WSDL Tutorial
RSS Tutorial
WAP Tutorial
Web Services Tutorial
Browser Scripting JavaScript Tutorial
VBScript Tutorial
AJAX Tutorial
DHTML Tutorial
HTML DOM Tutorial
Server Scripting ASP Tutorial
PHP Tutorial
PERL Tutorial
SQL Tutorial
ADO Tutorial
.NET (dotnet) Microsoft.Net Tutorial
XML Web Services Tutorial
ASP.Net Tutorial
Multimedia SVG Tutorial
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Web Building Web Browsers Tutorial
Web Hosting

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Messages in this topic (1)

Posted by: "peluang_paidmail" peluang_paidmail
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:36 pm ((PDT))


As a valued subscriber, I want to show you an exciting

opportunity that is currently earning thousands of other

netrepreneurs huge incomes every single month without the

headaches of actually selling your own product!

The fact is, I don't typically endorse other people's

products, never mind business ventures. However, after

generating some serious profits doing nothing more than

making a few simple recommendations, I just knew THIS


The "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the

Internet" course is the #1 best-selling Internet Marketing

course online -- and now you have the UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to

recommend this quality product to your visitors, customers,

and subscribers, and...


This means that you can easily:


you may have from an existing e-business by sending

them "backend" offers for the course. (Statistics have

repeatedly shown that, of the people who have bought

from you before, 36% WILL BUY AGAIN!)

B) EARN 250% MORE SALES than you would promoting your

own product by making a "friendly recommendation" as

opposed to pushing your own product or service.

... All without the usual hassles and expense of product

development and fulfillment!

It's extremely easy to do because you just post a link, a

banner, or a short letter of recommendation on your web

site -- or perhaps recommend the course in your newsletter


(called a "referral fee") when a sale is made!

You don't ever worry about:

- Collecting the money

- Packaging the product

- Shipping the product

- Customer service

... or anything else for that matter! You just do the

promotion and collect your referral fee from the resulting


Typically, affiliates who have web sites with low traffic earn

between $400 - $900 per month, affiliates with medium traffic

sites earn anywhere from $1,200 - $2,700 per month, and heavy

traffic sites can expect $4,000+ per month. Their top

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So if you'd like to learn how you can join the Internet Marketing

Center's Affiliate Program today -- at absolutely no cost, with

absolutely no risk -- and start profiting from products that are

earning current affiliates thousands of dollars every month, then

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But don't hesitate. I've sent you this e-mail because we're

kicking ourselves for not joining sooner, and as a valued

subscriber, I don't want you to lose out by making this

same mistake.

All the best,


Download unlimited stock photos!

Messages in this topic (1)

3a. EZ
Posted by: "yg_postmaster" yg_postmaster
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:41 pm ((PDT))

Downline Club Owner Gets So Fed Up With All The Crappy Programs Out
There Promising People They Will Make Thousands Every Month When They
Never Do, He Decides To Launch His Own Program and Is Quoted As Saying:

"I Will Give 100% Of The Money From All Sales Back To The Associates!"

[Ron Walsh] President Ron Walsh has put together
one of the most powerful pay plans to come along in years!

You'll earn $250 to $3500 on all Personal Sales and the best part is you
can get started for less than $30. The Program launches in September
and it's going to be HUGE! Go to this site for all the details! <>

Launching By September 15, 2007

Messages in this topic (3)

4a. Buy one Digital Quran and get one free at

Posted by: "marina.mlik" marina.mlik
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:41 pm ((PDT))

World best selling Digital Quran is now offered, with buy one and get
one free offer. Please share this website information to your friends
also as Digital Quran are valuable to Muslims as they have Complete Holy
Quran with Audio and Text, Hadith books, Daily Supplications and much
more. Delivery world wide is free, for further information please visit
website <>

Messages in this topic (2)

5. ***Unusual and Rare Opportunity***
Posted by: "megaweba2" megaweba2
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:42 pm ((PDT))

Today is your lucky day.

But I warn've never seen this before,
and you almost certainly will never see it again in the future.

Let me give you my system.

I'll still run everything and deal with ALL the customer care issues.....
.....but everytime my system makes a sale,
you'll be the one who makes 100% of the money.
I get nothing! No hitch. No strings attached.

I'm just going to let you remove my payment button and put yours in its place.

This is not mlm, gifting, pyramid scheme, network marketing
HYIP or affiliate program...or anything you've ever seen or heard of.

My brand new F.R.E.E e-book reveals revolutionary new money making system....'s yours free of charge. I'm just giving it away for nothing.
Download Link:

Am I crazy? Possibly.
But I could quite possibly be an absolute marketing genius.

This goes against everything you've been taught,
and flies in the face of every marketing advice you've heard.

This is 100% genuine and for real.
Go to: to receive your Free e-book.

Messages in this topic (1)

6. Hair Care Tips !!!!
Posted by: "Vyom A" good.fun4u
Date: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:58 pm ((PDT))

Hair Care Dear Member,
Hair Care Tips
Tips On Using A Hair Iron
Hair Care Home Remedies
How To Get Perfect Hair Cut
Show Off Your Hair With Cute Hair Accessories
Finding A Hair Loss Solution
Choose The Right Hair Product For You
Visit out special section on Hair Care at



Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download.
Messages in this topic (1)

Posted by: "vejay.chin" vejay.chin
Date: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:09 am ((PDT))

10 Reasons To Start Earning An Extra Income in 2007

Home based businesses to earn extra income have become widely accepted
all over the world are spreading like forest fire. They have become
most desirable businesses to start for apparent reasons:

Imagine how it would feel to get up at your own sweet time and not
hurry to office in the regular chaos of snarling traffic all the while
getting choked on pollution. And then, to begin the day as though you
are fresh form home and nothing has happened. Listen to the Boss
ordering you around and giving you the grind for deadlines.

Extra Income has not hurt anyone up to now, and it should not be
hurting you either. If you are willing top do that extra bit of work
or travel that extra mile for your boss, I am sure you will be more
than willing to do so for yourself, especially if you feel that it
would improve the quality of life of you and your family.

Extra Income does not come for free. It involves hard work but of the
kind you would want to do. It is not hard work when you are doing what
you always wanted. A little bit of inspiration could get you off the
mark, wouldn't it? Let's get going point wise;

1. You will be your own boss with no one looking over your shoulder.
Freedom of time, moment, goals, finances everything left to you.

2. Work at your convenience. Be your own time master. Flexibility
benefits are more for mothers and people having other responsibilities
apart from profession.

3. Flexibility to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do

4. The above factors help you to pursue your regular income job until
you are sure of the extra income business. You can always switch.

5. Job security and fear of unemployment vanish.

6. Sense of pride. Make you more of a complete person who can proudly
say that he/ she is an entrepreneur who has achieved something.

7. Self confidence going through the sky. This factor will help you
face most hurdles in life with a lot lesser heartaches and stress.

8. Limitations of earning do not exist. You can earn as much as you
want by just stepping up the speed.

9. Many countries offer tax benefits for home based businesses, since
it is considered extra income. So greater credit ratings with lesser
tax obligations.

10. You can retire at your own time, at 30 or at 60, it's entirely up
to you.

Success becomes a commodity which you can measure with your own
yardstick rather than others, which contributes a lot to your
personality and the finances through the extra income you earn. The
above reasons are certainly worth a glance if you are considering
being successful and independent in life.

Analyze the above points on a piece of paper before making your
decision on whether you want that extra income or not.

For more info about earning extra income using powerful and proven
system, please visit :-

Have a good day!

Best Regards,
Vejay 03-77832418
Email :

Messages in this topic (1)

8. Top 50 FREE eBooks for ASP.Net - Read Now
Posted by: "rachana choudry" rachana_ebooks
Date: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:16 am ((PDT))

Dear All,

Best is world's largest FREE download website for ebooks. You can find a full range of ebooks - from Computers to Spirituality, from Business to Arts. If you are looking for any tutorial or ebook, your first destination is

Best EBooks - World's Largest Collection of FREE EBooks over Internet Top 50 FREE eBooks for ASP.Net available for FREE downloads from Best

Top 50 FREE eBooks for ASP.Net Available for FREE Download

Professional ASP XML
Book Description XML, the Extensible Markup Language, is a platform-independent language for describing data. The XML and related specifications, as well as the Document Object Model, have all been developed with language independence in mind. This was done to allow any programmer to use these powerful protocols and object models in their own language of choice, thus providing a huge development potential for the XML community and offering a myriad of opportunities to developers working with established technologies. ASP has long been leading technology for server-side, dynamic web applications. And XML, as the newest markup language and a standard format for the universal sharing of data, is undoubtedly set to become an intrinsic part of all major development both on the Web, and in the wider business community. The next generation of web sites will inevitably combine these technologies as e-commerce matures and developers look for more efficient ways to
integrate Internet presence with business systems.

Professional ASP XML
Book Description XML, the Extensible Markup Language, is a platform-independent language for describing data. The XML and related specifications, as well as the Document Object Model, have all been developed with language independence in mind. This was done to allow any programmer to use these powerful protocols and object models in their own language of choice, thus providing a huge development potential for the XML community and offering a myriad of opportunities to developers working with established technologies. ASP has long been leading technology for server-side, dynamic web applications. And XML, as the newest markup language and a standard format for the universal sharing of data, is undoubtedly set to become an intrinsic part of all major development both on the Web, and in the wider business community. The next generation of web sites will inevitably combine these technologies as e-commerce matures and developers look for more efficient ways to
integrate Internet presence with business systems.

ASP, ADO, and XML Complete
Book Description ASP, ADO, and XML Complete is a one-of-a-kind computer book--valuable both for its extensive content and its low price. This book contains a wealth of vital information for any developer in need of a complete reference to the most essential technologies used for Web programming on the Windows platform. ASP, ADO, and XML Complete not only covers the fundamentals of scripting and ASP but it also highlights database development with ADO and SQL Server, client-side scripting, building your own components, using XML with ASP, implementing e-commerce with Microsoft BizTalk server, and building your own online store. ASP, ADO, and XML Complete introduces you to the work of some of Sybex's finest authors, so you'll know where to turn when you want to learn even more about key Web development topics.

Alex Homer's Professional ASP 3.0 Web Techniques
Book Description Getting started building a Web site is simple enough-the hardware is cheap, the software is easy to install, and the market of potential visitors is huge. If it's a company Intranet site, you can even run it over the corporate network; with no need for expensive cabling and ISP connections. The problems come as your site starts to grow and mature. Web sites are supposed to be enticing and exciting (so as to attract new visitors), and contain ever-changing content (to make those visitors come back again). How do you maintain and keep control of a fast-growing and ever-changing site, while still keeping it informative, accurate, and error-free? The answer is automation; and the combination of Windows 2000 Server, Internet Information Server, a server-based data source, and Active Server Pages, makes it possible to design your site so that it's easy to manage and maintain. They even make it easier to add regular new content, and keep the site
looking fresh.

ASP.NET with C#
Free ASP.NET / C# book - ASP.NET with C#

Inside WebMatrix
Free ASP.NET book - Inside WebMatrix

Developing .NET Web Services with XML
Developing .NET Web Services with XML - Free ASP.NET / Web Services / XML book

C Sharp Developer's Guide to ASP.NET XML and ADO.NET
C Sharp Developer's Guide to ASP.NET XML and ADO.NET - Free ASP.NET / ADO.NET / XML book - C

Build Your Own ASP.NET Website Using C# & VB.NET
Free ASP.NET / C# / VB.NET book - Build Your Own ASP.NET Website Using C# & VB.NET

ASP.NET programming and using with c#

ASP.NET with C#

COM and .NET Interoperability
COM and .NET Interoperability provides a complete overview on the process of building .NET applications which interact (interoperate) with existing COM code. This can be downloaded in Apress free book section.

ASP.NET for Dummies (Paperback)
Book Description Ah, the wide world of the Web. You just can't do business without a Web site, and the more compelling and interactive it is, the better. In a competitive environment, keeping your Web site fresh and exciting can have a real effect on your bottom line. If you're a corporate Web site developer or a small business owner responsible for maintaining your own site, ASP.NET is the technology that can give you that competitive edge. It's easy to use and works with other familiar languages, like Visual Basic and HTML, to help you set up cool interactive Web pages. With ASP.NET, you can * Add a survey or calculator to your Web site * Enable data retrieval * Create a monthly calendar * Send e-mail from your site * Set up a real-time chat room, and more

Sams Teach Yourself Active Server Pages 3.0 in 21 Days
Book Description The friendly, tutorial style of Sams Teach Yourself Active Server Pages 3.0 in 21 Days empowers you to create your own Active Server Pages quickly and easily. Using client-proven methods, and his award-winning advice to Web developers from around the world, ASP master Scott Mitchell provides you with an understanding of ASP and IIS fundamentals, and guides you through the use of VBScript and ASP's built-in objects, enabling you to create your own dynamic, database-driven Web solutions. You'll benefit from Scott's expert knowledge of topics including creating dynamic content, interacting with the user, reading and writing files on the Web server, creating personalized content with cookies, reading a database using ASP, and debugging your ASP scripts.

Sams Teach Yourself E-Commerce Programming with ASP in 21 Days (Teach Yourself -- 21 Days)
Book Description The friendly, tutorial style of Sams Teach Yourself E-Commerce Programming with ASP in 21 Days empowers you to create your own online stores quickly and easily. Using online-proven methods, Stephen Walther, an expert e-commerce developer, provides you with an understanding of online commerce applications, then guides you through the use of VBScript and ASP's built-in objects, enabling you to create your own dynamic, database-driven e-commerce solutions. This book does not stop at just creating the online store. The author teaches you to create order tracking systems, manage advertising, create store reports, personalize the shopping experience and much more.

ASP: Learning by Example
Book Description Focusing on the essential knowledge needed to quickly learn how to write Active Server Pages, this book teaches by example rather than theory. Containing 24 examples of ASP coding, with each followed by a detailed explanation, tips are given and new concepts are introduced along the way, both in the body of the text as well as in the examples. Topics covered include editing ASP files, branching, conversion with JavaScript, arrays, debugging, and cookies. In order to fully understand ASP, SQL, Access, PWS, and VBScript are covered.

Active Server Pages 3 Weekend Crash Course (with CD-ROM)
Book Description The Weekend Crash Course series consists of 30 sessions over a period of three days. Each session is designed to take 30 minutes to complete, so the Crash Course is an intense 15-hour learning period beginning on Friday evening and ending on Sunday afternoon. Naturally, readers can adapt their learning to whatever schedule best suits their needs.

Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch (Jesse Liberty's from Scratch Programming Series)
Book Description In Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch, Nicholas Chase takes novice Web programmers through the process of planning, designing, and building a Web site using Active Server Pages. You will create an online magazine that has news, interviews, and archives, a small memorabilia store, person-to-person auctions, and personalized start pages. Topics include planning and designing a Web site, VBScript, connecting to databases, HTML forms, personalizing the user experience using cookies, building an auction system, and building an electronic storefront.

Sams Teach Yourself Active Server Pages in 24 Hours
Book Description Sams Teach Yourself Active Server Pages in 24 Hours is a step-by-step tutorial that teaches you how to create dynamic, fully functioning Web applications using Active Server Pages. Detailed coverage is provided for both Microsoft Personal Web Server and Microsoft Internet Information Server. Shows how to make sure your Web server is up and running correctly as well as how to build basic ASP applications. In addition to coverage of the basics of data access, you'll learn to send data, retrieve information, manage user sessions, use components, and work with files. Advanced topics include debugging ASP applications, building components, designing effective sites, adding security, and tuning ASP applications.

ASP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
The second edition of ASP in a Nutshell gives developers of Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) a quick reference guide for looking up object usage on a dime. This guide is geared toward working ASP programmers who need to get their answers quickly, without wading through long examples.

ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner (For the Absolute Beginner)
If you are new to programming, want to learn, and want to have fun while you're at it, then this is the book for you. Teaching the major principles of programming in ASP with game programming examples, this user-friendly book is a truly unique learning tool. As you learn to program simple games with ASP, you will acquire the programming skills that you need for more serious applications and will learn how these skills can be put to use in real world scenarios.

Beginning ASP 3.0
Whether you're completely new to programming, or you have some experience with other languages and you're looking to pick up ASP for the first time, Beginning ASP 3.0 will give you a good introduction to the essentials. With a friendly and supportive tone, the introductory chapters of the book walk you through the basics of the VBScript language, which is most often used to write ASP scripts. Unfortunately, while these were some of the most approachable chapters in the book, I found that, in places, they were also the weakest, technically speaking. Certain sections are unnecessarily confusing (notably the early section on variants, for which I had to seek a more cogent description in the online documentation); meanwhile, others contained some fairly basic inaccuracies (e.g. the list of arithmetic operators on p.140 incorrectly identifies the integer division operator (\) as an alternate form of the modulus operator (MOD)).

ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference
have to admit that the unhelpful reference materials that made up the last quarter of Beginning ASP 3.0 left me with the distinct impression that the best place to go for a good ASP reference was the online documentation that accompanies ASP itself. Professional ASP 3.0 did little to change that opinion, as its reference section was all but nonexistent. As soon as I looked at WROX's ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference, the reason for this apparent omission became clear.

Introducing Microsoft® ASP.NET 2.0
Get an expert, developer-focused introduction to the next big innovation in ASP.NET Web programming. Programming authority Dino Esposito takes you inside the ASP.NET 2.0 technology, explaining how its updated, more powerful infrastructure allows you to create rich and dynamic Web applications quickly and with less code. Esposito examines how developer best practices with ASP.NET 1.x and classic ASP helped drive the architectural changes in ASP.NET 2.0, and he offers prerelease insights into its final architecture. With concise concept and feature explanations and more than 70 fully functional examples, this comprehensive introduction gives you everything you need to dig into ASP.NET 2.0 right now.

ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview
The Microsoft Book Club is proud to present ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview live with author Bill Evjen. This webcast event is comprised of an author interview followed by a presentation and question and answer session pertaining to the topics of the book. ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview is timed to coincide with the first widespread beta release of Microsoft ASP.NET 'Whidbey', the new version of Microsoft's popular technology for creating dynamic Web sites. The book gets developers up to speed with the new features and capabilities that ASP.NET 2.0 provides. ASP.NET 2.0 Beta Preview focuses on both Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# developers. Examples throughout the book are provided in both languages. Presenter: Bill Evjen, with John Alexander and Jeff Julian, .NET Book Club

Instant ASP Scripts
Active Server Pages (ASP) technology represents, in most cases, the best server-side scripting choice for intranets, extranets, and public Web sites served by Windows NT and Internet Information Server (IIS). Instant ASP Scripts provides network administrators with a crash course in ASP work along with a considerable library of ready-to-use scripts. An initial ASP tutorial explains the basics of the language, but the really interesting educational material accompanies the scripts in the library. With each program, the author comments on whatever interesting tricks he's used, excerpting the code as needed. The book touches on pretty much everything ASP can do (including its considerable power to interact with databases). The library includes a script that runs a suggestion box, another that runs a vote counter, one that files requests for purchase orders, and a whole bunch of calculators. You'll also find scripts for rotating banner ads, a script that walks the
surfer through a troubleshooting tree, and a script that tracks vacation time. Rather than pad his book with gee-whiz scripts having little practical value, Greg Buczek has built a collection of scripts that are useful just as they are and can be modified to fit other situations. (All the code appears on the companion CD-ROM.) --David Wall

Beginning ASP Database
This book explains the theory and practice of using ADO with ASP / Authors: John Kauffman, David Buser, Thearon Willis, Kevin Spencer / Format: Paperback, 800pp. / Publisher: Wrox Press, Inc. / Pub. Date: June 1999

Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0
Filling an important spot in the Wrox Programmer to Programmer series, Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0 is an introduction to the new version of ASP released for the Windows 2000 platform. This guide expects no previous ASP knowledge or even previous Web development experience.

A Preview of Active Server Pages+
Book Description Microsoft's Active Server Pages technology is still a relatively new way to create dynamic Web sites and Web-based distributed applications. However, during its short life span, it has evolved to become the foremost tool in the Windows-oriented Web programmer's toolbox. This is probably due to the ease with which complex pages and applications can be created, combined with the ability to use home-grown custom components, and existing Microsoft and 3rd party commercial components, through the Component Object Model (COM/COM+) architecture. Microsoft is currently working on the next generation of ASP, provisionally called ASP+. While it still supports existing ASP pages and applications, ASP+ is actually a complete rewrite of the existing versions. It changes the way that you need to think about ASP and your Web-based applications and Web sites. 'A Preview of ASP+' is the first book to outline the changes and the new ways that you can use ASP in
your applications.

Web Programming with ASP and COM
Active Server Pages (ASP) and the Component Object Model (COM) are two exciting technologies that are quickly making the development of mission-critical Web applications easier than ever. ASP, with its simple scripting languages and well-designed Web object model, is easy to learn. COM is a bit more complex, but is the most widely used standard for distributed reusable software components. Together, ASP and COM provide programmers with the tools necessary to develop applications for e-commerce, messaging, and database front ends. Web Programming with ASP and COM emphasizes the importance of both technologies in an easy-to-read tutorial format. This book covers the fundamental concepts of ASP and COM, and quickly gets the programmer up to speed building Web applications.

Designing Active Server Pages
Developers of Active Server Pages often reinvent the wheel. Their background in web design, with its separate HTML page for each viewable web page on a site, leads many ASP developers to create a distinct ASP page each time they think they need one. Often times, these pages are functionally similar. With intelligent planning, an ASP developer stands to save a great deal of time by creating reusable ASP pages. Designing Active Server Pages is tailor-made for these developers. There is currently a plethora of Active Server Pages books. However, the vast majority of these books are either technical references or how-to books for beginners. Designing Active Server Pages is written for the intermediate to advanced user. Furthermore, nearly every other book on ASP focuses on using VBScript, even though ASP supports an array of scripting languages, including JScript and PerlScript. Designing Active Server Pages shows how to start using these other languages. The latest
version of the scripting engines (Version 5.1 for VBScript) adds new features not available before the 5.0 release. These features include class support for VBScript, and Regular Expression searching through the use of a COM object. Designing Active Server Pages explains why using classes in VBScript is beneficial, and demonstrates the power of regular expression searching. This book shows how to simplify the process by only requiring one ASP page to handle ALL of the Forms throughout a web site, thus reducing the amount of code one has to write. Topics include: * Using various Microsoft and third-party components to enhance ASP pages * Creating components using VB and/or VC++ * Sample code for performing routine ASP tasks * Techniques to allow for reusable database scripts on the database system and on ASP pages * How to obtain and register third-party components, thus saving massive amounts of time by reusing someone else's code

Mastering Active Server Pages 3
Mastering Active Server Pages 3 by A. Russell Jones Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars Currently unavailable Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) technology is popular for both Internet and intranet Web sites, thanks to its use of familiar Visual Basic script, easy access to databases, and integration with Windows NT and Windows 2000. This title is a complete guide to ASP 3 (the Windows 2000 version),

Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example (By Example)
Book Description ASP by Example assumes a basic knowledge of VBScript and teaches you how to create dynamic web sites quickly and easily. Using real-world examples, ASP 3 by Example teaches proper, accepted coding techniques that will cause fewer problems and allow you to apply your knowledge to more than simply the...

Professional ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with ASP 3.0
Book Description Together, Microsoft's ADO data access technology and their dynamic internet package Active Server Pages have become a powerful combination for delivering data-driven content across the web. Combined with RDS - remote Data Services- they allow web developers to manipulate data held in a range of databases smoothly effectively and well.

Beginning Active Server Pages 2.0
If you're new to Web development--or even new to programming in general--Beginning Active Server Pages 2.0 is good place to start for learning how to program with Active Server Pages (ASPs) using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). In this accessible and clearly written text

Home :: ASP.NET :: Books Notes FREE ASP.NET ebook Hits: 1861 Description: Everyone know about O'Reilly books... However here is my favorite ASP.NET programming ebook from another source.

Programming a Real Internet Site With Asp and Html: Book 1, Html and Basic Asp
Book Description I've seen many programming books in my life. All of them have something in common: They just explain theory and show examples made up by the author. Some of them are inspired and their examples are smart. Some others look completely beyond reality. I wanted to make a different book, so I started to think in alternative ways to explain the subject. I am a university professor, so I asked some of my students questions like: —Imagine a cool programming book. What are you expecting to learn in an utopist work like that? Most of them wanted to read something Understandable. So, the first premise of this book was:

Instant ASP Components (Book/CD-ROM package)
Book Description Build dynamic and powerful web pages with precision and speed, with this one-of-a-kind cookbook of pre-built ASP components. Written in the same authoritative style as the widely praised Instant ASP Scripts, expert author Greg Buczek clearly and completely breaks down the complexities of ASP programming technology. Find out about key topics such as component architecture, site tools, HTML generators, database activity tools, server settings, catalog and shopping cart functionality, and much more. Also, get clear instructions for creating `wrappers¿ for numerous functions like email, project timelines, job boards, text document searches, and page change notifications. And, on the bonus CD-ROM, you¿ll find helpful tools, all of the book¿s code, as well as complete database solutions to meet your high-performance programming needs. This practical toolkit will save you hundreds of programming hours, and is an invaluable resource that you¿ll pick up
time and time again.

The Ultimate VB .NET and ASP.NET Code Book
Book Description You know all those hidden techniques and amazing features you spent months discovering in Visual Basic 6? Imagine you could read just one book and regain all of that knowledge. Imagine a book that clearly shows you how to do practically everything you want in .NET – and provides real-life code to get you there. Imagine a book that goes beyond the basics, yet doesn't get bogged down in detail, a book that will save you hours. That's what this book is all about; it is the number one book for all your VB.NET code demands.

Bendix 10 - Chrysler Anitlock Brake System, Book Series : ASP-AB-TG-134-00
Book Description Our ABS Book series covers all of the popular domestic antilock brake systems in use today. Each of these books explains systems operation, component function, and diagnostic procedures in extensive detail. This includes system troubleshooting using a break-out-box and scan tool. Supplementing the text are clear illustrations of hydraulic and electrical circuits. These drawings will reinforce your understanding of system operation and also aid you in diagnosing ABS circuits. In addition to the illustrations, you will appreciate the photographs included of various system components. These pictures will help you to easily identify specific ABS components when you're working on an actual vehicle.

Debugging ASP: Troubleshooting for Programmers
Book Description Provides Web developers with solutions for troubleshooting errors and preventing potential bugs from occurring. Examines solutions for Visual InterDev 6.0--ASP's main programming tool that requires freqent debugging. Offers tips and techniques for avoiding pitfalls associated with the development of COM components. Discusses error-handling and debugging in SQL Server.

A Preview of Active Server Pages+
Book Description Microsoft's Active Server Pages technology is still a relatively new way to create dynamic Web sites and Web-based distributed applications. However, during its short life span, it has evolved to become the foremost tool in the Windows-oriented Web programmer's toolbox. This is probably due to the ease with which complex pages and applications can be created, combined with the ability to use home-grown custom components, and existing Microsoft and 3rd party commercial components, through the Component Object Model (COM/COM+) architecture. Microsoft is currently working on the next generation of ASP, provisionally called ASP+. While it still supports existing ASP pages and applications, ASP+ is actually a complete rewrite of the existing versions. It changes the way that you need to think about ASP and your Web-based applications and Web sites. 'A Preview of ASP+' is the first book to outline the changes and the new ways that you can use ASP in
your applications.

C# Version 2.0 Specification
C# 2.0 introduces several language extensions, the most important of which are Generics, Anonymous Methods, Iterators, and Partial Types.

ASP.NET Introduction
Tuotrial(Download Free)

Building a Database Driven Hierarchical Menu using ASP.NET 2.0
This tutorial will show you how to store hierarchical menu data in a single database table and how to retrieve and transform that data for display in Microsoft's Menu

Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE
Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE presents interoperability best practices, and illustrates these approaches with a functional sample application. It shows how to link Microsoft .NET and J2EE, using Web services, runtime bridges, and asynchronous techniques.

The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security
he entire contents of the book is here for your reference, free of charge

Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability
This guide provides end-to-end guidance for managing performance and scalability throughout your application life cycle to reduce risk and lower total cost of ownership. It provides a framework that organizes performance into a handful of prioritized categories where your choices heavily impact performance and scalability success.

Sams Teach Yourself Visual Studio .NET 2003 in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself Visual Studio .NET in 21 Days will help developers that are new to application development and experienced developers understand how to use the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET to rapidly develop any type of computer ...
his document is the first tutorial in a series of tutorials for programmers learning about the .NET Framework development environment. What you will learn is what the .NET Framework is and how it relates to other technologies such as C# (C-Sharp) and Windows. You will also learn how to write a simple C# program as well as gain a taste for the possibilities of this new platform.

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