Sunday, August 12, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 33686

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
From: rn_reza_del_01

2.1. The internet millionaire secrets
From: rn_reza_del_01

3.1. 600,000 Members Pay You Money, Join for FREE today!
From: rn_reza_del_01

4a. Exact strategies how he raked in $800,000 last year teaching piano o
From: Internet Solution Marketing SdnBhd

5.1. Get 100.000 Real Visitors to Your Websites!
From: Almaz

6.1. URGENT: Please Read And Act Now!
From: rn_reza_del_01

7.1. Come Join the 600,000 Team !!
From: rn_reza_del_01

8a. More Free Advertising space
From: Gifts

9.1. Last Chance to get all 22 reports for FREE !!
From: rn_reza_del_01

10. 0812pm Start Forex with NO MONEY DOWN, GET $5 CASH reward.
From: Forex4you2

11.1. People are making thousands every month !
From: rn_reza_del_01

12. Esta mensagem é enviada com a complacência da nova legislaç
From: william batista

From: rn_reza_del_01

14.1. Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
From: rn_reza_del_01

15a. Top HYIP Site…Launched 10/06 ….Still Paying…. 64% Per Mt
From: The Next 12DailyPro !

16.1. Ride the equation to success
From: rn_reza_del_01

17. All Emails Worth 5,10,15,20 cents !

18a. Earn $34,004 In Just 7 Days!
From: Neo

19a. Drive 157,889 Unique Visitors In Only 20 Days!
From: Simon

20. Increase Your Energy, Stamina, Heal Faster. Anti-aging product

21a. Need a Personalized GIFT? Look no further , CLick Here!!!
From: Marcy

22.1. Directory of Reliable Wholesale Product Suppliers!
From: tizzmo

23.1. Get 1 Million Visitors Per Month To Your Website!
From: Pearl

24.1. How to Make $15,359 overnight on Autopilot?
From: Ossy

25. ++Today's {12-08-07}Pic Released++
From: Sharon renu


1.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:07 am ((PDT))

Please stop sending your Ad to me!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !

If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:

Messages in this topic (57)

2.1. The internet millionaire secrets
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:09 am ((PDT))

The internet millionaire secrets
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.

Messages in this topic (59)

3.1. 600,000 Members Pay You Money, Join for FREE today!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:10 am ((PDT))

600,000 Members Pay You Money, Join for FREE today!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !

If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:

Messages in this topic (53)

4a. Exact strategies how he raked in $800,000 last year teaching piano o
Posted by: "Internet Solution Marketing SdnBhd" internet_solution_marketing
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:12 am ((PDT))

"Learn The Strategies A 23-Year-Old Inner City Kid Is Using To Make $66,000+ Each Month On The Internet...
...And Discover How YOU Can Duplicate
His Success!"
Product Review:

"The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business
on the Internet -- VERSION 2007

By Derek Gehl and The Internet Marketing Center

I've just finished reading the step-by-step guide considered by many to be the Internet marketing BIBLE -- "The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet VERSION 2007"....
... And I have to tell you I'm completely blown away by the sheer volume of money-making information Derek Gehl has managed to pack in!
"Insider Secrets" reveals the *exact* step-by-step formula the Internet Marketing Center (of which Derek is the CEO) has used to grow a $25 investment to over $60,000,000 in online sales.

And it's hot off the presses after being updated for 2007 with the very latest cutting-edge strategies for profiting online!

In TWO 8" x 11" full color binders containing 800+ pages, broken down into 64 lessons, this system is packed FULL of:
Step-by-step Internet marketing strategies for both Internet newbies AND experienced website owners
Action Plans at the end of every lesson telling you the EXACT steps you need to take next
In-depth case studies of successful e-business owners (like inner city kid Jermaine G., who raked in over $800,000 last year teaching people how to play the piano online!)
I'm really impressed by the combination of basic AND advanced website profit strategies Derek has poured into "Insider Secrets"...

... So if you're a total Internet newbie, you'll learn how to transform your hobbies and passions into a lucrative online business you can grow from scratch!
And if you already have an Internet business, the advanced sections of this system will show you how you can send your online profits through the ceiling!
After testing out a handful of the strategies myself, I was left speechless by how effective -- and profitable -- each one was...
In "Insider Secrets VERSION 2007," you'll discover:
FREE tools and resources you can use to easily build a website in less than a few hours -- even if you have ZERO web design experience!
How to develop a brand new product (for FREE!) in less than 2 weeks!
The secrets to growing an opt-in list like crazy -- even on websites that get almost NO traffic!
Little-known, one-minute salescopy trick that can increase online sales by up to 714%... or more!
How to recruit an ARMY of eager salespeople for zero money up front
-- you don't pay them until they make a sale!
The most lucrative, no-brainer product to sell on the Internet -- how does 100% NET PROFIT sound?
How to score a top ranking in the search engines and directories like Google, Yahoo!, AltaVista, ODP, AllTheWeb, Ask, and more!

... And that's barely scratching the surface!
But Derek Gehl doesn't stop there...
He also throws in FIVE super bonuses -- including 4 resource CDs and one DVD -- with additional lessons, examples, interviews, and website reviews!

I give Insider Secrets VERSION 2007 a perfect 10 out of 10 without hesitation.
And the cool part is that you can take this step-by-step blueprint to online profits out for a test drive RISK FREE!

To find out how, click here now...


Click :

eMail :

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's
Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.
Messages in this topic (8)

5.1. Get 100.000 Real Visitors to Your Websites!
Posted by: "Almaz" kumanda01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:12 am ((PDT))

100.000 Real Visitors Waiting To Enter to Your Website!
Tired Of Marketing?
That's OK. Let us Promote Your Businesses FULL TIME!
Click for the details!

Messages in this topic (27)

6.1. URGENT: Please Read And Act Now!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:12 am ((PDT))

URGENT: Please Read And Act Now!

If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.

Messages in this topic (56)

7.1. Come Join the 600,000 Team !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:13 am ((PDT))

Come Join the 600,000 Team !!
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.

Messages in this topic (54)

8a. More Free Advertising space
Posted by: " Gifts" gr8t_invest
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:13 am ((PDT))

More Free Advertising space

Shape Yahoo! in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today!
Messages in this topic (5)

9.1. Last Chance to get all 22 reports for FREE !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:14 am ((PDT))

Last Chance to get all 22 reports for FREE !!
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.

Messages in this topic (52)

10. 0812pm Start Forex with NO MONEY DOWN, GET $5 CASH reward.
Posted by: "Forex4you2" forex4you2
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:15 am ((PDT))

With its flexible quantity specifications and $5 cash reward, some Forex Broker allows you to start trading with no money down. Due to strict lot specifications, many other over-the-counter market makers require at least $500 to start with.

For more detail please visit

Good luck

Building a website is a piece of cake.
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.
Messages in this topic (1)

11.1. People are making thousands every month !
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:20 am ((PDT))

People are making thousands every month !

I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !

If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to,
click the URL below and tell me all about it:

Messages in this topic (53)

12. Esta mensagem é enviada com a complacência da nova legislaç
Posted by: "william batista" will_rbat
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:21 am ((PDT))

Ola, PROGRAMA DE AJUDA FINANCEIRA. VALE A PENA LER E PARTICIPAR. RESOLVA SUA VIDA FINANCEIRA EM APENAS 3 MESES, SIM, 3 MESES! FAÇA CERTO E VERÁS QUER SER FINANCEIRAMENTE ABENÇOADO (A)? ENTÃO ABRA O SEU CORAÇÃO, LEIA E RELEIA ESTA CARTA QUE IRÁ MUDAR TOTALMENTE SUA VIDA! CERTO DIA QUANDO ACORDEI, VENDO QUE MINHAS CONTAS ESTAVAM VENCIDAS E NÃO TINHA DINHEIRO PARA QUITÁ-LAS. QUANDO CHEGUEI AO SERVIÇO E LIGUEI O COMPUTADOR, ENTREI NO MEU E-MAIL E ESSA MENSAGEM ESTAVA LÁ! LEIA COM ATENÇÃO! Meu nome é William robson batista. Eu estou neste Negocios, Esta é a GRANDE OPORTUNIDADE de sua vida. Com pouquíssimo custo, você e sua família poderão desfrutar de um futuro próspero, financeiramente. SIGA EXATAMENTE O PROGRAMA E você estará no caminho de sua independência.. COMO FUNCIONA O PROGRAMA? O 1º passo é você ter R$ 6,00 (seis reais) em seis pessoas, ou seja: você depositará R$ 1,00 (um real) para cada uma das seis pessoas, cujos nomes e contas correntes ou poupanças, se
encontram no final desta carta;
2. Você irá mandar o dinheiro da seguinte forma: na lista que segue anexa com os nomes de cada uma das seis pessoas, acompanhada do nome do banco, da agência, da conta corrente ou conta poupança de qualquer rede bancária, e depositar a quantia para as pessoas que estão na lista o valor simbólico de R$ 1,00 (um real) para cada conta.
3. Após depositar R$ 1,00 (um real) para cada uma das seis pessoas. Digitar em uma folha de papel, ou substituí-las neste e-mail a nova lista de seis pessoas participantes. Só que nessa nova lista você deverá TIRAR O NOME DA PESSOA QUE ESTÁ NA 1ª POSIÇÃO, coloque SEU NOME e sua conta corrente ou conta poupança NA SEXTA POSIÇÃO para que você também participe do programa (é de extrema importância respeitar essa seqüência para que dê tudo certo) e usufruir deste negócio. Esta lista tem que ser feita sem conter erros para que todos possam ganhar. Não mude a posição dos nomes, não tente colocar seu nome em lugar diferente, pois não funcionará, haja vista que seu nome tem que percorrer da sexta posição até a primeira para que você receba tudo o que o programa oferece. Se você não agir com honestidade e de acordo com as instruções, perderá seu dinheiro, seu tempo, seu trabalho e a chance de ganhar R$ 300.000,00 (trezentos mil reais) ou mais.
4. Com a nova lista pronta, junte-a a carta, tirando a antiga lista fora e mande 250 (duzentos e cinqüenta) E-mail, ou mais se desejar. Quanto mais você enviar melhor é o resultado.
5. Pegue 250 (duzentos e cinqüenta) nomes e endereços, ou mais, podem ser de amigos, parentes, vizinhos, de qualquer cidade ou estado, divulgadores de e-mail específicos.
6. Dentro de noventa dias você receberá garantido R$ 300.000,00 (trezentos mil reais), desde que as cópias superem a 250 (duzentos e cinqüenta). Enquanto que as pessoas que aderirem este programa, faz somente seis DEPÓSITOS de R$ 1,00 (um real) em cada conta e TRANSFERE diretamente em sua CONTA CORRENTE ou POUPANÇA. ESTA É A LISTA DAS SEIS PESSOAS QUE RECEBERÃO O DEPÓSITO DE R$1,00! POS NOME BANCO AG. CONTA 01 Maria da Guia C Cerqueira C.E.F – C/Poup OP 013 1668 00000607-3 02 Jefferson Brandão Moreira Bradesco 0022 54259-8 03 Luana de P Nascimento Itaú 0312 35163-8 04 Rafael Machado da Silva C.E.F – C/Poup OP 013 2955 00005106-3 05 sueli gonçalves brasil C/Poup OP 013 1593-8 17390-8 06 william robson batista brasil C/Poup OP 013 1593-8 17.391-6 NÃO ESQUECER!!! TODOS OS QUE FOREM PARTICIPAR DESTE PROGRAMA, DEVERÃO INICIAR NA última POSIÇÃO,
POIS SÓ ASSIM PODERÃO USUFRUIR DE TODO BENEFÍCIO DO PROGRAMA. COLOCAR SOMENTE UM NOME, O SEU, NA SEXTA POSIÇÃO IMPORTANTÍSSIMO: Não aja de forma desonesta, deposite a quantia de R$ 1,00 (um real) para cada pessoa da lista. Não repassar este programa sem antes ter depositado os valores, somando R$ 6,00 (seis reais). Boa sorte e que JESUS CRISTO lhe abençoe sempre!
william robson batista
Hortolândia, SP
correio eletrônico, Seção 301, Parágrafo (a) (2) (c) Decreto S. 1618, Título Terceiro aprovado pelo "105 Congresso Base das Normativas Internacionais sobre o SPAM".
Este E-mail não poderá ser considerado SPAM quando inclua uma forma de ser removido. Para ser removido de futuros correios, simplesmente responda para indicando no Assunto: REMOVER.

Flickr agora em português. Você clica, todo mundo vê. Saiba mais.
Messages in this topic (1)

Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:23 am ((PDT))


I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !

If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:

Messages in this topic (49)

14.1. Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:26 am ((PDT))

Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.

Messages in this topic (64)

15a. Top HYIP Site…Launched 10/06 ….Still Paying…. 64% Per Mt
Posted by: "The Next 12DailyPro !" ekong33
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:26 am ((PDT))

Hi Friends,
You can easily make truckloads of Cold Hard Cash from this No 1 HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) –

Launched in Oct'06, A3Union has been paying for over 9 months with total investments approaching $10,000,000.
It offers 4 plans as follows, but the Combined Portfolio pays the highest yields –

Aggressive Portfolio – 1.6% profit in 2 days, min investment : $500
Classic Portfolio – 12% profit in 7 days, min investment : $250
Combined portfolio - 28% profit in 14 days, min investment : $100
Long Term Classic Portfolio - 200% profit in 92 days, min investment : $50

A $1,000 invested in the Combined Portfolio will compound to $52,227 in just 8 months ! 28% in 14 days is about 64% per month !
Withdrawal is instant; your withdrawal will be instantly deposited to your egold account once you submit your withdrawal !

If you look at the chart of A3Union, you can see that traffic is continually rising. Ranked 29,878 on Jun11, it has steadily gone up to rank 16,362 now.

Yahoo! Movies - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.
Messages in this topic (3)

16.1. Ride the equation to success
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_01" rn_reza_del_01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:26 am ((PDT))

Ride the equation to success

If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 690,000 people which help each other,
support each other, and motivate and push each other in every one step
to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.

Messages in this topic (55)

17. All Emails Worth 5,10,15,20 cents !
Posted by: "" slaverne_gc
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:27 am ((PDT))

$20 SignUp Bonus!


GREAT Advertising Resource!

All Emails Worth 5,10,15,20 cents !

• All PTC's worth 2 or 5 cents!

• 10 Cents per direct referral bonus!

• $125 Dollar Payout - Fast to reach!

• Payouts Through eGold/PayPal!

• 5 Ref levels of commission under you!

Messages in this topic (1)

18a. Earn $34,004 In Just 7 Days!
Posted by: "Neo" bizim_marketing_009
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:32 am ((PDT))

Proven Simple System Shows You How To Start Making Real Money Online From Scratch...In Just 7 Days Or Less!
Read On To Discover How This Site Can Flood YOUR Bank Account With Endless Automatic Cash In Days...Even If You Have NO Website, Product Or List Now!

Messages in this topic (26)

19a. Drive 157,889 Unique Visitors In Only 20 Days!
Posted by: "Simon" by_tat
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:37 am ((PDT))

How A 'Kid' Brought In 157,889 Unique Visitors In Only 20 Days, During His Spare Time, By Following This Brilliant Step-By-Step Viral Marketing System... And How You Can Too... Very Easily... Right Now!"
Warning: You May Never Again Have The Chance To Drive So Much Targeted Traffic To Your Sites At This Rate, For Reasons You'll Understand In A Second...

Messages in this topic (25)

20. Increase Your Energy, Stamina, Heal Faster. Anti-aging product
Posted by: "" cfpcop2004
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:46 am ((PDT))

There is still time for $1,000!

Everyone Wins during the Xtream Global Top Affiliate
Contest and there is still time for YOU to put $1,000
in your pocket 9/3/07! Whether you win the top prize
or not, everyone who achieves 100 affiliate sign ups
receives a $200 matching bonus from Xtream. All this
is in addition to your $2 bonus you get for each sign
up. So as you compete for the top prize, you are also
building your base with Xtream!

Affiliates have access to Safe list submitter accounts,
Pro FFA memberships, upgraded t.raffic exchange memberships, desktop auto marketing tools, live training and support, affiliate commissions, and participate in contests. Only $9.95 monthly through 9/3/07. Lock in your subscription as it goes up to $29.95 at contest end.

Increase your energy, stamina, heal faster. Anti-aging product f.ree sign up for Preferred Customers. Work at home distributorships available USA and Canada. More info at

Gas is $9 a gallon in Europe. Enter the European market and help people save m0ney on gas! Join our Xtream team, we help you build your home business. More info at

Cherie Halliday

A Member of the Guaranteed Results Network

Messages in this topic (1)

21a. Need a Personalized GIFT? Look no further , CLick Here!!!
Posted by: "Marcy" crafter6900
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:49 am ((PDT))

At MandKGifts

you will find lots of fun things for the whole family. INcludes toys and games, bath and body,and LOTS or gorgeous HANDMADE items. Many that can be personalized, and MADE TO ORDER!!

Don't see the design you are looking for , email me, I am sure I can find something to fit your needs. So come on in and have a look around. Let me know what you think. PLease book mark us as we are continually adding new items. I will be working on it in a little while.
Email me to place your order today of $30 or more and receive a 15% discount.
Have a question? PLease email me I woul dbe happy to work with you. Hope to hear from lots of you soon.
Thanks a Bunch

Thanks a Bunch

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (3)

22.1. Directory of Reliable Wholesale Product Suppliers!
Posted by: "tizzmo" jasminecount
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:49 am ((PDT))

Looking for RELIABLE Products suppliers that stock
a variety of GENUINE & QUALITY products
that you know are from a TRUSTED source?
If you can't make money selling through online auctions,
or in retail shops with SaleHoo, you probably won't be
able to with any other wholesale directory out there!

Messages in this topic (30)

23.1. Get 1 Million Visitors Per Month To Your Website!
Posted by: "Pearl" kumanda01
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:04 am ((PDT))

We spent years to reach the goal: get 1 million visitors per month.
If you have no time to do this kind of time-wasting job,
why not let us do it for you?

We all know the internet marketing is a TRAFFIC game.
So no matter what products or services you are selling, you need TRAFFIC.
The more visitors to your website means the more sales your will make.

We can provide you the targeted potential prospects if you are promoting
home based, opps , or any money-making programs.

Messages in this topic (28)

24.1. How to Make $15,359 overnight on Autopilot?
Posted by: "Ossy" bizim_marketing_010
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:20 am ((PDT))

Learn How To Build An Internet Empire Using Just 3 Page Websites That Take Less Than 5 Minutes To Build..."
"I'll walk you step by step through the process of putting these sites up and then having them help you earn an increasing profit day after day!"
Proof that I made over $15,359 overnight (while sleeping!)

Messages in this topic (28)

25. ++Today's {12-08-07}Pic Released++
Posted by: "Sharon renu" sharonrenu
Date: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:20 am ((PDT))

Dear Friends Million Dollar WebPages
Introducing Today's Pic Category.

For Your Viewing Pleasure
Visit our site Archive Section UPDATED !! So from now on you won't Miss a Pic


Reach Us at :

for Great articles with Pics

for Good pics

for all you want to know.......

Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.
Messages in this topic (1)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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