Topics in this digest:
1a. EZ
From: yg_postmaster
2a. Track Your Ads For Success FREE!
From: Piaff
3a. Advertise for free
From: abdul razak allapitchay
4a. 9 Steps To One Million Visitors!!!
From: Neil Clues
5.1. ~~~~~~~ Cash In on the Next VORTEX Upgrade. ~~~~~~~
From: Charles Hansen
6. >> Send Your Solo Ad To 249,000+ Subscribers Now <<
From: Solo Site Administrator
7. The Berry Tree!
From: netbusiness02
8. FREE For Everyone!
From: infoatendofdaygourmet
9. I am a PAYcation specialist!
From: travelbybrit
10. **** ALERT **** Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones NOW !!!
From: gpts1
11a. Do you have $1 in your E-Gold???
From: Raymond E Bess
12. True Free Online Jobs - I Teach you Freely - Earn $30,000/month Free
From: true_online_jobs
From: Fran Galton
14. FREE- Self-Funding Business Feeder System
From: tigerfan2426
15a. Get Best Niche Markets On eBay!
From: Bolly
16. >>Get $1 For Each Free Membership You Give Away! FREE to JOIN!<<
From: sdsware
17. Searching For Global Online Opp
From: C.S.
18. ++Today's {30-08-07}Pic Released++
From: Sharon renu
19. Sania Mirza
From: faisal pp
20a. ....No Risk, Completely Free, No Surprises, HUGE Income Potential...
From: Mall Mom
21a. This is how to make real m*ney on-line
From: James Young
From: GoldenDolphin
23.1. Adlandpro Free Advertising and Affiliate program. Unlimited Income
From: jeffers
24. $100K in Free Money -
From: Deb's Ad Service
25. Cash in on Clickbanks 6000+ Products!
1a. EZ
Posted by: "yg_postmaster" yg_postmaster
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:16 am ((PDT))
Downline Club Owner Gets So Fed Up With All The Crappy Programs Out
There Promising People They Will Make Thousands Every Month When They
Never Do, He Decides To Launch His Own Program and Is Quoted As Saying:
"I Will Give 100% Of The Money From All Sales Back To The Associates!"
[Ron Walsh] President Ron Walsh has put together
one of the most powerful pay plans to come along in years!
You'll earn $250 to $3500 on all Personal Sales and the best part is you
can get started for less than $30. The Program launches in September
and it's going to be HUGE! Go to this site for all the details! <>
Launching By September 15, 2007
Messages in this topic (24)
2a. Track Your Ads For Success FREE!
Posted by: "Piaff" kumanda01
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:17 am ((PDT))
The biggest mistake most people make with free advertising is just recklessly placing ads without really knowing what they're doing. It's kind of like the proverbial chicken running around with its head cut off. They fail to grasp the importance of being able to see the results of their efforts. I did the same thing for months until I realized that free ads will fail unless you track the results.
Messages in this topic (6)
3a. Advertise for free
Posted by: "abdul razak allapitchay" ezmny1m
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:18 am ((PDT))
*** Submit your URL FREE NOW, and EARN $5 for Referrals ***
Submit your web site for FREE and be exposed to potentially
TENS of THOUSANDS of new and unique visitors!
Earn $5.00 per month Direct Commission when you personally introduce a member who upgrades to Pro Membership.
Earn $0.50 per month Bonus Commission down another 6 levels when any member in your downline upgrades to Pro Membership.
Submit your website for FREE NOW!
Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more.
Messages in this topic (4)
4a. 9 Steps To One Million Visitors!!!
Posted by: "Neil Clues" donny160181
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:20 am ((PDT))
Its finally ready !
Stephan Ducharme, the Free Ad Guru has just released
his new 9 steps !
Its what everybody has been waiting for... For weeks now!
Thousands of marketers jumped on it in the same day. Dont wonder why.
Stephan Ducharme is now a legend in online marketing.
Millionaire at 31 ... on the Internet.
He went from ground zero to 1 Million hits in weeks.
He discovered something hidden and when he released
it, he became famous.
His top affiliates are making $5,000 a week selling
his course right now. It sells like hot cakes.
Because Stephan Ducharmes secrets are the new rules.
It is the system that works. Have you ever seen perfection?
After 2 years of brain sweat, and tens of thousands of
dollars invested in buying all the ebooks out there (Yes,
he bought them all) and nearly $200,000 in advertising,
he finally got in contact with programmers, bulk emailers,
top marketers, marketing gurus employees who revealed
what they have secretly heard that they shouldnt, and found
the hidden pieces of puzzle to glue them together.
Look, Ive never seen anything like this.
He is the first one who not only tells us what we need to
do but ALSO HOW to do it step after step.
But his secrets are controversial, they may not be available
for a long time. He is so popular right now that, more than
20,000 people each day are reading his website.
visit here while the page is still available:
To your success,
Neil Clues
Messages in this topic (22)
5.1. ~~~~~~~ Cash In on the Next VORTEX Upgrade. ~~~~~~~
Posted by: "Charles Hansen" starbound777
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:34 am ((PDT))
Hello Potential Friend Marketing Associate,
May all your online marketing efforts be meaningful, satisfying and immensely successful !
As a founding affiliate with a technology marketing company, I have been granted the ability to Benefactor (pay your way in)
a certain number of people into the program.
I am offering you a chance to join my team at an UPGRADED level (SILVER) in the company at no cost.
Go to this website and activate your voucher as your super gift for the year 2007:
Warm Regards,
Charles Hansen
Vortex Marketing Specialist
Messages in this topic (41)
6. >> Send Your Solo Ad To 249,000+ Subscribers Now <<
Posted by: "Solo Site Administrator" safelistmailer2
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:40 am ((PDT))
Hello Marketer,
Send your Contact Solo Ad to 249,000+ Members..
Test New Contact Solo Ad Mailer Now...
Best Regards,
Solo Sender Contact Site Administrator
Messages in this topic (1)
7. The Berry Tree!
Posted by: "netbusiness02" netbusiness02
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:41 am ((PDT))
The Berry Tree is designed for passive members, a part of the fee from
your monthly autoship goes towards ad campaign and every month company
is planning for huge ad campaigns (around million dollar) and every
month they keep filling all of our matrices.
The marketing plan is US patent pending, unique of its kind in MLM
industry, where even passive can make money, never heard of before and
one can make a guaranteed income of $1k and above per month from a
mere $56 per month.
Berry Tree is backed by Nutronix International, a 8 year old rock
solid debt free financial company.
Company is going in for Major ad campaign every month, email
marketing, google adwords, email marketing, radio ads, TV ads, and
advertisment in leading MLM magazines
Soon every one matrix will start filling up
Apart from matrix income one can also earn leadership bonuses and make
more money
Official launch will be in September at the Nutronix Conference in FL
No Selling or Sponsoring Required!
Your Success is Guaranteed!
Earn on Every Member in The Company!
As part of your Membership you will earn Berry Member Credits. You can
use these Berry Member Credits to qualify for the Monthly Bonus Pools.
The most exciting aspect of The Berry Tree is our Reversible MatrixTM
System. This is what allows you to earn on every Active Member in the
entire company, even if no one is underneath you. There are no
sponsoring requirements or quotas to meet. Berry Member Credits are
automatically given to you for being an Active Member. By accumulating
more and more BMC's you will move through our compensation plan and
earn more and more money. Just stay with us and your success in
reaching these Pools is Guaranteed!
By participating in our Double Credit program you will reach Success
in 1/2 the time! This is a fully automated option and you don't have
to sponsor a single person to qualify. This is another exciting aspect
that is unique to The Berry Tree.
1. Company advertising: part of every $49.95 membership goes to pay
for guaranteed signups that are produced by some of the largest lead
vendors in the world. They target the hundreds of millions of people
worldwide that are looking to make money online or start their own
Internet Business.
2. The people above you in the Tree: As people above you refer
and sponsor others to The Berry Tree they will be placed under you.
3. If you decide to refer or sponsor others into The Berry Tree, they
too will also go under you. (Remember there are NO sponsoring
requirements to earn on The Berry Tree)
* There is room for 8 people on your first branch. You will earn
$7.00 per member, per month for everyone on your first branch. Once
your first branch is full you will be earning $56.00 per month and
this will cover your membership costs of $49.95 per month and you will
be in profit.
* When your first branch is full, or if anyone on your first branch
refers or sponsors someone they will fall on your 2nd branch. There
is room for 64 people on your 2nd branch and you earn $4.00 per
member. That's about $312.00 per month.
* There is room for 512 people on your 3rd branch and you will earn
$2.00 per month on everyone on your third branch. With 3 branches
full you will be earning about $1,336.00
*Once your first and second branches are full and you are earning
about $312.00 per month you are automatically given a second tree or
profit center. This insures that your earning potential is not
limited to one full tree.
If you decide to refer or sponsor people in The Berry Tree, you will
earn a one-time New Member Bonus of $27.00 on every member you refer.
They are placed in the highest position available in YOUR personal tree.
If you want to earn Fast Start Bonuses or Earn on Everyone in the
Entire Company, you will be given full support and training by some of
the biggest and best Internet Marketers in the world. You will have
free access to The Berry Lounge, weekly conference calls and
newsletters, training websites, support forums and much, much more.
There is no other business like The Berry Tree. The patent-pending
program is 100% automated if you want it to be, or you can get into
the drivers seat and grow your income stream even bigger and faster.
The business appeals to everyone who ever wanted to earn money online,
build a retirement income, get out of debt, build a successful
business or have fun helping others succeed.
Join now
Messages in this topic (1)
8. FREE For Everyone!
Posted by: "infoatendofdaygourmet" infoatendofdaygourmet
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:41 am ((PDT))
If you shop online at all ...... you'll want to check out this site!
Over 1100 major retailers. Each giving rebates on EVERY purchase. Many
have free shipping!
It's FREE!
Rebates on clothing, toys, electronics, shoes, pet supplies, airfares,
insurance, gourmet foods, tools, eyewear, office supplies, sports
apparel and more!
Sign up for a FREE Personal Mall if you want to save money & get rebates
on EVERY purchase!
Sign up for a FREE Business Mall if you want to save money, get rebates
People are flocking to this site!
Remember, it costs you NOTHING. No fees ....ever!
Eileen Wheeler
Messages in this topic (1)
9. I am a PAYcation specialist!
Posted by: "travelbybrit" travelbybrit
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:43 am ((PDT))
I work at home as a travel agent for YTB Travel. Own your own travel
webstore and recieve awesome travel deals and benefits.
I work from home full time and make a substantial income selling
something that people use all the time...TRAVEL! Travel is a 7
trillion dollars industry and is only going up! Get in on the ground
floor of Your Travel Biz and be able to work full time from your home
or on vacation within 6 months!
Contact me if you would like any more information
Britney Thompson
Messages in this topic (1)
10. **** ALERT **** Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones NOW !!!
Posted by: "gpts1" gpts1
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:43 am ((PDT))
In today's world, it's an absolute MUST! I vowed to spread the
importance of self defense when my 83-year-old mother was robbed at a
grocery store in Florida. Two people pulled up in a car to ask
directions, they grabbed her purse and pushed her to the ground! If
she had her pepper spray in her hand, it NEVER would have happened!
I carry my spray everywhere. DO YOU??? It even works on DOGS!!
Defend and protect yourself when you need it most! Become a TBO-TECH
Self Defense Products affiliate for FREE today!
Messages in this topic (1)
11a. Do you have $1 in your E-Gold???
Posted by: "Raymond E Bess" gbess
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:45 am ((PDT))
Do you have $1 in your E-Gold account?? If so let me show you how to turn it into $1000s in 1 month GUARANTEED!!
This is truly amazing and it WORKS!!!
Messages in this topic (17)
12. True Free Online Jobs - I Teach you Freely - Earn $30,000/month Free
Posted by: "true_online_jobs" true_online_jobs
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:46 am ((PDT))
Dear friend,
I teach you freely how to earn minimum $3000 /
Month from internet. Please visit
Absolutely, free money earning jobs. Nothing needs to do these jobs.
Trust me.
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair63
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:48 am ((PDT))
Imagine sending your ad every day to a potential 100 million Yahoo
users all across the globe, with just one click! Imagine what that could do to your sales if
even a small percentage actually read your ad and was interested in what
you were offering.
This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo customers to your
website now.
We have developed a state-of-the-art mailing system whereby you can
access your account unlimited times per day, and simply place your ad copy for submission. This is truly
powerful and was developed with the novice marketer at heart. No need to
validate your email, no need for spam filters or junk mail boxes. No need
to worry about losing your ISP either!
Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (73)
14. FREE- Self-Funding Business Feeder System
Posted by: "tigerfan2426" tigerfan2426
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:51 am ((PDT))
Do you know what a business feeder system is?
It's A system that you use to build multiple businesses and income
There are a few very good feeder systems
currently available on the Internet. But in every case, they have
one big drawback€ ¦'¥ that is, they require you to invest in a number of
businesses first, then require you to market and build an
organization second.
Most people can't afford to invest a lot of money and time into a
new business, let alone two three, or more of them.
That's why I developed a new system called
One Step 4 Income (OSI.) Based on the Reverse-Universal-Marketing
Build an organization first for free, then use your profits to join
and build multiple businesses.
As a fre.e member, you're also provided with
everything you need to build your organization
for free. That makes it easy to duplicate so every member receives
the exact same results using the exact same methods and spare time
But instead of rambling on, see for yourself what this incredible
system can do for you.
Messages in this topic (1)
15a. Get Best Niche Markets On eBay!
Posted by: "Bolly" bunaliy
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:54 am ((PDT))
Looking for RELIABLE Products suppliers that stock
a variety of GENUINE & QUALITY products
that you know are from a TRUSTED source
which will skyrocket your eBay profits by %500?
Get the Best Niche Markets On eBay before your competitors now!
Messages in this topic (4)
16. >>Get $1 For Each Free Membership You Give Away! FREE to JOIN!<<
Posted by: "sdsware" sdsware
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:57 am ((PDT))
This is a really exciting opportunity to make $1 for each FREE
Membership you GIVE Away!
Using ThePowerof10... Sign Up Free...
Sign Up Free for Our Ezine & We Will Pay You $1 for Each Free
Membership You Give Away!
Hurry... The sooner you signup for Free the sooner you can start
getting $1 payments.
If you need a Piggy-eBank Account, you can signup using the following
Messages in this topic (1)
17. Searching For Global Online Opp
Posted by: "C.S." raymondconduit
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:03 am ((PDT))
To Whom It May Concern.
I am activly searching for an online program which must come within the parameters of the following:
1. A Global Program.
2. A program that pays a monthly commission.
3. A program that is easily understood.
4. I must be within the first 100 to signup.
If you have a program that covers all the points above please email me at with Global Opp in the heading.
Raymond Conduit
Messages in this topic (1)
18. ++Today's {30-08-07}Pic Released++
Posted by: "Sharon renu" sharonrenu
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:07 am ((PDT))
Dear Friends Million Dollar WebPages
Introducing Today's Pic Category.
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Visit our site Archive Section UPDATED !! So from now on you won't Miss a Pic
Reach Us at :
for Great articles with Pics
for Good pics
for all you want to know.......
Building a website is a piece of cake.
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.
Messages in this topic (1)
19. Sania Mirza
Posted by: "faisal pp" faisal_pp70
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:08 am ((PDT))
Sania Mirza
Earn Money From Home
Amazing Photograph
Earn Money While You Surf Online
New Evolution- Big Big Money
Earn Money While You Play Game
Make Money Online
Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.
Messages in this topic (1)
20a. ....No Risk, Completely Free, No Surprises, HUGE Income Potential...
Posted by: "Mall Mom" momsads
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:08 am ((PDT))
This is Where you want to be. YES you can get rich from it, Yes you are going to have to work for it, but it has to be the best thing to come along . There is no Risk, there is no signup fee there are no fees ever. All Free Training and I am there for you with resourses and LOTS of tips and advice to grow a strong large business to make you financialy free...
Come join me
You simply shop for the things you already shop for everyday...
and build a team that does the same.. How easy and how wonderfully simple can that be? And think about Holiday Shopping? Get started now so its ready for the holidays.
Come and see what is revolutionizing the work at home World..........................
Have Fun,
OBABY - Finds for Baby, Mommy & Family
A Worlds First ~ Certified Organic Bath, Body & Beauty
Building a website is a piece of cake.
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.
Messages in this topic (4)
21a. This is how to make real m*ney on-line
Posted by: "James Young" james123you
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:14 am ((PDT))
By making you an offer like no other
A free 7 day trial
A Guaranteed 3 members under you in 7 days
Curious much?
Click this link.
Messages in this topic (2)
Posted by: "GoldenDolphin" zorro5_99
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:15 am ((PDT))
Deluxe Family Survival Kit
(All items are packed securely in our Deluxe Hikers Backpack which contains extra space available for your personal items)
The kit includes the following:
Food and Water:
6 Boxes of Aqua Blox Water Boxes - twice the amount of water as leading suppliers and has a 5 year shelf-life
12 - 200 Calorie Food Bars - 5 year shelf-life
10 Water Purification Tablets - each tablet purifies 1 liter of water
Light and Communication:
Am/Fm Radio with Headphones and Batteries
Rechargeable Squeeze Flashlight - contains lithium batteries which last up to 30 hours and also is able to generate power through squeezing
30 Hour Emergency Candle - can also be used as a stove
Green Emergency Glow Stick - lasts for 24 hours
5-in-1 Survival Whistle - compass, signal mirror, flint starter, waterproof container, lanyard, and shrill whistle
Box of 50 Waterproof Matches
Bic Style Lighter
Shelter and Warmth:
Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag - Recommended over common "space blankets"
16 Hour Body Warmer
2-Person Tube Tent with Rope
Emergency Poncho with Hood
16 Function Knife
Leather Palm Working Gloves
N95 Respirator Dust Mask
60 Feet of Nylon Rope
Hygiene and Sanitation:
Hygiene Kit - Includes soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and 9 wet wipes.
3 Tempo Pocket Tissue Packs
First Aid:
42 Piece Bandage First Aid Kit - Contains 42 Pieces - 10 Spot Bandages, 10 Sheer Junior, 5 Sheer Medium, 5 Sheer Strips, 2 Antibacterial, 3Clear Strips, 2 Fabric Strips, 1 Extra Large, 2 Alcohol Pads, and 2 Gauze Pads&
Guardian First Aid Essentials Kit - 1 Trauma Dressing (5"x9"), 3 Sunscreen Lotion Packs, 1 Sting Relief Prep Pad, 1 Burn Cream Pack, 4 Non-Aspirin Tablets, 4 Antacid Tablets, 4 Ibuprofen Tablets, 1 Lip Ointment Pack, 1 Antibiotic Ointment Pack, 1 Pair of Vinyl (non latex) Gloves, 2 Finger Splints, 10 Cotton Tip Applicators, 1 Roll of First Aid Tape, 1 Roll of Gauze Dressing, and a First Aid Instruction Guide
Deck of playing cards for entertainment
Infectious Waste Bag
Emergency Survival Kit Information:
This survival kit was designed using advice from experts in the emergency preparedness industry. It follows guidelines given by government agencies and non-profit preparedness organizations. This 1-person deluxe emergency kit has a retail value of $120.
Located in our Sporting Good Section get them while we still have them in stock. their going FAST!
Selling Price: $120.00
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.
Messages in this topic (14)
23.1. Adlandpro Free Advertising and Affiliate program. Unlimited Income
Posted by: "jeffers" yurdoo
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:21 am ((PDT))
Free advertising. yes completely FREE. Go on boost your business and
your Income.
That's not all earn up to 30% by joining our affiliate
Earn while you advertise for FREE and boost visitor numbers to your
business. You can't lose...
Messages in this topic (55)
24. $100K in Free Money -
Posted by: "Deb's Ad Service" prowealthmom
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:21 am ((PDT))
What If We Told You That You Could Make
$111,110 In 60 Days Or Less
Just By Referring 10 People To Sign Up For
Our Weekly eZine For FREE.....Would You
Believe Us? Probably Not, Right?
Well, You Are Dead Wrong!
We Are Going To Show You How, Step-By-Step,
To Fill Your Bank Account With Cash Within
The Next 60 Days That Your Bank Tellers Eyes Will Be Bugging Out Of Her Head And Want To Know How The Heck You Did It!!!!!
Messages in this topic (1)
25. Cash in on Clickbanks 6000+ Products!
Posted by: "" nonpermission
Date: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:24 am ((PDT))
The ultimate lazy way to earn money
online and a must have marketing
tool for anyone!
Get Your Own CBAds Genie!
Generate Google Adsense type ads,
on your web site, featuring products
from the Clickbank Directory!
Thanks to this powerhouse PHP
driven script you can now effortlessly
promote any of the 6000+ products
available in the ClickBank Database.
Increase your Clickbank earnings!
Get started now:
Sincerely, Debbie Ducker
P.S. See how seamless it works on
my web site! The match is amazing.
Visit this URL and scroll to the bottom.
Messages in this topic (1)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!
Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
Go here for details:
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