Topics in this digest:
1a. ~*Tupperware For You*~
From: The Ultimate Mall
2. Check out The Ultimate Mall & Our first Ultimate Mall Christmas E-bo
From: The Ultimate Mall
3a. He's giving it away for FREE!
From: James McCully
From: Fran Galton
5a. 40 reasons why you should join AGLOCO !!! better try than not !!!
From: mohd tinana tirana
6. Money back guarantee is that if you are not......
From: YCC vs Global Domain Internati
7.1. The Big System To Making Real Money On The Internet!
From: Leydi
8.1. Create 6- and 7-Figure Incomes - With Zero Risk !
From: Oslo
9.1. $2990 profit from a storage unit auction!
From: Ariz
10.1. Earn $5,000 to $15,000 Month After Month!
From: Cess
11.1. Earn Cash From Blogging!
From: Brian
12.1. Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
From: Kate
13.1. Receive 5.000 Visitors A DAY!
From: Felix
14.1. Write and Publish Your Own Ebook Easily!
From: Eral
15.1. Make Unrealistic Amounts Of Money Online!
From: Gazelle
16.1. Natural Cancer Treatments That Work!
From: Micke
17.1. EBAY Niche Finding Software!
From: Henry
18a. Earn $$$ While Working At Home!
From: Volga
19. Let me PROVE, you can still RETIRE THIS YEAR.
From: YCC vs Global Domain Internati
20.1. Earn Lots &Lots of Money with Your Camera!
From: Sahra
21. Earn $$$1500 per week without investment
From: roseflowerblosom
22.1. Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
From: Kisar
23.1. How to Make $1,000's of Dollars Monthly On The Internet?
From: Deniz
24.1. Instant Article Submitter!
From: Jale
25a. Own the Next Ebay for FR*EE
From: Lorinda Shackelford
1a. ~*Tupperware For You*~
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:10 am ((PDT))
Do you Love Tupperware? Look at the benefits of becoming a Tupperware
*Baseline commission of 25%
*35% off all new demo products
*30 day free Tupperware website (each additional month $7.95 billed month to
*Home parties are optional, never required
*Two kits to choose from $69.99 (over $300 retail value) or $99.99 (over
$450 retail value)
*Monthly consultant incentives
*Monthly hosting incentives
You might also want to check out our Online Eparties! You can earn FREE
Tupperware by hosting your own Online 14 day Tupperware Eparty! Whether
you're a stay at home mom, a working mom or not a mom at all, this is a FAST
& Easy way to Earn FREE Tupperware! Check out all of our NEW Children's &
Baby Products!
Please contact me for FREE INFO today!
Independent Tupperware Distributor
Messages in this topic (7)
2. Check out The Ultimate Mall & Our first Ultimate Mall Christmas E-bo
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:14 am ((PDT))
The Ultimate Mall
Advertising Package Deal:
you get all this for Only $10.00
3 listings in category's of your choise
3 banner Listings
3 button Listings
plus you get an ad in our monthly newsletter all for 1 year....
PLUS This weekend only Buy one advertising package deal and get your second
advertising package deal for FREE!!!!
This special will end Sunday 08/27/07
Just go to
to recievie this specail offer
We will be advertising heavily for our e-book coming out.
and we wanted to give you all a special to get ready for Christmas
To check out all our specials for this month please visit my site at
Our first Ultimate Mall Christmas E-book
will be out September 1, 2007
In our e-book you will find online shops & specials.
This Christmas E-book is our way of saying thank you for shopping at The
Ultimate Mall
Don't forget to watch for the e-book on 9/01/07
Advertise in our e-book for only
for more information
Donations -
We are looking for those that would like to add their business cards, small
samples, flyers, etc to our three (3) sample packages. (Note: Sample
packages will be Mailed to the winners)
If you would like to add your business to our three (3) Christmas sample
packages please send them to me at Christmas e-book
Mary Blake
92 Taftville - Occum RD
Norwich, Ct. 06360
Note: Please add on package or inside that this is for the e-book contest.
Check out what Jafra has to offer.
Our New $15 consultant case
Just go to Go to and check it all out!
Sign up is easy Read & fill out the forms,
purchase your $15.00 case,
add my consultant case number which is 7039667
and that's it.
Mary B
Messages in this topic (1)
3a. He's giving it away for FREE!
Posted by: "James McCully" poohswim2000
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:16 am ((PDT))
Dear Friends,
I said he was crazy to let people see this for nothing, but he
insisted on doing it.
Now everyone can find out about this incredible money making system
without spending a dime.
FREE e-book shows you how to turn your Computer into a Virtual ATM.
# Receive $40 Instant Cash in Your PayPal Account Daily!
# No refunds- no chargebacks.
# No Monthly Fees!
# You own it- 100% of profits
# No Waiting for Your Money!
# 90% conversion rate.
# Download Free Ebook Right Now
The free e-book reveals everything so you can start making money
within minutes.
I made money within the first hour and it has not stopped!
Messages in this topic (3)
Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair63
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:17 am ((PDT))
Imagine sending your ad every day to a potential 100 million Yahoo
users all across the globe, with just one click! Imagine what that could do to your sales if
even a small percentage actually read your ad and was interested in what
you were offering.
This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo customers to your
website now.
We have developed a state-of-the-art mailing system whereby you can
access your account unlimited times per day, and simply place your ad copy for submission. This is truly
powerful and was developed with the novice marketer at heart. No need to
validate your email, no need for spam filters or junk mail boxes. No need
to worry about losing your ISP either!
Shape Yahoo! in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today!
Messages in this topic (58)
5a. 40 reasons why you should join AGLOCO !!! better try than not !!!
Posted by: "mohd tinana tirana" tirana2me
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:25 am ((PDT))
40 reasons why you should join AGLOCO
By: Agloco @ Librahitech
1. You can make money safely, legitimately, and easily.
2. It takes maybe three minutes to join.
3. You need nothing more than a working computer connected to the Internet.
4. You don't have to enter any sensitive information to join.
5. You don't have to buy anything to join.
6. You don't have to buy anything ever once you are a member.
7. It's easy to cancel if you don't want to be a member any more.
8. You'll only download a small free toolbar that won't install anything else on your computer, hog its memory, or read your keystrokes.
9. You'll make the same amount of money even if you never click on anything.
10. AGLOCO is the real deal, not some little scam. A good number of notable entrepreneurs are backing it. A Google search with keyword "agloco" will net you 1 million pages and counting.
11. Very important: AGLOCO's business model has been tried before and proven to work. In fact, AGLOCO's predecessor paid out over $120 million to its members (this is what finally convinced me).
12. You can dramatically increase your income by referring other people to AGLOCO, because...
13. ...AGLOCO pays you a portion of the surf money earned by those you referred up to 5 levels below you. So...
14. You can recruit your friends and all make money together when you help them get referrals. Thus,
15. The sooner you sign up, the more folks will come to you for info and the more likely it is that you will be the original seed of a large referral network in your community.
16. You never have to read emails from people you don't know.
17. You'll never be asked to send emails to people you don't know.
18. You don't have to change anything you normally do on the Internet. You surf, AGLOCO pays.
19. AGLOCO's revenue source is genuine: a Viewbar members use that shows targeted advertisements based on your surf history, with the money paid to advertise going back to the members. That's not magic; that's common sense.
20. The Viewbar software you will download will not invade your privacy; it simply looks for keywords on the pages you view in order to show related ads.
21. The Viewbar is maybe the size of your taskbar at the bottom of your screen - in other words, it's small and won't interfere with your browsing experience at all.
22. AGLOCO has a thorough privacy policy that explicitly guarantees personal information will never be sold or given away.
23. In fact, AGLOCO has not one but three agreements every member must agree to. The bases are covered.
24. AGLOCO has a CPO - Chief Privacy Officer - whose responsibility is to make sure your privacy is never violated. His name is Ray Everett-Church, and he has more experience protecting privacy than probably anyone else on the planet.
25. AGLOCO doesn't play; anybody providing fake information, signing up twice, or otherwise trying to cheat the system will be detected by AGLOCO's anti-hacking instruments. This is an honest enterprise through and through.
26. By signing up, you support the company that will change Internet advertising for the better.
27. By signing up, you get to own a piece of the company that will change Internet advertising for the better. AGLOCO belongs to its members, which is to say that...
28. will own stock (more if you refer people) in a company that is likely to become huge and thus your stock will be worth something awesome when AGLOCO goes public on the London Stock Exchange.
29. You will likely find that other AGLOCO members, especially now in the early stages of AGLOCO, are some of the Web's savviest users and developers, and you can learn a bunch from them.
30. You get to be on the cutting edge of World Wide Webware development, which means that as AGLOCO grows, its members will benefit from...
31. ...discounts when members buy from companies affiliated with AGLOCO;
32. ...possible help with spyware/antivirus protection (remember, everyone from Fortune 500 companies to millions of users will all benefit from a better browsing experience);
33. forums where members can meet and discuss not just stuff, but ways and member-based projects to make AGLOCO better (it is our company).
34. Our company is in good hands. AGLOCO pays 10% of its revenues to Infomediary Services Corporation (ISC), which is simply the management company that is responsible for managing AGLOCO. The other 90% of the revenue belongs to us. This 10% will attract the designing talent needed to make AGLOCO great. The corresponding 10% of AGLOCO's shares go to a foundation dedicated to providing every human being on Earth with Internet access.
35. AGLOCO's management team will not get stock in AGLOCO. This ensures that those in positions of high responsibility don't hijack the company.
36. Though circumstances will vary, you can get paid and earn shares no matter where on Earth you live.
37. If you choose, you can donate your earnings and shares to the charity of your choice.
38. If you get involved in referring more members, you might be able to quit your day job and actually spend time at home, with your family, on vacation, wherever - and still make money.
39. If AGLOCO fails, you won't lose any money because you paid none in the first place.
40. AGLOCO ain't gonna fail. The last time such an opportunity existed, people made over $120 million in under 2 years, when far less people had Internet access and conditions weren't yet right for such a company to go public. Now, with record spending on advertising and calls from all sides for less irrelevant advertising and a better business/customer connection, the world is more than ready for an Economic Network that gives back to its users.
Now, if you aren't yet a member, after everything we just told you, you're not going to
login up...
Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.
Messages in this topic (2)
6. Money back guarantee is that if you are not......
Posted by: "YCC vs Global Domain Internati" moneynational
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:29 am ((PDT))
Dear Internet Marketers,
I searching for peoples who stay with a Online Business to make a large Downline!
And not trying the Business for only 3 Months...
So, if you are a serious Marketer/in "READ IT"
There is a new Company which is similar to GDI (Global Domain International)
It has ben launched since January...
Let me give you a comparison of GDI and YCC opportunities on the link below:
-YCC promotes HOSTING with all Domains !
A New program, 100% Global Opportunity that design to your future.
But this is a Simple, most advanced and lucrative pay plan ever devised.
* $10 initial bonus and an extra $657.45 in FREE gifts upon getting active.
* Money back guarantee is that if you are not in a monthly profit situation at the
end of 12 months, at your option, the company buy your business from you for $125
($5 more than you have spent!).
* Commission in an expandable 2x5 Force Matrix!
* Great bonus reward of car, house or boat (Pls check/review the payplan in the main menu).
* 14 days trial Free.
* Spanish, Chinese, French and German websites are now online!
-------------TAKE POSITION NOW, IT'S FREE !!!------------------
Have a nice Day and Success !
YCC-Member : Djalma Albino
Contact : mailto:
Trained by a Top Network Marketer with Three (3) Income Sources!
PS: I will be more than happy to teach you everything even if you are a beginner. Help is guaranteed !
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (1)
7.1. The Big System To Making Real Money On The Internet!
Posted by: "Leydi" zeynep_marketing_002
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:33 am ((PDT))
The Big System To Making Real Money On The Internet...Or How To Finally Succeed On The Internet!
The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...Introducing...
"The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits For You Automatically, The Lazy Way!"
Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
Messages in this topic (144)
8.1. Create 6- and 7-Figure Incomes - With Zero Risk !
Posted by: "Oslo" bizim_marketing_010
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:35 am ((PDT))
Commercial Real Estate Millionaire
Hurry! We're about to take this shocking report off the market!"
Can you imagine yourself as a
Commercial Real Estate Millionaire?
We can!
"Discover how people just like you now enjoy working from the comforts of home and creating 6- and 7-figure incomes - with zero risk - while our company does over 97% of all the work"
Finally€ ¦'¢ you really can become financially independent and live the Life of Your Dreams€ ¦'¥
Messages in this topic (138)
9.1. $2990 profit from a storage unit auction!
Posted by: "Ariz" katrevesu
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:36 am ((PDT))
$2990 profit from a storage unit auction!
I have compiled an ebook showing exactly what it takes to do what I did and how you can do it to. I will guide you step by step through the unknown world of storage unit auctions. But before I go on, read below some of the many topics that I discuss. You can turn $10 into $3000
Messages in this topic (136)
10.1. Earn $5,000 to $15,000 Month After Month!
Posted by: "Cess" bestt_marketing_007
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:39 am ((PDT))
Earn $5,000 to $15,000 Month After Month!
Make Up to $3,500 and More Weekly with Google & Clickbank Using a Simple
System Which I Will Perform for You
For Only $25!
No games, tricks, or schemes, I am going to personally help you make an excellent monthly income on the internet with the help of Google and Clickbank. Sit back and let me help you make money on the internet with a secret system that I use to make people big cash on the internet daily!
Messages in this topic (142)
11.1. Earn Cash From Blogging!
Posted by: "Brian" ayse_marketing_004
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:39 am ((PDT))
Earn Cash From Blogging!
Would you like to discover how to get more traffic and make more money from blogging?
Today, there are millions of blogs on the Internet, but only a fraction are making any profit for their writers.
How To Build A Money Making Blog is a complete guide to making
money from a blog!
Messages in this topic (138)
12.1. Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
Posted by: "Kate" bizim_marketing_008
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:40 am ((PDT))
Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
Are you stil paying Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks?
DO you know that you can Get Them FREE! Amazing Secret Revealed Here!
"Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million in
Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE! ... And
Makes Over $314 Million as a Result! ...
And Now He's Going to Give You This
Same Secret for Next to Nothing!"
That's right - Start Sharing in the *Incredible* Secret So Few Others Know About that Allow Them to Actually Get All Their Pay-Per-Click Advertising Absolutely FREE!
Messages in this topic (146)
13.1. Receive 5.000 Visitors A DAY!
Posted by: "Felix" bizim_marketing_002
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:40 am ((PDT))
Receive 5.000 Visitors A DAY!
Submit Your Website To 5,000+ Search Engines & Directories!
Our premium submission plans, starting at just $29.99 This Submission will help your site to get thousands of visitors every day from search engines and directories. If you get only 1 visitor form every search engine and directories per day that is 5,000 visitors a day. Submit your website today and get guaranteed listing.
Messages in this topic (119)
14.1. Write and Publish Your Own Ebook Easily!
Posted by: "Eral" bizim_marketing_001
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:41 am ((PDT))
Write and Publish Your Own Ebook Easily!
How to Write and Publish Your Own Ebook in 7 Days?
How to write and publish your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in as little as 7 days -
even if you can't write, can't type and failed high school English class!
This information is priceless!
Messages in this topic (126)
15.1. Make Unrealistic Amounts Of Money Online!
Posted by: "Gazelle" bizim_marketing_003
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:41 am ((PDT))
Make Unrealistic Amounts Of Money Online!
Discover Step-by-Step How I Make Over $158,000 Dollars Online Every Single Month
without A Website or a Product...
The Affiliate Data Center is perfect for absolute beginners and current internet marketers. Inside are easy to follow step by step guides and information showing exactly how internet marketing experts make unrealistic amounts of money online.
Messages in this topic (121)
16.1. Natural Cancer Treatments That Work!
Posted by: "Micke" ayse_marketing_005
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:41 am ((PDT))
Everything you ever wanted to know about alternative cancer treatment is contained in my unique guide.
Messages in this topic (136)
17.1. EBAY Niche Finding Software!
Posted by: "Henry" woorshib
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:42 am ((PDT))
EBAY Niche Finding Software!
Want to know which products are in
HOT demand with LOW competition from other sellers and What ACTUALLY sells on eBay!
Imagine if you had your finger on the pulse of this marketplace... instantly knowing which products were in hot demand and low supply, so you could step in and grab those buyers?
Say hello to Auction Inspector: Your own personal
money-making snoop!
Messages in this topic (106)
18a. Earn $$$ While Working At Home!
Posted by: "Volga" sensende
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:42 am ((PDT))
Why Not Stay At Home & Get Paid For Your Opinion!
This is perfect home based job!
Get Paid to Take Online Surveys - $5 to $75 Per Hour!
Participate in Online Focus Groups - $50 to $150 Per Hour!
Try New Products - Keep the Products and Get Paid As Well!
And Much More!
Messages in this topic (24)
19. Let me PROVE, you can still RETIRE THIS YEAR.
Posted by: "YCC vs Global Domain Internati" moneynational
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:43 am ((PDT))
Our Club has 1,416,520 Members to Pay You Money. You can retire in 30 days !
That's a pretty bold statement don't you think?
Let me PROVE to you that YOU can make money, BIG MONEY with our club.
Let me PROVE to you that even if you are the last member to join, you can still RETIRE THIS YEAR.
Matter of fact even if you are FIRST, in the MIDDLE,
LAST are anywhere in between YOU CAN RETIRE THIS YEAR!
Let me PROVE to you that we are doing something so different that YOU can't help but to succeed.
Let me PROVE to you that YOU can make SERIOUS MONEY with a unique 100% Forced Team
Let me PROVE to you that we are no ordinary club or a downline club but a TRUE Money Making Business Club
Join Free Now!
You have never seen anything this Big before.
Ask yourself this question:
Am I Ready to Retire This Year?
If you answered yes???
To Our Success
Djalma Albino
Building a website is a piece of cake.
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.
Messages in this topic (1)
20.1. Earn Lots &Lots of Money with Your Camera!
Posted by: "Sahra" by_tat
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:43 am ((PDT))
Photographers Needed Worldwide!
"Genuine home-based photography system lets you earn
up to $250 a day and also gives you the opportunity to earn
monthly residual income off every photo that you submit
Discover How to Make Money
- Lots & Lots of Money -
With Your Digital Camera!
Messages in this topic (136)
21. Earn $$$1500 per week without investment
Posted by: "roseflowerblosom" roseflowerblosom
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:43 am ((PDT))
Earn $$$1500 per week without investment
please use rediff mail or hot mail for this business
don't use yahoo groups mail id for this business
Earn by browse without hardwork
Messages in this topic (1)
22.1. Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
Posted by: "Kisar" bizim_marketing_008
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:43 am ((PDT))
Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
Are you stil paying Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks?
DO you know that you can Get Them FREE! Amazing Secret Revealed Here!
"Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million in
Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE! ... And
Makes Over $314 Million as a Result! ...
And Now He's Going to Give You This
Same Secret for Next to Nothing!"
That's right - Start Sharing in the *Incredible* Secret So Few Others Know About that Allow Them to Actually Get All Their Pay-Per-Click Advertising Absolutely FREE!
Messages in this topic (111)
23.1. How to Make $1,000's of Dollars Monthly On The Internet?
Posted by: "Deniz" bizim_marketing_000
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:43 am ((PDT))
How to Make $1,000's of Dollars Monthly On The Internet?
Make Up to $3,500 and More Weekly with Google & Clickbank Using a Simple
System Which I Will Perform for You
For Only $7
No games, tricks, or schemes, I am going to personally help you make an excellent monthly income on the internet with the help of Google and Clickbank.
Messages in this topic (134)
24.1. Instant Article Submitter!
Posted by: "Jale" bizim_marketing_007
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:44 am ((PDT))
Instant Article Submitter!
Attention: Proven Technique To Rise In The Search Rankings Has Just Gotten Quicker, Easier, and More Profitable...
"Amazing Breakthrough Software Stuffs Any Website You Want Full Of FREE Targeted Traffic and Up To Hundreds of Backlinks On-Demand -- By Putting This Hot Marketing Technique On Steroids!"
Messages in this topic (214)
25a. Own the Next Ebay for FR*EE
Posted by: "Lorinda Shackelford" gaylesgoodfortune
Date: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:49 am ((PDT))
This is not a joke or gimmick. You can own a piece of the next Ebay for free!! Just go to
and read about this fantastic and totally free program where you will become a part owner of the next Ebay. It is free - no surprises, no gimmicks, no fees of any type - just FREE!!!!
Own the next Ebay for FR*EE
Own a piece of the Internet - FREE - Sign Up Bonus
Messages in this topic (3)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!
Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
Go here for details:
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