Friday, September 14, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34311

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. Information and resources for making money online
From: hotpop pop
1.2. Information and resources for making money online
From: hotpop pop
1.3. Information and resources for making money online
From: hotpop pop
1.4. Information and resources for making money online
From: hotpop pop

2a. Sleep more if you want to have more sex :
From: amit kumar

3. ~~Limited Time Offer~~ Free 30 Day Trial
From: Anna

4. Burnt out on MLM ???
From: hhoconline

5. Welcome to Celebrity Gallery
From: Jhonny Nitro

6. Explode Your Income! Increase your Sales by upto 4000%!
From: Jhonny Nitro

7. Sign up NOW for the next Four events at The Velvet Box
From: Cheryl H

8. Sign up NOW for the next FOUR Events at The Velvet Box
From: Cheryl H

9a. Feed Blaster Ads

10. Could you Survive an EARTHQUAKE?
From: GoldenDolphin

11a. Income for Life "Global Domain International Inc."
From: GoldenDolphin

12. Are marketing forums a waste of time?
From: Aiman

13. Sign Up NOW for the Next 4 events at The Velvet Box
From: Cheryl

14a. Wool Diaper Covers starting at $6.00!!
From: The Ultimate Mall

15. wonderfull investment today
From: totok_hariyono

16a. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
From: 41 Marketing

From: Fran Galton


19.1. Buy 3 Get 1 Free ! Titanium Watches, Silver Watches, Candles ,More

20. Hi % Amigo s%,Hi % Amigo s%,
From: Carlos Alberto Monteiro Carneiro

21. FREE CLASSIFIEDS - Advertise your Site
From: Premium Downloadable Products

22.1. Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.
From: James Williams Jr


1.1. Information and resources for making money online
Posted by: "hotpop pop" hotpop.pop3
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:14 am ((PDT))

Information and resources for making money online

Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV.
Messages in this topic (120)

1.2. Information and resources for making money online
Posted by: "hotpop pop" hotpop.pop3
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:15 am ((PDT))

Information and resources for making money online

Luggage? GPS? Comic books?
Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.
Messages in this topic (120)

1.3. Information and resources for making money online
Posted by: "hotpop pop" hotpop.pop3
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:16 am ((PDT))

Information and resources for making money online

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Messages in this topic (120)

1.4. Information and resources for making money online
Posted by: "hotpop pop" hotpop.pop3
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:16 am ((PDT))

Information and resources for making money online

Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.
Messages in this topic (120)

2a. Sleep more if you want to have more sex :
Posted by: "amit kumar" cane20037
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:20 am ((PDT))

*Sleep more if you want to have more sex

*Chronic sleep deprivation is increasingly damaging the male libido and
triggering erection problems, a sex researcher has warned at an
international sleep conference.

*for more information log


Messages in this topic (2)

3. ~~Limited Time Offer~~ Free 30 Day Trial
Posted by: "Anna" rdnecgirl
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:22 am ((PDT))

It's TRUE! You can now take DiamondCreek Candles for a "Test Drive"!!!!!
Sign up now for a FREE 30 Day Trial!

What do you get with your free trial?

Your own fully functional website with 3 levels
Commission level 1 (for all products sold earn 25% of order total)
Commission level 2 (for all referrals brought into the consultant plan under you as a referral earn 10% of their sales)
Commission level 3 (for all sales under the level 2 referrals earn 5% of their sales)
Levels of Achievement Awards
Team Builder Commissions
Site Meter
Access to the 25% off consultant member only website
No monthly minimums to meet
No contracts and no Tax ID required
Guaranteed email support 24/7
No termination fees (upon cancellation)
Delivery: Candles guaranteed to leave our facility within 3 to 4 working days
You will receive commissions during your 30 day Free Trial.
I hope you will take the time to look at my site and see if DiamondCreek Candles is right for you!
Let me know if I can help you further :) I really look forward to talking with you.

Sign up with me for a FREE 30 day trial. Go to this site for more info :)

Appleberry Market!

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.
Messages in this topic (1)

4. Burnt out on MLM ???
Posted by: "hhoconline" hhoconline
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:42 am ((PDT))

Hello My Friend [:)]
Are you burnt out on anything to do with MLM, Network Marketing, or
another Home-Based Business System? So was the owner of My Power Mall!
She decided to create something totally different. It's not MLM. It's
not an Affiliate Program. It simply doesn't fit any model because there
has never been anything like it!

I'm assuming you would like to hear the truth about a business - not
just a bunch of hype - so let's hit the high points first:

- MY POWER MALL really is FR*EE. There's no cost to you
€ ¦'¶ EVER.

- There's nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in
any one of 1000 stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you
and your family need and want.

- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make
it, it's yours. Pretty simple.

- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!

- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power
of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that's their motto.
Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you're intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at:
<> . You'll be able to view a
great video and have every question answered.

I look forward to working with you!

Messages in this topic (1)

5. Welcome to Celebrity Gallery
Posted by: "Jhonny Nitro" kimxalive
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:54 am ((PDT))

*Celebrity News | Gossip | Photos*
Welcome to Celebrity Gallery. Latest Celebrities News, Gossips,
Top Stories, Interviews, Photos & Videos

Find Free Articles Fast On All Your Favorite Topics.
All the Best Internet News and Articles. A collection of free articles
Update Daily.
You can find Articles about Dating, Adult, Internet Business,
Relationships, Internet Marketing & Many others.

Messages in this topic (1)

6. Explode Your Income! Increase your Sales by upto 4000%!
Posted by: "Jhonny Nitro" kimxalive
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:55 am ((PDT))

Explode Your Income! Increase your Sales by upto 4000%!
Drive 1 Million Visitors to your Site Every Month!

All Totally FREE..!

The most formidable marketing system ever released! Guaranteed to send
"REAL" visitors to your site!
If this free system can send over 1,000,000 people to your site each month,
do you think you can convert them into easy sales and massively increase
your income?

What will 1,000,000 visitors a month do to your income?

Dear internet marketer,
Get over 1 million real people to view your website in the next 30 days or
We've developed a brand new marketing system designed specifically to allow
ordinary marketers with zero advertising budget, to get the same high rate
traffic volumes normally reserved for multi million dollar corporations.
The system is completely free to use and can propell your income to the
dizzy heights of the top internet marketing gurus. And you can use it to
promote almost any website you like.
In less than 30 days, you can realistically have over 1 million guaranteed
real people visiting your website.
Your hit counter will be spinning out of control, and just imagine what
could be happening to your bank balance with that many visitors looking at
what you sell!
Visitors and traffic is what will make or break your online business

Click Here Now to get over 1 Million Visitors to your Site

Messages in this topic (1)

7. Sign up NOW for the next Four events at The Velvet Box
Posted by: "Cheryl H" snowangel5590
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:58 am ((PDT))

The Velvet Box is seeking Vendors for it's 3 upcoming Vendor Events!

Vendor Event Dates ~*~ A Great Way to get your name out there!
Network and Get some Sales ~*~

Recruiting Event - September 26th and 27th
October Vendor Event - October 11,12,13,14
Black Friday Event - November 23rd $10
INSTOCK ONLY VENDOR EVENT - November 29th and 30th

Prices are as follows:
Vendor Event: 4 spots for $15 or $5 a piece
Also must donate 1 prize per every 2 slots slot
Time slots are 30 minutes in length

What makes our fairs different than others?
Our Fairs are moderated the entire time of the event!
We have the ability to remove people from the room that do not follow
proper chat etiquette!
We promote our fairs through various message boards and yahoo groups!

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.
Messages in this topic (1)

8. Sign up NOW for the next FOUR Events at The Velvet Box
Posted by: "Cheryl H" snowangel5590
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:59 am ((PDT))

The Velvet Box is seeking Vendors for it's 3 upcoming Vendor Events!

Vendor Event Dates ~*~ A Great Way to get your name out there!
Network and Get some Sales ~*~

Recruiting Event - September 26th and 27th
October Vendor Event - October 11,12,13,14
Black Friday Event - November 23rd $10
INSTOCK ONLY VENDOR EVENT - November 29th and 30th

Prices are as follows:
Vendor Event: 4 spots for $15 or $5 a piece
Also must donate 1 prize per every 2 slots slot
Time slots are 30 minutes in length

What makes our fairs different than others?
Our Fairs are moderated the entire time of the event!
We have the ability to remove people from the room that do not follow
proper chat etiquette!
We promote our fairs through various message boards and yahoo groups!

Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.
Messages in this topic (1)

9a. Feed Blaster Ads
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:00 am ((PDT))

Feed Blaster puts your ad right to the screens of millions in 15 Minutes !

Im not pulling your leg!

Discover the new way
of advertising on the Internet!
This Tool is one of the hottest - if not the hottest - marketing tools available!

Discover the power of the Feed Blaster!

Messages in this topic (8)

10. Could you Survive an EARTHQUAKE?
Posted by: "GoldenDolphin" garygoldendolphin
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:00 am ((PDT))

Deluxe Emergency Survival Kit


(All items are packed securely in our Deluxe Hikers Backpack which contains extra space available for your personal items)
The kit includes the following:

Food and Water:
6 Boxes of Aqua Blox Water Boxes - twice the amount of water as leading suppliers and has a 5 year shelf-life
12 - 200 Calorie Food Bars - 5 year shelf-life
10 Water Purification Tablets - each tablet purifies 1 liter of water
Light and Communication:
Am/Fm Radio with Headphones and Batteries
Rechargeable Squeeze Flashlight - contains lithium batteries which last up to 30 hours and also is able to generate power through squeezing
30 Hour Emergency Candle - can also be used as a stove
Green Emergency Glow Stick - lasts for 24 hours
5-in-1 Survival Whistle - compass, signal mirror, flint starter, waterproof container, lanyard, and shrill whistle
Box of 50 Waterproof Matches
Bic Style Lighter
Shelter and Warmth:
Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag - Recommended over common "space blankets"
16 Hour Body Warmer
2-Person Tube Tent with Rope
Emergency Poncho with Hood
16 Function Knife
Leather Palm Working Gloves
N95 Respirator Dust Mask
60 Feet of Nylon Rope
Hygiene and Sanitation:
Hygiene Kit - Includes soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and 9 wet wipes.
3 Tempo Pocket Tissue Packs
First Aid:
42 Piece Bandage First Aid Kit - Contains 42 Pieces - 10 Spot Bandages, 10 Sheer Junior, 5 Sheer Medium, 5 Sheer Strips, 2 Antibacterial, 3Clear Strips, 2 Fabric Strips, 1 Extra Large, 2 Alcohol Pads, and 2 Gauze Pads&
Guardian First Aid Essentials Kit - 1 Trauma Dressing (5"x9"), 3 Sunscreen Lotion Packs, 1 Sting Relief Prep Pad, 1 Burn Cream Pack, 4 Non-Aspirin Tablets, 4 Antacid Tablets, 4 Ibuprofen Tablets, 1 Lip Ointment Pack, 1 Antibiotic Ointment Pack, 1 Pair of Vinyl (non latex) Gloves, 2 Finger Splints, 10 Cotton Tip Applicators, 1 Roll of First Aid Tape, 1 Roll of Gauze Dressing, and a First Aid Instruction Guide

Deck of playing cards for entertainment
Infectious Waste Bag
Emergency Survival Kit Information:
This survival kit was designed using advice from experts in the emergency preparedness industry. It follows guidelines given by government agencies and non-profit preparedness organizations. This 1-person deluxe emergency kit has a retail value of $120.

Selling Price: $120.00

List price $120.00 ~ You save $120.00 -->Located in our Sporting Goods Department

This is a great homebased business and you can test it for FREE

Are you tired of all the spam and junk mail in your in box Then you need
New Net Mail and all this will disapear from your E-Mail and its totally private
try it and you will be amazed specially if you are a business owner.

Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV.
Messages in this topic (1)

11a. Income for Life "Global Domain International Inc."
Posted by: "GoldenDolphin" garygoldendolphin
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:01 am ((PDT))

Income for life
1000s of people worldwide are earning quiet fortunes from their homes, even while they sleep.

Are you next get started today for FREE, right know

Are you tired of all the spam and junk mail in your in box Then you need
New Net Mail and all this will disapear from your E-Mail and its totally private
try it and you will be amazed specially if you are a business owner.

Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.
Messages in this topic (6)

12. Are marketing forums a waste of time?
Posted by: "Aiman" aimankhoury
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:03 am ((PDT))

Dear group subscriber,

Recently I've had a lot of people ask me about the
Internet marketing communities springing up all over the Web.

You know the ones I'm talking about...

.... The discussion forums and chat rooms hosted by so-called
Internet marketing gurus who promise members "unlimited access"
to them and their team of experts -- but the only people you
meet in their forums are beginner marketers who are still
struggling to make their first dollar online!

In order to help you determine which are worth joining -- and
which are a colossal waste of time -- here are three questions
you need to ask before getting involved in any of these


Question #1: Are your questions guaranteed to be answered by
an experienced Internet marketing professional?


Let's face it... Other Internet marketers can be a useful source
of useful information -- provided they have actual experience
running successful online businesses!

You don't want to get involved in a community where the only
suggestions you get are from people who are simply parroting
things they've read online, without ever having tried the
strategies for themselves.

So when someone offers you a piece of advice, ask them for
REAL PROOF they know it actually works. If they can't provide
it, it's time to move on.


Question #2: Are your questions guaranteed to be answered
within a specific time frame?


I've seen it happen again and again -- people join an online
marketing community desperate for advice from a seasoned
marketing professional. So they post their most pressing
questions and wait impatiently for someone to answer them.

And they wait... And wait... And wait...

.... Meanwhile, they're losing out on potential sales
because they're not taking any decisive action with their


Question #3: Will the "experts" give you a detailed analysis
of your website -- and offer concrete suggestions for


If you could ask just ONE question of a seasoned marketing
professional, here's what it should be:

"Will you review my website?"

If they say no, then my advice to you is: find another community
to join.

Without a doubt, you'll get more value out of a detailed website
review than any other information a seasoned professional can

A reputable online expert will give your site a full
"diagnostic" -- and let you know exactly what changes you need
to make to your website and salescopy to improve your

By asking these three questions, you can make sure you join a
community populated with real Internet marketing professionals
who will deliver real advice -- and help you get REAL results!

Personally, I've done some research and I think the only
online community worth joining is Derek Gehl's exclusive
"Internet Entrepreneur Club."

It delivers an immense amount of value that you simply will
not find anywhere else.

In addition to round-the-clock access to Derek and his team of
REAL Internet marketing experts, you also get:

>> A guaranteed response from a seasoned professional within
48 hours... and often much sooner!

>> Monthly 60-75 minute teleconferences with industry
masterminds who are making huge six- and seven-figure incomes
such as John Assaraf, one of the experts featured in the hit
film and book, "The Secret.")

>> Monthly training videos showing how to implement the latest
proven online marketing strategies

.... and much more.

On top of that -- I recently discovered that Derek is currently
giving away a handful of 30-day trials of his exclusive private
member's club -- for just $2.95!

.... So if you're thinking about joining an online marketing
community -- and getting UNLIMITED Internet marketing advice
including business ideas... website reviews... salescopy
advice... traffic secrets... and MORE...

.... Then you need to move fast and click on the link below to
claim your $2.95 Trial Membership before they're all gone and
Derek closes the doors to his Club for good!

Activate your risk-free trial now by going to:

To your success,
Aiman Khoury

P.S. After 30 days in Derek's Club, Aaron Beats was able to
double his traffic numbers and increase his sales by 300% in
less than 30 days! Now he regularly makes more than $10,000
every month.

You can get Derek's experts working for you by visiting:

Learn the exact same secret that allows 1 man to
get all his Google ads completely FREE while
everyone else has to keep paying for theirs.

to get a free ebook about how to make cash with
your digital camera

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.483 / Virus Database: 269.11.17/951 - Release Date: 8/13/2007 10:15 AM

Messages in this topic (1)

13. Sign Up NOW for the Next 4 events at The Velvet Box
Posted by: "Cheryl" snowangel5590
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:05 am ((PDT))

The Velvet Box is seeking Vendors for it's 3 upcoming Vendor Events!

Vendor Event Dates ~*~ A Great Way to get your name out there!
Network and Get some Sales ~*~

Recruiting Event - September 26th and 27th

October Vendor Event - October 11,12,13,14

Black Friday Event - November 23rd $10

INSTOCK ONLY VENDOR EVENT - November 29th and 30th

Prices are as follows:
Vendor Event: 4 spots for $15 or $5 a piece
Also must donate 1 prize per every 2 slots slot
Time slots are 30 minutes in length

What makes our fairs different than others?
Our Fairs are moderated the entire time of the event!
We have the ability to remove people from the room that do not follow
proper chat etiquette!
We promote our fairs through various message boards and yahoo groups!

Messages in this topic (1)

14a. Wool Diaper Covers starting at $6.00!!
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:05 am ((PDT))

Welcome to our Grand Opening!!

I offer affordable cloth diapers for baby!! Starting at only $6.00 each!
We also offer diaper covers and reusable wipes.
Layaway your purchase and get in time for Christmas!!

Stop by and sign up for our $25.00 Gift Certificate Giveaway.

Dharma Rain

Messages in this topic (2)

15. wonderfull investment today
Posted by: "totok_hariyono" totok_hariyono
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:06 am ((PDT))

if you want more money in this time without hard work
you can see
I offer you the proof not bull sit

Messages in this topic (1)

16a. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41marketing02
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:09 am ((PDT))

As incredible as it may sound youre about to discover just like
I did how you can start creating a steady stream of income working


Powered by Mach5 Mailer:

Messages in this topic (9)

Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair63
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:16 am ((PDT))

Imagine sending your ad every day to a potential 100 million Yahoo
users all across the globe, with just one click! Imagine what that could do to your sales if
even a small percentage actually read your ad and was interested in what
you were offering.

This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo customers to your
website now.

We have developed a state-of-the-art mailing system whereby you can
access your account unlimited times per day, and simply place your ad copy for submission. This is truly
powerful and was developed with the novice marketer at heart. No need to
validate your email, no need for spam filters or junk mail boxes. No need
to worry about losing your ISP either!

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.
Messages in this topic (84)

Posted by: "NEW ! MOVIES XXL- ÌÏíÏ ÇáÈáÊæææË æÇáÇÝáÇã" mmm_week
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:21 am ((PDT))


€  áÊÍãíá €  ÇáÈáÊæË €  ÇáÑÌÇÁ €  ÇáÇäÖãÇã €  áäÇ €  Ýì €  åÐÇ €  ÇáÞÑæÈ €  ÇÝáÇ €  ã €  æãÞÇØÚ

Messages in this topic (1)

19.1. Buy 3 Get 1 Free ! Titanium Watches, Silver Watches, Candles ,More
Posted by: "" win.profit
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:22 am ((PDT))

#37481 'Cutty Sark' Wood Clipper Ship Model

The pride of the seven seas, recalling bygone swashbuckling days!

Impeccably rendered right down to the rigging, this stately ship is sure to become the jewel of your d€  écor.
Wood and fabric. 11 1/2" x 2" x 93/4 " high.

Available: YES

Item: 37481

Retail Price: $19.95 each
Your Price: $16.65 1 EA

#33190 Satin Roses Bouquet in Vase

Six red roses, crafted from satin and nestled into a square glass vase, are joined with
baby's breath to make up a bouquet that will always be in bloom.

"Happy Valentine's Day" card included. 21" high.

Available: YES

Retail Price: $19.95 each
Your Price: $14.65 1 EA

#36430 Handheld Flip Phone

Bring the convenience of a cell phone to your home line with this convenient mini phone featuring a built-in keypad,
caller ID, and more! Includes headset for hands-free use! 4" x 1 3/16" x 1 3/16" high.

Available: YES

Retail Price: $24.95 each
Your Price: $14.95 1 Each

#22965 Lady€  '²s Antique Bangle Quartz Watch

Elegant dual-tone Victorian bangle watch with simulated diamonds surrounding mother-of-pearl dial.

Available: YES
Your Price $ 22.95
Item: 22965

Retail Price: $49.95 each

#30481 Man's Digital And Analog Titanium Watch

Man's titanium digital and analog watch with black dial and gold trim. Titanium band.


Available: YES
Your Price $ 19.95
Item: 30481

Retail Price: $34.95 each

#36822 Men's Opalescent Silver Watch

A sleek and sophisticated timepiece that glistens in opalescent silver.

The stylish band is 8 1/2" long.

Available: YES

Item: 36822

Retail Price: $29.95 each
Your Price: $19.95 Each

#31040 4-piece Assorted Scented Designer Candle Set

A myriad of shapes and colors are found in this set of 4 scented designer candles.
All rest on polyresin bases. Price for set of 4.

Largest is 5 3/4" x 4" x 3 1/2" high.

Available: YES
Your Price $ 17.95
Item: 31040

Retail Price: $29.95 each

#33549 Embossed Rose Scented Candles

These pillar candles are two-tone pink and white, and embossed with roses.

Rose scent. Both 3" diameter; 3" high and 5 1/4" high. Set of 2

Available: YES

Your Price $ 10.95
Item: 33549

Retail Price: $14.95 each

Order any of the Items above and add 8.25% tax if living in California.

Buy 3 and Get 1 Free of Equal or Lesser Value from above.

Send me your Name and Address to where you want your items Shipped.

Add $ 5.95 for P & H Plus $1 more per Item Added .

Email your Order to :

Payment of All orders will be through PayPal , Alertpay OR E-gold # 104937 . Once I

receive notice from any of the processors of your Payment into my account,

your order will be shipped out to you ASAP .



Anyone wanting to be an Affiliate Sub-Wholesaler, send $25 to any of the above

processors and I will send you all the forms and info to put you into your own business with over

10,000 items to choose from your own wholesale catalog.

All the Best,

Mike Wearin

MJ Industries

Snail Mail Is Accepted
Send Money Orders or Cashiers Checks
to the following address:

MJ Industries
PO Box 20093 Dept. "A"
San Bernardino, Ca 92406

Need A Highly Dependable Safe List?
We Got'em And You Can Get'em! Exclusive Ownership!


( not related to above offer, 2 different companies )

I'm a subscriber to this group

Messages in this topic (39)

20. Hi % Amigo s%,Hi % Amigo s%,
Posted by: "Carlos Alberto Monteiro Carneiro" osantorj20052001
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:22 am ((PDT))

Hi % Amigo s%,

Just writing to give you a heads up on a site that will
interest you.

If you are looking to advertise YOUR website or affiliate
links, then you really need to check out...

Would you like to know....

How To Get $1,000's Of Dollars Worth Of FREE
Pay Per Click Search Engine Cash!

How I Make TONS OF CASH By Recommending Other
People's Websites..... And I'm Going To Show
YOU How To Do It All Absolutely FREE!

How To Get Hundreds, Thousands, Even Tens Of Thousands Of
Visitors Daily Using Traffic Exchange Networks For FREE!

How To Increase Your Link Popularity By
Exchanging Reciprocal Links With Other Sites.

Or, if you are looking to make some money online, I
suggest that you join the Affiliate
Program and make 50% recurring commissions on membership
access upgrades and get paid $2.50 per wordlink purchased
via your referrals.

**O Santo Rj.**

P.S. Rumour has it that Neil will be raising his prices
soon, I suggest you take a look today...

Messages in this topic (1)

21. FREE CLASSIFIEDS - Advertise your Site
Posted by: "Premium Downloadable Products" bodysoultv
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:23 am ((PDT))

Hi Yahoo Group Members,

Promote your site for free. Post your ad on thousands of
classifieds today.

These are some of the members advertising on the
1 million web hits classifieds.

Happy Advertising.
THINK BIG, Bid Now, and WIN 1MillionWebHits.

Luggage? GPS? Comic books?
Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.
Messages in this topic (1)

22.1. Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.
Posted by: "James Williams Jr" james_williamsjr1
Date: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:24 am ((PDT))

Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less
just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?
Go here to learn how to earn additional income in a proven work at home
Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start TODAY
€ ¦'µ Technical know-how,
€ ¦'µ Large capital investment or overhead,
€ ¦'µ Jeopardizing your current career,
€ ¦'µ Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.
€ ¦'µ Go here to begin:
€ ¦'µ The tools and techniques are provided for you instantly with
simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
Do you want to work 40 years of your life and still not have enough
money to retire or live the type of lifestyle you wish to enjoy?
Why not take that important first step:

Messages in this topic (92)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

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