Topics in this digest:
1a. "Nak Kahwin? Tapi..Tak Cukup DUIT?"
From: manir senang
2. Hai,Saya ada mencadangkan sebuah workshop perniagaan internet yang h
From: manir senang
3. Get Paid Every Week (12425)
From: satishgt1
4a. Networkers-You're Gonna Love This! **Giblink**
From: White Hot !
5. aidilfitri dah dekat, kain tudung belum cari lagi…nak ke Bazar p
From: manir senang
6. Job Finder (12425)
From: satishgt1
7. Job Guide (12425)
From: satishgt1
8a. $1,000 Referral Contest Started!
From: manir senang
9. Unlimited Income Working from home (12425)
From: satishgt1
10a. Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:
From: manir senang
11. Marketing Tools and Training (12425)
From: satishgt1
12a. New OnlyMalaysiaMah Book
From: manir senang
13a. Congratulations, ! The first step to success is showing up.
From: manir senang
14. Send SMS to India @ 1 Cent / SMS! Packs Start $2 Only.
From: manir senang
15. Advertising specials Today Only!!!
From: The Ultimate Mall
16a. Want to increase your web page impression to around the world....
From: manir senang
17a. What is Money Cosmos Affiliate Program?
From: manir senang
18. Want PART TIME INCOME? Earn thro' Internet # 1 Opportunity CLUBF
From: Sree44
19a. Welcome To The StrongVPN Affiliate Program!
From: manir senang
20a. We are dedicated to helping people like you to make some real money
From: manir senang
21a. I want to tell you about great site I found. They pay me to read e-m
From: manir senang
22a. Make a Whopping 75% Commission on Three Different Levels!
From: manir senang
23. Scuba Diving at Sipadan Island The island is the top of a long-lost
From: manir senang
24a. See how WangRakyat Programe Works..
From: manir senang
25a. MAKE $20,000 A MONTH w/ a $5.00 INVESTMENT!!!
From: Karl Damos
1a. "Nak Kahwin? Tapi..Tak Cukup DUIT?"
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:08 am ((PDT))
*"Nak Kahwin? Tapi..Tak Cukup DUIT?"*
*USAH BIMBANG!!* Anda Akan Menemui Jalan Penyelesaiannya. Ketahuilah, *
RAHSIA* dan *PANDUAN* bagaimana anda boleh *mengumpul dan mencari wang untuk
perkahwinan* anda dengan begitu mudah! Malah buku ini sangat sesuai dibaca
semua golongan yang dok gawat!!
* *
"Arghhhh... Mana aku nak cari duit untuk berkahwin? Duit hantaran sahaja
sudah hampir RM5,000. Itu belum kira barang-barang hantaran, mas kahwin,
belanja untuk kenduri kahwin, upah mak andam, sewa pelamin dan baju
pengantin, sewa kanopi, upah pasukan kompang, upah DJ serta peralatan audio,
upah penanggah, bunga telur, kad jemputan dan bermacam-macam lagi la. Pendek
kata, berbelas ribu jugalah diperlukan.
Aduh! Sudahlah kerja pun tak tetap lagi, setakat kontrak je, duit makan
sendiri pun kadang-kadang tak cukup. Inikan pula nak tanggung anak orang.
Hutang motorsikal dan pinjaman pelajaran dulu pun tak habis bayar lagi.
Takkan nak kahwin pun nak buat pinjaman lagi? Jawapnya sampai aku bercicit
pun tak habis bayar hutang lagi. "
Usah pening kepala lagi.. lawati
Messages in this topic (12)
2. Hai,Saya ada mencadangkan sebuah workshop perniagaan internet yang h
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:08 am ((PDT))
Pernahkan anda menerima e-mail saya sebelum ini? Saya ada mencadangkan
sebuah workshop perniagaan internet yang hebat dan terbaik untuk anda.
Ianya adalah workshop yang dianjurkan Team, satu nama yang
tidak asing dalam arena perniagaan internet di Malaysia.
Nak tahu tak? Saya sudah mendaftar untuk saya dan kawan saya. Untuk
pengetahuan anda, Team membuat tawaran "Bring A Friend
Discount" dimana rakan saya diberikan diskaun RM50 (jika anda menempah
melalui saya sahaja).
Jadi, jika anda ingin membina sebuah perniagaan internet bersama rakan
anda, inilah masanya!
Sebenarnya, sebelum saya mendaftar, saya meneliti dahulu isi kandungan yang
akan disampaikan penceramah. Saya tahu produk Team SaifulSham memang
berkualiti tinggi, dan oleh sebab itu saya tidak ragu-ragu untuk mendaftar.
Saya mendapati berbeza dengan seminar perniagaan internet lain, seminar
Rahsia Buat Duit Dengan Internet SaifulSham mempunyai track record
melahirkan peserta-peserta yang berjaya! Antaranya, En Irwan Dahnil ( , En Anas (, En Nazri ( dan
banyak lah lagi anda boleh baca sendiri kisah mereka di
Hebat-hebat anak murid Team SaifulSham. Sebab itu saya percaya akan
kebolehan Team menanjurkan workshop berkualiti tinggi.
Anda juga perlu tahu, seminar ini lebih murah dari seminar mat salleh dan
lain-lain yang dianjurkan di hotel lima bintang.
Lebih dari itu, dengarnya mereka juga mengadakan Seminar Follow UP percuma
untuk memastikan alumni seminar mereka sentiasa up to date. Ini macam
membayar unutk banyak seminar dalam 1.
Saya pun sebenarnya tidak berapa tahu sangat cara untuk cerita semua
kehebatan seminar ini, tapi di laman web di bawah ini ada maklumat detail.
Lawat sekarang kerana hanya tinggal beberapa tempat duduk sahaja lagi!
Messages in this topic (1)
3. Get Paid Every Week (12425)
Posted by: "satishgt1" satishgt1
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:09 am ((PDT))
Earn a guaranteed income from home starting today. International
company requires home based typists to do simple typing tasks for their
clients. Get Paid for all completed work – No selling or Recruiting –
Simply Type and get paid. Payments sent weekly via Paypal – Egold or
Check. Register and Start Earning Today!
Messages in this topic (1)
4a. Networkers-You're Gonna Love This! **Giblink**
Posted by: "White Hot !" pen7ok
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:09 am ((PDT))
Here's your chance to align yourself with the next internet giant....gibLink!
Giblink is the future of social/business networking.. .
We've taken the best features of Networks, including MySpace,
and combined them to create the most powerful and complete Networking Systems in the world. You can be a part!
You definitely will want to drop whatever you're doing
and take a look at this…Just Pre-launched ....
The gibLine straight Line Revenue Sharing Program is a
revolutionary new system designed to "leave no one behind".
If you join the program "YOU WILL BE PAID".
Not only will this not interfere with whatever it is you are
presently doing, but you can use it to advertise whatever
it is you are presently doing
Sponsoring is NOT REQUIRED.... BUT you do get a
100% matching bonus on everyone you sponsor
gibLink is a new Global phenomenon
and a Home for EVERY Network Marketer!
Never Been Done Before
What is gibLink?
Click here to see
Here's to Your Success !
Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.
Messages in this topic (12)
5. aidilfitri dah dekat, kain tudung belum cari lagi…nak ke Bazar p
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:09 am ((PDT))
aidilfitri dah dekat, kain tudung belum cari lagi…nak ke Bazar penat..kereta
tak da parking…silap2 beg tangan kena ragut, atau silap-silap ada tangan
gatal mat-mat gian menyentuh apa yang tak patut…APA NAK RISAU…Cuma klik kat
sini belilah tudung terkini secara Aidilfitri dah dekat…nak pergi bazaar
orang ramai…silap-silap anak hilang, beg online..
Kenapa tak percayake?..usah risau kak cik..zaman teknologi ni ..marilah kita
menggunakan segala kelebihan dan kecanggihan internet di rumah…membeli belah
hanya dihujung jari..kalau dikedai day beli kena bawa balik lagi..di sini
dah beli orang hantar kat rumah…
- *Kain dari jenis bawal no 1 jepun ( high quality dari kategori kain
- *Berlian terbahagi pada 2 gred , Pertama dari berlian **oktant asli*
* dan yang kedua dari oktant dari gred no 2 di mana tertulis di
website sebagai **oktant** , pihak kami tidak sesekali membuat tudung
menggunakan berlian dari gred AAA.*
- **** pengurusan lebih senang mengasingkan gred
berlian bagi mengelakkan pembeli tertipu dengan hanya melihat gambar , sila
nilaikan sendiri setelah menerima kain tudung kami.Untuk perbincangan
lebih lanjut berkenaan berlian sila ke
Messages in this topic (1)
6. Job Finder (12425)
Posted by: "satishgt1" satishgt1
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:09 am ((PDT))
Are you looking to work from home but not sure which program is best
for you?
Visit us today and receive your FREE Work at Home Info Pack and Job
We will help you find your dream job today!
Messages in this topic (1)
7. Job Guide (12425)
Posted by: "satishgt1" satishgt1
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:10 am ((PDT))
Work from home with as many companies as you like for FREE! Real
Employers are Hiring Home Workers Now. Hundreds of Job Listings every
month Visit us today for details
Messages in this topic (1)
8a. $1,000 Referral Contest Started!
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:10 am ((PDT))
*$1,000 Referral Contest Started!*
To celebrate our first week online and the great success we already have
had, we decided to start our very first "Referral Contest". It started on
the 24th of August 2007 at 00:00:00 CET and ends on the 31st of October 2007
at 23:59:59 CET.
*We are giving away the following Cash Prizes:*
*Current Standings:**
1st prize = $500 Dave Fitzharris
2nd prize = $300 Pro success International group
3rd prize = $100 Shirley jean Williams
4th prize = $50 Jacob Dantzler
5th prize = $50 Bill Seidl
*Prize money is based on a total of 100 minimum sold spots during this
What you need to do in order to win is easy.
1. Make sure your Account/URL is active by having purchased at least 1 spot
2. Promote your URL all that you can but do not SPAM. Promotional ads and
resources will be available soon.
You get 1 point for every spot purchased by your direct referrals(Level 1).
The winner is the member with the most points at the end of the contest.
You can follow the progress on this page.
The winners will get their prize paid into their GCI account balance.
That's it!
Good luck everyone and may the best member win.
Messages in this topic (4)
9. Unlimited Income Working from home (12425)
Posted by: "satishgt1" satishgt1
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:10 am ((PDT))
Start working from home today! International company now hiring online
clerical staff.
Many positions available. Work from home from anywhere in the world.
Apply today
Messages in this topic (1)
10a. Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:11 am ((PDT))
*Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:*
*1 Create your FREE Account ,Fill the form
2 Place this promotion code to your site Start making money*
*Get paid To Promote at any WebSite !Websites With Illegal Content Exception
* $1 Minimum Twice Monthly Auto Pay By E-Gold Or Paypal*
*Simple Step Only Place this promotion code to your site For Making Money*
*International Members are welcome*
*Auto Pay . Not required E-mail request for payment !*
* Earn From 2 Referral Levels:*
*1 level: 10%
2 level: 5%***
*Come on this is a new way for we get the free money from our computer*
*Although it's not a big money but if a continuos …it can be a big money
also… so why waiting….now go to this link:*
* *
* *
*How To Make Money With Affiliate Programs*
* Affiliate programs can either be a way to put a little extra cash in your
pocket or, hopefully, become a full time job. However, it's not like you can
put up a bunch of affiliate links and expect to start making a mint. If you
want to make a full time job's worth of money off affiliate marketing, you
have to work at it full time. The great thing about affiliate marketing is
that it works 24/7—but this doesn't mean you should also put in several
hours a day of your own time. *
*The affiliate marketers who have had the most outstanding success are
normally those who have more than one site working at once. It's much harder
to make a decent amount of money if you have one affiliate site at a time.
Experienced affiliate marketers will have a number of different sites
running at once, all with different types of affiliate links. What this
means is that each affiliate site will need separate SEO: new content in the
form of blogs, forums, articles, and other techniques.*
* A key to a successful affiliate marketing program is to make the affiliate
site a useful resource. Just posting a bunch of links is not going to
impress many web surfers. They'll leave and likely never come back. The
trick to any web business is to keep people on site—this is true for the
affiliate partner and it's true for affiliate marketers. An affiliate site
shouldn't necessarily scream, "affiliate site." Instead, it can be a trusted
resource on a particular topic. *
*Useful content is the best way to make this possible. Take a site that has
a number of links to sports-related businesses (apparel, equipment, tickets,
books, etc.). The affiliate marketer can then set up a forum that talks
about different sports teams, strategy, and so on—potentially, this forum
could bring in sports fans from across the country. Blogging is another
great medium for affiliate marketing. On the same site, the blogger could
write reviews of new equipment or write in depth trade talk about a variety
of sports. These are just a few ideas but they show how affiliate marketing
can—and should—be a serious, long-term proposition. *
*What it comes down to is that affiliate marketing is no different than
running the host site. Both are about running a business, even if an
affiliate marketer has no direct product or service to sell. An affiliate
marketer should set up a site that is useful and informative—a destination
that people will come back to again and again. In some cases, an affiliate
site might even be more informative than the partner's website. *
*Only until these issues are covered can an affiliate marketer hope to make
a good amount of money with affiliate marketing. Sure, you could put up
links and hope for the best, but you should think about investing some time
into the site if you really hope to turn a respectable profit.*
* For more information visit:*
Messages in this topic (8)
11. Marketing Tools and Training (12425)
Posted by: "satishgt1" satishgt1
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:11 am ((PDT))
Working from home in your own business or as an affiliate?
Want to increase your online profits?
Visit our store today! Learn how to market you biz op with our Online
Marketing Training Course, Blast your ads to over 1 million websites
and email addresses and much more.
Messages in this topic (1)
12a. New OnlyMalaysiaMah Book
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:11 am ((PDT))
New OnlyMalaysiaMah
A young Malaysian millionaire Jason Tan reveals his secrets on how he makes
millions on the Internet working only a few hours per week.
For the first time ever Jason Tan is revealing his never before told
Jasons Only In Malaysia Mah has been rated the number one opportunity by
numerous online reviews and has been seen in Entrepreneur Magazine.
You can start making RM100, RM500, even RM1,000+ every day working at home
from your computer.
Before I get this book I always have a money problem, Every month I must pay
the car fee, Phone bill, House rent, Internet Bill and Credit Card..But
after I have this book and following the Jason Tan formula now I'm free from
the money here I want to promote this book to you all..because
this book not only me have it, thousand people out there also have it..Every
body have their own way for increase their income why not take the JasonTan
Messages in this topic (4)
13a. Congratulations, ! The first step to success is showing up.
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:12 am ((PDT))
Congratulations, ! The first step to success is showing up.
Turn Up Your Speakers And Discover An Amazing Marketing System So Simple And
So Easy That Ordinary People
All Around The World Are Making $1000's.
FIND THE *Secret Internet Formula*
*...*The Only Way In The World To Become A Millionaire Easily Without Any
Risk Whatsoever in Just 6 Months is via my *INTERNET SECRET TECHNIQUES*
FIND THE *Secret Internet Formula*
Messages in this topic (10)
14. Send SMS to India @ 1 Cent / SMS! Packs Start $2 Only.
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:13 am ((PDT))
*Read carefully, if you seriously want to earn extra income!*
Call or Send SMS to any phone anywhere in the world Free!
Download Free ScreenSavers and Wallpapers<>
Download Weather Toolbar - Instant weather reports, forecasts, and radar
images anytime for FREE! <>-
Search Jobs, Post Resume Free! <>
Get 10 Complimentary Downloads for your mobile
Free cPanel web hosting worth $100 for your Domain! 100 MB Web Space +
Email + MySQL Database + FTP Access & More. 100% Free, No Hidden
Send SMS to India @ 1 Cent / SMS! Packs Start $2
Instantly Turn your Computer into a Super TV. Enjoy iPod, PSP, IPhone,
Movies, Music, MP3, TV Shows! <>-
Start earning $1,000 a day within the next
Free Business Cards in 5 Minutes <>
Send SMS to any mobile anywhere in India Free!
<>Download Free Screensavers &
Wallpapers <>
Get Paid to Write! Post Your audience of millions. The place to write, get
recognized and be rewarded. <>
Messages in this topic (1)
15. Advertising specials Today Only!!!
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:13 am ((PDT))
*Today's Special* - Buy any solo ad, Image, banner, Link, etc,, get your
second listing FREE
To get your free second listing go to
after ordering your ad, etc send me your information.
then e-mail me your information for your FREE listing and I will get your
sites up ASAP.
Also your site will go into out Newsletter that goes out the first of every
month. we have 813 subscribers
Plus you will get a solo ad free to 50 groups.
If you have any questions please contact me at
*Coming soon* Submit your site to search engine's more information on this
*New our ad words page* - get your site listed for as low as $1.00 Per name.
Great New Way to Advertise.
*Special:* buy one get second free: just e-mail me your link and word you
would like to use and I will add it.
*CONTEST* - Name Our AD Words' Site -
We are looking for a name for our ad words site.
send in a name to use at
and your name will go into a drawing to win 1 Free solo ad
this will be a solo ad for 7 days once a Day sent to 200 mailing lists
If you have more then one name please send in separate e-mails.
The drawing will end on 29th I will Then pick out a name contact the winner
on the 30th of this month.
If you have any questions please contact me
If you don't see a word you can suggest one to add.
This page is linked to my Online Mall, Newsletter's, and my crochet pattern
sites & More...
Go to
If you have any questions please contact me
If you don't see a word you can suggest one to add.
This page is linked to my Online Mall, Newsletter's, and my crochet pattern
sites & More...
Mary B
Messages in this topic (1)
16a. Want to increase your web page impression to around the world....
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:13 am ((PDT))
Want to increase your web page impression to around the world....
use this programe...its really free for join ...
Referral Rate
The amount of credits you earn each time you gain a new referral.
Credit Rate
The percentage of credits you earn each time one of your referrals uses the
SuperStart or SuperSurf Service.
Referrals Made
The number of referrals you have at each referral level.
To become Active a referral must :-
1 . Add one website to their account.
2 . Earn 5+ Credits
Messages in this topic (19)
17a. What is Money Cosmos Affiliate Program?
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:14 am ((PDT))
What is Money Cosmos Affiliate Program?
*How will I earn Money?*
In simple words, this is your once in a lifetime opportunity to earn money
online. We pay you up to $1.00 USD, Rs. 45.00 INR for each user who
registers for FREE with our Advertiser. Plus, we also pay you a whopping 20%
extra for transactions generated by members refered by you!
*Why Money Cosmos?*
Money Cosmos is a venture of Karmath Infotech Private Limited (r)
There are several plus points about Money Cosmos, which differ us from other
affiliate websites. Below are few to mention!
• Registration is 100% Free! No Hidden Cost
• You don't need to earn Rs.2,000 or 5,000 to get paid Our Minimum Payout is
Just Rs.500
• You don't need to wait for 90 or even 60 days for payments. We pay
• We don't just say that we pay, we are the only website that proved that we
really pay.
Messages in this topic (17)
18. Want PART TIME INCOME? Earn thro' Internet # 1 Opportunity CLUBF
Posted by: "Sree44" sreehari44
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:14 am ((PDT))
Clubfreedom Travel Program
Discover how to obtain Luxury Vacations at Wholesale,
Thousands of Dollars to Spend!
Introducing The most POWERFULL
Opportunity of 2007!
Clubfreedom has been conceived and brought to market implementing a revolutionary, simple but exciting lucrative pay plan to earn an Extraordinary Travel & Income Package. Total cost to participate in Clubfreeedom is $200.00 One-Time. ($150.00 for your Wholesale Holiday Access Certificate & $50.00 membership fee)
What you receive?
· $150 Wholesale Leisure Holidays Access Certificate: Entitles the bearer to access 7 nights accommodation at many thousands of resorts around the world for a wholesale fixed price .
· 150 Privileged Password Access: To your personal online Global Vacation booking office where you choose and book your vacation package. (a) Purchase Vacation Vouchers. (b) Choose & book your ultimate Cruise ship Vacation ….. Perhaps the Caribbean or the Mediterranean !
· Entry into Lucrative Rewards System: One Free position in our Lucrative Rewards System as a Clubfreedom Marketing Consultant and if you choose to market these fantastic desirable Vacation Vouchers and Qualify in our Rewards System you could earn lucrative Marketing fees Credited to your personal Clubfreedom Travel Card, plus a fully paid Bonus VIP Travelers Elite Voucher for a 7 night vacation package on your first reward qualification. This is the first time a travel product has been offered with the unique use of the Revolving Matrix System. Utilizing a simple, but effective Compensation Plan that requires advancement through only 4 levels. (Remember: The reward is to the tune of $6000).
Salient features & Tools you receive to promote Clubfreedom:
· No monthly auto-ship
· No inventory to stock
· No monthly sales requirements
· Simple compensation plan (easy to calculate)
· Your personal web site just like this one
· Banners
· Splash Pages
· Text Ad Creator (no need to struggle to write ads)
· Lead Capture Pages
· Personal Auto-responder system
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· Email Downline Feature
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· Lead rotator... designate your prospects' sponsors
· Plus much more......
Click Here & Take a Tour!
(or) Ask for more information at:
Now gone totally GLOBAL!
Operational from many countries including INDIA
Don't miss!
Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download.
Messages in this topic (1)
19a. Welcome To The StrongVPN Affiliate Program!
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:15 am ((PDT))
*Welcome To The StrongVPN Affiliate Program!*
Our program is free to join, it's easy to sign-up and requires no technical
knowledge. Affiliate programs are common throughout the Internet and offer
website owners a means of profiting from their websites. Affiliates
generate sales for commercial websites and in return receive a commission
for any sales they generate.
*Welcome to!*
At, you get paid to click on ads or receive paid mail and visit
websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website
for *30 or 60* seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring
friends. You'll get paid *$0.01 or $0.02* for each website you personally
You can earn *60%* of the revenue of any other member that signs up by
following one of your referral links.
All Payments are made via *E-Gold *and *PayPal.* Payment requests can be
made every day The minimum payout is $6.99
*Earnings Example*
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.15
» 50 referrals click 10 ads per day = $4.50
» Your daily earnings = $4.65
» Your weekly earnings = $32,55
» Your monthly earnings = *$130,20
*The above example is based only on 15 daily clicks. Some days you will have
more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if there were
more ads available?
Just join, try our service and receive a $0.10 Sign-up
Bonus <>
Messages in this topic (16)
20a. We are dedicated to helping people like you to make some real money
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:15 am ((PDT))
*W*e are dedicated to helping people like you to make some real money
on the internet, and from your comfortable home.
We only collect useful and profitable internet marketing programs and
tools for you. There are many ways to make money on the interet.
Such as selling your own products or selling others products(affiliate
if you are a newbie on the field, you still can make some money without any
To learn more about internet marketing, check our subdirectory below.
Are you interested to hear more on
how I can make that much kind of money
with just sitting on my chair and surfing internet 3 – 4 hours every day?
If your answer "Yes", so you're on the right path now in
starting the fastest way to make money by using internet!
Now my goal is to earn about $1000 per day just from Google Adsense Program
see the link below
Messages in this topic (22)
21a. I want to tell you about great site I found. They pay me to read e-m
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:16 am ((PDT))
*I want to tell you about great site I found. They pay me to read e-mail, *
*visit web sites and much more. *
* *
*It's free to join and easy to sign up! CLICK THIS *
* *
* *
* *
* *
ClickBank pays you 50% when you sell this publishers product. To refer a
customer send them to this domain name:
Messages in this topic (17)
22a. Make a Whopping 75% Commission on Three Different Levels!
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:16 am ((PDT))
*Make a Whopping 75% Commission on Three Different Levels!*
All you have to do is promote your affiliate link and *I'll pay you up to
$105.75* for every person you refer. I'll send your money straight to your
PayPal / StormPay account on the 15th of every month like clockwork!
Messages in this topic (12)
23. Scuba Diving at Sipadan Island The island is the top of a long-lost
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:17 am ((PDT))
*Scuba Diving at Sipadan Island
*Sipadan Island is a small rainforest covered tropical island rising from a
depth of more than 600 meters from the bottom of the Celebes Sea. It is the
only oceanic island in the region. The island is the top of a long-lost lava
chimney from a prehistoric volcano.
Messages in this topic (1)
24a. See how WangRakyat Programe Works..
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:19 am ((PDT))
*See how WangRakyat Programe Works..*
dengar. Adakah benar dengan menjadi USAHAWAN INTERNET, kita boleh berjaya?
TERBUKTI dan ramai yang telah berjaya.
Peluang TERBUKA LUAS untuk anda menikmati kejayaan dengan melibatkan diri di
dalam perniagaan internet.
KeUNIKAN program ini adalah apabila ANDA berada di TOP POSITION, pelanggan
baru yang akan membuat bayaran secara BANK-IN terus ke dalam akaun anda.
Tiada risiko syarikat tidak membayar komisyen.
Saya sudah TUA.
DIPLOMA? SPM pun tak ada.
Tiada INTERNET kat rumah.
Pelajar IPT # PENGANGGUR sedang mencari pekerjaan # Pekerja berpendapatan
menggalakkan penyertaan dari golongan berpendapatan RM3,000 dan ke atas.**
* *
Messages in this topic (6)
25a. MAKE $20,000 A MONTH w/ a $5.00 INVESTMENT!!!
Posted by: "Karl Damos" mtgne12000
Date: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:21 am ((PDT))
That's right, I'm making that much and more this month. I started
my business three months ago with only $69.95 start up. My first month I made $5,000. The second month I made $13,000. My third month I made $20,000.
I'm so confident that this will work for you if you follow my step-by-step system. I'm very confident that I'm offering you to try this business for less than $5.00
If after 30 days and you're not making as expected after following my business plan, I'll give you your $5.00 back.
Just follow my step-by-step system and I guarantee your success!!!
Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.
Messages in this topic (7)
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