Sunday, September 30, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34581

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
From: 41 Marketing

2.1. What a chance!!..Earn Money from FREE of
From: Faria Mirza
2.2. What a chance!!..Earn Money from FREE of
From: Faria Mirza

3. FREE membership.... BUT you reward by MONEY!
From: hadiah satie

4a. FFAfarm Portal: The only permanent link ffa system.
From: Wojcik

5a. Make money playing games
From: Julian Davies

6a. One Prospect=One Thousand Dollars.
From: Christopher Bielec

From: contact_vijay786

8a. ## THEY'RE rich - YOU'RE not - HERE'S why! ##
From: Steve Laycock


10.1. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
From: 41 Marketing

11. With $5 and a paypal account, choose your own advertising and make t
From: gcimail

12. Holly Wood Week In Pictures – Pictures Added 30 Sept. 2007
From: Rebeca Mon

13a. Wow! Mom made 3 grand before lunch!
From: Ian Bloxham

14a. Tell your boss to get lost!

15a. FREE 500 Hits a Day 15,000 a Month All FREE
From: David Dubbs

From: contact_vijay786

17a. Are You Ready To Make A Residual Income
From: Mike K

18.1. I'm About To Drop A Bombshell!
From: Debra Haley

19.1. Free Advertising Affiliate Program HUGE EARNINGS
From: jeffers

20. Laughter News 30-09
From: The Web Reporter

21a. Would an Extra $20,000 to $50,000 per year help you and your Family.
From: Edgardo Laracuente

22. PRELOX€ ¦® € ¦'¶ the new patented male sexual enhancer
From: The Web Reporter

23.1. ==> Real L E A D S ==> Real T O O L S ==> Real T r a f f i c
From: Dan Moraru

24. Free Advertising Program MASSIVE EARNINGS
From: jeffers


1.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:47 am ((PDT))

You are going to get some incredible tools that help you rake in
real profits over and over again.

Don't just sit back and watch while everyone else prospers.

Jump right in and start now!

Powered by Mach5 Mailer:

Messages in this topic (43)

2.1. What a chance!!..Earn Money from FREE of
Posted by: "Faria Mirza" konika_786
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:57 am ((PDT))

Hi, I'm Faria from Bangladesh .....It's a great opportunity for all of us to Earn from Online....... So let us try......Believe me it's true and works... Try this link please :

It's very easy to earn more than 1000 US$ per month.........from your home.......You don't need to have a Credit card or any thing else...Just Register clicking on the above Link and earn money as you can.

To earn money... You will get your own Link after Registration.. Then Forward Your Link to other people or your friend........................... Believe me it works.......

The Company ( will send you a check in your mailing address at every Month between 20th -30th. The minimum income should be 10us$ per month.........

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Messages in this topic (122)

2.2. What a chance!!..Earn Money from FREE of
Posted by: "Faria Mirza" konika_786
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:57 am ((PDT))

Hi, I'm Faria from Bangladesh .....It's a great opportunity for all of us to Earn from Online....... So let us try......Believe me it's true and works... Try this link please :

It's very easy to earn more than 1000 US$ per month.........from your home.......You don't need to have a Credit card or any thing else...Just Register clicking on the above Link and earn money as you can.

To earn money... You will get your own Link after Registration.. Then Forward Your Link to other people or your friend........................... Believe me it works.......

The Company ( will send you a check in your mailing address at every Month between 20th -30th. The minimum income should be 10us$ per month.........

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Messages in this topic (122)

3. FREE membership.... BUT you reward by MONEY!
Posted by: "hadiah satie" diah7583
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:00 am ((PDT))

Dear friend's,

*Financial freedom within your reach through NUMENMAIL.COM*

- *Do you want to be financially free?*
- *Do you want to end your money worries?*
- ** *Do you want to add an extra leverage income from now to the

*If your answer is yes*, then let me show you how you can begin *LIVING YOUR
DREAMS THIS YEAR *. I shall get straight to the point.

I have discovered the perfect part time business. It's not real estate, it
is not selling cars but it's just as powerful. It's a $$$ business. *It
takes little time & no risk at all* . It's so simple, you* **get paid by
clicking advertisements* , and anyone can do it.

You could be earning an extra stream of *income* in as fast as *20 - 30 days
* from the day you get started. Even after you do not do very much in future
but as long as your down levels are performing, you will still be
receiving income from their efforts.

*Member's Benefit*

*€  'µ *FREE Membership

*€  'µ* *A Emails Worth $80hhhhh *
*€  'µ **$800 signup bonus* before 8000 members

*€  'µ *No downline required for payout! - * $8888 Payout*
*€  'µ* *$8 referral bonus*
*€  'µ* Fast Payments for Honest Members
*€  'µ* Payments are made via PayPal, eGold, MoneyBookers, StormPay, EvoCash,
AnyPay, NetPay, Neteller, E-Bullion, Money Order or Check
*€  'µ* International Members are Welcome
*€  'µ* Receive eMail on the best products
*€  'µ* Receive eMail on the best opportunities
*€  'µ* 4 Ref levels of commission under you

*Level 1 - 10%
Level 2 - 8%
Level 3 - 6%
Level 4 - 4%*

I know this sound absurd & too good to be true. Frankly, I was also very
skeptical myself at first. Finally, I agreed to check it out. I am on the
way to earn commission- no gimmicks.

*Would you like to learn how to do that?*

No obligation, if after you listen to the plan & you are still not
interested. Anyway, there is no harm knowing more about this creative
business.* *

I am starting to get excited about the potential of this
NUMENMAIL.COMbusiness and trying to have a team of committed people
who are serious about
their financial future. If you're interested to know or join this business
venture, please contact the undersigned.* *

* *

* *

* *

Thanks and regards,



Messages in this topic (1)

4a. FFAfarm Portal: The only permanent link ffa system.
Posted by: "Wojcik" wojciik
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:00 am ((PDT))

FFafarm is a hybrid ffa system and permanent link exchange system. FFAfarm is also the oldest ffa system on the Internet and offers far more benefit then any other ffa system does today -

Tento e-mail byl odeslan z neregistrovane verze programu MultiMail

Messages in this topic (2)

5a. Make money playing games
Posted by: "Julian Davies" lordofledbury
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:08 am ((PDT))

Earn Money While You Play Games With UVME
It€  â' '¹s going to be worth
$412 per second, and
we haven€  â' '¹t even started!
Welcome to this very special window in time. You are about to be given an insider, pre-launch "first mover" advantage to a revolutionary new business from uVme.
Watch the movie and see why.

Messages in this topic (18)

6a. One Prospect=One Thousand Dollars.
Posted by: "Christopher Bielec" mygroupcb
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:15 am ((PDT))

So whats the catch?
Money Talks, People Walk.
I Am Talking, are YOU walking?
Here is where YOU can Talk!

To Our Success,

Messages in this topic (17)

Posted by: "contact_vijay786" contact_vijay786
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:21 am ((PDT))

* Agloco is the re-birth of AllAdvantage, which paid out over
$100,000,000 to its members.
* Agloco costs you nothing. It's free. And it always will be.
* Agloco is simple.
* Join
* Download the Viewbar, browse the web and get paid. Tell your
friends, and you'll get paid for their use, too.
* Once you sign up, you'll get your own referral URL that your
friends can use to sign up.
* Agloco's Viewbar shows ads and lets you search the Web. Advertisers
and search engines pay Agloco when you do that, and Agloco then pays
* Agloco members accrue hours that the Viewbar is open on your
* Agloco members accrue hours to have your friends have their Viewbar
* Once you start using the Viewbar, you'll start getting credit for
those hours, for which Agloco will then compensate you.
* Agloco will determine how to compensate you, over time, with cash
and shares.
* Currently, mathematically, every 5 people that you refer to Agloco,
that in turn refer 5 others, will double your compensation.
Please join
<> Thanks very much for signing up.
If you have any questions, email Vijay at
<> . Vijay will be glad to help you
in person.

For Your Continued Successes, Vijay

Messages in this topic (1)

8a. ## THEY'RE rich - YOU'RE not - HERE'S why! ##
Posted by: "Steve Laycock" brightfuture_0000
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:28 am ((PDT))

Learn how to promote multiple programs (with just one URL!) more effectively and f-a-s-t-e-r than you ever dreamed possible! Complete all of your marketing chores in only five minutes a day! You'll stop being a slave to your computer.

Messages in this topic (10)

Posted by: "" smokinwealth
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:29 am ((PDT))


Take a FREE tour

It€  '²s honest, no lies and no hype.

A Member of the Guaranteed Results Network

Messages in this topic (10)

10.1. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41marketing02
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:34 am ((PDT))

As incredible as it may sound youre about to discover just like
I did how you can start creating a steady stream of income working


Powered by Mach5 Mailer:

Messages in this topic (47)

11. With $5 and a paypal account, choose your own advertising and make t
Posted by: "gcimail" gcimail
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:38 am ((PDT))

EASY CASH Flowing into YOUR PAYPAL Account !!!!

Please Read this message all the way through, and at least think
about it for a few day's instead of deleteing it !! You won't be
sorry . This system has been working for over two years now, and is
still going strong. You will be amazed by the results of a little
time and $5.00 , Yes I said $5.00 that is all it takes to make
$15,000 flood into your paypal account.

In May of 2003, I received a short and simple email telling me how to
make over $15,000 at a time. (Thats right I said at a time this
process can be done again and again ! ) At first
I just kept it "as new" in my mail-box because something about It
just seemed to ring true, but I wasn't ready to just go and do it . I
had been scamed before and proceed with caution now. But like so many
others I had bills to pay . Finally I decided to go ahead and give it
a try, And am I ever happy that I did , I have been able to pay my
bills plus have extra spending money for whatever else I want or
need . I am not a millionaire but I am living very
comfortably now !!!

Let me assure you that this is a LEGITIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, a
perfectly legal moneymaking enteprise. It does not require you to
speak to your friends , family or anybody else . In fact you do not
need to come into contact with any people whatsoever. Anyone with a
pulse can become successful and make their fortune with this system.

Just follow the simple step-by-step plan exactly as it is set out
below. And I GUARANTEE that within the next few weeks the cash will
start flooding your paypal account.

This is the Cheapest , Fastest and Easiest way to make serious money
online - Period !!! Using just a copy of this page and the simplest
and most popular internet payment system in existence!
You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs
such as 20/20 and Oprah Winfrey, or you my have read about it in the
Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is revealed to you in step-by-
step detail.

(1)An email address .
(2) A Business Paypal account with at least $5.00 deposited in it.
(very easy to get)
(3)And just 30 - minutes of your time .

That is all you need to do this !!!

Please be sure to read all of this page... take your time, come back
to it when your ready to go for it . You have just got to give this a
try, cause if you don't you won't have cash pouring into your very
own paypal account for the things that you and yours need and want.
You will be so thankful that you took the leap of faith !!!

Here are some testimonials from people just like you and me who went
for it, and made the Cash!!!

"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions just 3 weeks ago
and although I haven't made 15 grand yet , I'm already up to $9,135.
I'm absolutely gob smacked."
Pam Whittemore , Ohio

"This is Lisa. Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40
e-mails out like you said and then I just forgot about the whole
thing. To be honest, I didn,t really think anything would come of it.
But when I checked my paypal account a week later, there was over
$5,000 in it ! After 30 days I now have over $11,000 to spend ! I
can't thank you enough !"
Lisa Tover, NY, NY.

"I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my
paypal account . Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to
$12,449 . At first I thought there had been some sort of error with
my account !"
Richard Barrie , Boulder, CO.

Just a few months ago, each of these people were doing the same thing
as you are at this very moment - reading this ! But because they
decided to follow the simple instructions given below , they are now
considerably better off as a result. And there's no reason whatsever
why you can't share in this success. You've got nothing to lose, and
EVERYTHING to gain !!

SO LET'S GET STARTED, just follow the instructions exactly as set out
below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of CASH over the
next 30 - days !

STEP 1 )
If you're not already a PAYPAL user , the very first
thing you need to do is go to the PAYPAL link below and SIGN - UP, or
go to and go from there. It takes just 2 minutes. ( *Get
the Business or Premier Account* )

STEP 2 )
It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must
first give in order to receive. So the first thing to do when you
have your Business PayPal account is to IMMEDIATELY send a $5 -
payment from your paypal account to the first email address in the
list below, along with a note saying *** Please add me to your
mailing list. *** Be certain to add this note, as this is what KEEPS
THIS PROGRAM LEGAL. Instructions on how to send a payment are
under "SEND MONEY" at the PayPal site. It's so easy !!

When you send your $5.00 payment to the first address in the list, do
it with a great big smile on your face because " as you sow, so shall
you reap!"

Here's the current list:

After you have transferred a $5 payment to the email address at the
top of the list, something very eerie happens. It gives you an
indescribable, overwhelming sense of certainty , belief and
conviction in the system. You've just proved to yourself that,
because you have done it, there must be a great number of other
people ready to do exactly the same. Thus you have now seen for
yourself, firsthand, that this business actually works !

STEP 3 )
Now you need to make yourself a copy of this letter
for yourself , because you will want to send out at least 40 - copies
( as an email message or by advertising your page like I have done )
But with all the different ways of advertising for free on the
internet the amount of views and sign-ups under you could well exceed
into the hundreds or thousands if you wish.... the more people who
join the more profitable for everyone on the list, including you !
The copy that you will send out will contain YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS at
number 5 in the list - having deleted the address at Number 1 in the
list, and moving the others up a position.

******** YOU CAN COPY & PASTE this email into your own mail-box and
then save it into your filing cabinet pulling it up as you need
it !! That way you have it ready to copy & paste into your ad's ,
web-sites , message boards ect.......

Two free webpages are - &, very
easy to use !

You can then post your links for people to follow to your web pages.

########## A WORD OF WARNING###################
Don't be tempted to add your email address to position 1 in order to
earn money fast ! It doesn't work like that !!! If you do that , you
will ONLY reach the people you directly send emails to , and then
your address will be immediately removed from the number 1 place and
you won't reach thousands of people ! But , if you add your name to
the Number 5 postion, there will be literally tens of thousands of
people receiving and sending emails later - when your name is at the
Number 1 spot!!!!

Once you've got your email message ready, send out a minimum of 40-
copies . BUT NO SPAMMING !!!!

There are many, many free places to place your ad's, safelists that
you can use, email groups, search engines, ect..................

THATS ALL THERE IS TO IT ! The whole process should take you about
30 minutes to complete. But if your anything like me you will
probably put a little extra time getting it out there to as many
people as possible ...



Messages in this topic (1)

12. Holly Wood Week In Pictures – Pictures Added 30 Sept. 2007
Posted by: "Rebeca Mon" rebeca_mon
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:50 am ((PDT))

Holly Wood Week In Pictures € ¦'¶ Pictures Added 30 Sept. 2007

More on:

Pictures At:

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (1)

13a. Wow! Mom made 3 grand before lunch!
Posted by: "Ian Bloxham" teamblox
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:52 am ((PDT))

Mom's secret?

Messages in this topic (3)

14a. Tell your boss to get lost!
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:00 am ((PDT))

Ever heard of the eBay Ca$h Machine ?
Make thousands on ebay, every month with this cash machine!
Tell the Boss to get lost!

I make over $11,000 in profit per month on eBay and I will show you
how anyone can do!

"How would you like an extra
$250 - $1000 a week on eBay with 15 minutes of your time ?"

Messages in this topic (11)

15a. FREE 500 Hits a Day 15,000 a Month All FREE
Posted by: "David Dubbs" edctopearner
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:00 am ((PDT))

Get Non-stop Flood of website traffic all free.Get more sales and signups fast all you need is traffic. Get it here.

Messages in this topic (13)

Posted by: "contact_vijay786" contact_vijay786
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:00 am ((PDT))

* Agloco is the re-birth of AllAdvantage, which paid out over
$100,000,000 to its members.
* Agloco costs you nothing. It's free. And it always will be.
* Agloco is simple.
* Join
* Download the Viewbar, browse the web and get paid. Tell your
friends, and you'll get paid for their use, too.
* Once you sign up, you'll get your own referral URL that your
friends can use to sign up.
* Agloco's Viewbar shows ads and lets you search the Web. Advertisers
and search engines pay Agloco when you do that, and Agloco then pays
* Agloco members accrue hours that the Viewbar is open on your
* Agloco members accrue hours to have your friends have their Viewbar
* Once you start using the Viewbar, you'll start getting credit for
those hours, for which Agloco will then compensate you.
* Agloco will determine how to compensate you, over time, with cash
and shares.
* Currently, mathematically, every 5 people that you refer to Agloco,
that in turn refer 5 others, will double your compensation.
Please join
<> Thanks very much for signing up.
If you have any questions, email Vijay at
<> . Vijay will be glad to help you
in person.

For Your Continued Successes, Vijay

Messages in this topic (1)

17a. Are You Ready To Make A Residual Income
Posted by: "Mike K" gethit00
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:04 am ((PDT))

Join my GDI / 3in7 Team NOW

GDI / 3in7 offering 7 Days Free Trial..

On top of that, I am offering a refund of 20% of your 1st month subscription.

Just email to claim your 20% refund.

Visit here to sign up for FREE..

Messages in this topic (9)

18.1. I'm About To Drop A Bombshell!
Posted by: "Debra Haley" haley.key2net
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:06 am ((PDT))

Despite your best efforts to get wealthy, have you ever wondered why it hasn't happened yet? ...Well, the good news is, you are in the right place for the answer. ... I'm talking about enough money to set you up for life with "copy and paste" technology.

Messages in this topic (156)

19.1. Free Advertising Affiliate Program HUGE EARNINGS
Posted by: "jeffers" yurdoo
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:21 am ((PDT))

FACT... The Internet has now taken over as the biggest means
of advertising.

FACT... More businesses than ever before advertise on the internet.

FACT...There is a HUGE potential to make MASSIVE EARNINGS
with AdlandPro.

Get in quick.

This is your chance of a lifetime. Dont let it slip past.

Messages in this topic (34)

20. Laughter News 30-09
Posted by: "The Web Reporter" messagemate3006
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:31 am ((PDT))

Dear Member,
A new comedy page has been added to the website!

There are 10 new comedy videos and another FREE GIFT offer at the bottom of the new selection


We have been busy collecting new comedy videos for the website so here is a few of the latest
for you to enjoy! These should keep you laughing for a few days!

Scary Prank with Spiders!
If I had only seen the web...I would have left immediately, but I suppose
if you are in the bug extermination business, you are supposed be used to it,
however, this guy had a big dry cleaning bill when he left the building!

Stop Badgering Me!
Funny prank with fluffy badger!

Extreme accidents and explosions
A great collection of extreme accidents, with a few explosions thrown in for good measure

Funny Accidents
A great collection of funny accidents

Air accidents and crashes
Planes and helicopters getting into all kinds of trouble

More air accidents and crashes
More planes and helicopters getting into all kinds of trouble

Seeing a deer tied to a bonnet of a car is distressing enough without it
TALKING to you!

A Bad Hair Day!
A prank backfires and it looks like the prankster is going to jail!

Museum Prank!
A man dressed up as a knight frightens the hell out of visitors!

Two Funny Pranks!
You will love these simple but effective pranks. Very funny!

Gone Fishing Prank!
You would never expect this while relaxing fishing. I love the fact that
these guys were left in their undies as the pranksters ran off with their clothes!

Dumb Stunts and Random Funny Stuff
Lots of people getting hurt, some of it deservedly so

Funny accidents and bloopers
A great compilation of funny accidents, and people getting owned

Funny Water Accidents
Some really funny accidents on the water. They get better as the clip goes on.

Why not spread the word by forwarding this email on to all your family, friends and work colleagues!

Wishing you all the very best

Messages in this topic (1)

21a. Would an Extra $20,000 to $50,000 per year help you and your Family.
Posted by: "Edgardo Laracuente" laracuentegm
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:37 am ((PDT))

Learn how our business model gives you the complete package to prosper.

Low, minimal investment, flexible hours, genuine international opportunity, all of the tools, training, coaching, system and reports with a 30 day risk free Money Back Guarantee.

Go to: fill out the short survey to get to your risk free information website.

Messages in this topic (6)

22. PRELOX€ ¦® € ¦'¶ the new patented male sexual enhancer
Posted by: "The Web Reporter" messagemate3006
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:38 am ((PDT))

PRELOX€  ® €  '¶ the new patented male sexual enhancer

Sexual Wellness Sexual wellness is the feeling that you are capable of achieving a
healthy and rewarding sex life €  '¶ not just for yourself but for your partner too.

Being sexually well means more happiness, contentment and a boost to your mental
Prelox€  ® can play an important part in enhancing sexual performance and pleasure.

Why should I buy Prelox€  ®?
Prelox may help maintain erectile function and promote the body€  '²s natural sexual response.

To buy Prelox visit:

Messages in this topic (1)

23.1. ==> Real L E A D S ==> Real T O O L S ==> Real T r a f f i c
Posted by: "Dan Moraru" key2netadv
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:39 am ((PDT))
leads,surveyed leads,lead, verified leads,autoresponder leads, qualified leads,autoresponder leads,mlm leads,sales leads,telemarketing leads,network marketing leads, targeted leads,business opportunity lead,home business leads,internet leads,opt in lead,phone interviewed leads,verified leads,responsive,fresh leads,lead generation,targeted opt in lead,d

Messages in this topic (120)

24. Free Advertising Program MASSIVE EARNINGS
Posted by: "jeffers" yurdoo
Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:40 am ((PDT))

More people than ever before advertise on the Internet.
You can make money just by reffering them to the best
advertising site omnine...what could be easier.
Here are three reasons to get in quick and start making an
ever increasing income.

Fact ... The Internet has now taken over as the biggest means
of advertising.

FACT... More businesses than ever before advertise on the internet.

FACT...There is a HUGE potential to make MASSIVE EARNINGS
with AdlandPro...FREE

Get in quick!!!

This is your chance of a lifetime. Dont let it slip past.

Messages in this topic (1)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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