Friday, September 28, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34546

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Make $500, $1000 or even $5000+ per week

2a. Free Advertising with GOOGLE!!
From: Pramod Kumar C

3a. Traffic Portal Control: NOW 2 BILLION plus Ads with one click!
From: Wojcik

4a. Massive earning opportunity..act now
From: jeffers

5a. Presenting.... MY POWER MALL!
From: pasha969
5b. Presenting.... MY POWER MALL!
From: pasha969

6a. My Power Mall is a FREE online Shopping Mall
From: pasha969
6b. My Power Mall is a FREE online Shopping Mall
From: pasha969

7. My Power Mall is a FR*EE Online Shopping Mall
From: pasha969

8. __GET R.ICH On Audio Books! Make A F.ORTUNE!
From: Lorna Thurston

9. TENS of THOUSANDS of new and unique visitors! FREE!
From: ishopmpm

10a. New Professional Marketing System Explodes your Income!
From: pasha969

11a. Get 1 Million Real Visitors For Free!
From: pasha969

12a. This Actually pumps money into your pocket
From: samson onwionoko

13.1. Automate your business!!!!
From: Union trader

14. It can't cost less than FREE!
From: pasha969

15a. Still dreaming of financial freedom?
From: pasha969

16a. Sales Spider Makes You Money!!! Join For FREE!!
From: Jane Montgomery

17a. Would an Extra $20,000 to $50,000 per year help you and your Family.
From: Edgardo Laracuente

18. NO1 IN Singapore ! ! Hot in U.S.A ! !
From: mohd azizan

19a. Career Opportunities
From: Muhammad Mubashar

20a. $1,000 Referral Contest Started!
From: manir senang

21a. Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:
From: manir senang

22. Wow! Mom made 3 grand before lunch!
From: Ian Bloxham

23. New OnlyMalaysiaMah Book You can start making RM100, RM500, even RM1
From: manir senang


1a. Make $500, $1000 or even $5000+ per week
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:00 am ((PDT))

Make $500, $1000 or even $5000+ per week
with 15 minutes of your time !
With my new & proven "ClickedCash" - System!
I never released this information to the public before and its hot!

Take paid online surveys - $10-$100 per survey!
Take paid phone surveys - $20-$100 per survey!
Participate in online focus groups - $50-$200 hourly!
Try new products - keep the products and get paid too!
Preview movie trailers - $10-$50 per trailer!
Up to $500 per week for driving your car!

Messages in this topic (17)

2a. Free Advertising with GOOGLE!!
Posted by: "Pramod Kumar C" pramod_web
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:01 am ((PDT))

Here is the way to advertise with Google for free. Click the link below: Don't forget to come back to me with your comments. ThanksPramod

Messages in this topic (9)

3a. Traffic Portal Control: NOW 2 BILLION plus Ads with one click!
Posted by: "Wojcik" wojciik
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:02 am ((PDT))

Givr away the original 12 million ads Blast-O-Matic. It is the most powerful AD submission system in the world - and best of all, you get to give it away for FREE! No other AD submission service can compare to the "high-tech" service your prospects will recieve from Blast-O-Matic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service! You get to provide top notch service with a great product for FREE!!! Your ads can claim "We dare you to take the challenge of finding a better deal than Blastomatic".

Tento e-mail byl odeslan z neregistrovane verze programu MultiMail

Messages in this topic (9)

4a. Massive earning opportunity..act now
Posted by: "jeffers" yurdoo
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:13 am ((PDT))

According to a recent study spending on internet
advertising is set to overtake newspaper advertising
by the year 2011.

Internet advertising will grow by 21 per cent yearly.
Spending will reach $62 BILLION by 2011.

There is a huge potential to make huge earnings through
affiliate programs in the advertising sector.

You don,t have to spend a dime joining these programs.
If they want to charge you just to join...forget it.
Why should you pay to sell there product? They should
be paying you. That is what good programs do. Being
paid just to drive traffic to there website. What could
be easier?

Check this out for one of the best earners on the internet

Messages in this topic (21)

5a. Presenting.... MY POWER MALL!
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:15 am ((PDT))

MY POWER MALL really is FRE*E. There is no cost to you. EVER.
- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of
1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your
family need and want.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it
is yours.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the
Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their
motto: Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at

You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

Messages in this topic (2)

5b. Presenting.... MY POWER MALL!
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:20 am ((PDT))

MY POWER MALL really is FRE*E. There is no cost to you. EVER.
- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of
1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your
family need and want.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it
is yours.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the
Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their
motto: Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at

You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

Messages in this topic (2)

6a. My Power Mall is a FREE online Shopping Mall
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:15 am ((PDT))

MY POWER MALL really is FRE*E. There is no cost to you. EVER.
- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of
1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your
family need and want.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it
is yours.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the
Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their
motto: Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at

You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

Messages in this topic (3)

6b. My Power Mall is a FREE online Shopping Mall
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:16 am ((PDT))

MY POWER MALL really is FRE*E. There is no cost to you. EVER.
- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of
1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your
family need and want.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it
is yours.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the
Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their
motto: Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at

You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

Messages in this topic (3)

7. My Power Mall is a FR*EE Online Shopping Mall
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:18 am ((PDT))

MY POWER MALL really is FRE*E. There is no cost to you. EVER.
- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of
1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your
family need and want.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it
is yours.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the
Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their
motto: Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at

You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

Messages in this topic (1)

8. __GET R.ICH On Audio Books! Make A F.ORTUNE!
Posted by: "Lorna Thurston" letsallworkathome
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:18 am ((PDT))

__GET R.ICH On Audio Books! Make A F.ORTUNE!

How To Open Your Own Highly P.rofitable Audiobook S.tore!

In less than 10 minutes, I'm going to reveal:

How to open your own highly p.rofitable audiobook store
in a mere matter of minutes!

The single easiest tool that you can use to take advantage
of the booming audiobook industry & s.end your b.usiness
p.rofits soaring!

How you can o.ffer a comprehensive selection of today's
hottest, most in-demand audiobooks in absolutely no time at all!

According to the latest statistics, more and more
people are choosing to listen to good books
rather than read them.
And you know what that means!
It means now is the time for marketers like
yourself to realize big profits by getting in on
the ground floor of the exciting, fast-growing
audiobook market!

Get Started Today!
Lorna Thurston

Messages in this topic (1)

9. TENS of THOUSANDS of new and unique visitors! FREE!
Posted by: "ishopmpm" ishopmpm
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:21 am ((PDT))

Instant FREE Website Submission

Submit your web site for FREE and be exposed to potentially
TENS of THOUSANDS of new and unique visitors!

Messages in this topic (1)

10a. New Professional Marketing System Explodes your Income!
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:22 am ((PDT))

The real secret to making money online has nothing to do with your
site or the product you sell......Fact!
What really makes the difference as to whether you make money or go
bust is all dependant on how many people see your site each day.
If you only get 10 to 100 people per day visit your site, you might as
well give up now.
What if you could get 1 million visitors in the next 30 days? Would
that make your sales increase?
What if you could guarantee that all these visitors were real people,
and they would be on your site for at least 10 seconds each? And what
if you could get all this completely free?
Would your bank balance be able to take the strain as the sales poored in?
There's an incredible new marketing system that can easily and very
realistically send you over a million guaranteed real visitors to your
website, and it won't cost you a thing.
All you have to do is check out

This is going to change the way you market forever.

Messages in this topic (3)

11a. Get 1 Million Real Visitors For Free!
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:23 am ((PDT))

Never pay for your advertising again!
You can use our new marketing system to send over 1 million Guaranteed
real visitors to your website totally free. There is absolutley no
cost to you at any time.
Right now, you can stop struggling with your internet marketing
efforts, and more importantly, stop wasting money on advertising that
doesn't work for you.
Simply sign up for our brand new, free professional marketing system,
and let it go to work for you to exponentially grow the number of real
visitors you get on your website.
This may be the only marketing tool you'll ever need.........and it's
completely free!
This system can send over 1 million guaranteed REAL visitors to your
site in as little as 30 days.
What are you waiting for?
Visit and let it go to work for
you today.

Messages in this topic (11)

12a. This Actually pumps money into your pocket
Posted by: "samson onwionoko" fmwillaims
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:25 am ((PDT))

New site launched , made £3000 next day.
this site pumps money on autopilot
sit back and watch this pay you daily.
Are you ready for your biggest payday?
Check it out...

Messages in this topic (9)

13.1. Automate your business!!!!
Posted by: "Union trader" j_s_cheema
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:25 am ((PDT))

1.Learn how to create your own best selling information products from scratch, by using the information and resources

2.Learn the amazing system used by internet experts Worldwide!

Here's the answer you must look at now :-

Messages in this topic (45)

14. It can't cost less than FREE!
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:26 am ((PDT))

You owe it to yourself to check out My Power Mall.
It's FREE, you don't have to sell anything, there is no qualifying for
income, and all your tools are free.

Here is your chance to finally succeed!

Messages in this topic (1)

15a. Still dreaming of financial freedom?
Posted by: "pasha969" pasha969
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:27 am ((PDT))

I have the answer!

My Power Mall is totally different!
It's FREE, you don't have to sell anything, there is no qualifying for
income, and all your tools are free.

Here is your chance to finally succeed!

Messages in this topic (9)

16a. Sales Spider Makes You Money!!! Join For FREE!!
Posted by: "Jane Montgomery" heelanlass2000
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:36 am ((PDT))

Sales Spider Makes You Money!!! Join For FREE!! Huge Network of
potential buyers...Fantastic Advertising for your business...FREE

Receive publicity in front of over 1,512,674 visitors a month!
Get your profile mailed to over 65,000 members
Make $1000s by inviting your friends & colleagues! <>

(If you join, please remember to activate your account by clicking on
the email you will receive, otherwise you can't access site.)

Messages in this topic (2)

17a. Would an Extra $20,000 to $50,000 per year help you and your Family.
Posted by: "Edgardo Laracuente" laracuentegm
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:38 am ((PDT))

Learn how our business model gives you the complete package to prosper.

Low, minimal investment, flexible hours, genuine international opportunity, all of the tools, training, coaching, system and reports with a 30 day risk free Money Back Guarantee.

Go to: fill out the short survey to get to your risk free information website.

Messages in this topic (4)

18. NO1 IN Singapore ! ! Hot in U.S.A ! !
Posted by: "mohd azizan" sifu_hero
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:39 am ((PDT))


Messages in this topic (1)

19a. Career Opportunities
Posted by: "Muhammad Mubashar" special_ehsaas
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:45 am ((PDT))

Only 4 Students Now Presents Career Options!

Online Typing Jobs
Online Part Time Jobs
Data Entry Jobs
Earn $1000/Day Opportunity
Only @

Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV.
Messages in this topic (4)

20a. $1,000 Referral Contest Started!
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:46 am ((PDT))

*$1,000 Referral Contest Started!*

To celebrate our first week online and the great success we already have
had, we decided to start our very first "Referral Contest". It started on
the 24th of August 2007 at 00:00:00 CET and ends on the 31st of October 2007
at 23:59:59 CET.

*We are giving away the following Cash Prizes:*

*Current Standings:**
1st prize = $500 Dave Fitzharris
2nd prize = $300 Pro success International group
3rd prize = $100 Shirley jean Williams
4th prize = $50 Jacob Dantzler
5th prize = $50 Bill Seidl
*Prize money is based on a total of 100 minimum sold spots during this

What you need to do in order to win is easy.
1. Make sure your Account/URL is active by having purchased at least 1 spot
2. Promote your URL all that you can but do not SPAM. Promotional ads and
resources will be available soon.

You get 1 point for every spot purchased by your direct referrals(Level 1).
The winner is the member with the most points at the end of the contest.
You can follow the progress on this page.
The winners will get their prize paid into their GCI account balance.

That's it!

Good luck everyone and may the best member win.

Messages in this topic (6)

21a. Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:47 am ((PDT))

*Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:*

*1 Create your FREE Account ,Fill the form
2 Place this promotion code to your site Start making money*

*Get paid To Promote at any WebSite !Websites With Illegal Content Exception

* $1 Minimum Twice Monthly Auto Pay By E-Gold Or Paypal*

*Simple Step Only Place this promotion code to your site For Making Money*

*International Members are welcome*

*Auto Pay . Not required E-mail request for payment !*

* Earn From 2 Referral Levels:*

*1 level: 10%
2 level: 5%***

*Come on this is a new way for we get the free money from our computer*

*Although it's not a big money but if a continuos …it can be a big money
also… so why waiting….now go to this link:*


* *

* *

*How To Make Money With Affiliate Programs*

* Affiliate programs can either be a way to put a little extra cash in your
pocket or, hopefully, become a full time job. However, it's not like you can
put up a bunch of affiliate links and expect to start making a mint. If you
want to make a full time job's worth of money off affiliate marketing, you
have to work at it full time. The great thing about affiliate marketing is
that it works 24/7—but this doesn't mean you should also put in several
hours a day of your own time. *


*The affiliate marketers who have had the most outstanding success are
normally those who have more than one site working at once. It's much harder
to make a decent amount of money if you have one affiliate site at a time.
Experienced affiliate marketers will have a number of different sites
running at once, all with different types of affiliate links. What this
means is that each affiliate site will need separate SEO: new content in the
form of blogs, forums, articles, and other techniques.*


* A key to a successful affiliate marketing program is to make the affiliate
site a useful resource. Just posting a bunch of links is not going to
impress many web surfers. They'll leave and likely never come back. The
trick to any web business is to keep people on site—this is true for the
affiliate partner and it's true for affiliate marketers. An affiliate site
shouldn't necessarily scream, "affiliate site." Instead, it can be a trusted
resource on a particular topic. *


*Useful content is the best way to make this possible. Take a site that has
a number of links to sports-related businesses (apparel, equipment, tickets,
books, etc.). The affiliate marketer can then set up a forum that talks
about different sports teams, strategy, and so on—potentially, this forum
could bring in sports fans from across the country. Blogging is another
great medium for affiliate marketing. On the same site, the blogger could
write reviews of new equipment or write in depth trade talk about a variety
of sports. These are just a few ideas but they show how affiliate marketing
can—and should—be a serious, long-term proposition. *


*What it comes down to is that affiliate marketing is no different than
running the host site. Both are about running a business, even if an
affiliate marketer has no direct product or service to sell. An affiliate
marketer should set up a site that is useful and informative—a destination
that people will come back to again and again. In some cases, an affiliate
site might even be more informative than the partner's website. *


*Only until these issues are covered can an affiliate marketer hope to make
a good amount of money with affiliate marketing. Sure, you could put up
links and hope for the best, but you should think about investing some time
into the site if you really hope to turn a respectable profit.*
* For more information visit:*

Messages in this topic (10)

22. Wow! Mom made 3 grand before lunch!
Posted by: "Ian Bloxham" teamblox
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:47 am ((PDT))

Mom's secret?

Messages in this topic (1)

23. New OnlyMalaysiaMah Book You can start making RM100, RM500, even RM1
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:48 am ((PDT))

New OnlyMalaysiaMah

A young Malaysian millionaire Jason Tan reveals his secrets on how he makes
millions on the Internet working only a few hours per week.

For the first time ever Jason Tan is revealing his never before told

Jasons Only In Malaysia Mah has been rated the number one opportunity by
numerous online reviews and has been seen in Entrepreneur Magazine.

You can start making RM100, RM500, even RM1,000+ every day working at home
from your computer.

Before I get this book I always have a money problem, Every month I must pay
the car fee, Phone bill, House rent, Internet Bill and Credit Card..But
after I have this book and following the Jason Tan formula now I'm free from
the money here I want to promote this book to you all..because
this book not only me have it, thousand people out there also have it..Every
body have their own way for increase their income why not take the JasonTan

Messages in this topic (1)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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