Friday, September 21, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34416

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. HOLLYWOOD P300.00 Promo Rate Until September 30'2007 Only
From: hollywood_spa1015

2. ::::::::: Read This Before You Proceed!!!! :::::::::
From: peluang_paidmail

3a. How To Start An Adult Business From Home and GET WOMEN
From: b4j207

4a. How To Make Money With Affiliate Programs
From: manir senang

5a. Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:
From: manir senang

From: sudheer2k71

7.1. FREE Advertising Service
From: Mohammed Mujahid Khan

8a. 100.000 Real Visitors Waiting!
From: Renee Grube

9a. This is your Plug In And Profit System To Make Up To $300

10a. No Sponsoring Needed to Earn !
From: This is HOT !

11. Amazing Young Sex! 3 Very Cute Teenagers Virgin Girls Enjoying Sex
From: namita.telugu

From: Ummi Kalthom Shuib 503

13.1. Learn How to Hack Credit Card!!
From: Darkrodent A.
13.2. Learn How to Hack Credit Card!!
From: Darkrodent A.

14. Your Online Shopping Center

15a. Top HYIP Site…Launched 10/06 ….Still Paying…. 64% Per Mt
From: 10 Mths & Still Paying !

16a. This is what ITV is all about
From: Networkinghowto Advertising

17.1. Make Up to $3,500 and More Weekly!
From: Terence Hill

18a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Linux OS Available for FREE Download
From: rachana choudry

19. Kiddys Korner Online
From: Shantel Price

20a. One Prospect=One Thousand Dollars.
From: Christopher Bielec

21. I was impressed by your photos and even touched by your profile
From: Cindy Smith

From: The Next 12DailyPro !

23a. Your's FREE- Self-Funding Business Feeder System
From: tigerfan2426

24a. ~~~ Build A Life-Changing Income!
From: Steve Laycock


1. HOLLYWOOD P300.00 Promo Rate Until September 30'2007 Only
Posted by: "hollywood_spa1015" hollywood_spa1015
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:51 am ((PDT))

HOLLYWOOD P300.00 Promo Rate Until September 30'2007 Only

HOLLYWOOD P300.00 Promo Rate Promo Until September 30'2007 Only Plus
Avail 50% Discount On Body Scrub Plus Free Turkish Bath........

And Get Loyalty Card For Free........

Then Findout Who Among Jeff'Moel'Rey And Bugs Will Chill You Out
Plus 30 Hot Handsome Young And Clean Male Reflexologist

Also Avail Our Triple Treat Promo Package
Massage Turkish Bath And Body Scrub(For Only Php 500.00)

And If you Want to Receive A Big Big Discount By A txt Message
Just txt Your Name to This Celfhone # 0921-6181722

We Also Accept: Home And Hotel Service
Php 600.00 inclusive transportation And Massage

With the kind Permission of the moderator of this
Yahoo Groups:

Please Allow Me to Post My Advertisement thank you!!!

Visit And Experience the Newest Reflexology Center in town:


Well Built 50 Hot Young Fresh Gorgeous Male Reflexologist
Clean and trustworthy Male Reflexologist

We Offer the following services :

Turkish Bath(Php 100.00) and Body Scrub(Php 500.00)

A choice of Any of the following Massages:

(Swedish'Shiatsu Reflex And thai'Massage)

*HOLLYWOOD'Reflexol ogy'Center*

Located at 154-B West Avenue Quezon City Corner Edsa
Telfone Number 02-415-8270
Celfone Number +639216181722
And look for: (Justine)

We Also Accept: Home And Hotel Service :
Php 600.00 inclusive transportation And Massage

We Open From 2:00pm to 2:30am

So See you guys........

Avail Our Promo :

Avail Php 300.00 Promo Rate On All of Our Services
Plus Enjoy the Company Of Our hot young fresh Male Reflexologist :

Plus Bring 4 Friends And One Free!!!
inclusive on All Of Our services.

Special Rate Promo until September 30'2007 Only

Pay Only On Affordable Rate Of Php 300.00 in All Of Our
Services at *HOLLYWOOD*Reflexology'Center*

it's Our Way Of saying thank you to the support Of Our
Clients And friends.

A Relaxing Massage Of Our good Looking Male Masseur Awaits
Our Clients in Our Door Step........

Messages in this topic (1)

2. ::::::::: Read This Before You Proceed!!!! :::::::::
Posted by: "peluang_paidmail" peluang_paidmail
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:53 am ((PDT))

IMPORTANT, Before You Continue...
(You're only going to see this page once (ever),
so please read every word very carefully.
It's that important.)

16 Of The Hottest Private Rights Products That You Can Instantly Turn
Around And Sell
Before You Proceed, Read This!

I'm giving YOU (Like Other People Who Came Here) A Chance To Download A
HUGE Collection of Private Rights Products for Just $17.97...

Click Here <> for




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Messages in this topic (1)

3a. How To Start An Adult Business From Home and GET WOMEN
Posted by: "b4j207" b4j207
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:05 am ((PDT))

How To Start An Adult Video Business

For more info, go to...

Messages in this topic (5)

4a. How To Make Money With Affiliate Programs
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:07 am ((PDT))

*How To Make Money With Affiliate Programs*

* Affiliate programs can either be a way to put a little extra cash in your
pocket or, hopefully, become a full time job. However, it's not like you can
put up a bunch of affiliate links and expect to start making a mint. If you
want to make a full time job's worth of money off affiliate marketing, you
have to work at it full time. The great thing about affiliate marketing is
that it works 24/7—but this doesn't mean you should also put in several
hours a day of your own time. *


*The affiliate marketers who have had the most outstanding success are
normally those who have more than one site working at once. It's much harder
to make a decent amount of money if you have one affiliate site at a time.
Experienced affiliate marketers will have a number of different sites
running at once, all with different types of affiliate links. What this
means is that each affiliate site will need separate SEO: new content in the
form of blogs, forums, articles, and other techniques.*


Messages in this topic (3)

5a. Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:
Posted by: "manir senang" kizo090
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:07 am ((PDT))

*Convert Your Traffic Into Cash, Only Simple Two-Step:*

*1 Create your FREE Account ,Fill the form
2 Place this promotion code to your site Start making money*

*Get paid To Promote at any WebSite !Websites With Illegal Content Exception

* $1 Minimum Twice Monthly Auto Pay By E-Gold Or Paypal*

*Simple Step Only Place this promotion code to your site For Making Money*

*International Members are welcome*

*Auto Pay . Not required E-mail request for payment !*

* Earn From 2 Referral Levels:*

*1 level: 10%
2 level: 5%***

*Come on this is a new way for we get the free money from our computer*

*Although it's not a big money but if a continuos …it can be a big money
also… so why waiting….now go to this link:*


Messages in this topic (4)

Posted by: "sudheer2k71" sudheer2k71
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:41 am ((PDT))


For more details please log on to






YOu will paid IN US$ for Each member joining under you.THEY ALSO
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earning Y to wait
You cannot go wrong with this program. Do not delay in your
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become rich overnight, You WILL become independent."


Messages in this topic (12)

7.1. FREE Advertising Service
Posted by: "Mohammed Mujahid Khan" goldever2010
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:54 am ((PDT))

FREE Advertising Service

Hello Friends !!!

If you truly want your ads read by real persons then please keep reading.

Here's a great FREE Advertising Service, which I can fully recommend.

It has a membership of over 150,000!

Everyone needs business exposure and this is an excellent service where you

can promote your own business opportunity.

Increase Your Websites Traffic and Maximise Your Exposure! Check it out right


Get 3 refferals in GDi in 7 days Guranteed! FREE

Flying to Bangalore or Bhopal? Search for tickets here.
Messages in this topic (45)

8a. 100.000 Real Visitors Waiting!
Posted by: "Renee Grube" edosunadservisi1_1
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:55 am ((PDT))

100.000 Real Visitors Waiting!
Well, want to start getting targeted visitors from us today?
Act now, and we can start sending visitors to your websites in 6 hours.
Tired Of Marketing?
That's OK. Let's Promote Your Businesses FULL TIME!
Start getting targeted visitors from us today?
Act now, and we can start sending visitors to your websites in 6 hours.

Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.
Messages in this topic (19)

9a. This is your Plug In And Profit System To Make Up To $300
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:00 am ((PDT))

This is your Plug In And Profit System To Make Up To $300 In The Next 24 Hours !

Im Revealing My Secrets I Personally Use To Make Thousands
On The Internet Every Week!
visit and find it in

Messages in this topic (7)

10a. No Sponsoring Needed to Earn !
Posted by: "This is HOT !" kkash28
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:02 am ((PDT))

Hi Friends,

You can easily make truckloads of Cold Hard Cash from this HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) –

Launched in Apr'07, Minvestment has been paying for over 4 months.

It offers 3 plans as follows –

Plan 1 : Variable Rate from 1.4 - 1.7% daily, min investment : $15

Plan 2, 1.9% daily, min investment : $1,000

Plan 3, 2.3% daily, min investment : $25,000

You can however earn much more if you compound your interest with a choice from 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% … right up to 100% compounding. This means that if you choose say 50% compounding, 50% of your principle will earn compound interest while the other 50% will earn simple interest.

To earn even higher rates, you can opt for Progressive Compounding and earn an extra 0.01% for each day of Progressive Compounding. For example if you opt for Progressive Compounding for 100 days, you will earn extra 100 x 0.01% = 1% interest, so instead of say 1.5% daily interest, you will earn 2.5% interest !

You can use the Compounding Calculator on the site to compute how much you will earn.
A $100, with 100% Simple Compounding will yield $158.61 in just 30 days.
A $100, with 100% Progressive Compounding will yield $173.27 in just 30 days.

Progressive Compounding will earn a lot more for longer terms. For example, $100 will become $465.48 in 100 days under Simple Compounding but a whooping $1,274.80 under Progressive Compounding !

Withdrawal is completed in hours; your withdrawal will be deposited to your egold account in a matter of hours once you submit your withdrawal !

Don't missed this golden opportunity to make a fortune from this program –

Here's to your success,



Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.
Messages in this topic (2)

11. Amazing Young Sex! 3 Very Cute Teenagers Virgin Girls Enjoying Sex
Posted by: "namita.telugu" namita.telugu
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:02 am ((PDT))

Huge selection of free teen sex pictures and porn movies galleries. you
will find only hot teen models and nude girls posing ...........

3 Very Cute Teenagers Virgin Girls Enjoying Sex





Click to Download <>

Messages in this topic (1)

Posted by: "Ummi Kalthom Shuib 503" kkash28
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:04 am ((PDT))




ASB : 7.5% setahun

EPF : 5% setahun

UNIT TRUST : 10% - 20% setahun




Mahukah anda menjana pendapatan lumayan yang berlipat-kali ganda & menakjubkan tanpa memerah keringat melalui satu pelaburan terhangat masa kini?

Anda mungkin mempunyai minat yang mendalam untuk melabur dalam Unit Trust. Namun, niat anda mungkin terbantut disebabkan oleh beberapa perkara yang anda hadapi seperti:

*Tidak tahu di mana tempat untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang tepat dan rujukan yang lengkap tentang Unit Trust

*Tiada masa untuk menghadiri seminar dan bengkel mengenai Pelaburan Unit Trust

*Khuatir untuk melakukan tindakan secara bersendirian tanpa panduan dan tunjuk ajar daripada pakar Unit Trust

*Tidak mempunyai perunding yang berkebolehan untuk berbincang dan memenuhi kehendak pelaburan anda

*Takut sekiranya anda terjerat dengan pelaburan-pelaburan yang haram di sisi undang-undang Malaysia

*Sudah semestinya anda tidak mahu kerugian dan tidak mahu wang anda lesap dengan begitu sahaja

*dan masalah-masalah lain yang menyebabkan anda terpaksa melupakan sahaja niat anda untuk melabur dalam Unit Trust

Cuba Anda Bayangkan

-Sudah berapa banyak wang yang anda laburkan selama ini tanpa apa-apa pulangan, malahan hilang begitu sahaja

-Sudah berapa banyak syarikat MLM yang anda sertai tetapi pendapatan anda masih di takuk yang lama

-Sudah berapa banyak wang dan masa yang anda bazirkan dengan menyertai skim-skim piramid, scam, ponzi, surat berantai dan skim cepat kaya tetapi tidak ada hasil yang anda perolehi

-Sudah berapa kali anda terjerat dengan sistem-sistem pelaburan haram dan tidak sah dari segi undang-undang Malaysia

-Sudah berapa banyak kali keluarga anda menangis melihat kerugian demi kerugian disebabkan pelaburan anda

-Barapa banyakkah hutang piutang yang anda tanggung sekarang akibat pelaburan yang anda sertai selama ini...


# Ramai rakyat Malaysia kini tertipu dengan pelaburan-pelaburan yang haram di sisi undang-undang Malaysia, dengan harapan mendapat keuntungan yang besar dalam jangka masa yang singkat. Sedangkan kerajaan telah membuka ruang dan platform pelaburan yang sah

# Anda boleh memaksimumkan wang KWSP anda melalui pelaburan dalam unit trust? Pulangan KWSP tahun lepas hanya 5%. Tapi pulangan unit trust tahun lepas ada yang mencecah 33%. Oleh itu jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Bahkan anda juga boleh membuat pelaburan dalam unit trust dengan nilai pelaburan permulaan yang rendah

# Jika anda melabur = RM2,000 >>> Untung = 20% setahun, dalam masa 20 tahun, duit pelaburan RM2,000 anda akan menjadi = RM2,000 x (1 + 20%)20 = RM76,675.20 SUNGGUH LUMAYAN!!

# Jumlah kos pengajian degree di IPTA = RM 25,000 manakala kadar inflasi semasa = 3.5%. Katakan anda mempunyai anak berumur 2 tahun, dlm masa 15 tahun lagi dia akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke IPTA..! Jumlah kos pengajian degree di IPTA tahun 2022 = RM25,000.00 x (1 + 0.035)^15 = RM41,883.70 Oleh itu, ELAKKAN masalah kewangan ini berlaku kepada diri anda kelak!...

Jika anda benar-benar ingin menikmati pulangan lumayan dari sistem penjanaan wang, inilah pelaburan yang sah disisi undang-undang malaysia. Mulakan pelaburan bijak anda dengan pelaburan unit trust.

"Anda Boleh Menjimatkan Masa Dan Memaksimakan Wang Ringgit Dengan Memahami Pelaburan Unit Trust yang terkandung di dalam Ebook ini!"

What do I need to know about unit trust investments?

The Basics (Introduction to unit trust)

A unit trust fund is a collective investment scheme, which pools the savings of investors with similar investment objectives in a special "trust" fund managed by professional fund managers. The fund will then be invested in a diversified portfolio of equities, fixed income securities and other assets in accordance with the fund's investment objectives and as permitted under the SC's Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds.

The organisation of a unit trust fund is a tripartite relationship between the manager, the trustee and the unitholders. The obligations and rights of each of the three parties are specified in the Deed, a legal document drawn up by the manager and registered with the SC. The Deed is designed to govern the operations of the trust fund and protect the unitholders' interests. The manager is responsible for the management and operations of the trust fund whilst the trustee holds all the assets of the fund.


Messages in this topic (3)

13.1. Learn How to Hack Credit Card!!
Posted by: "Darkrodent A." darkrodent122
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:13 am ((PDT))

Guys/Girls I have found a new way to Hack Credit Cards with Valid CVV2 number I have searched a lot and its my own experienced that I also have hacked more than 27 Valid Credit Cards along with expiry data,CVV2 number, state, zip, country, name, phone number and mailing address. For more information visit or

Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV.
Messages in this topic (51)

13.2. Learn How to Hack Credit Card!!
Posted by: "Darkrodent A." darkrodent122
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:14 am ((PDT))

Guys/Girls I have found a new way to Hack Credit Cards with Valid CVV2 number I have searched a lot and its my own experienced that I also have hacked more than 27 Valid Credit Cards along with expiry data,CVV2 number, state, zip, country, name, phone number and mailing address. For more information visit or

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase.
Messages in this topic (51)

14. Your Online Shopping Center
Posted by: "C&R BOUNTIFUL TREASURES" cr_treasures
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:16 am ((PDT))

We have many merchants for all your online shopping needs. Christmas is
coming, so start shopping early. For a list of merchants, log on to: <>

Special page dedicated to Made in the USA only items. Dont put your
children at risk with other toys, buy USA made toys for Christmas.

Messages in this topic (1)

15a. Top HYIP Site…Launched 10/06 ….Still Paying…. 64% Per Mt
Posted by: "10 Mths & Still Paying !" ebizz8
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:50 am ((PDT))

Hi Friends,
You can easily make truckloads of Cold Hard Cash from this No 1 HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) –

Launched in Oct'06, A3Union has been paying for 10 months with total investments approaching $10,000,000.
It offers 4 plans as follows, but the Combined Portfolio pays the highest yields –

Aggressive Portfolio – 1.6% profit in 2 days, min investment : $500
Classic Portfolio – 12% profit in 7 days, min investment : $250
Combined portfolio - 28% profit in 14 days, min investment : $100
Long Term Classic Portfolio - 200% profit in 92 days, min investment : $50

A $1,000 invested in the Combined Portfolio will compound to $52,227 in just 8 months ! 28% in 14 days is about 64% per month !
Withdrawal is instant; your withdrawal will be instantly deposited to your egold account once you submit your withdrawal !

If you look at the chart of A3Union, you can see that traffic is continually rising. Ranked 29,878 on Jun11, it has steadily gone up to rank 12,200 now.

All the best,


Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.
Messages in this topic (7)

16a. This is what ITV is all about
Posted by: "Networkinghowto Advertising" howto_advertise_today
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:04 am ((PDT))

Take Calls Live From Infomercials... BIG MONEY!! Take 5
minutes out of your schedule to change your life. Please go
<> this may take a few seconds to
load but will be well worth your time! This infomercial will be
airing to the entire US in 3 weeks to the tune of 3 million
dollars a week in national advertising. After watching the
infomercial ask yourself one question, does it make sense to you
and if so, how many other people are going to be feeling the
same way after seeing it on television? Begin you due
diligence here:
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you will be seeing on live television very soon. Be the first to
make THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars by making an intelligent
decision based on your gut instinct!! I am not looking for
anyone to waste money and my objective is to help you achieve
your goals. I have sent emails on this before and if it were
not the best thing that you could do for yourself, I would not
be so persistent. If you have a downline in another company,
than they too will see this infomercial unless you show it to
them first. This is the one place that you do not need to have
marketing skills to be productive. I want you to be a Charter
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think about, if you watch this and it makes sense to you, <> , than
call me.
With Regards,

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Messages in this topic (6)

17.1. Make Up to $3,500 and More Weekly!
Posted by: "Terence Hill" lazvebiz1
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:06 am ((PDT))

Make Up to $3,500 and More Weekly!
You can Make Up to $3,500 and More Weekly with
Google & Clickbank Using a Wonderful
System Which I Will Set up for You!

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Messages in this topic (438)

18a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Linux OS Available for FREE Download
Posted by: "rachana choudry" rachana_ebooks
Date: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:25 am ((PDT))

Dear All, Best is world's largest FREE download website for ebooks. You can find a full range of ebooks - from Computers to Spirituality, from Business to Arts. If you are looking for any tutorial or ebook, your first destination is

Best EBooks - World's Largest Collection of FREE EBooks over Internet Top 50 FREE eBooks for Linux OS available for FREE downloads from Best

Top 50 FREE eBooks for Linux OS Available for FREE Download
Inside Linux Kernel
There are thousands of hackers working on the Linux kernel, spread over the world. These people are also called Linux hackers. At the top of the Linux kernel development is Linus Torvalds, the starter of the Linux kernel. The kernel is written in C, with some architecture-specific parts written in assembler.

Linux Guide
The name 'Linux' properly refers to an operating system 'kernel', a single but key component of a complete operating system. In everday use, the term 'Linux' is frequently used to refer to a complete operating system which consists of the kernel and some of the thousands of other programs required to make an operating system useful. Much of the important system software that is typically installed on a Linux system comes from The GNU Project, a project to build an operating system made entirely of free software.

Linux For Newbies
his book might be really useful, especially if combined with Installing Linux. There's a lot of info on the net about Linux, but it's hard to find a complete, well written, easy to understand guide for people who are new to the whole Linux (free software, open source, etc.) phenomenon and are curious about (trying) it. Having a guide like this, containing info newbies want to hear, would make it less likely that they would get scared away by the enormous pile of complicated stuff they find elsewhere. I might have some time to write a startup, but I imagine there are a lot of people around here who could contribute to this. Stuff that should be in it (just some brainstorming).(research before trying it)

inux From Scratch
This book is an open source attempt at discussing how to create a Linux computer system by starting with a blank hard disk and assembling all the 'parts' needed for a Linux distribution such as Debian, Fedora core, or Slackware. If you do not know what Linux is, STOP. This book will make you more confused. This is not intended to be a newbie guide nor an installation manual. It is more of a map on discussing all the aspects of a real world attempt to create a Linux-controlled computer, specifically an x86 computer, as this is what the original kernel was written for. There are thousands of tutorials on how to create Linux, even a website dedicated to this very topic

Linux kernel
the open-content textbooks collection

Linux Kernel Drivers Annotated
There has been lot of articles/books written on how to write device drivers for the Linux kernel. The problem is that these books do not point to real sources in the Linux kernel. We try to address that by explaining some easy to understand Linux kernel drivers in this book

Linux software howtos bookshelf
the open-content textbooks collection

The first section of the Handbook will guide the new user through the installation of Slackware Linux and gently introduces the concepts and conventions that underpin the OS. Working through this section requires little more than the desire to learn and the fortitude to attempt an installation.

Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals
This guide is now part of the Linux Documentation Project

The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
The Linux Programmer's Guide is meant to do what the name implies- It is to help Linux programmers understand the peculiarities of Linux. By its nature, this also means that it should be useful when porting programs from other operating systems to Linux. It covers the following topics : The Linux operating system, The Linux kernel, The Linux libc package, System calls

The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
What exactly is a kernel module? Modules are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the kernel upon demand. They extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system. For example, one type of module is the device driver, which allows the kernel to access hardware connected to the system. Without modules, we would have to build monolithic kernels and add new functionality directly into the kernel image. Besides having larger kernels, this has the disadvantage of requiring us to rebuild and reboot the kernel every time we want new functionality.

The Linux Kernel
This book is for Linux enthusiasts who want to know how the Linux kernel works. It is not an internals manual. Rather it describes the principles and mechanisms that Linux uses; how and why the Linux kernel works the way that it does. Linux is a moving target; this book is based upon the current stable 2.0.33 sources as those are what most individuals and companies are now using

Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Second Edition
The Internet is now a household term in many countries. With otherwise serious people beginning to joyride along the Information Superhighway, computer networking seems to be moving toward the status of TV sets and microwave ovens. The Internet has unusually high media coverage, and social science majors are descending on Usenet newsgroups, online virtual reality environments, and the Web to conduct research on the new "Internet Culture."

The Linux System Administrator's Guide
The Linux System Administrator's Guide, describes the system administration aspects of using Linux. It is intended for people who know next to nothing about system administration (those saying ``what is it?''), but who have already mastered at least the basics of normal usage. This manual doesn't tell you how to install Linux; that is described in the Installation and Getting Started document. See below for more information about Linux manuals.

Operating Systems Lecture Notes
An operating systems university course, reviewing the following topics : OS Overview and History, Processes and Threads , Thread Creation, Manipulation and Synchronization , Deadlocks, Implementing Synchronization Operations , CPU Scheduling , OS Potpourri , Introduction to Memory Management , Introduction to Paging, Issues in Paging and Virtual Memory , MIPS TLB Structure ,Introduction to File Systems , File System Implementation , Monitors , Segments,Disk Scheduling , Networking , UDP and TCP

Introduction to the vi Editor
vi (pronounced vee-EYE, short for 'visual') provides basic text editing capabilities. Three aspects of vi make it appealing. First, vi is supplied with all UNIX systems. You can use vi at other universities or any businesses with UNIX systems. Second, vi uses a small amount of memory, which allows efficient operation when the network is busy. Third, because vi uses standard alphanumeric keys for commands, you can use it on virtually any terminal or workstation in existence without having to worry about unusual keyboard mappings. As a point of interest, vi is actually a special mode of another UNIX text editor called ex. Normally you do not need to use ex except in vi mode.

Introduction to GNU Emacs
GNU Emacs (hereafter just 'emacs') is a useful UNIX-based editor available from the Free Software Foundation. Emacs has lisp-like editing macros which allow for extensive customization. This document begins with opening and closing a window, moves on to editing files, and finally covers more advanced topics.

Unix User's Guide
Well, the Unix guide to life is finally a reality. Lots of work has gone into making the guide clear and understandable for novice users. At the same time, some intermediate concepts have been addressed for the more experienced user.

Linux Memory Management - MM
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The Linux USB sub-system
This document is an early draft of a guide to using the USB sub-system under Linux.

Packaging software with RPM
RPM is a widely used tool for delivering software for Linux. Users can easily install an RPM-packaged product. In this article, the first in a series, IBM software engineer Dan Poirier shows you how to use RPM to package simple software on a Red Hat Linux 7.1 system.

Linux soporta un amplio rango de software tal como TeX, X window, Matlab, Java, Corel WordPerfect, Scilab, SSH, GNOME, KDE, StarOffice, Adobe Reader, Netscape Navigator y Communicator, XEmacs, Wabi, Perl, Python, Siag, Tcl/Tk, el compilador GNU C/C++ y TCP/IP, además que compañías comerciales ya estan liberando producto para Linux (ejemplo: Sybase, Informix, Oracle, TIS, Corel WordPerfect, etc.) . Es muy versátil, distribuido libremente en los términos del GNU Licencia Pública General.

Linux Administration Made Easy
The "Linux Administration Made Easy" (LAME) guide attempts to describe day-to-day administration and maintenance issues commonly faced by Linux system administrators. Part of the Linux Documentation Project.

The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Techniques for Everyday Use
That explains the premise of the book -- it's a hands-on guide to getting things done on a Linux system, designed for the everyday user who is not necessarily a computer programmer.

Linux in the Workplace
You may be coming to Linux and KDE from another operat- ing system, and you are probably familiar with browsing the Web, sending email, preparing documents, and doing other job- related tasks with your computer. Whether you're somewhat experi- enced or completely new to computers, this book was written for you.

Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition
This is the online version of Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition by Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman. Individual chapters can be downloaded in pdf format.

Free for All(Linux)
Free for All: How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High-Tech Titans is available in various formats. Peter Wayner's Free for All explores the history of open-source programming, its emerging threat to Microsoft, and its struggle to retain its ideals in the face of big money.

Advanced Linux Programming
This book will help you to: Develop GNU/Linux software that works the way users expect it to, Write more sophisticated programs with features such as multiprocessing, multi-threading, interprocess communication, and interaction with hardware devices, Improve your programs by making them run faster, more reliably, and more securely, Understand the preculiarities of a GNU/Linux system, including its limitations, special capabilities, and conventions.

Maximum RPM
Welcome! This is a book about the Red Hat Package Manager or, as it is known to it's friends, RPM. The history of RPM is inextricably linked to the history of Linux, so a bit of Linux history may be in order. Linux is a full-featured implementation of a UNIX-like operating system, and has taken the computing world by storm.

GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool
The GNU autoconf, automake, and libtool 'autotools' are powerful tools that simplify writing software on different platforms. GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool is a technically adept and expert guide to using these utilities effectively.

Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Ultimate Solution
This book provides a comprehensive collection of Linux security products and explains in the most simple and structured manner how to safely and easily configure and run many popular Linux-based applications and services, including Exim, Qmail, Apache 2, DHCP, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, Anti-Relaying, ProFTPD, and many others.

Securing & Optimizing Linux: Red Hat Edition
This book shows you how to build a secure, reliable and clean network from the ground up, with optimizations and security, using RedHat Linux 7.x as a base OS.

LINUX: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition
This is an excellent book to learn Linux. Topics covered: How to be a competent Linux user, familiar with the command line, key utilities like 'sed,' and important related skills like C programming, shell scripting, and regular expression creation. There's coverage of server software--notably HTTPd, Sendmail, and Exim--and coverage of the PostgreSQL server.

Beyond Linux® From Scratch
Beyond Linux From Scratch (BLFS) is a project that continues where the LFS book finishes. It assists users in developing their systems according to their needs by providing a broad range of instructions for installing and configuring various packages on top of a base LFS system.

Knowing Knoppix
Knoppix is an astoundingly clever product. It runs Linux completely from CD. There is no need to install. It bypasses all the software already installed on your PC or laptop. It automatically detects the hardware in your computer, such as video card, sound card, networking, the lot (subject to suitable hardware). When you've finished using Knoppix, simply restart. Your computer will return to your regular system, and it will behave as if nothing has happened. Knoppix is Free Software and open source under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).

We are relative Linux newbies (with Linux since Summer 1998). We run mostly RedHat and Mandrake -> the solutions might not be directly applicable to other Linux distributions (although most of them probably will be). Hope this helps; we try to be as practical as possible. Of course, we provide no warranty whatsoever. If you spotted a bad error or would like to contribute a part on a topic of your choice, we would like to hear from you.

Linux Newbie Guide
In this guide, you'll find out why Linux offers a real alternative to other operating systems, how you can install Linux on to your computer for free, and how to get to grips with using Linux on a daily basis without any techno jargon

GNU Emacs Manual
This book picks up where the introductory on-line tutorial included with Emacs ends. It explains the full range of Emacs' power and contains reference material useful to expert users. This free book can be downloaded in various formats.

Self-Service Linux: Mastering the Art of Problem Determination
In Self-Service Linux, two of IBM's leading Linux experts introduce a four-step methodology for identifying and resolving every type of Linux-related system or application problem: errors, crashes, hangs, performance slowdowns, unexpected behavior, and unexpected outputs.

Linux Quick Fix Notebook
Linux Quick Fix Notebook brings together all the step-by-step instructions, precise configuration commands, and real-world guidance you need. Peter Harrison addresses virtually every aspect of Linux administration, from software installation to security, user management to Internet services.

Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager
This book describes VM in unprecedented detail, presenting both theoretical foundations and a line-by-line source code commentary. It systematically covers everything from physical memory description to out-of-memory management.

Java Application Development on Linux
Linux is the fastest-growing Java development platform because it saves money and then saves time by serving as a platform for both development and deployment. Written for Java and Linux developers alike, Java Application Development on Linux is the hands-on guide to the full Java application development lifecycle on Linux.

Managing Linux Systems with Webmin
A Webmin guide for every beginning-to-intermediate sysadmin. Written by Webmin's primary developer, this book delivers authoritative, step-by-step coverage of the latest version of Webmin, from installation to centrally managing multiple servers.

The Linux Development Platform
The Linux Development Platform shows how to choose the best open source and GNU development tools for your specific needs, and integrate them into a complete development environment that maximizes your effectiveness in any project.

GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
his book is Copyright and is made available in the hope that it serves as a useful resource for users of GNU/Linux in general and Debian in particular. The procedures and applications presented in this book have been included for their instructional value. They have been tested but are not guaranteed for any particular purpose

Step by Step Linux Guide
Step by Step Linux Guide is a book that is written by M.B.G. Suranga De Silva to provide a single reference for network administration in a Linux environment. Beginners as well as experienced users should find the information they need to cover nearly all important administration activities required to manage a Linux network configuration.

Writing GNOME Applications
This book will attempt to guide you through all the fundamental parts of GNOME, to explain how things work and why. Rather than taking you through an exhaustive listing of function calls and coding semantics, we'll concentrate on what makes GNOME tick. We'll certainly go into detail about the important function calls and how to use them, but you'll still want to keep the official GNOME and GTK+ documentation on hand. The official documents are free, just like the rest of GNOME, and should even be bundled with your GNOME distribution.

Bash Guide for Beginners
This guide discusses concepts useful in the daily life of the serious Bash user. While a basic knowledge of shell usage is required, it starts with a discussion of shell building blocks and common practices. Then it presents the grep, awk and sed tools that will later be used to create more interesting examples. The second half of the course is about shell constructs such as loops, conditional tests, functions and traps, and a number of ways to make interactive scripts.

Introduction to Linux
This book is intended as a practical guide to the Linux operating system for those with a moderate amount of technical experience. My intention is to make this book as friendly to the beginning user as possible. If you are already a Unix uber-geek, then this book will likely be boring to you although it has been my experience that many times those who have been using *nix systems for a long time are often less familiar with the available (Graphical User Interface) tools than those who began using those systems after GUI's became commonplace, full-featured, and easy to use.

Linux Administrator's Security Guide
'The principal objective of computer security is to protect and assure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of automated information systems and the data they contain.'

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