Topics in this digest:
1a. What keeps you from making money?
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
2a. Create A Monster Load Of Traffic To Your Website!!
From: Lassina Traore
3.1. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
From: 41 Marketing
4.1. Shop and earn at Free Bucks!! Free to join!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
5a. Build an income without competition!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
6. Word Advertising starting at $1.00 Plus Today's special
From: The Ultimate Mall
7. Forex? What is it, anyway?? (((((InFffOZzzz)))))
From: fx_net
8a. Bebirian Online Art Gift Store Welcomes You!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
12.1. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
13.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
From: rn_reza_del_04
14.1. Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
From: rn_reza_del_04
15.1. URGENT: Please Read And Act Now!
From: rn_reza_del_04
16a. Save $$$ on Shopping, Travel & Dining - Income Opportunities Availab
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
17.1. 600,000 Members Pay You Money, Join for FREE today!
From: rn_reza_del_04
18a. Join the Franchise opportunity for pleasure and Profit
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
19a. Join my Jockey to Person team for only $199 and get $600+ in clothin
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
20.1. "Cleanse" & Lose Weight Fast - Huge Financial Opportunity!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
21.1. Last Chance to get all 22 reports for FREE !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
22.1. The internet millionaire secrets
From: rn_reza_del_04
23a. Tupperware Online shopping!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
1a. What keeps you from making money?
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:46 am ((PDT))
Let's start with a basic principle: Everyone wants to make their life better. Ask people what "better" means and they'll tell you different things, but everyone agrees they want their life to be better. The question is how to make it better!
Well, most people will tell you they need more money to make their life better. Just how much is different for each person, but most will agree they just need more. So what keeps them from making more money?
Well, they'll tell you they don't have the money to start making money. They don't have the skills to make money. They don't know how to sell anything, and besides, they hate selling. And, they don't have the time to make money.
They probably also don't believe they can make more money. They've tried before and failed. Maybe they have tried a lot of times and still failed. They just don't have it in them to try again.
Ginny Dye, the founder of My Power Mall, spent many years in the Network Marketing or Multi-level Marketing Industry. She was a leader and trainer in her company. Anyone would have called her a success but she walked away from all of it 4 years ago. Why? Because she was tired of watching so many wonderful people try and fail. Do you know that only 3% of people in MLM actually succeed? That means 97% of them FAIL. She simply could no longer introduce people to something and ask them for money, commitment and time - only to watch them fail, drop out and end up discouraged and disillusioned. She walked away and never looked back.
During the last 4 years she has worked with a team of 60 amazing people, investing a half million dollars of cash and time, to create a simple system that EVERYONE can succeed with. It's not your typical MLM. It's not a typical Affiliate Program. It is simply a brand new concept that will allow the 97% of people who have failed before, finally succeed!
She will soon be taking this to television and
the new people re.cruited for My Power Mall will be distributed
under those who are already enrolled.
This is like winning the lottery – get in now.
- MY POWER MALL really is FR*EE. There's no cost to you - EVER.
- There's nothing to SELL.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it's yours. Pretty simple.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.
My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives.
If you want to know your past ?
look into your present conditions.
If you want to know your future ?
look into your present actions!
By December MPM members are expected to be spending
11 MILLION $$ a month.
How much of that could be yours?
Expect Miracles
They happen all the time
Messages in this topic (6)
2a. Create A Monster Load Of Traffic To Your Website!!
Posted by: "Lassina Traore"
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:47 am ((PDT))
Dear Netpreneur:
Check out
Competition reigns supreme on the internet, and it is very important to stretch your advertising budget as far as you can for maximum return on your investment. I have found a website that allows me to do that very thing. You can spend all day surfing the net for advertising deals, posting links here, and placing ads there. At, you can do it all from one place, at a very affordable price.
You get all of the tools you need to make your marketing efforts a success. Everything is very easy to use. Type in your ad, hit send and it is done. You also get a one year membership to their Safelist Submitter that allows you to send your message to hundreds of thousands of individuals looking for ways to add to their income every single day. And Best of All, you can get access to all of the tools, everything you need for only $5.00 for the first 30 days. After that, it is only $10.00 per month.
Their affiliate program pays you 50% commission on every sale, and you can request your money at anytime. For a limited time there is also a Reseller program that pays you 100% of the profit, which means you earn $10.00 per month on every person you sign up. The money is instantly paid into your PayPal account. It could not be any easier than this.
A way to market all of your offers, plus a way to make some additional cash. Listen, some people make $100,000.00 per year on the internet, while others barely earn enough money to feed themselves. Yet we all have the same amount of time in each day. Make your time count for something. Take a few minutes to look at all you get at Raise the bar on your marketing efforts today!
Messages in this topic (3)
3.1. Make $19.95 - over and over again!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41marketing02
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:47 am ((PDT))
As incredible as it may sound youre about to discover just like
I did how you can start creating a steady stream of income working
Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (28)
4.1. Shop and earn at Free Bucks!! Free to join!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:55 am ((PDT))
Shop and earn at Free Bucks!! Free to join!
Welcome to Free Bucks - Rebate Shopping!
Free Bucks aims to bring you the best deals and the biggest savings available today and every day! FREE to join and you receive your Rebates in addition to the merchants own promotions and incentives. Sign up now and start EARNING!!
Shop at some of your favorite retailers!
Including: 1-800 Flowers, Vista Print, Discovery Store, National Geographic, Budget Rent a Car and so much More!!!! Thousands of your favorite shops listed!!!
Not only will you get all the online discounts and promotional give away's and free trials but you will also earn money when Rebate shopping!
What is Rebate Shopping?
All the money given in Rebates comes from the advertising budgets of Merchants. Advertisers pay a commission to Free Bucks for introducing the customer to them and Free bucks shares that commission with with the customer, in effect reducing the cost of that item to the consumer.
Want to earn CASH?
Become an affiliate!!!
Get a lifetime of commissions of each member you introduce Or take a JavaScript or XML feed of your programmes and promote them on your site. Earn commission for each and every sale!!!
Messages in this topic (35)
5a. Build an income without competition!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:55 am ((PDT))
Build an income without competition!
Germs are found in places you would least expect them. Office desks and keyboards are germier than the toilet seat at work. Outdoor port-o-potties are actually cleaner than picnic tables, shopping cart handles, escalator handles, and playground equipment. A simple rub to your eye or wipe across your nose can introduce germs into your body from your hands. That is why everyone needs PureWorks: doctors, teachers, parents, kids, students, food service workers. Anyone with skin is a potential customer. All skin contains bacteria and all of us have skin!! PureWorks products have already been widely tested and accepted in the professional medical field for 2 years and we are the FIRST to manufacture and distribute this caliber of products approved by the FEDERAL DRUG ADMINSTRATION AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AGENCY
Join now and be a part of a company that has no competition! Distributors earn up to five different ways!! The PureWorks Compensation Plan is one of the most lucrative and fair compensation plans in the industry! The PureWorks compensation plan pays 50% commissions to distributors! This is a product that everyone needs that you don't have to be uncomfortable sharing with EVERYONE! With the right product and the right tool to share your product with others, you cannot help but succeed! If you would like to learn more about our product and how you can make money starting TODAY then stop on in at: and take the business opportunity tour and become a believer!
Messages in this topic (11)
6. Word Advertising starting at $1.00 Plus Today's special
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:58 am ((PDT))
*New our ad words page* - get your site listed for as low as $1.00 Per name.
Great New Way to Advertise.
Just Go to <>
CONTEST* - Name Our AD WORDs Site -
We are looking for a name for our ad words site.
send in a name to use at
and your name will go into a drawing to win 1 Free solo ad
this will be a solo ad for 7 days once a Day sent to 200 mailing lists
If you have more then one name please send in seperate e-mails.
The drawing will end on 29th I will Then pick out a name contact the winner
on the 30th of this month.
If you have any questions please contact me <> <>
If you don't see a word you can suggest one to add.
This page is linked to my Online Mall, Newsletter's, and my crochet pattern
sites & More...
TODAY'S Special -
Buy any solo ad, Image, banner, Link, ect,, get your second listing FREETo
get your free listing go to
after ordering your ad, etc send me your information.
then e-mail me your information for your FREE listing.
I will then get you set up in The Ultimate Mall
Mary Blake
Solo advertising
Can send ad's to 25 to 200 lists
The Ultimate Mall
Messages in this topic (1)
7. Forex? What is it, anyway?? (((((InFffOZzzz)))))
Posted by: "fx_net" tours.travels
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:10 am ((PDT))
Most Forex traders loose money, don't be one of them!!!!
Learn Forex for free here and get useful recommendation on Forex learning resources.
This email message was sent specially for :
[[[[[:::::-----::::: :::::-----:::::]]]]]
Messages in this topic (1)
8a. Bebirian Online Art Gift Store Welcomes You!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:12 am ((PDT))
Bebirian Online Art Gift Store Welcomes You!
Walter, a world renowned photographer has been creating works of art since 1958 and would love to share his images with you.
You are cordially invited to visit Bebirian online art Gift store.Once there, you will find various art images on over 90 gift items. Please feel free to book mark to see new images frequently added. Walter also encourages you the shopper to bring in new ideas. If there is something that you want and don't see please feel free to contact him with your suggestion.
For your shopping pleasure please stop in today and visit Bebirian Online Art Store at:
Messages in this topic (2)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:12 am ((PDT))
Disappointed in many of the programs that you have joined on line ?
Have no luck at all trying to refer ?
Well, don't give up yet !!
Nobody is born a skilled marketer. All you need is the right tool, and
the right guidance.
Here at Reality-Networkers, a group of dedicated, active promoters are
getting paid by us to HELP YOU promote !!
That's right !!
These people are willing to tell you, step by step, what kind of ads
they are using, what kind of promotion tools they are using, and where
they post their ads to.
And all you have to do, is follow the instruction and try to learn
from those steps and become a top marketer yourself !!!
Don't just tell yourself that you cannot refer and give up. For sure
that's not how you've learned to ride a bicycle right ? All you need
is the proper support and guidance.
Please follow the link below to find out how you can benefit from
Reality-Networkers for FREE right away !!
Messages in this topic (50)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:12 am ((PDT))
Are you an active promoter ?
Are you having troubles getting your own referrals to be just like you ?
If so, look no further.
Thousands of active promoters like you are gathering here at
Reality-Networkers so the ENTIRE TEAM of active promoters can
contribute their experience, their talents, their skills, and their
knowledge to help each other's referrals to also become an active
Just think, if all of your referrals is now able to refer 2 ~ 5 people
required in every matrices out there, do you still have to put in so
much effort to promote to earn that millions of dollars in the last
level of every matrices ?
Follow the link below to find out more details on how you can benefit
from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away:
Messages in this topic (54)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:13 am ((PDT))
Are you still promoting programs after programs in the hope of
succeeding in some of them?
Most program only requires you to refer 2 ~ 5 people !
That means if you're referring anymore than that while your referrals
aren't doing anything,
you'll never be able to succeed simply because you'll never be able to
refer thousands of people all by yourself !!!
Come become part of the Reality-Networkers and find out for yourself
how this entire team of active networkers can help you,
and your referrals to do their part.
to truly for you to earn that millions of dollars in every matrices
out there is not for yourself to refer 1000s of people,
but to have your referrals refer 2 ~ 5 people on their own with the
help of Reality-Networkers.
To find out more details on how you can benefit from
Reality-Networkers for FREE, please follow this link here:
Messages in this topic (62)
12.1. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:13 am ((PDT))
[Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !! may very well be the fastest growing program on
the internet today.
Why? Easy entry, low, low cost and huge potential payout. Check it out
for yourself.
Messages in this topic (59)
13.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:14 am ((PDT))
Please stop sending your Ad to me!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (153)
14.1. Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:15 am ((PDT))
Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (152)
15.1. URGENT: Please Read And Act Now!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:15 am ((PDT))
URGENT: Please Read And Act Now!
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (150)
16a. Save $$$ on Shopping, Travel & Dining - Income Opportunities Availab
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:16 am ((PDT))
Yep! It's True!... Why? Because we all shop and we all like to save.... right? Well.... with MyWorldPlus you can earn cash back while shopping online at over 600 stores. You can also shop at local merchants and save big! Eat pizza.... we have coupons for that! Rent movies... we have coupons for that also! You can't miss out on the savings.... you can come on over to pre-enroll for free and see what we have to offer. You can even do a local search to see what savings you local area offers.
Now.... here is the best part!! You can watch your powerline grow as a pre-enrollee.... You can see how fast you and your upline build a team. I have 650+ paid members in my powerline.... You can too! When you do decide to join, you will automatically earn commission on your 1st 5 paid members in your powerline. Then once you hit 1 star (3 recruits) you will earn on paid members in your powerline.....
We get paid both Weekly & Monthly.... Sound interesting yet?
Then head over to and Pre-Enroll to learn more!
If you have questions, please email me at .
Shop locally and Save $$$ - Shop online and get $$$ back - Earn $$$ from your powerline
Learn more here:
Want to Work at Home?
We offer a company directory to find a work at home job.
Work at Home? We offer services to help GROW your business!
Messages in this topic (5)
17.1. 600,000 Members Pay You Money, Join for FREE today!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:16 am ((PDT))
600,000 Members Pay You Money, Join for FREE today!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (147)
18a. Join the Franchise opportunity for pleasure and Profit
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:17 am ((PDT))
Join the Franchise opportunity for pleasure and Profit
Why do you want to join the Home Income Portal?
Firstly,The Home Income Portal is a unique online centre
through which you can access many pleasures.
This includes chat rooms,listening, watching and buying
the lastest chart music or box office film hits.The online
shops (inclusive of provide products ranging
from buying clothes and jewelry to booking your next holiday.
These are just some of the products and services you will
find by signing up as a free member to the home
Income Portal.
Secondly, in addition to enjoying all these services you
can own your own home income portal and enjoy multi streams
of income. This fully established turnkey home business is
riding high on the crest of a wave of change within the internet
based information technology revolution. As a franchise owner
for a very reasonable monthly subscription for maintenance of
your ready to go website, you will establish a very high
income for many years to come.This truly is a chance to join
the ranks of myspace and you tube with one difference, You will
make a real income and secure your own future.
So don't waste another moment, sign up as a free member and
witness for yourself this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity.
You can sign up as subscribed member at any time and enjoy making
your destiny secure?
Thankyou for your time
Graham Bookham
Messages in this topic (7)
19a. Join my Jockey to Person team for only $199 and get $600+ in clothin
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:17 am ((PDT))
Join my Jockey to Person team for only $199 and get $600+ in clothing
Please check it out and put Angela W ID#50604 when you join!
Here's the site:
Here is the link to what's in the kit!
Plus join now and also get another $100 in free clothing :)
No mins ever. Sell what you want when you want and you will never be removed
Messages in this topic (18)
20.1. "Cleanse" & Lose Weight Fast - Huge Financial Opportunity!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:17 am ((PDT))
"Cleanse" & Lose Weight Fast - Huge Financial Opportunity!
Revolutionary new cleansing technology helps the body burn fat and amazes health care and fitness professionals.* The products work so well; they are attracting business professionals and everyday people who are making extraordinary incomes. Ask how
"9-Days" can change your life
Messages in this topic (42)
21.1. Last Chance to get all 22 reports for FREE !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:17 am ((PDT))
Last Chance to get all 22 reports for FREE !!
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (145)
22.1. The internet millionaire secrets
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:18 am ((PDT))
The internet millionaire secrets
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (151)
23a. Tupperware Online shopping!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:18 am ((PDT))
Tupperware Online shopping! Your online shopping with Tupperware is simple, safe, and secure- add your products to your shopping cart, check out with a credit/debit card on our secure servers and watch for your Tupperware to arrive at your front door in about 7-10 days! Your order will be shipped directly from Tuppererware. Same great products from a company you trust!
Selling Tupperware! You can get started in your own Tupperware Business today for just $69.99. Join to purchase your Tupperware products at wholesale prices, to earn extra money or a full time career. The choice is yours. For more information on how you can become a consultant please visit . If interested you can sign up there!
Messages in this topic (4)
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:18 am ((PDT))
Zrii the new mlm prelaunch taking the world by storm. Founded by Bill Farley and Endorsed by the Chopra Wellness Center. Zrii is the next billion dollar brand. Official launch date set for Oct 1st. Your timing is perfect. Do not let this opportunity pass you by. For more info go to
and watch the video
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:19 am ((PDT))
Hi Friends,
This program has been paying for over 10 months with
Total investments approaching $10,000,000 –
A3Union offers 4 plans as follows, but the Combined
Portfolio pays the highest yields –
Aggressive Portfolio – 1.6% profit in 2 days, min
Investment : $500
Classic Portfolio – 12% profit in 7 days, min
Investment : $250
Combined portfolio - 28% profit in 14 days, min
Investment : $100
Long Term Classic Portfolio - 200% profit in 92 days,
Min investment : $50
A $1,000 invested in the Combined Portfolio will
Compound to $85,568 in just 9 months !
Withdrawal is instant; your withdrawal will be
Instantly deposited to your egold account once you
Submit your withdrawal !
Messages in this topic (3)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
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