Topics in this digest:
1. Airport limousine service Don't get caught in the 2 hour cab
From: muthu nathan
2.1. Today's Special
From: Female Surveyed Leads
3. Options University Affiliate Program---If interested join now
From: muthu nathan
4. Discover How to Limit Your Risk While Maximizing Your Profits in Tod
From: muthu nathan
5. How will you turn your invention into a multi-million dollar busines
From: muthu nathan
6. Easy Work That Fits Your Schedule No Experience Required
From: tbtcyoscifhi
7a. Promote your business and get paid at the same time!
From: James Williams Jr
8. How to trade only the best stocks?
From: muthu nathan
9. Fwd: Join my Yahoo Groups and start promoting your business..
From: Febie Kurniawan
10a. Does your Energy Drink pay you? MINE DOES!!
From: Febie Kurniawan
11. Free MP3 Downloads
From: Febie Kurniawan
12. Introducing the Forex Profit Accelerator-Your life and your trading
From: muthu nathan
13. Invitation from pepnopepito
From: Febie Kurniawan
14. Articles about Google adsense
From: Febie Kurniawan
15. Blueprint to the FOREX markets
From: muthu nathan
16. Breaking News.. Ready To Own The Internet?
From: homebizcareer
17. Advertising special Today Only (Double)
From: The Ultimate Mall
18. How About Unlimited Cash Payments Of $5, $250 & $500! Starting Today
From: Benneth Iwuchukwu
From: rn_reza_del_03
20. Blogger Templates 3 Column
From: Febie Kurniawan
From: rn_reza_del_03
From: rn_reza_del_03
23.1. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
From: rn_reza_del_03
24.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
From: rn_reza_del_03
25.1. Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
From: rn_reza_del_03
1. Airport limousine service Don't get caught in the 2 hour cab
Posted by: "muthu nathan" muthunathanr
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:00 am ((PDT))
Service Types:
# Airport
Transfer with luggage assistance
# Weddings
# Corporate Outings
# Night On the Town
# Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties
your ride. ClickHere: Going to Vegas? Don't get caught in the 2 hour cab line..
5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Go to
Messages in this topic (1)
2.1. Today's Special
Posted by: "Female Surveyed Leads" thebossymommy
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:01 am ((PDT))
Free leads offers:
-40 female surveyed leads for $22 plus 100 non-surveyed leads FREE
-150 male/female surveyed leads for $25 plus 100 non-surveyed leads
-Get 90 male/female surveyed leads and 100 non-surveyed leads FREE
when you purchase $50 or more in advertising on our site.
To order, email us directly at
or visit our site for other leads options:
*Free leads are male/female, non-surveyed
home business seeker leads
Messages in this topic (74)
3. Options University Affiliate Program---If interested join now
Posted by: "muthu nathan" muthunathanr
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:02 am ((PDT))
Options University Affiliate Program
We offer you a two-tiered associate program pays you 35% sales
commissions per sale on most products, and even over 700 dollars
per sale on our high-end products and services.
We'll also pay you 10% on second tier commissions, from new
affiliates that you refer to our program.
Here: If
interested join now
Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away. Go to
Messages in this topic (1)
4. Discover How to Limit Your Risk While Maximizing Your Profits in Tod
Posted by: "muthu nathan" muthunathanr
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:03 am ((PDT))
Options University
Discover How To Use
Options For Building Wealth (The Right Way) And Protecting
Your Assets At The Same Time?
Whether You're a Novice or Experienced
Trader, We Can Teach You How to Improve Your Trading With Options
Click Here To Join
5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Go to
Messages in this topic (1)
5. How will you turn your invention into a multi-million dollar busines
Posted by: "muthu nathan" muthunathanr
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:08 am ((PDT))
Our inventors are three times (3x) as
likely to receive licensing agreements from major manufacturers compared to the
industry average..
We'll give you facts and expert help on
the best way to protect your idea, develop your invention and launch your
We Protect, Develop, and Launch Your
Click Here;patent
your invention or idea
Click Here:
you have collogues or friends who is looking for this opportunity Forward this
mail to them
Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Go to
Messages in this topic (1)
6. Easy Work That Fits Your Schedule No Experience Required
Posted by: "tbtcyoscifhi" tbtcyoscifhi
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:09 am ((PDT))
Information on this work is contained in the Work Listing Site. The
current site includes the best, highest paying, easiest opportunities
that the average person can do. Within minutes you can be transferred
to the work listing site and be browsing for work. The site is easy
to navigate/use and you can go back anytime you want and look for
work. Yes, this means if you find work and don't like it or you want
to work for more than one company, fine go back to the site anytime
you want!
Looking for work is hard and expensive (Calls, emails, faxes,
letters, resumes, newspapers, interviews, clothing, gas, parking,
transportation, testing, classes at the local college, books, plus
countless hours). This can add up to hundreds of dollars, a lot of
stress/rejection and you still might not get the type of work you are
looking for. (Listen, even if you took a job at a fast food
restaurant, you would be required to buy $50.00 worth of uniforms!)
SAVE yourself the hassle!!! Go to the site today, contact the
companies, and in just minutes you could be Making Money doing fun
and rewarding work!
We are constantly reviewing new work offers, so if you register now
we will include Free our Update Service, which notifies you when we
are made aware of new work opportunities (No need to look for work,
companies come to you).
Messages in this topic (1)
7a. Promote your business and get paid at the same time!
Posted by: "James Williams Jr" james_williamsjr1
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:10 am ((PDT))
Promote your business and get paid at the same time!
I want to personally invite you to my Apsense business social network.
It's the ONLY social network where you can promote your business and
get paid at the same time! Isn't that the smartest idea since high
speed Internet?
By accepting this invitation you can get targeted and instant
to your business absolutely free and get paid!
See where thousands of small businesses go to get results:
The website address is:
No wonder Apsense is the #1 business social network on the Internet!
Best Regards,
Messages in this topic (15)
8. How to trade only the best stocks?
Posted by: "muthu nathan" muthunathanr
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:12 am ((PDT))
There ARE a few things that successful traders do to get a definite edge in the markets (again and again).
Do you know what they are? Trade Only The Best Stocks With 100% Confidence
Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away. Go to
Messages in this topic (1)
9. Fwd: Join my Yahoo Groups and start promoting your business..
Posted by: "Febie Kurniawan" febie.kurniawan
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:13 am ((PDT))
Your Business Here!
Advertising by Email
advertise anything, promote anything, be wise and get your network run..
| Official Blog |
| MP3 Downloads |
| Y u w i e |
| RotatrixFriendsNetwork |
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Messages in this topic (1)
10a. Does your Energy Drink pay you? MINE DOES!!
Posted by: "Febie Kurniawan" febie.kurniawan
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:14 am ((PDT))
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Convenient "pocket packets" / "go packets."
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Messages in this topic (2)
11. Free MP3 Downloads
Posted by: "Febie Kurniawan" febie.kurniawan
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:15 am ((PDT))
Free MP3 Downloads
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12. Introducing the Forex Profit Accelerator-Your life and your trading
Posted by: "muthu nathan" muthunathanr
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:17 am ((PDT))
Techniques Known Only To
Select Groups Of Global Currency Traders?
Profit Accelerator
5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Go to
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13. Invitation from pepnopepito
Posted by: "Febie Kurniawan" febie.kurniawan
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:18 am ((PDT))
.cell_right { background:#fff; font-family:verdana; color:#000; } .cell_left { background:#2282BF; font-family:verdana; color:#000; } .outer { background:#F6F6F6; font-family:verdana; color:#000; } .bottom { background:#000; font-family:verdana; color:#fff; font-size:8pt; } .top { background:#000; font-family:verdana; color:#fff; font-size:12pt; } Rotatrix Friends Network
pepnopepito from Rotatrix Friends Network has invited you to come and join our Rotatrix Friends Network.
This is a great place to make friends, conduct business, shop, or just simply to have fun. Click on the link below and join our network of friends today.
Copyright Rotatrix Friends Network
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14. Articles about Google adsense
Posted by: "Febie Kurniawan" febie.kurniawan
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:18 am ((PDT))
Articles about Google adsense
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15. Blueprint to the FOREX markets
Posted by: "muthu nathan" muthunathanr
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:18 am ((PDT))
Super Divergence Blueprint
Save all your chat conversations. Find them online at
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16. Breaking News.. Ready To Own The Internet?
Posted by: "homebizcareer" homebizcareer
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:20 am ((PDT))
Breaking News.. Ready To Own The Internet?
Own The Internet!
Like you Do Right Now
Learn More <>
It's Free 100 %
One more
Just Join and Make Free Money
Click Here to Join <>
Messages in this topic (1)
17. Advertising special Today Only (Double)
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:20 am ((PDT))
*Advertising special Today Only (Double)
Buy any advertising <> and you get 1/2 off
using code: **401080050
at checkout!*
*We have advertising at the Mall - banner - block - ads in categorys - mall
packages, etc, solo ads, seach engine submissions, UM words*
Plus I will double your order Today!!!
Example - so buy one month ad and get it for 1/2 off plus get another month
Need sole ads I will also double that plus you get the 1/2 off using the
code above..
you can't go wrong.
Also If you sign up for my Umall ad's list
This is a list to receive ad's
I will send all solo ads, my ad's etc to this list.
If you want to receive ad's but don't send or do them this is the list for
This list you can't send ad's to you can just receive ad's.
*I will enter your name into a drawing for 1 6 month free ad at The ultimate
Mall in the category of your choice.
I will draw a name tomorrow 10/31/07 and notify the winner.
Mary Blake
Solo advertising
Can send ad's to 25 to 200 lists
The Ultimate Mall
Messages in this topic (1)
18. How About Unlimited Cash Payments Of $5, $250 & $500! Starting Today
Posted by: "Benneth Iwuchukwu" homemailers2000
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:22 am ((PDT))
The Immortal God-Man Is Here
Few are called! Many are chosen!! Nearly Everyone who reads this and understands the magnitude of its power (in relation to ones Prosperity, The World & The Universe at large) will buy into it. They will learn the Truth, and shall be set free to prosper.
This is what you get for just $12.50 (Click To View):
1. Audio E-books:
2. The Solar Plexus:
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4. Software Plus:
5. Global Traffic Centre:
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8. Website Templates:
9. Niche Pack:
Members will learn to Tap Into The Universal Fountain Of Infinite Supply to
quickly become Millionaires the shortest possible time. They will initially
start by benefiting from the following:
1,�� Receive Unlimited Cash Payments Of $5, $250, $500 Etc... Into Your Accounts, Over & Over Again.
2,�� Earn $1000's Per Week Helping Others To Change Their Lives.
3,�� Access To A Store House Of Valuable Ebooks, Software & Scripts.
4,�� Receive Learning Materials For Acquiring God-Like Powers To Control Your Future & Every Aspect Of Your Life.
5,�� Become a Millionaires Club Owner.
6,�� Learn The Secret For Conscious Delibrate Creation Of Reality: become a Millionaire In The Shortest Possible Time.
7,�� 'Manifest' Your Dreams And Aspirations Into Physical Reality... without
even trying.
8,�� Etc, Etc ....
All for Only $12.50 to join (One Time)
For all the details:�
My best regards.
Benneth Iwuchukwu
Club Admin
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Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_03" rn_reza_del_03
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:23 am ((PDT))
Disappointed in many of the programs that you have joined on line ?
Have no luck at all trying to refer ?
Well, don't give up yet !!
Nobody is born a skilled marketer. All you need is the right tool, and
the right guidance.
Here at Reality-Networkers, a group of dedicated, active promoters are
getting paid by us to HELP YOU promote !!
That's right !!
These people are willing to tell you, step by step, what kind of ads
they are using, what kind of promotion tools they are using, and where
they post their ads to.
And all you have to do, is follow the instruction and try to learn
from those steps and become a top marketer yourself !!!
Don't just tell yourself that you cannot refer and give up. For sure
that's not how you've learned to ride a bicycle right ? All you need
is the proper support and guidance.
Please follow the link below to find out how you can benefit from
Reality-Networkers for FREE right away !!
Messages in this topic (104)
20. Blogger Templates 3 Column
Posted by: "Febie Kurniawan" febie.kurniawan
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:23 am ((PDT))
Blogger Templates 3 Column
download them free here:
you can put more ads in your blog and other things..
enjoy it..
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Posted by: "rn_reza_del_03" rn_reza_del_03
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:24 am ((PDT))
Are you an active promoter ?
Are you having troubles getting your own referrals to be just like you ?
If so, look no further.
Thousands of active promoters like you are gathering here at
Reality-Networkers so the ENTIRE TEAM of active promoters can
contribute their experience, their talents, their skills, and their
knowledge to help each other's referrals to also become an active
Just think, if all of your referrals is now able to refer 2 ~ 5 people
required in every matrices out there, do you still have to put in so
much effort to promote to earn that millions of dollars in the last
level of every matrices ?
Follow the link below to find out more details on how you can benefit
from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away:
Messages in this topic (108)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_03" rn_reza_del_03
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:24 am ((PDT))
Are you still promoting programs after programs in the hope of
succeeding in some of them?
Most program only requires you to refer 2 ~ 5 people !
That means if you're referring anymore than that while your referrals
aren't doing anything,
you'll never be able to succeed simply because you'll never be able to
refer thousands of people all by yourself !!!
Come become part of the Reality-Networkers and find out for yourself
how this entire team of active networkers can help you,
and your referrals to do their part.
to truly for you to earn that millions of dollars in every matrices
out there is not for yourself to refer 1000s of people,
but to have your referrals refer 2 ~ 5 people on their own with the
help of Reality-Networkers.
To find out more details on how you can benefit from
Reality-Networkers for FREE, please follow this link here:
Messages in this topic (114)
23.1. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_03" rn_reza_del_03
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:25 am ((PDT))
[Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !! may very well be the fastest growing program on
the internet today.
Why? Easy entry, low, low cost and huge potential payout. Check it out
for yourself.
Messages in this topic (112)
24.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_03" rn_reza_del_03
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:26 am ((PDT))
Please stop sending your Ad to me!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (203)
25.1. Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_03" rn_reza_del_03
Date: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:26 am ((PDT))
Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (201)
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Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
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