Thursday, October 11, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34794

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Below are 1000's of pages of internet information and contacts for F
From: Peter

2.1. How Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Money Working At Home On The
From: Denise

3. Coffee Korner Recipes!
From: R.s Favell

4a. Generate A 5 Figure Income Trading The Forex Market!
From: Bordou

5. # NEW Innovation For Promotion Techniques
From: Monster

6a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for SAP Available for FREE Download
From: rachana choudry

7a. You Want Insane Income? This is a No-Brainer!
From: Ian Bloxham

8.1. One Prospect=One Thousand Dollars.
From: Christopher Bielec

9.1. This only cost six dollars and really works fast!
From: Irvin Young

10. Play "Simon Says"?
From: The Web Reporter

11.1. Photographers Needed Worldwide For a Great Paying Job!
From: Neo

12a. POST your ADS or any of your website here FREE
From: bussiness_info_group

13a. This program has changed many lifes...not a month from now...startin
From: yahya erkut

14a. ~~~ REVOLUTIONARY Marketing System EXPLODES Your Income!
From: Steve Laycock

15. List of 100 World's Most Richest Arabs with Pictures & Bio – Special
From: Rebeca Mon

16. Amazing health patches
From: The Web Reporter

17.1. How To Go Broke With A Million Hits A Day?
From: Suzzy

18a. Money Maker System List

19.1. ==> Real L E A D S ==> Real T O O L S ==> Real T r a f f i c
From: Dan Moraru

20a. The Ancient Secret of Survival
From: Laughtershare

21a. This Option Buys Your Brand-New 6-Bdr. Home IN CASH!
From: samson onwionoko

22.1. Generate 5.000 Visitors Daily From Search Engines For FREE!
From: Sam

23a. JUST RELEASED! Founders Join For Free-Earn BIG!
From: Charlie Haire

24. Easily Attract Top Producing Affiliates To Promote Your Products Fas
From: Easy Money Online

25a. jobs
From: Amrita Bhalla


1a. Below are 1000's of pages of internet information and contacts for F
Posted by: "Peter" ptrbly
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:57 am ((PDT))

I have 2176 sign-ups and 246 paid upgrades and in 12 months and 12 payouts

If you want to make Unlimited Commissions per month without ever recruiting.
Come and join the PERFECT PROGRAM. With our program you will never be asked to:
1. Recruit a single member.
2. Sell anything.
3. Sponsor a single person.
4. Send emails or faxes out.
5. Make telephone calls.
6. Never promote the program.
How can this be so?
Because we have an automated recruiting & follow up system that is already in place and
every time a new member places an order in our program they are automatically entered into
our automated system where the program does all the recruiting and follow ups for the new
member and their entire down-line.
To find out more about this PERFECT PROGRAM Go to:

Our mission is to give you the facts you need about The Internet €  '· fast €  '· so you can get on
the road to taking action right away.

Below are 1000's of pages of internet information and contacts for Free.
Free Classifieds Advertising
Finance Resources on the Internet

Need A Loan

Debt Problems visit:

Looking For Finance Visit:

Need an Accountant Visit:

All About Adsense:

All About Advertising:

All About Articles

All About Autoresponders

All About Business Loans

All About Data-Repair
All About Internet Resources
All About Business Accounting
All About Webhosting
All About the Smalloffice
All About the Pre-paid Legal System
All About Finance
All About Loans
How to Achieve Leadership
How Bankruptcy Works
Making Money Blogging
How to Make Business Plan

Your Affiliate Website:
Financial Recources
Feel Free to put my servers in Google search for more free information:

Messages in this topic (12)

2.1. How Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Money Working At Home On The
Posted by: "Denise" bestt_marketing_009
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:59 am ((PDT))

Discover The Stunningly Simple Secret Behind Nine "Mom & Pop" Websites That Are Making $50,000 To $2,000,000 Each Year - Now You Can Hear Their Stories and Do the Same!

Messages in this topic (29)

3. Coffee Korner Recipes!
Posted by: "R.s Favell" rsfav2
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:03 am ((PDT))

*Great Tasting Gourmet Coffee Recipes,*

*From Coffee Korner ! *

*For a list of our Top coffee recipes, Go to :*


*Thanks for Stopping by !

Messages in this topic (1)

4a. Generate A 5 Figure Income Trading The Forex Market!
Posted by: "Bordou" yerbordo
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:09 am ((PDT))

Veteran trader Reveals How to Generate a 5 Figure income Trading
the Forex Market with a Revolutionary and Unique Strategy:

You will not find a better and more profitable income opportunity in today's marketplace. Forex Trading Machine traders are generating incredible wealth day after day from the comfort of their home. Give me 5 minutes of your time and I will prove to you that this is an offer you cannot miss!

Messages in this topic (22)

5. # NEW Innovation For Promotion Techniques
Posted by: "Monster" vascotribune
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:10 am ((PDT))

Messages in this topic (1)

6a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for SAP Available for FREE Download
Posted by: "rachana choudry" rachana_ebooks
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:18 am ((PDT))

Dear All, Best is world's largest FREE download website for ebooks. You can find a full range of ebooks - from Computers to Spirituality, from Business to Arts. If you are looking for any tutorial or ebook, your first destination is

Best EBooks - World's Largest Collection of FREE EBooks over Internet Top 50 FREE eBooks for SAP available for FREE downloads from Best

Top 50 FREE eBooks for SAP Available for FREE Download
SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP Security Guide
This guide is to provide you with an overview of the security aspects and recommendations when using the SAP NetWeaver Application Server (SAP NetWeaver AS) ABAP for your applications.

SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java Security Guide
This guide is intended to provide you with an overview of the security aspects and recommendations that apply for the SAP NetWeaver Application Server (SAP NetWeaver AS) for Java Server technology.

SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java Security Guide
This guide is intended to provide you with an overview of the security aspects and recommendations that apply for the SAP NetWeaver Application Server (SAP NetWeaver AS) for Java Server technology.

Adobe Document Services Configuration Guide
This guide describes how to configure Adobe document services. It is aimed at the system administrator and assumes familiarity with the SAP Web AS installation and configuration.

SAP Knowledge Warehouse Security Guide
This guide provides an overview of the security issues you need to keep in mind if you intend to run your SAP Knowledge Warehouse scenarios in a secure environment.

Virus Protection and SAP GUI Integrity Checks
The SAP Web Application Server has a virus scan interface that you can use to have data created or used by SAP software (or your own applications) checked for viruses.

Portal Security Guide
This document is not included as part of the Installation Guides, Configuration Guides, Technical Operation Manuals, or Upgrade Guides

Collaboration Security Guide
This guide describes the aspects of the Collaborationcomponent that are relevant to security.

Security Guide for Guided Procedures
This document is not included as part of the installation guides, configuration guides, technical operation manuals, or upgrade guides. Such guides are only relevant for a certain phase of the software life cycle, whereby the security guides provide information that is relevant for all life cycle phases.

SAP NetWeaver Visual Composer Security Guide
The Security Guide provides an overview of the security-relevant information that applies to SAP NetWeaver Visual Composer

Security Guide for SAP NetWeaver BI
This guide describes the security-relevant aspects of the usage types BI and BI Java, which are based on the usage types AS ABAP and AS Java. As such, the guide describes the security information that is different or additional to the usage types AS ABAP and AS Java.

Security Aspects for Usage Type DI and Other Development Technologies
This section provides security information that applies when using the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) and other development technologies.

Security Guide for SAP Mobile Infrastructure
This guide has been provided to support you in securing SAP MI.

SAP NetWeaver Process Integration Security Guide
This security guide explains the security features included in SAP NetWeaver usage type Process Integration (PI) and recommends how to apply these features to protect data and to maximize the confidentiality of data that passes through a PI landscape.

Search and Classification (TREX) Security Guide
This guide describes the topics relevant to security that affect SAP NetWeaver Search and Classification (TREX). TREX finds information in both structured and unstructured data.

SAP Content Server Security Guide
The SAP Content Server and the SAP Cache Server were designed for managing large quantities of documents efficiently in diverse locations. These documents usually contain confidential information of considerable value to the company. To protect the documents sufficiently enough, the various security measures are explained in this guide.

RFC/ICF Security Guide
This guide provides you with fundamental information and advice for the secure use of RFC and ICF when communicating between SAP systems and other SAP systems or external systems.

Security Guide ALE (ALE Applications)
Application Link Enabling (ALE) business processes are integrated processes across distributed systems. ALE uses IDocs (intermediate documents) or BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interface) as data transfer format between the systems.

Security Guide for Connectivity with the J2EE Engine
The J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) enables connectivity to back-end systems such as Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), using resource adapters. The adapters are modules that are deployed on a J2EE compatible application server and provide unified access to the resource system for any application components that are also installed on the server.

Web Services Security
Security is one of the main prerequisites when using Web services in an enterprise. Security measures generally concern both the protection of individual servers through authentication, authorization, and encryption as well as the sealing off of an internal infrastructure using firewalls.

Security Guide Communication Interfaces
This section provides information on the security aspects of the Structure linkIntegrated Communication Interface (ICI), specifically the relevant security settings required for the Business Communication Broker (BCB) which is part of the ICI.

SAP System Security Under UNIX/LINUX
In the following topics, we cover the aspects pertaining to security under the UNIX or LINUX operating systems. When appropriate, we include our recommendations and any measures that you need to take.

SAP System Security Under Windows
Windows manages administration tasks and provides access protection over its domain concept. A domain is a group of several computers that share a common user and security database. Within each domain, you define and administer your users and groups.

Oracle Under UNIX
It describe the measures that you need to take on UNIX when your database is Oracle.

Oracle Under Windows
It provides an overview of the sections that describe the measures to take on Windows when your database is Oracle.

Microsoft SQL Server Under Windows
This provides an overview of the sections that describe the security measures to take for Microsoft SQL Server under Windows, as well as additional information:

IBM DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows under UNIX
The following list provides an overview of the sections that describe the measures you take on UNIX when your database is IBM DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows:

IBM DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows under Windows
It provides an overview of the sections that describe the measures you take on Windows when your database is IBM DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows

MaxDB Security Guide
The purpose of this security guide is to assist you in making your MaxDB database system secure.

IBM DB2 Universal Database for iSeries
It describes an overview of the sections that describe the measures that you take for IBM DB2 Universal Database for iSeries

SAP Security Guide for IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS
The following is meant to serve as reference material for security issues in an SAP on DB2 for z/OS environment. The target audience is advanced users. Only security settings are described in this documentation.

Informix Under UNIX
It describe the measures that you need to take for an Informix database under UNIX as follows

Informix Under Windows
It describe the measures that you need to take for an Informix database under Windows as follows

The Internet has brought about many changes in the way organizations and individuals conduct business,and it would be difficult to operate effectively without the added efficiency and communications brought about by the Internet.

IBM System i Security Guide for IBM i5/OS Version 5 Release 4
This book is intended for security auditors and consultants, IBM System Specialists, Business Partners, and Clients to help you answer first-level questions concerning the security features that are available on the System i platform.

Computer security is the responsibility of all computer users. Universities should take on the additional role of teaching professional ethics in the use of computers and should take appropriate actions when misuses are discovered.

YoLinux: Internet Server Security and Configuration Tutorial
This tutorial covers steps and tools which can be used to monitor and counteract hacker threats.

Home Network Security Services
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Messages in this topic (6)

7a. You Want Insane Income? This is a No-Brainer!
Posted by: "Ian Bloxham" teamblox
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:19 am ((PDT))

Forget the home parties, juices, pills and potions!

Start Making Money Instead!

Messages in this topic (3)

8.1. One Prospect=One Thousand Dollars.
Posted by: "Christopher Bielec" mygroupcb
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:24 am ((PDT))

So whats the catch?
Money Talks, People Walk.
I Am Talking, are YOU walking?
Here is where YOU can Talk!

To Our Success,

Messages in this topic (28)

9.1. This only cost six dollars and really works fast!
Posted by: "Irvin Young" syone90749
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:26 am ((PDT))

Hello Everyone,

Easy Money-Investment

Make Money Fast And Easy!!!Make Money Fast And Easy!!!Make Money Fast And
Easy!!! Dear future millionaires, How much money do you want to make the
following months? May be $50,000 or $100,000. Well now you have the opportunity
to get into an amazing program that can bring you huge regards in LOTS OF FAST

You can be making t

Messages in this topic (89)

10. Play "Simon Says"?
Posted by: "The Web Reporter" messagemate3006
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:26 am ((PDT))

click here to view the website
[Free Gift and Funniest Videos EVER]

Messages in this topic (1)

11.1. Photographers Needed Worldwide For a Great Paying Job!
Posted by: "Neo" bizim_marketing_011
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:32 am ((PDT))

"Genuine home-based photography system lets you earn
up to $250 a day and also gives you the opportunity to earn
monthly residual income off every photo that you submit

Discover How to Make Money
- Lots & Lots of Money -
With Your Digital Camera!

Messages in this topic (39)

12a. POST your ADS or any of your website here FREE
Posted by: "bussiness_info_group" bussiness_info_group
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:36 am ((PDT))

free free free free free free free free free free

just want to share this cool site to all

Place your ads for FREE

you can place whatever ads you want for 7 day to
a hole year for FREE

Lot of hit a day Plus income generating site for

just click the link below

hope you like it.......


A NEW XBOX ALL FOR F.R.E.E. free free free

clink the link


Messages in this topic (3)

13a. This program has changed many lifes...not a month from now...startin
Posted by: "yahya erkut" erkuth
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:36 am ((PDT))

Greetings Fellow Online Entrepreneur

This program has changed many lifes...not a month from now...starting
today and tomorrow!

Will $3,500 this week make a difference to you? Of course it will,
wait until you start getting $3,500 multiple times per week!

Skeptical? Thats ok, seeing is believing.

When you actually understand how easy it really is, and how quickly
you can be counting

Messages in this topic (4)

14a. ~~~ REVOLUTIONARY Marketing System EXPLODES Your Income!
Posted by: "Steve Laycock" brightfuture_0000
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:49 am ((PDT))

I'm going to show you the EXACT three-step process that I use to generate a fabulous online income. Many others have put this strategy into practice ... and it REALLY WORKS! ...

And ... it will work for you!

Messages in this topic (4)

15. List of 100 World's Most Richest Arabs with Pictures & Bio – Special
Posted by: "Rebeca Mon" rebeca_mon
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:53 am ((PDT))

A List of 100 World€ ¦'²s Most Richest With their Pictures and Bio

More On:

Pictures At:

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (1)

16. Amazing health patches
Posted by: "The Web Reporter" messagemate3006
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:55 am ((PDT))

The Ancient Secret of Life
Visit the website to find out more!

Messages in this topic (1)

17.1. How To Go Broke With A Million Hits A Day?
Posted by: "Suzzy" bestt_marketing_010
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:57 am ((PDT))

12 bullet-proof, no-frills strategies for rapidly driving targeted traffic
to your website and boosting your online profits!

Messages in this topic (28)

18a. Money Maker System List
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:00 am ((PDT))

Wanna make money from the internet ?

You can find many kind of Profed money maker system


Messages in this topic (15)

19.1. ==> Real L E A D S ==> Real T O O L S ==> Real T r a f f i c
Posted by: "Dan Moraru" key2netadv
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:02 am ((PDT))
leads,surveyed leads,lead, verified leads,autoresponder leads, qualified leads,autoresponder leads,mlm leads,sales leads,telemarketing leads,network marketing leads, targeted leads,business opportunity lead,home business leads,internet leads,opt in lead,phone interviewed leads,verified leads,responsive,fresh leads,lead generation,targeted opt in lead,d

Messages in this topic (131)

20a. The Ancient Secret of Survival
Posted by: "Laughtershare" youngmax59
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:15 am ((PDT))

The Ancient Secret of Life
Visit the website to find out more!

Messages in this topic (2)

21a. This Option Buys Your Brand-New 6-Bdr. Home IN CASH!
Posted by: "samson onwionoko" fmwillaims
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:20 am ((PDT))

Check Out How We Manage To Pull In
$3000 per day On Automation
With Zero Effort Involved:

Go here;

Messages in this topic (9)

22.1. Generate 5.000 Visitors Daily From Search Engines For FREE!
Posted by: "Sam" bigpencere
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:29 am ((PDT))

Over 75% of all Internet users find what they're looking for online
by using a search engine like Yahoo! and Google.
The simple fact is that if your website is not properly listed
in these site directories then your site will not be found.

With search engine submissions your website
will become more visible across the Internet.
More potential customers will find your web pages.
And your site's search engine positioning will improve.
We guarantee 5.000 Visitors From Search Engines Daily!

Messages in this topic (35)

23a. JUST RELEASED! Founders Join For Free-Earn BIG!
Posted by: "Charlie Haire" myfamilysfuture
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:32 am ((PDT))

Just Released! Michael Badger brings you a new kind of affiliate program at:

What is different about this one? First, you get FREE MONTHLY INCOME JUST FOR SIGNING UP! You never have to buy anything, sell anything or recruit anyone! It sounds unrealistic at first, but the plan of how this is going to be accomplished is laid out for you right on the homepage. Basically, it is a profit share for a new service that will soon be launched. A portion of the profits from the service will be allocated to go to the pool of people that sign up to receive a share of it NOW! This is not one of those profit shares where you HAVE to be a paying member of the service to get a part of it. In fact, once the service is launched, people will NO LONGER be able to get onto the earnings pool list! So, as the service grows in popularity, the amount given to the pool will go UP but the number of people in the pool will STAY
THE SAME! As earnings rise, your share will rise too! YOU HAVE A CHANCE RIGHT NOW TO JUST SIGN UP AND RECEIVE A SHARE OF THE COMPANY'S PROFITS! No strings attached! Of course, this IS an affiliate program, so there are some benefits when you refer people€ ¦'¥. BIG benefits. But think about it for a minute - how easy would it be for you to promote an affiliate program if you could tell people there was free money for the taking JUST for signing up? This is going to be the easiest affiliate program you have EVER promoted! And here are the big benefits you get when you refer people: 1. You get another spot in the earnings pool for every person you refer who signs up for a portion of the free money! How easy is that!? 2. Plus, when the new service launches, it will be a paid-monthly service. When ANY of your free referrals at decides to become a member of the new service, they will be YOUR referrals in the
new program, and YOU will receive a monthly commission on the sale! Even if you yourself NEVER become a paying member of the new service! This is an easy way to secure a residual monthly income for a long time! 3. There is a product package at that members are offered one time only immediately after they signup. If your referrals buy that package, you will get a commission on that sale - Standard Members of will receive a 20% commission and Premium Members will receive 50%! It is a great package, and you get upgraded to Premium Member for free when you buy it, so a lot of your referrals will probably make the purchase. So, this is NOT just an interesting pre-launch for the new service. You can start making income promoting right away! So just to recap: - It is FREE to join.
- You get free MONTHLY income just for signing up
- If you choose to tell people about the free money they can also get, you will get huge rewards for doing so. This is easily going to be one of the simplest programs you will ever promote! Go sign up now because this is going to be huge!

Charles Haire

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Messages in this topic (6)

24. Easily Attract Top Producing Affiliates To Promote Your Products Fas
Posted by: "Easy Money Online" tawesomedeals
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:38 am ((PDT))

Easily Attract Top Producing Affiliates To Promote Your Products Fast!

Amazing point and click software fills your affiliate programs with active
affiliates by getting you listed in top affiliate directories at lighting fast
You just hit a few buttons and this new tool takes care of the dirty
work. Submission jobs that would have taken days to accomplish are
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you€ ¦'²re pulling-in top affiliates that would have otherwise passed you by!
Get details at:

Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.
Messages in this topic (1)

25a. jobs
Posted by: "Amrita Bhalla" amritabhalla
Date: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:38 am ((PDT))

The secrets of adsense

Data entry Jobs

Nurse Jobs

Promote your business by direct emails

Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now
Messages in this topic (7)

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