Wednesday, October 10, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34783

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Come join the Mid Week Party Tonight....I have 2 vendor slots availa
From: Lisa

2.1. ~~~~~~~ Cash In on the Next VORTEX Upgrade. ~~~~~~~
From: Charles Hansen

3.1. Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.
From: James Williams Jr

4a. Get Paid by YUWIE
From: C.S.

5.1. Advertise to 1.000.000 Potential Customers Daily!
From: Eva

6a. We're Sending the Nation on Vacation!
From: Michelle Hansen

7.1. Write Your Own E-Book In Exactly 24 Hours!
From: Tsar

8a. If You Cant Make Mon*y With This, You Need To Get Off The Internet!
From: James Young

9a. Submit Your Ads to 12 Million Links!
From: Midas

10.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
From: 41 Marketing

11a. Promote your business and get paid at the same time!
From: James Williams Jr

From: strelow77

13. Join us on Black Friday for fun and shopping!
From: Black Friday Event

14. "Yuwie" vs "MySpace" How Much Is Your Profile Worth?
From: J.P.

15a. WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN LAUNCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16a. Experience Life With No Financial Worries
From: Greg

17. earn just for viewing ads for only 30 seconds
From: jacky_zimu2000

18.1. PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
From: Betty

19. earn money FOR JUST LOOKING ADS online for only 30 SECONDS.
From: jacky_zimu2000

20a. Get Your Sites Listed For FREE Today!
From: Community Advertising

21a. An Exciting New International Sales Breakthrough!
From: Rodney Brooks

22. 125,000 Waiting to See Your Busness OPP....Free ads
From: Lutian Murphy

23.1. MAKE EASY MONEY - $2000+ A DAY!
From: Linda

24.1. Submit Your Website To 5,000+ Search Engines & Directories!
From: Tim

25. Free Classifieds - USFreeads
From: marketing99


1. Come join the Mid Week Party Tonight....I have 2 vendor slots availa
Posted by: "Lisa" godnmewutateam
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:58 am ((PDT))

I'm having a Mid Week Party tonight! We have new vendors and it's an awesome time to get to do some serious shopping for the Christmas Season. Party starts at 7pm!

I need two vendors for tonight and Friday evening for the 7:30pm and the 10pm EST slots. The cost is $2.50 per half an hour. This is an awesome time to get your business out there. Please email me your name, company name, website and Paypal Email Address so I can invoice you. Once I have your payment, then the slots are yours. The party starts at 7pm EST and ends at 11pm EST. Location is Bush's Variety Shop's Hot Conference Room

(if it's wrapped around, please copy and paste into your browser. Please make sure that your Fire Walls aren't blocking the software!

Lisa Bush
Bush's Variety Shop

Messages in this topic (1)

2.1. ~~~~~~~ Cash In on the Next VORTEX Upgrade. ~~~~~~~
Posted by: "Charles Hansen" starbound777
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:00 am ((PDT))

Hello Potential Friend Marketing Associate,

May all your online marketing efforts be meaningful, satisfying and immensely successful !

As a founding affiliate with a technology marketing company, I have been granted the ability to Benefactor (pay your way in)
a certain number of people into the program.

I am offering you a chance to join my team at an UPGRADED level (SILVER) in the company at no cost.

Go to this website and activate your voucher as your super gift for the year 2007:

Warm Regards,

Charles Hansen
Vortex Marketing Specialist

Messages in this topic (75)

3.1. Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.
Posted by: "James Williams Jr" james_williamsjr1
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:06 am ((PDT))

Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less
just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?
Go here to learn how to earn additional income in a proven work at home
Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start TODAY
• Technical know-how,
• Large capital investment or overhead,
• Jeopardizing your current career,
• Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.
• Go here to begin:
• The tools and techniques are provided for you instantly with
simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
Do you want to work 40 years of your life and still not have enough
money to retire or live the type of lifestyle you wish to enjoy?
Why not take that important first step:

Messages in this topic (104)

4a. Get Paid by YUWIE
Posted by: "C.S." raymondconduit
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:21 am ((PDT))

Don't Miss Out
Go To:
Its Free and you GET PAID

Messages in this topic (10)

5.1. Advertise to 1.000.000 Potential Customers Daily!
Posted by: "Eva" ovelearx
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:22 am ((PDT))

Reach over 1,000,000 global web surfers and potential customers daily!
That's virtually the ENTIRE INTERNET!
Drastically increase your web site traffic EVERY day !

Messages in this topic (28)

6a. We're Sending the Nation on Vacation!
Posted by: "Michelle Hansen" wahmhansen
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:25 am ((PDT))

Hi, I'm Dona, and I live in Pennsylvania. My
husband, Kevin, and I have tried several home-based businesses over the
past seven years, with very limited success. We've always believed
that there was a program out there where we could find true financial and
time freedom With two active boys and significant involvement in church
and extended family activities, we badly needed the flexibility that
working from home could provide. Even with my husband's full-time job,
part-time lawn care business, and my part-time job, we were still
falling behind instead of getting ahead.

When we were introduced to Coastal Families Worldwide, I will confess,
we were skeptical. So many things had not been what we had hoped for.
Still, we researched the program, spoke with people who were working the
biz (and making money!!), and prayed for God's guidance about this

Coastal offers a one of a kind product that is fun and can save people
hundreds to even thousands on vacations for a lifetime. Tell me, who
doesn't like to go on vacation? The best part is that you can market
this product and make $1,000, $3,200 or $9,705 on every sale!

Coastal Vacations is .
•Not MLM
•A member of the BBB and DSWA
•Offers high commissions and immediate income (no waiting for
corporate checks)
•Has a fully automated marketing system
•There are no parties, quotas, monthly fees or storing/delivery
•You receive complimentary vacations for yourself and your family
•There are no timeshares
•We provide free training by industry leaders
•Everyone works with a personal mentor
•We are a Christian team that really aims to put God first in

I can tell you that Coastal has been a real answer to prayer. I started
my business in early June, 2007, and in the first three months, I made
over $14,000! Even more exciting, each month I can see this business
continue to build. My mentor made $112,000 in her first year, and now
makes $10,000 - $30,000 a month. You can do this, too.

So, how has Coastal Families changed our lives? Well, I have been able
to quit my part-time job and come home. Kevin has been able to cut
down on his lawn care business (he has told his customers that this will
be his last year), and our boys are seeing how God is providing for our
family. We have been able to give more to our church and a local teen
ministry, and I have greater freedom of my time to work in the church
and help our parents.

Just follow our simple system and watch your life change. Our websites
will do 80% of the work for you. You can do this. Let us show you
how. For free information, please go to

We are
helping to change one family at a time. Will you be next?

*This is a super solo ad from one of our sponsors. Want us to promote your business for you? Visit our solo ads page at: *

Messages in this topic (2)

7.1. Write Your Own E-Book In Exactly 24 Hours!
Posted by: "Tsar" tharkaster
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:26 am ((PDT))

Discover The Formula
To Write Your Own E-Book
In Exactly 24 Hours
(Even If You Can't Write!)
Your e-book will be finished and ready to sell in precisely
24 HOURS of work - you can set your stopwatch!

Messages in this topic (27)

8a. If You Cant Make Mon*y With This, You Need To Get Off The Internet!
Posted by: "James Young" james123you
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:26 am ((PDT))


Have you heard of the biggest thing on the internet today? ITS FRIENDSWIN.COM! is a social networking site being integrated with VIDEO to create amazing applications. Video dating, video resumes and video conferencing are only three...

But whats the clincher? Friendswin has an incredible affiliate marketing program that pays commissions for signups for people actively marketing the site. With our 5x8 SUPER MATRIX, affiliates are paid 8 levels deep, and generate substantial overrides on their downline. Check out the compensation program here! combines top online industries to make you money!

1. Social Networking - Growing 89%/yr, expected to double in the next 2 years! (Imagine being the first person in MySpace and then getting paid on marketing and sponsoring the huge numbers of new members that followed!)

2. Online Dating. This is a HUGE online industry too, with over 35 million users. But what happens when you combine with YouTube? .....its called FRIENDSWIN.COM

3. Online Job Boards... Ever try to stand-out by posting a text based resume on Monster or HotJobs? Tell your friends to use Friendswin to host their video based resumes....and see the offers pour in!

4. The Internet Home Business Industry - Absolutely Huge! Friendswin lets you build a downline of over 450,000 people. Get paid overrides on customer purchases on all these products. And if you consider how many people will use Friendswin that you can get paid on....well, you can be in Doctor or Laywer income territory for sure....

Now you know the basics,
Sign-up NOW and make sure you and your friends are with us for the opportunity of a lifetime!

James Young,


Messages in this topic (12)

9a. Submit Your Ads to 12 Million Links!
Posted by: "Midas" mitingses
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:27 am ((PDT))

Automatically Have Your Ad Blasted To 12,000,000+ Sites
With Our Unique Set and Forget Technology !
Drastically increase your web site traffic EVERY day !

Messages in this topic (26)

10.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:28 am ((PDT))

You are going to get some incredible tools that help you rake in
real profits over and over again.

Don't just sit back and watch while everyone else prospers.

Jump right in and start now!

Powered by Mach5 Mailer:

Messages in this topic (91)

11a. Promote your business and get paid at the same time!
Posted by: "James Williams Jr" james_williamsjr1
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:35 am ((PDT))

Promote your business and get paid at the same time!

I want to personally invite you to my Apsense business social network.
It's the ONLY social network where you can promote your business and
get paid at the same time! Isn't that the smartest idea since high
speed Internet?
By accepting this invitation you can get targeted and instant
to your business absolutely free and get paid!
See where thousands of small businesses go to get results:

The website address is:

No wonder Apsense is the #1 business social network on the Internet!

Best Regards,


Messages in this topic (9)

Posted by: "strelow77" strelow77
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:36 am ((PDT))

Love to travel? Find out how to join the hottest industry in the
world! Start your own on-line travel business. Work from home in your

Travel retail and pay WHOLESALE!!

You CAN change your life!! Find out more....

Watch a quick video here:


Messages in this topic (2)

13. Join us on Black Friday for fun and shopping!
Posted by: "Black Friday Event" workingforyou2
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:43 am ((PDT))

Shop in your slippers for our Black Friday Event!

November 23rd from 12 pm EST - 12 am EST

We've got loads of vendors with fabulous deals all day!

We'll be giving away a HUGE gift package to one lucky winner!

Come join the fun and earn tickets for the drawing!

Don't see your company represented? Join us before you lose your slot!

See you there!

Messages in this topic (1)

14. "Yuwie" vs "MySpace" How Much Is Your Profile Worth?
Posted by: "J.P." tripsevens7
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:46 am ((PDT))

Myspace is the Largest Social Networking Community on the Internet. Millions every day log on and provide free content to them which keeps many more millions coming back for more. It is estimated that Tom currently earns approx. $20 Million a Month from the massive amount of traffic that flows through this site.

But How Much Was Your Cut? How Much Did they Pay You For Helping Provide Content and all the page views From Surfing The Site?

The BIG Difference Between Yuwie and Myspace.

-Myspace you provide content for free. You never get paid from them no matter how good of a profile you create or no matter how popular you are. Myspace has ad's on every single one of those pages. You get all the credit and Myspace keeps 100% of the revenue from the advertiser's.

-Yuwie's interface is much like Myspace plus Much Much More.
You can create a profile just as impressive. You can join several hundred's of Groups and Clubs already started. You can upload your favorite photos and videos to share with other's. You can upload your favorite music. You can start your own Blog. All This and More.

The one main difference is- "Yuwie" keeps track of each and every time you click on ANY page that is showing Advertising and Rewards You (and Your Referrals) for Every Single One Of Them. Depending on how active you are and how many Friend's and referrals you have (and they have down 10 generations) you could easily create a network that is generating several thousands of page views each and every month.

Watch The Presentation That Explains This In Detail:

There is still time to get in on the ground floor before Yuwie goes critical mass.

Myspace has over 100 Million Member's and doesn't share a single penny with it's audience providing all this content.

"Yuwie" just hit it's 100,000th Member (1/10th of 1 percent) within the short amount of time they have been online and continues to grow FAST (Doubled last month alone)
Click Here To See How FAST Yuwie Is Gaining Momentum According To Their Alexa Ranking.

It's only a matter of time when the other 99,900,000 people figure out they can be doing the same thing they are already doing, but Now They Are Getting Paid For It which will also help to provide better content. (YES- you even get credit when someone else views your profile, videos, blogs, clubs, etc.,)

The sooner you Join (100%_Zero_Costs) the sooner you can get your Friend's signed up under you before they are trying to sign you up.

All our direct referrals are invited to join in our referral program where we will help put people under you. The more referrals you have, the more page views you get credit for, the more You Will Make.
We are betting even if your not a good online promoter, once you see how fast this is taking off and get some good people under you, that you will take the time to start finding even more referrals to further pad your check from promoting the "One and Only" Social Networking Site That Actually Pays_It's_Members!

Watch This Quick Video For More Details

and start building an ongoing never ending monthly residual income for the time you spend online.

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more!
Messages in this topic (1)

15a. WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN LAUNCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: "" fury6060
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:53 am ((PDT))


Hi Ladies'

We are launching right now a very, very VERY repeat VERY SPECIAL global movement.
It's run totally by women for women.
We are going to help women around the globe to attain total financial independence.
We are going to join together in this ALL WOMEN MOVEMENT and help women to a better and fulfilled life, both socially and financially.

We are a brand new, separate department of a 7 year established global company:
BUT THIS IS OUR DEPARTMENT; this is for us, no more men running our business, OR OUR LIVES!! Telling us what to do; NOW IT'S OUR TURN!!!!!!!

Do you want to be part of it?
Take a look at the website,


( USA ONLY at the moment)

Best wishes, your new friend.

A Member of the Guaranteed Results Network

Messages in this topic (8)

16a. Experience Life With No Financial Worries
Posted by: "Greg" gm9199
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:53 am ((PDT))


1000's of people worldwide are earning quiet fortunes,
from their homes, even while they sleep. Are you next?

Internet Marketing System! Finally, an EASY,
proven, FREE system that will truly help anyone
willing to follow our guidance succeed!

Average People Are Making Money!
Average people are putting their home computers
to work for them and making money around the clock
... all around the world
... working just a few hours a day.

Build a Worldwide Business!
A Debt-free, financially-solid 6 year old company
will help you build an international business
from the comfort of your home.

Get started for free right now!
Take Our FREE Tour
This movie Will Change Your Life Financially,



Messages in this topic (2)

17. earn just for viewing ads for only 30 seconds
Posted by: "jacky_zimu2000" jacky_zimu2000
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:56 am ((PDT))

hello everyone,
Earn money for just viewing ads for only 30 seconds.
create a free account here and start getting paid ffor surfing

Messages in this topic (1)

18.1. PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
Posted by: "Betty" ayse_marketing_004
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:56 am ((PDT))

PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...Introducing...

"The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits For You Automatically, The Lazy Way!"
Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!

Messages in this topic (229)

19. earn money FOR JUST LOOKING ADS online for only 30 SECONDS.
Posted by: "jacky_zimu2000" jacky_zimu2000
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:58 am ((PDT))

create a free account here and start earning for looking at ads.

Messages in this topic (1)

20a. Get Your Sites Listed For FREE Today!
Posted by: "Community Advertising" kmp.communityadvertising
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:01 am ((PDT))

Community Advertising is the best FREE way to get your website seen!

We've got thousands of unique visitors each and every month.

All they want is to find websites that provide them with the information and resources they are looking for.

Getting listed is FREE and EASY!

There is no hidden fee - Nothing to buy ever to take advantage of our Free listing!!

Get your site listed for FREE today at

We also offer Banner Advertising Spots, Search Engine Submission to major and secondary search engines, and Solo Advertising.

The only thing you have to lose is more visitors and potential customers!

Get your site listed for FREE today at

Messages in this topic (3)

21a. An Exciting New International Sales Breakthrough!
Posted by: "Rodney Brooks" brooksglobal
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:03 am ((PDT))

Attention Merchants and Affiliates:

Mobillcash has invented a way for you to make sales even if your customers have No Cash, Credit, Credit Cards or Bank Account and dont want to show ID.

And Your Merchant Payment is Guaranteed!

Mobillcash is a payment system that allows over 500 million mobile phone users in 15 countries to simply enter their mobile phone number into the
MobillCash billing form and purchase your products or services. The customer will be billed by the mobile phone carrier. No Credit Card, Bank Account or ID is required.

MobillCash has been approved by over 100 mobile carriers worldwide!

Now, you can begin accepting MobillCash as a Payment option.

There are no setup costs, no transaction fees and you can keep 100% of the sales price.

With MobillCash you have the option to absorb zero, all or some of the transaction costs for customers who wish to be billed by their mobile carrier.
These are typically people who wont or dont have the ability to purchase any other way, but want your product or service.

The majority of real world testing has shown that even though merchants selected to pass 100% of the transaction fees on to the consumers, new customers and revenue just kept coming in!

Click the following link to signup for free and start accepting mobile payments in minutes.

More interested in affiliate marketing?

OK then, how would you like to be paid a percentage of everything sold online?

MobillCash began programming over five years ago, and in their first year of launch, gained support and approval from over 100 Mobile Phone Carriers like ATT, Vodafone and Sprint/Nextel in fifteen countries.

They are growing daily.

Remember, over 500 million mobile phone subscribers can purchase goods and services from any merchant world-wide! MobillCashs goal is
to be over one billion by 2008.

Now that theyve done all the hard work, they need thousands of people just like you and me around the world telling millions of merchants that there is a secure way to make the sale when the customer
doesnt have any money, credit or bank account.

Become an affiliate today and start earning a percentage of all transactions no matter what product or service is sold. At Mobillcash they dont sell any products or services. They simply help others sell more of their products and
services. They help those who dont have any other way of making a payment or those who want to protect their personal and financial identification make the purchase simply and quickly.

Refer a merchant and earn a percentage of each transaction every month.

Youll even earn a percentage of every transaction from affiliates you refer!

Affiliates marketers, you can check this out right here.

Messages in this topic (5)

22. 125,000 Waiting to See Your Busness OPP....Free ads
Posted by: "Lutian Murphy" a1design2001
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:03 am ((PDT))

#1. Its FUN...Its Free... and It Pays....enough said !!

Yes!! You can create a major income from home with NO investment !!!

Step. #1.

(Show your ads to 100,000 + people and no clicking needed)
(paying, $62. mo. & goal here is $500 monthly
NO start up cost ever,)

FREE traffic programs that work & work & work

Possible the greatest FREE ad source on the internet today!

Get a FREE TRAFFIC BUILDING website with all YOUR referral IDs inserted
Downline growth for potentially unlimited number of tiers
Total Flow-Through of your referral IDs for unlimited tiers
Everyone also gets a Free Traffic-Building Splash Page
This service is provided completely FREE of charge

2nd best ad source on the internet
(paying 1yr...$400+ and growing start up cost)

Step. #3.

(paying $18 for 2 yr...I have been lazy start up cost)

Making money while having fun, life is good!!!!

When you get referrals and you will using the above programs...establish contact with them and help them succeeded as I will you...lets build a downline together.
Build up your bank acount and so we can diversify your portfolio and create you that six figure income.

The Murphy's...Lutian & Anne
A1design Enterprise " Earning since 1983..Making a difference"
Clinton, Arkansas 72031

Messages in this topic (1)

23.1. MAKE EASY MONEY - $2000+ A DAY!
Posted by: "Linda" bestt_marketing_007
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:15 am ((PDT))

Anyone can do it and it is easy!

Messages in this topic (109)

24.1. Submit Your Website To 5,000+ Search Engines & Directories!
Posted by: "Tim" zeynep_marketing_002
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:16 am ((PDT))

We guarantee a minimum 1 visitor from every
Search Engines or you don't pay!
Over 75% of all Internet users find what they're looking for
online by using a search engine like Yahoo! and Google.
The simple fact is that if your website is not properly listed
in these site directories then your site will not be found.
With search engine submissions your website
will become more visible across the Internet.
More potential customers will find your web pages.
And your site's search engine positioning will improve.

Messages in this topic (239)

25. Free Classifieds - USFreeads
Posted by: "marketing99" marketing99
Date: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:16 am ((PDT))

An excellent site for advertising. I'm an upgraded member. My downline
also seems to think that as well?

USFreeads <>

Messages in this topic (1)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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