Topics in this digest:
1. Think to build Affiliate WEB BUSINESS? Try our script, it's a BONUS
From: Affiliate Web Script 4 U
2. The truth about matrix building, a MUST SEE!!
From: larry dull
3a. Get Used Furniture for Almost FREE!
From: Elite X
4.1. Today's Special
From: Free Leads for Recruiting
5a. Can You Say THIS Three Times Fast?
From: Carries Ad Service
6. Give your customers a 3 days 2 night Travel Certificate. Your cost 0
From: F R
7a. "Taking action gurantees change.....doing nothing guarantees nothing
From: malcolmsbusiness
7b. "Taking action gurantees change.....doing nothing guarantees nothing
From: malcolmsbusiness
8.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
From: 41 Marketing
9a. Try My Product Picks at Shaklee!
From: PCColors-4u2behealthy
10. My Power Mall. Make and Save Money
From: Kathy
11.1. Discover How You Can Easily Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Adver
From: Natasa
12.1. Get Paid For The Things You Used To Do For FREE!
From: Sana
13a. The truth about matrix building, a MUST SEE!
From: larry dull
14. A Free Lunch!?
From: vicksburg12000
15a. Christmas dresses from Infant to Tweens.... get them early Great Pr
From: ishopalot07
16. FOOTBALL SEASON!!!! Come and see.........
From: ishopalot07
17a. This is HUGE {firstname}
From: Costnonot
18.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
From: 41 Marketing
19a. Folk's **Giblink ** HAS LAUNCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Charlie Haire
20a. Get Paid by YUWIE
From: C.S.
21.1. Submit Your Ads to 12 Million Links!
From: Bordou
From: Charlie Haire
23a. If You Cant Make Mon*y With This, You Need To Get Off The Internet!
From: James Young
24a. Large, Private Investment Firm - Great Returns
From: Joyce
1. Think to build Affiliate WEB BUSINESS? Try our script, it's a BONUS
Posted by: "Affiliate Web Script 4 U" arfi21
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:23 am ((PDT))
We provide you a space for your ADS,
We provide you referal program,
We provide you many e-books,
We provide you THE ON-LINE WEB BUSINESS's SCRIPT and it's manual installation in the format of e-book. You can start your ON-LINE WEB BUSINESS full matrix 4X4
WHAT you can do to the script:
$ You can build your own web business on-line
$ You can give the comission to your member DIRECTLY to their accounts in e-gold until the forth depth referal
$ You can randomize unsponsor visitor of your web so the visitor will have sponsor autoatically
$ In the ADMIN Area you can set your presentation, bonus for your member, your profile, your email and many more to make you work less but maximum income
$ member Area is manageble by the member, changing the profile, view the development of member's business
$ manage how much commision to your referal
$ You can sleep well while your script works for you to gain your success
VISIT US: and start your own business KINGDOM
Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.
Messages in this topic (1)
2. The truth about matrix building, a MUST SEE!!
Posted by: "larry dull" iwinulose61944
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:29 am ((PDT))
2x7, 3x9, or even 5x7.
There are so many different types of matrices out there. Do you know the secret behind those matrices?
Do you know the KEY to succeed in every single one of them?
To find out the truth about all those matrices and the techniques used by the top marketers to succeed in all of them to make millions of dollars, please click on the link below:
Larry Dull
Shorten any url fr$ee
Fr$ee advertising offers for you
Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more.
Messages in this topic (1)
3a. Get Used Furniture for Almost FREE!
Posted by: "Elite X" elitejune1
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:29 am ((PDT))
Click to Enter The Ultimate Source for Discount Used Furniture Nationwide
Where you can find used furniture ANYONE can afford!
Messages in this topic (3)
4.1. Today's Special
Posted by: "Free Leads for Recruiting" thebossymommy
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:32 am ((PDT))
Free leads offers:
-40 female surveyed leads for $22 plus 100 non-surveyed leads FREE
-150 male/female surveyed leads for $25 plus 100 non-surveyed leads
-Get 90 male/female surveyed leads and 100 non-surveyed leads FREE
when you purchase $50 or more in advertising on our site.
To order, email us directly at
or visit our site for other leads options:
*Free leads are male/female, non-surveyed
home business seeker leads
Messages in this topic (71)
5a. Can You Say THIS Three Times Fast?
Posted by: "Carries Ad Service" carriesadservice
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:42 am ((PDT))
The Shabby Flea Market
At The Shabby Flea Market you will find:
A Plethora Of Palate Pleasing Possibilities !!
You may not be able to SAY it three times fast,
Wait till you TASTE what we have to offer!!
Fresh, Gourmet deserts from around the US, Canada and Europe!
All desserts shipped FRESH from the bakeries!
Ready to eat - No Mixes!
Great for gift-giving - something for every taste!
Most items made at time of order so order early!!
Visit Shabby Flea Market today and receive 20% off your order of $25.00 or more!
(valid through November 15th, 2007, use code GA20 at checkout!)
For more information contact:
Tina Nichols
Tired of spending hours on advertising? Want to get your ad seen by thousands but don't have time to post all day?
Let me do it for you !
Now offering solo ad services.
Visit for more information.
Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase.
Messages in this topic (2)
6. Give your customers a 3 days 2 night Travel Certificate. Your cost 0
Posted by: "F R" badabing1966
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:43 am ((PDT))
Dear Yahoo Group.
I wanted to ask if you had a chance to take a look at our 3 days 2 Night Travel Certificates. The cost is only 0.35 cents each and gives your customers 1 choice of 20 different destinations to pick from.
We are a huge wholesalers of Travel Certificates.
These certificates are 100% useable and you will not have any problems with them. Please go to
Thank You
Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more.
Messages in this topic (1)
7a. "Taking action gurantees change.....doing nothing guarantees nothing
Posted by: "malcolmsbusiness" malcolmsbusiness
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:45 am ((PDT))
"Taking action gurantees change.....doing nothing guarantees nothing
will change!"
Messages in this topic (2)
7b. "Taking action gurantees change.....doing nothing guarantees nothing
Posted by: "malcolmsbusiness" malcolmsbusiness
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:45 am ((PDT))
"Taking action gurantees change.....doing nothing guarantees nothing
will change!"
Messages in this topic (2)
8.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:47 am ((PDT))
Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business
featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!
GBAN... What is it?
The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of
international businesses and business people who are willing to work
together in order for all members to benefit through education,
international relationship building, and increased sales!
Why Join?
· Forming Strategic Alliances is an important part of any marketing
· Increase your potential customer base through networking
· Create mutually beneficial relationships with other companies.
This can happen many ways, such as through the referral process, word-
of-mouth, and advertisement exchange.
· Learning from others by sharing knowledge, experiences, and
gaining new perspectives.
· With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other similar
Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!
· Your business featured in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for two days.
· Your Link and business info in our directory published on our GBAN
· Your business will also be featured (one time) in our weekly
Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in
Its absolutely FREE!!!
Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (415)
9a. Try My Product Picks at Shaklee!
Posted by: "PCColors-4u2behealthy" pattyscountrycolors
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:52 am ((PDT))
Don't know where to start in Shaklee?
Check out our product picks.
Purchase our
Scour-Off, Basic-H2 and Disinfectant Wipes and receive a free set of 3 - 16 oz. Spray Bottles
Everything you need to get the job done!
Have questions about Shaklee? Would you like a free Shaklee catalog?
Contact me at
Want to try $100.00 in Free Shaklee? Ask Me How!
A Spa-riffic Day -
$100 in FREE products? Ask Me How!
For the Best in Health and Wellness -
Home and Garden Party Decorator -
Earn Some Extra $$ -
Looking for a place to Network?
Messages in this topic (2)
10. My Power Mall. Make and Save Money
Posted by: "Kathy" wspdr
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:52 am ((PDT))
Do you love to Shop online?? Do you believe online shopping is
If you say YES to either then My PowerMall is a great way to save
money shopping online and make money from other people shopping at
your online mall. It doesn't cost you anything!!! Ever!!
Get your very own FREE MY POWERMALL. There are over 1000 stores in
your Mall; many of them are name-brand stores you shop at every day.
With the MY POWER MALL System, the Rebate Program allows you to make
money when you and anyone else shops on your own online Mall.
You and anyone else can buy virtually anything in your own Power
- Electronics - Clothing
- Books - Jewelry
- Insurance - Airline Tickets
- Rental Cars - Restaurant Meals
- Gifts - Food
- Health supplies - Pet Products
- Home Products - Gardening Equipment
- Toilet Paper - Toothpaste
- Gift Cards
The list could go on and on. 1000+ stores with millions of products
ensure you will find what you need.
But that is not all. There is an entire team of people scouring the
Mall for you daily looking for the very best deals available,
ensuring you will save as much money as possible when you are
purchasing the everyday items you need and want. They do all the
searching and then they let you know what they find. Amazing!
It is really very simple. You shop for things you are going to buy
anyway, and MPM sends you Rebate checks for a portion of your
purchase. As an additional bonus you will not have to spend gas or
time to shop, things will be delivered right to your door, you will
never have to wonder if the store is going to have your color or
size, and you will be reducing greenhouse emissions by not driving
your car so much! Stay home, click through 1000+ stores, buy what you
want and make money! It becomes even more exciting when you start
sharing your FR*EE Power Mall with other people. Your income
potential is virtually unlimited.
- MY POWER MALL really is FREE. There is no cost to you. EVER.
- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of
1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your
family need and want.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it
is yours. Pretty simple.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FREE. You're given everything you need.
My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the
Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their
motto: Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!
If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website
You will be able to view a
great video and have every question answered. And, if you would like
a live person to talk to, please contact me at 813-435-6629.
I look forward to working with you!
Harry and Kathy
Messages in this topic (1)
11.1. Discover How You Can Easily Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Adver
Posted by: "Natasa" dym_game
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:04 am ((PDT))
Discover How You Can Easily Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising...
Imagine a money making system that requires absolutely no selling, advertising,
recruiting or websites!
Blast your ads to 1,200,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
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Messages in this topic (139)
12.1. Get Paid For The Things You Used To Do For FREE!
Posted by: "Sana" sensende
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:09 am ((PDT))
You can now get paid for the things you used to do for FREE!
You can Get Paid To Give Your Opinion
You can Get Paid To Be Online
You can Get Paid To Be Online
You can Get Paid To Drive
You can Get Paid To Shop and Eat!
Messages in this topic (41)
13a. The truth about matrix building, a MUST SEE!
Posted by: "larry dull" iwinulose61944
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:31 am ((PDT))
2x7, 3x9, or even 5x7.
There are so many different types of matrices out there. Do you know the secret behind those matrices?
Do you know the KEY to succeed in every single one of them?
To find out the truth about all those matrices and the techniques used by the top marketers to succeed in all of them to make millions of dollars, please click on the link below:
Larry Dull
Shorten any url fr$ee
Fr$ee advertising offers for you
Shape Yahoo! in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today!
Messages in this topic (12)
14. A Free Lunch!?
Posted by: "vicksburg12000" vicksburg12000
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:34 am ((PDT))
Who Says There's No Such Thing As A F.ree Lunch?
If I told you there was a website
you could go to, enter your name
and email address, and get a f.ree
monthly 1ncome, would you even
go and look at it?
Probably not, right?
I mean, we've all seen and heard
it before. We've learned our lesson
- nothing in life is f ree, is it?
Well guess what?
You're about to have your faith
in the world restored!
There IS such a thing as a f-ree
Lunch is being served at:
Right now you can sign up for a
That you won't have to do anything
to get!
Messages in this topic (1)
15a. Christmas dresses from Infant to Tweens.... get them early Great Pr
Posted by: "ishopalot07" ishopalot07
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:43 am ((PDT))
Christmas, Hairbow & Scrapbooking supplies, bottle caps, jewelry and more...
Please come check out all out new items in our Etsy store:
every thing is hand
made especially for you!
or if Ebay is more your thing try us here
Philadelphia Goodlad Infant Christmas Dress 3-6M
LA PRINCESS Black & White Christmas Holiday Dress 12M
SAMARA Apple Autumn Fall Dress Size 4T LN!
Philadelphia Goodlad Velvet Christmas Holiday Dress 5T
MY MICHELLE Green Velvet Christmas Holiday Dress Sz 14
THE LIMITED Black Velvet Christmas Holiday Dress Sz 14
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Messages in this topic (2)
16. FOOTBALL SEASON!!!! Come and see.........
Posted by: "ishopalot07" ishopalot07
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:59 am ((PDT))
Christmas, Hairbow & Scrapbooking supplies, bottle caps, jewelry and more...
Please come check out all out new items in our Etsy store:
every thing is hand
made especially for you!
or if Ebay is more your thing try us here
TPA Boutique Shoes Made w Tennesee VOLS Fabric Football
TPA Boutique Shoes Made w/ UGA Georgia Fabric DBCB UBDB
FLORIDA Gators Bottlecaps LOT BCMM TPA Boutique
TENNESSEE Vols Bottlecaps for Hairbows Jewelry
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (1)
17a. This is HUGE {firstname}
Posted by: "Costnonot" costnonot
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:04 am ((PDT))
Hello (firstname),
This is going to be HUGE so
read every word of this email
and go to this new site right
Ok here's the deal.
Internet Millionaire Charles
Ryder just launch his brand
Spanken new system that...
Will allow you to manifest
paychecks at will.
This is No Hype or Fluff
His system is truly unique and
proven to work.
Check it out now >>
In my opinion, his system
finally levels the playing field
so that everyone can succeed.
You have to take a look for
I promise you will be amazed.
Demetrios Kyprianou
P.S Charles added some early
bird bonuses that are only
available right now.
So don't delay.
Go there now >>
Get lifetime membership to "Ultimate Four"
for F.R.E.E
Welcome to visit my website
Messages in this topic (3)
18.1. -|- -|- Start Receiving Unlimited Payments TODAY !!! -|- -|-
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:10 am ((PDT))
You are going to get some incredible tools that help you rake in
real profits over and over again.
Don't just sit back and watch while everyone else prospers.
Jump right in and start now!
Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (102)
19a. Folk's **Giblink ** HAS LAUNCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: "Charlie Haire" myfamilysfuture
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:14 am ((PDT))
All skepticism and naysayers will definately vanish into thin air!
Because Giblink has launched the Most Powerful Business/Social Network in history!
On Oct.15th, universal debit cards started rolling out! .
Members will begin to share with others how much they've earned just for being a member!
I'm not going to reveal how much I've made, but let's put it this way, my kids are gonna have a nice Christmas this year! AND.........All I did was took the advice of someone and joined.
You don't have to sponsor, or do anything. JUST JOIN!
Whether it's through my link or someone else's! JUST JOIN!
Folks, if you've ever even had the thought cross your mind of working at home, PLEASE, take a CLOSE look at this opportunity, before you go anywhere else.
This will save you alot of hard learned lessons and heartbreak.
I can tell you now, for sure, that Giblink DELIVERS!
This is the one Business Owners and networkers across the globe have been waiting for!
Don't let skepticism keep you from reaching your financial goals!
Click here to get more info.
Charles Haire
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Messages in this topic (3)
20a. Get Paid by YUWIE
Posted by: "C.S." raymondconduit
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:14 am ((PDT))
Don't Miss Out
Go To:
Its Free and you GET PAID
Messages in this topic (12)
21.1. Submit Your Ads to 12 Million Links!
Posted by: "Bordou" yerbordo
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:14 am ((PDT))
Reach over 1,000,000 global web surfers and potential customers daily!
That's virtually the ENTIRE INTERNET!
Drastically increase your web site traffic EVERY day !
Messages in this topic (40)
Posted by: "Charlie Haire" myfamilysfuture
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:15 am ((PDT))
Just Released! Michael Badger brings you a new kind of affiliate program at:
What is different about this one? First, you get FREE MONTHLY INCOME JUST FOR SIGNING UP! You never have to buy anything, sell anything or recruit anyone! It sounds unrealistic at first, but the plan of how this is going to be accomplished is laid out for you right on the homepage. Basically, it is a profit share for a new service that will soon be launched. A portion of the profits from the service will be allocated to go to the pool of people that sign up to receive a share of it NOW! This is not one of those profit shares where you HAVE to be a paying member of the service to get a part of it. In fact, once the service is launched, people will NO LONGER be able to get onto the earnings pool list! So, as the service grows in popularity, the amount given to the pool will go UP but the number of people in the pool will STAY
THE SAME! As earnings rise, your share will rise too! YOU HAVE A CHANCE RIGHT NOW TO JUST SIGN UP AND RECEIVE A SHARE OF THE COMPANY'S PROFITS! No strings attached! Of course, this IS an affiliate program, so there are some benefits when you refer people…. BIG benefits. But think about it for a minute - how easy would it be for you to promote an affiliate program if you could tell people there was free money for the taking JUST for signing up? This is going to be the easiest affiliate program you have EVER promoted! And here are the big benefits you get when you refer people: 1. You get another spot in the earnings pool for every person you refer who signs up for a portion of the free money! How easy is that!? 2. Plus, when the new service launches, it will be a paid-monthly service. When ANY of your free referrals decides to become a member of the new service, they will be YOUR referrals in the new program, and YOU
will receive a monthly commission on the sale! Even if you yourself NEVER become a paying member of the new service! This is an easy way to secure a residual monthly income for a long time! 3. There is a product package that members are offered one time only immediately after they signup. If your referrals buy that package, you will get a commission on that sale - Standard Members will receive a 20% commission and Premium Members will receive 50%! It is a great package, and you get upgraded to Premium Member for free when you buy it, so a lot of your referrals will probably make the purchase. So, this is NOT just an interesting pre-launch for the new service. You can start making income promoting your affiliate link right away! So just to recap: - It is FREE to join.
- You get free MONTHLY income just for signing up
- If you choose to tell people about the free money they can also get, you will get huge rewards for doing so. This is easily going to be one of the simplest programs you will ever promote! Go sign up now because this is going to be huge!
Charles Haire
Need Traffic To Your Site?
Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more.
Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.
Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.
Messages in this topic (8)
23a. If You Cant Make Mon*y With This, You Need To Get Off The Internet!
Posted by: "James Young" james123you
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:20 am ((PDT))
Have you heard of the biggest thing on the internet today? ITS FRIENDSWIN.COM! is a social networking site being integrated with VIDEO to create amazing applications. Video dating, video resumes and video conferencing are only three...
But whats the clincher? Friendswin has an incredible affiliate marketing program that pays commissions for signups for people actively marketing the site. With our 5x8 SUPER MATRIX, affiliates are paid 8 levels deep, and generate substantial overrides on their downline. Check out the compensation program here! combines top online industries to make you money!
1. Social Networking - Growing 89%/yr, expected to double in the next 2 years! (Imagine being the first person in MySpace and then getting paid on marketing and sponsoring the huge numbers of new members that followed!)
2. Online Dating. This is a HUGE online industry too, with over 35 million users. But what happens when you combine with YouTube? .....its called FRIENDSWIN.COM
3. Online Job Boards... Ever try to stand-out by posting a text based resume on Monster or HotJobs? Tell your friends to use Friendswin to host their video based resumes....and see the offers pour in!
4. The Internet Home Business Industry - Absolutely Huge! Friendswin lets you build a downline of over 450,000 people. Get paid overrides on customer purchases on all these products. And if you consider how many people will use Friendswin that you can get paid on....well, you can be in Doctor or Laywer income territory for sure....
Now you know the basics,
Sign-up NOW and make sure you and your friends are with us for the opportunity of a lifetime!
James Young,
Messages in this topic (14)
24a. Large, Private Investment Firm - Great Returns
Posted by: "Joyce" dym_game
Date: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:25 am ((PDT))
Large, Private Investment Firm - Great Returns
This is a PRIVATE investment firm that you can only get into if you are referred by a current client. I've been getting regular payouts for a few months. $100 min. 25%-35% returns depending on your investment. All money is backed by a reserve fund that's set aside. They offer free debit cards for clients to withdraw profits. They're private so it's hard to find much talk about them but I did find this discussion board with a bunch of happy clients:
Send them an email - (contact - with 'INFO-c260' in the subject and they'll send you all the private information you need to learn more about them. Contact me if you have any questions.
Amit - (AmBir
Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects
BLAST YOUR AD TO 1,200,000+ OPPORTUNITY SEEKERS only $5.95 or less! or
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Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!
Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
Go here for details:
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