Friday, October 5, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34682

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Earn $5,000 Monthly!
From: Allen

2a. Do you like money? FOREX is your market!
From: John Smith

3a. Get Your Own E-book To Sell to Others!
From: Volga

4a. Earn An Extra $8,265 From Google Adwords, All On Complete Auto-Pilot
From: Lena

5a. Turn Your Paypal Account into an ATM Machine!!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

6a. What keeps you from making money?
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

7a. Experience The Breakthrough Energy Drink of the Decade! Over 12,000,
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

8a. This business is so simple . . .
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

From: Michelle's Advertising Service

10a. Build an income without competition!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

11a. Not all Clicks are Not Created Equal
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

12a. Christmas is Three MONTHS Away!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

13a. Learn how I make $50-$300 everyday.
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

14a. Get $1 each time you give this away...
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

From: Michelle's Advertising Service

16. Join Simply Home For Just $9.95!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

17. We have a new Featured Business on the Featured Business page. http:
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

18. $41,760.52 Earned In 30 Days-Come See How
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

19a. Check out our 3 WAHM Websites!!!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

20. Hypnosis Downloads From Stopping Smoking,Jealousy, Anger And Stress
From: Hypnosis Downloads

21a. Tupperware Online shopping!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

22a. Save $$$ on Shopping, Travel & Dining - Income Opportunities Availab
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

23a. Join the Franchise opportunity for pleasure and Profit
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

24a. Join my Jockey to Person team for only $199 and get $600+ in clothin
From: Michelle's Advertising Service

25a. $8500 Day CASH VIDEO PROOF!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service


1a. Earn $5,000 Monthly!
Posted by: "Allen" alanurtake
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 5:56 am ((PDT))

You Should See The Look On Everyone's Face When A $5,000 Check
-- With Your Name On It -- Arrives At Your Doorstep Every Single Month!
Read On To See How You Can Make Everyone Begging You
To Share Your Little Secret!

Messages in this topic (14)

2a. Do you like money? FOREX is your market!
Posted by: "John Smith" moremoneyfornothing
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 5:56 am ((PDT))

Visit this web:

Trading Forex Online!

* Buy and sell major currency pairs and cross rates with one mouse click.
* You can start trading with as little as $1!
* Deposit by Wire Transfer, e-Gold or e-Bullion!
* Open your account for free and Get $5 Cash Reward so you can start trading right away!
* Spreads between bid and offer prices are the tightest in the forex market

Trading on 1% Margin

* Trading on margin (1%) allows you to trade $10,000 with only $100 deposit (collateral) in your account
* You don't need to start on live market right away - practice with your virtual money first ($10,000)
* No commissions or exchange fees on your trades - you can trade as much as you like!
* You can even earn interest on your positions

News, Chat, Alerts and Support

* Read real-time economic news and forecasts about global economy and forex markets
* Get alerts narrated aloud prior to major scheduled market events
* Chat with other forex traders about market events, exchange trading ideas and learn
* Get help from our support professionals available 24/7 on support chat channels

Advanced Personalized Charting

* The most sophisticated and easy-to-use forex charting tool with built-in advanced technical indicators
* You can trade, view and modify open positions - directly on your charts
* Modify parameters of technical indicators in real-time and see how they appear immediately
* Build your chart collection by adding your saved chart configurations

Simple and Powerfull

* Easy to use and understand even if you are a beginner
* Streamster™ trading software gives you the best forex trading experience available!
* Arrange trading windows according to your preference, set charting options, use auto-pilot, and much more...
* You only need 5 minutes to open your account - and it's free!

What is Forex Trading ?

* Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the direct access trading of foreign currencies. With an average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, Forex is 46 times larger than all the futures markets combined and, for that reason, is the world's most liquid market.

How do I choose between Mini and Standard Forex account ?

* Marketiva's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your order form, including 10000 (mini) or 100000 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement will be 1 cent (1%).

How much money do I need to start trading Forex ?

* With its industry-leading platform, Marketiva allows you to start trading in Forex market with as little as $1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex brokers require at least $500 to start with.

May I open a demo account and try the system first?

* Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one Marketiva account, you can try the system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any case, you can open your Marketiva account for free!

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (14)

3a. Get Your Own E-book To Sell to Others!
Posted by: "Volga" best_marketing_000
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 5:59 am ((PDT))

Introducing Total Resale Package in which you can get
Full Master Resale Rights and Mini-Websites for Many of the LATEST Ebooks, Software and Marketing Tools!
A Terrific Range of Ebook Resell Rights Products to Enjoy for Yourself and Sell to others!
It is a Full Master Resell Rights Package for your own use and selling to others if you wish so!
But keep reading - that's just half the story...

Messages in this topic (21)

4a. Earn An Extra $8,265 From Google Adwords, All On Complete Auto-Pilot
Posted by: "Lena" ayse_marketing_003
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:00 am ((PDT))

Powerful New Keyword Software Gave Me The Exact Keywords To Earn An Extra $8,265 From Google Adwords, All On Complete Auto-Pilot! See The Full Proof Below..."

Messages in this topic (22)

5a. Turn Your Paypal Account into an ATM Machine!!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:11 am ((PDT))

Turn Your Paypal Account into an ATM Machine!!

Internet 4 Dummies Introduces Internet for Begginers........

Free E-Book Reveals Money Links that will Shock YOU!

Make *200.00 Plus Daily

And do you know what I did to make that money..........nothing!
Actually I let someone else do all the work, they did all the leg work and put all the time in, but I made all the money..........100% of it.
I don't even sell anything. I give something away for free, and every time I give it away, I make money.
It's awesome!
I don't even need a website.
This guy called Jon Davies built a website, but he let me change his payment button and put mine in there instead of his. There was nothing else for me to do. I just deleted his pay details.......put my own email address in it's place.......he still ran the website as if it was still his, but every time "he" made a sale, I was the one who got the money.
Yes I'm a computer dummy, but I feel like a bit of a genius now I've found this. It's pretty smart for me to be making money when someone else is doing all the work.
And you can do exactly the same if you want.
All you have to do is go to the site I found and do what I did.

Have a look at this:

I promise you'll be making money in a few hours from now. It's like nothing you've ever seen before.
Hurry before the crazy man comes to his senses and stops offering this out.


R.L. Ross, IV
Messages in this topic (8)

6a. What keeps you from making money?
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:11 am ((PDT))

Let's start with a basic principle: Everyone wants to make their life better. Ask people what "better" means and they'll tell you different things, but everyone agrees they want their life to be better. The question is how to make it better!

Well, most people will tell you they need more money to make their life better. Just how much is different for each person, but most will agree they just need more. So what keeps them from making more money?
Well, they'll tell you they don't have the money to start making money. They don't have the skills to make money. They don't know how to sell anything, and besides, they hate selling. And, they don't have the time to make money.

They probably also don't believe they can make more money. They've tried before and failed. Maybe they have tried a lot of times and still failed. They just don't have it in them to try again.

Ginny Dye, the founder of My Power Mall, spent many years in the Network Marketing or Multi-level Marketing Industry. She was a leader and trainer in her company. Anyone would have called her a success but she walked away from all of it 4 years ago. Why? Because she was tired of watching so many wonderful people try and fail. Do you know that only 3% of people in MLM actually succeed? That means 97% of them FAIL. She simply could no longer introduce people to something and ask them for money, commitment and time - only to watch them fail, drop out and end up discouraged and disillusioned. She walked away and never looked back.

During the last 4 years she has worked with a team of 60 amazing people, investing a half million dollars of cash and time, to create a simple system that EVERYONE can succeed with. It's not your typical MLM. It's not a typical Affiliate Program. It is simply a brand new concept that will allow the 97% of people who have failed before, finally succeed!

She will soon be taking this to television and
the new people re.cruited for My Power Mall will be distributed
under those who are already enrolled.
This is like winning the lottery - get in now.


- MY POWER MALL really is FR*EE. There's no cost to you - EVER.
- There's nothing to SELL.
- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it's yours. Pretty simple.
- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!
- All tools are FR*EE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives.

If you want to know your past ?
look into your present conditions.
If you want to know your future ?
look into your present actions!

By December MPM members are expected to be spending
11 MILLION $$ a month.
How much of that could be yours?

Expect Miracles
They happen all the time

Messages in this topic (10)

7a. Experience The Breakthrough Energy Drink of the Decade! Over 12,000,
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:12 am ((PDT))

Experience The Breakthrough Energy Drink of the Decade! Over 12,000,000 A.C.T. energy drinks served in the first 20 months. - The Healthy $1 Energy Drink that Works Faster, Lasts Longer & Costs LESS! Distributors urgently needed
make 1000s weekly no start up cost at all!
A.C.T. is a breakthrough energy drink that generates a super- charged nutrient uptake into your body's cells within 10-15 minutes! As a result, you will experience the healthy, full body revitalization that only A.C.T. can deliver... for hours at a time!
Messages in this topic (17)

8a. This business is so simple . . .
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:13 am ((PDT))

This business is so simple . . .
even a Caveshopper can do it.

Do you shop at Target, Circuit City, Kohl's, Sears, Macy's and dozens of other nationally known stores? Would you like to earn a cash rebate on every purchase you make for things you already buy every day?

Do you know anyone else who would like to do the same thing? If your answer is yes, click the link below to get started FREE!
Messages in this topic (17)

Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:14 am ((PDT))


If you are looking for high energy and a no sugar drink than try our newest energy drink, Black Cherry Cola Blast!!! We have brought together the taste you love of cola and black cherry to give you a powerful punch that will last all day! No sugar, No Carbs and just 8 small calories per serving. Make everyday count with Black Cherry Cola Blast
Messages in this topic (28)

10a. Build an income without competition!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:14 am ((PDT))

Build an income without competition!

Germs are found in places you would least expect them. Office desks and keyboards are germier than the toilet seat at work. Outdoor port-o-potties are actually cleaner than picnic tables, shopping cart handles, escalator handles, and playground equipment. A simple rub to your eye or wipe across your nose can introduce germs into your body from your hands. That is why everyone needs PureWorks: doctors, teachers, parents, kids, students, food service workers. Anyone with skin is a potential customer. All skin contains bacteria and all of us have skin!! PureWorks products have already been widely tested and accepted in the professional medical field for 2 years and we are the FIRST to manufacture and distribute this caliber of products approved by the FEDERAL DRUG ADMINSTRATION AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AGENCY

Join now and be a part of a company that has no competition! Distributors earn up to five different ways!! The PureWorks Compensation Plan is one of the most lucrative and fair compensation plans in the industry! The PureWorks compensation plan pays 50% commissions to distributors! This is a product that everyone needs that you don't have to be uncomfortable sharing with EVERYONE! With the right product and the right tool to share your product with others, you cannot help but succeed! If you would like to learn more about our product and how you can make money starting TODAY then stop on in at: and take the business opportunity tour and become a believer!
Messages in this topic (15)

11a. Not all Clicks are Not Created Equal
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:15 am ((PDT))

Not all Clicks are Not Created Equal

Make guaranteed money instead of wasting your advertising dollar on programs that require you to make sales! Earn a guaranteed 5 cents per visitor using a proven advertising system and get paying results.
Messages in this topic (5)

12a. Christmas is Three MONTHS Away!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:16 am ((PDT))

I found a great online opportunity!
Just in time for Christmas Shopping!
Save/make money, shop on line to avoid the crowds, save gas from running around...
It is a win win situation....
It really is worth checking out!
Just take the time to go to the web site and listen to the information...
Messages in this topic (7)

13a. Learn how I make $50-$300 everyday.
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:17 am ((PDT))

Put $300 each day in your Paypal account!

Are you struggling to make money online?

Are you spending more money than you are earning?

Are you new to the Internet and do not know how to get started in a home business
of your own?

If you answered yes to any one of the questions listed above...I have got a simple

I made $160 Yesterday, $120 the day before and $200 today with this. You can be making money in the next hour, if not sooner.
I have discovered a secret twist to making money online. No advertising, no selling, and no investment required. I will show you exactly what I am doing everyday to make money.
Do you want to start making money today? You will make money from this.
Click below to learn more.

Messages in this topic (7)

14a. Get $1 each time you give this away...
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:18 am ((PDT))

Russell Brunson has just created a new report
and he's paying his affiliates $1 for every
copy of the report they give away.
And if that wasn't enough you'll also get 50
cents for each copy your referrals give away.
Exciting stuff!
Messages in this topic (2)

Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:20 am ((PDT))

Proven Business Model, tested products and dedicated leaders provides the right ingredients for success. Looking for like minded individuals to join a multi-million dollar industry while providing you the secret to freedom. Free two minute recording for people looking to capitalize on this proven, successful business opportunity. Call Toll Free 24hr. Opportunity Line 1-800-809-2938.
Messages in this topic (1)

16. Join Simply Home For Just $9.95!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:20 am ((PDT))

The Best 3 Product Lines Of Direct Selling!

Candles...Bath & Body & Gourmet Food Mixes...WOW!

Do you want to sell products that people
will buy?

Not everyone likes just candles or just
bath & body products, or just gourmet food
mixes, but most people will like one of them
at least.

Simply Home is the answer!

You can sell all of the above and more!
Hand-poured candles, natural bath & body
and delicious gourmet mixes (called Simply Gourmet),
plus accessories for candles and home.

You can even choose to sign up to sell the full Simply Home
line or just the Simply Gourmet Line! Sales commissions start
at 30%!

Come check out my site and see what you think.
You'll be impressed with the selection!

You can join for $9.95 for your website and back office.
Kit purchase is optional.

Check out my site at:
then if you'd like to know more (email me off my site)
and I'll send you details on the really great commission

I invite you to join our winning team!

Gina Bell
Consultant #1030
Messages in this topic (1)

17. We have a new Featured Business on the Featured Business page. http:
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:20 am ((PDT))

Hi everyone,
We have a new Featured Business on the Featured Business page.

Please visit & read about how Daisy Sutherland got started in her business.

Advertisers - Check out your options! Get your business noticed for the Holiday Shoppers!
Looking for a business, visit

Look at for Advertising options. Many options to choose from! Many ways to have your business noticed! Visit the Advertising page to see all the options available.

Have your banner, button or text link put on the page you choose.
Exclusive Advertiser spaces are still available; Check to see if your business is open. If your company isn't listed, let us know, and we'll list it.
Have your Sales listed on our 'Coupons & Special's' page.
Visit today & check out your options!
Halloween Crafts & Recipes eBook - $1.00 -

Thanks & have a great day!
Mary - Advertise & Get Your Business Noticed! - Something for everyone! - Great tasting mixes, with that Country flavor! - Let me do all your office work! - Fun & affordable gift wrap items - Educational books & great Family business.
Messages in this topic (1)

18. $41,760.52 Earned In 30 Days-Come See How
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:22 am ((PDT))

$41,760.52 Earned In 30 Days-Come See How

I am on pace to do more than $40,000 this month... My partner pulled in over $130,000 last month.
How are we generating these staggering incomes?
Check out the website, where I'll walk YOU through the easy steps... 1 by 1.
Messages in this topic (1)

19a. Check out our 3 WAHM Websites!!!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:23 am ((PDT))

Want 2 WAH?
We put this site together to help people who would like to work at home, find the right company to work for. You can choose from the different types of work at home jobs available. The most popular are Direct Sales, Party Plans and Network Marketing (MLM).

Already WAH?
If you said "Yes", we can offer you special services to help grow your business. Whether you need website design, ad packages, leads and more... We can do it! This saves you time and you can put the focus where needed.... to your clients!

Then you should check out websites.... , and . Below are some of the features we offer....

Banner / Logo Design: We offer these services for anyone looking to promote their business online thru websites, forums and more. Logos are a great way to boost the look of your website. Need a new logo? We offer low rates on both logos and banner designs. Oh yeah... we can design any banner/logo size!

Leads: Looking for quality leads to send info about your home based business? We have them here! We work with only the best vendors to insure you get the best possible service. We also offer company specific leads!

Solo Ads: What a great way to get your business noticed! Your ad will go out to Yahoo Groups, MSN Groups and more! We offer daily, weekly and monthly services.

Website Design: We can maintain your current site, redesign or build you a new site! We offer low rates and fast turnaround times.

Hosting: We are offering CPanel 11 hosting at low rates!

We are also offering Holiday Goodie Boxes! We are looking for Vendors, we also have more spots open to order your Holiday Goodie Box.


Shop locally and Save $$$ - Shop online and get $$$ back - Earn $$$ from your powerline
Learn more here:

Fruta Vida - Very Powerful Antioxidant Drink!
Messages in this topic (4)

20. Hypnosis Downloads From Stopping Smoking,Jealousy, Anger And Stress
Posted by: "Hypnosis Downloads" juorbach
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:23 am ((PDT))

Richard's Latest Hypnosis Downloads
Instantly Downloadable... So you can start today!
All of the following MP3 downloads can be used on any MP3 player, Mac or PC.

Addictions and Habits

Stop Smoking
Alcohol Addiction
Compulsive Lying
Compulsive Spending
Cannabis Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Nail Biting

Fear of Flying
Fear of Injections
Fear of the Dentist
Fear of Public Speaking

Lifestyle cont...

Anger Management
Relationship Break-ups
Stress Management
Wealth Generation
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Career Development
Business Development
Interview Nerves

Generalize Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Feminization Hypnosis
Panic Attacks
Stop Blushing
Driving Test
Exam Nerves

Self Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Hypnotherapists | Marketing | Hypnosis | Richard MacKenzie

You are receiving this email because you opted in to receive offers in your mailbox. If you have received this email in error or do not wish to receive any more emails you can unsubscribe by sending a blank email with REMOVE in the subject line.
This email is CAN-SPAM compliant.

Messages in this topic (1)

21a. Tupperware Online shopping!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:24 am ((PDT))

Tupperware Online shopping! Your online shopping with Tupperware is simple, safe, and secure- add your products to your shopping cart, check out with a credit/debit card on our secure servers and watch for your Tupperware to arrive at your front door in about 7-10 days! Your order will be shipped directly from Tuppererware. Same great products from a company you trust!

Selling Tupperware! You can get started in your own Tupperware Business today for just $69.99. Join to purchase your Tupperware products at wholesale prices, to earn extra money or a full time career. The choice is yours. For more information on how you can become a consultant please visit . If interested you can sign up there!
Messages in this topic (8)

22a. Save $$$ on Shopping, Travel & Dining - Income Opportunities Availab
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:25 am ((PDT))

Yep! It's True!... Why? Because we all shop and we all like to save.... right? Well.... with MyWorldPlus you can earn cash back while shopping online at over 600 stores. You can also shop at local merchants and save big! Eat pizza.... we have coupons for that! Rent movies... we have coupons for that also! You can't miss out on the savings.... you can come on over to pre-enroll for free and see what we have to offer. You can even do a local search to see what savings you local area offers.

Now.... here is the best part!! You can watch your powerline grow as a pre-enrollee.... You can see how fast you and your upline build a team. I have 650+ paid members in my powerline.... You can too! When you do decide to join, you will automatically earn commission on your 1st 5 paid members in your powerline. Then once you hit 1 star (3 recruits) you will earn on paid members in your powerline.....

We get paid both Weekly & Monthly.... Sound interesting yet?

Then head over to and Pre-Enroll to learn more!

If you have questions, please email me at .


Shop locally and Save $$$ - Shop online and get $$$ back - Earn $$$ from your powerline
Learn more here:

Want to Work at Home?

We offer a company directory to find a work at home job.
Work at Home? We offer services to help GROW your business!
Messages in this topic (8)

23a. Join the Franchise opportunity for pleasure and Profit
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:26 am ((PDT))

Join the Franchise opportunity for pleasure and Profit

Why do you want to join the Home Income Portal?
Firstly,The Home Income Portal is a unique online centre
through which you can access many pleasures.
This includes chat rooms,listening, watching and buying
the lastest chart music or box office film hits.The online
shops (inclusive of provide products ranging
from buying clothes and jewelry to booking your next holiday.
These are just some of the products and services you will
find by signing up as a free member to the home
Income Portal.
Secondly, in addition to enjoying all these services you
can own your own home income portal and enjoy multi streams
of income. This fully established turnkey home business is
riding high on the crest of a wave of change within the internet
based information technology revolution. As a franchise owner
for a very reasonable monthly subscription for maintenance of
your ready to go website, you will establish a very high
income for many years to come.This truly is a chance to join
the ranks of myspace and you tube with one difference, You will
make a real income and secure your own future.
So don't waste another moment, sign up as a free member and
witness for yourself this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity.
You can sign up as subscribed member at any time and enjoy making
your destiny secure?

Thankyou for your time
Graham Bookham
Messages in this topic (11)

24a. Join my Jockey to Person team for only $199 and get $600+ in clothin
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:26 am ((PDT))

Join my Jockey to Person team for only $199 and get $600+ in clothing

Please check it out and put Angela W ID#50604 when you join!

Here's the site:

Here is the link to what's in the kit!

Plus join now and also get another $100 in free clothing :)

No mins ever. Sell what you want when you want and you will never be removed
Messages in this topic (22)

25a. $8500 Day CASH VIDEO PROOF!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Fri Oct 5, 2007 6:27 am ((PDT))

$8500 Day CASH VIDEO PROOF! Receive $1000's Daily Returning Phone Calls with No Selling Explaining or Any Convincing! Copycat Me to a T! Quit Failing Online, YES The Top People On The WEB TRULY DO RECEIVE SERIOUS CASH, Don't YOU WANT TO BE ONE, this is NO HYPE, NO BOSS, NOT MLM, If Your not Receiving at LEAST $5000 a week Online YOU HAVE TO go to
Messages in this topic (5)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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