Saturday, November 10, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 35340

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. ~~~Proven 5 Figure Monthly Income Formula, #1 Company in the market~
From: Daven Wang

2a. Wow! Christmas Came Early This Year!
From: Ian Bloxham

3a. Wow... spektakuler, bisnis forex dan valas..
From: Darmalili Kosasi

4a. Instant Booster Text Ad

5a. HOT ! 24,000 Paid Members in Giblink in Just 1 Mth !
From: Giblink is HOT !!!

6a. Deregulating Electricity=Big Bucks
From: Norman Sweet

7. GOOGLE ADSENSE SITE - Instantly Generate Hundreds of Adsense Sites!!
From: lautteripang

8a. Software Shows What ACTUALLY sells on eBAY!
From: Bektas

9a. How I Make Over $158,000 Monthly?
From: Yula

10.1. Earn $300 A Day Secret Shoppping!
From: Zeytin

11. SPORT ARBITRAGE Guaranteed 3% Profit Daily

From: thehair63

13.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
From: 41 Marketing

14. OH SH@&!!...$1,000 cash EVERY 24 to 48 Hrs.!!
From: terrance spencer

15.1. Cash At You Door! - Pays Daily! - Launching in October!
From: yg_postmaster

16. Limited Time Offer ! $1,000 FREE Paypal !
From: Free Money ! Hurry !

17. The Big Opportunity
From: Internet Ideas

18a. Building Wireless Community Networks (free ebooks)

19. Get Serious about your Life ((($$$$$)))
From: Trade Equity

20. {{{ High Income Home Business }}}
From: Hot Wings

21a. The Best Directory For Online Money Maker
From: Ridwan

22. Need Supplement for Your Success ?
From: Hasef

23. *~*~JOIN FOR FREE!!!!!!!! 30 DAY FREE TRIAL! AND MORE!~*~*~*
From: Anna

24a. Printing 24/7 Profits for you... Automatically!
From: Dorian

25a. NetMoneyNet News
From: NetMoneyNet


1a. ~~~Proven 5 Figure Monthly Income Formula, #1 Company in the market~
Posted by: "Daven Wang" slimchopstick
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:50 am ((PST))

Do you want to make real money with biggest company in the internet business industry, and these guys do all the follow up and close sales for you, how's that?

You got the Desire to make big money, this is the only Proven formula, honest.

Messages in this topic (3)

2a. Wow! Christmas Came Early This Year!
Posted by: "Ian Bloxham" teamblox
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:51 am ((PST))

The Next Big Moneymaker is Here!

Save $1500 and Get $1450 in free software.

It's a No-Brainer!

Messages in this topic (14)

3a. Wow... spektakuler, bisnis forex dan valas..
Posted by: "Darmalili Kosasi" dktitin
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:57 am ((PST))

spektakuler, bisnis forex dan valas..

"Gandakan Uang Anda Minimal 6x
Lipat (600%) per bulan dengan Bisnis Forex di Internet dan raih kekayaan
finansial yang luar biasa"

Banjiri rekening bank anda dengan cepat tanpa harus promosi dan menjual.
Bisnis ini tidak memiliki batas keuntungan. Semuanya anda yang mengatur untuk
meraih kesuksesan dan kebebasan finansial

Daftar disini:

Bergabunglah dengan orang-orang yang berwawasan, di di bidang Anda! Kunjungi Yahoo! Answers saat ini juga di
Messages in this topic (11)

4a. Instant Booster Text Ad
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:00 am ((PST))

Can you afford to loose 300,000 potential customers per year ?

How would You like to divert 1000s of fresh,
new visitors daily to Your web site or affiliate web site from
Google, Yahoo, MSN and others At $0 cost to you...?

Never seen before! Brand new !

Messages in this topic (19)

5a. HOT ! 24,000 Paid Members in Giblink in Just 1 Mth !
Posted by: "Giblink is HOT !!!" pen7ok
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:01 am ((PST))

Giblink is RED HOT ! 24,000 paid members just a month after it pre-launched ! Most programs can barely get 1,000 members even after months of being in business. I know cos my last referral who joined yesterday is no 23.906. About 800 members are joining Giblink daily !

Please note that gibLink launched its Social Networking Site for business minded people on Monday October 15. The current members will now start sharing in the company's profits. 70% goes to the members.

Members are being sent a VISA debit card and cash is being loaded every Wednesday as everyone is being cycled through. No member is being left out.

For those who are not yet members, here is what is going on:

gibLink is a new Global Internet Social Networking Website that is a Home for EVERY person that is looking for a passive income opportunity. This is NOT an MLM. It is a true Revenue Share.

What if you had the chance to revenue share with the owners of MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, GoDaddy, Yahoo or Google? That would have been the opportunity of the century!!! Well now, here is your chance.

Go to:

and see for yourself. Listen to the audios and read through the site. If you are looking to share in the massive revenues generated by a Social Networking site, this is the place.

1) gibLink is officially launched on Oct 15. About 800 people per day are signing up. reported gibLink had a record breaking 20,000 people on a conference call. There are about 25,000 members at this time with expected membership to reach two million worldwide. MySpace has sixty million so two million is a very achievable goal.

2) Mike Glaspie (world famous netmarketer), Jane Mark/Phil Basten (owners of JPE Advertising and One Minute Ads) are just some of the famous netmarketers who have joined forces with Giblink ! If Mike G. is in the business, not only is it legitimate, it is HIGHLY Profitable!

3) Pro membership is $150 and there is the Standard $50 membership that pays $50 on every cycle, but the Pro Membership is the one that pays the big money. See the site for more details.

4) You do not need to recruit anyone to make money. But if you do, gibLink pays a 100% matching bonus. What your recruit makes, you also make as a bonus.

There are 2 ways to join this opportunity
Standard Membership
$50 Quarterly entry fee creates 1 POD in GibLine #1
No sponsoring required to earn commissions and FREE replacement pods to GibLine #1.
* Cannot advance to Gibline #2 (only re-cycles in GibLine #1)
* $50 Cash Commission after launching off GibLine #1
* 1 POD re-entry to the bottom of GibLine #1, with each cycle completed.
* 100% Matching Bonus on personally sponsored members

Pro Membership
$150 Quarterly entry fee creates 3 PODs in GibLine #1
All 3 PODS are qualified for commissions (POD I sponsors POD 2&3 automatically)
Eligible to advance to GibLine #2, #3, #4…..
* No Cash commissions for cycling off GibLine #1 as it is used to leverage your commissions.
* Cash commissions begin after launching off GibLine #2
* 100% Matching Bonus on personally sponsored members, PLUS - 100% matching bonus on your other 2 positions.
That's the BIG difference-- you get 100% matching bonus off yourself because you are the sponsor of your other 2 positions.

Gibline is a payplan where everyone gets paid as they cycle through the program. We are talking about large sums of money for those who get in early like $25,000 and $50,000 and even up to a million dollars when you cycle to 15 PODS !!

This is YOUR chance in get in before the rest of the world, so ACT N0W, because EVERYONE who joins AFTER YOU is UNDER YOU!

And like any new launch, there is no guarantee of success. If you are looking for guarantees, you need to look to the sun rising in the morning. If you looking for a relatively modest investment with a chance to earn a ton of money, this site is for you !

Yahoo IM – kodyler
msn IM –


Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.
Messages in this topic (6)

6a. Deregulating Electricity=Big Bucks
Posted by: "Norman Sweet" mareaux11
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:09 am ((PST))

This will be huge $600 Billion market!
Don’t miss this boat !

Talk to me 10am to 10pm est 413 896 5655

Messages in this topic (18)

7. GOOGLE ADSENSE SITE - Instantly Generate Hundreds of Adsense Sites!!
Posted by: "lautteripang" lautteripang
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:14 am ((PST))



Could this be the coolest site on the Internet?

Matt Callen is giving away an awesome software package
called HyperVRE. Basically what this software does
is create websites for you that contain the two
hottest things in marketing right now ALL ON THE
SAME PAGES. The best thing is free.

I just downloaded my very own copy and it is awesome,
so I wanted to share it with you. The software is a breeze to
use and there is an endless amount of customizable features.

The owner of HyperVRE told me I could let a few people know
about the site before they start charging for the product, and I
thought you would be interested. :-)

Go ahead and check it out now.


Enjoy this one!
Gatot P


Messages in this topic (1)

8a. Software Shows What ACTUALLY sells on eBAY!
Posted by: "Bektas" katrevesu
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:16 am ((PST))

Are you looking for ideas to make
a KILLING on eBay?
Want to know which products are in
HOT demand with LOW competition from other sellers
and What ACTUALLY sells on eBay!

Messages in this topic (4)

9a. How I Make Over $158,000 Monthly?
Posted by: "Yula" bizim_marketing_005
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:17 am ((PST))

Make Over $158,000 Monthly
Online Every Single Month
without A Website or a Product...

Messages in this topic (5)

10.1. Earn $300 A Day Secret Shoppping!
Posted by: "Zeytin" landerstar
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:19 am ((PST))

Imagine if you could get paid to:
Shop locally at your favorite stores.
Eat for free at restaurants.
Take surveys from your computer.
Travel for free on airlines and cruise lines.
Mystery shoppers are reimbursed and most often get to keep what they buy on top of being paid for time spent shopping!
We can help you on your way to becoming a mystery shopper. You could be having fun doing something you love, while making money doing it!

Messages in this topic (48)

11. SPORT ARBITRAGE Guaranteed 3% Profit Daily
Posted by: "SPORT ARBITRAGE" juorbach
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:21 am ((PST))


You're About To Discover How To Get A Risk Free Return Of Between 3% and 9% In Just 2 Hours.
Again And Again - Guaranteed!

"This Explosively Profitable Little Known Secret That Has Been Used By Banks For Centuries Is
Now Available To You Thanks To The Power Of The Internet!"

"It's So Simple That Even A 14 Year Old Could Understand It. There Are Literally Thousands Of
These "Profit Loopholes" Every Single Day, Each Paying
Between 3% & 90% On Your Capital - 100% Risk Free & Guaranteed!"

"It Doesn't Matter Where In The World You Are - If You Have An Internet Connection & PC
You Can Claim Hundreds Of Dollars For Just A Few Minutes Of Easy 'Work'

The simple little method that you're going to learn about is called "sports arbitrage" -
an explosively profitable internet loophole that can be used by absolutely anyone with
an internet connection & PC to make anywhere from tens of dollars to several hundred dollars a day.
As you read on you're going to discover rock-solid proof, not only on exactly how well this
perfectly simple technique works, but also how it has the potential to effortlessly make you a lot of money,
everyday, for just a few minutes of work.

To Your Success,

OR Marketings.

You are receiving this email because you opted in to receive offers from FREE LEADS/FFA/BZ9/ Triple your list...
To unsubscribe, please send a blank email.
This email is CAN-SPAM compliant.

Messages in this topic (1)

Posted by: "thehair63" thehair63
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:22 am ((PST))

Internet Marketing Has Just Changed Forever!

With literally billions of page views per day and millions of active
user groups Facebook has become the go-to social portal to hang out
and get noticed. With an average of 200,000 new users daily Facebook
is no longer a fun place for college kids to chat with one another.
Rather, it's a massive social network poised to take over the top
position in the social networking web category by next year.

Finally, a program so innovative and fresh you simply cannot afford
NOT to buy and try it. The NEW Facebook-Marketing is taking the
internet by storm. Just released, this hot selling program has the
capability of sending your ad copy to literally millions of Facebook
members directly to their inboxes at a price so affordable you won't
believe your eyes.

Surely, this price won't last long!

That's right, for only $19.95 you can obtain a basic membership to
Facebook-Marketing and begin using the system immediately to generate
fresh customers for your products and services. This is targeted
marketing at it's finest and is based on the Facebook Developers
Platform. Plus, a pro membership at $24.95 allows you to resell this
program and generate additional income for months or years to come.

This program is in it's infancy and that makes it the perfect
opportunity to jump on while the iron is still hot!

Get yours today!

Messages in this topic (1)

13.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41marketing02
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:23 am ((PST))

Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business
featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!

GBAN... What is it?

The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of
international businesses and business people who are willing to work
together in order for all members to benefit through education,
international relationship building, and increased sales!

Why Join?

· Forming Strategic Alliances is an important part of any marketing

· Increase your potential customer base through networking

· Create mutually beneficial relationships with other companies.
This can happen many ways, such as through the referral process, word-
of-mouth, and advertisement exchange.

· Learning from others by sharing knowledge, experiences, and
gaining new perspectives.

· With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other similar

Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!

· Your business featured in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for two days.

· Your Link and business info in our directory published on our GBAN

· Your business will also be featured (one time) in our weekly

Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in

Its absolutely FREE!!!

Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (477)

14. OH SH@&!!...$1,000 cash EVERY 24 to 48 Hrs.!!
Posted by: "terrance spencer" coldhardcashflow
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:35 am ((PST))

SEE PROOF http://www.CashGoneWild.Net

Referral ID # 5661

SAVE THIS ID # cuz you can't join without it.

Messages in this topic (1)

15.1. Cash At You Door! - Pays Daily! - Launching in October!
Posted by: "yg_postmaster" yg_postmaster
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:50 am ((PST))

Cash At You Door!     Pays Daily!     Just Launched!
Give me 2 minutes of your time and I'll give you 4000 reasons why you
should take a serious look at EZ Wealth Solution!

EZ Wealth just launched, and they are turning heads already! This has
the potential to become one of the biggest opportunities to come along
in years because of the insane amount of money people are making, and
the way they receive their commissions!

Just take 2 minutes to check out my website and you'll see exactly how
people are earning $4,000 or more per day - per week - per month!

I'm telling you, the money you can make with this is just CRAZY, and
they didn't call it EZ Wealth for nothing!

Don't Get Left Behind! <>
Sponsor User ID: ceo

This Is A Time Sensitive Invitation, Act Now!

Messages in this topic (231)

16. Limited Time Offer ! $1,000 FREE Paypal !
Posted by: "Free Money ! Hurry !" pen7ok
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:52 am ((PST))

Hi Networkers,
Hurry ! Free money for EVERYONE ! Just register a free viralurl account and get as many people
to signup as possible ! You earn $1 per person who signup under your ViralURL referral link.

Signup 10, earn $10 !
Signup 100, earn $100 !!
Signup 1,000 earn $1,000 !!!
Signup 10,000 earn $10,000 ! WOW !

HURRY as this offer can be withdrawn anytime !

You can also email ALL your downlines through unlimited levels ! If you refer just 10 others who in turn refer another 10, then for just 6 levels, you will have a total of 1,111,110 people to email your business opportunities !
Level 1 10
Level 2 100
Level 3 1,000
Level 4 10,000
Level 5 100,000
Level 6 1,000,000
Total 1,111,110

There are also a ton of FREE bonuses in your members area !

A MUST JOIN Program ! Even Forbes Magazine writes about it !
Share Revenue with Owners of Google, YouTube, MySpace, GoDaddy....

Free Money ! Get USD$1.00 per Person who Signup FREE !
Free Money ! Signup FREE & Earn $1 per Person who Signup FREE !
Hi Networkers,

Hurry ! Free money for EVERYONE ! Just register a free viralurl account and get as many people
to signup as possible !

Signup 10, earn $10
Signup 100, earn $100
Signup 1,000 earn $1,000 !

HURRY as this offer can be withdrawn anytime.




Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.
Messages in this topic (1)

17. The Big Opportunity
Posted by: "Internet Ideas" youngmax59
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:58 am ((PST))

The Big Opportunity

Promoting and marketing other peoples websites is very big business!
Now you can be a part of it with your own website marketing business.

As an affiliated partner of ours, you will run your own site, while we do
all the hard work of actually dealing with your clients orders and enquiries.

This is a great opportunity with unlimited marketing potential. As all
website owners are in need of services like these.

Visit us today and see how easy it is to start a REAL internet business!

Messages in this topic (1)

18a. Building Wireless Community Networks (free ebooks)
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:00 am ((PST))

Building Wireless Community Networks offers a compelling case for building wireless networks on a local level.
This book provides all the necessary information for planning a network,
getting all the necessary components, and understanding protocols

download now
its free

Messages in this topic (3)

19. Get Serious about your Life ((($$$$$)))
Posted by: "Trade Equity" melissac304
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:00 am ((PST))


Your home is your castle -- and sometimes it's also your bank.
The equity in your home -- the current appraised value minus the amount owed on the house.
This chapter defines the types of home equity debt and the pitfalls of each.


Messages in this topic (1)

20. {{{ High Income Home Business }}}
Posted by: "Hot Wings" diah7583
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:02 am ((PST))

Most Forex traders loose money, don't be one of them!!!!
Learn Forex for free here and get useful recommendation on Forex learning resources.

~~===[[[[ ]]]]===~~

Messages in this topic (1)

21a. The Best Directory For Online Money Maker
Posted by: "Ridwan" onemybiz
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:41 am ((PST))


The Best Online Money Maker Resources and Information.
just click here ->


Need Supplement for Your Success
just click here ->


Messages in this topic (3)

22. Need Supplement for Your Success ?
Posted by: "Hasef" twomybiz
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:45 am ((PST))


if You Need Supplement for Your Success
just click here ->


The Best Online Money Maker Resources and Information.
just click here ->


Messages in this topic (1)

23. *~*~JOIN FOR FREE!!!!!!!! 30 DAY FREE TRIAL! AND MORE!~*~*~*
Posted by: "Anna" rdnecgirl
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:48 am ((PST))

Would you like to earn some holiday money??
Let me show you how!

We do not use assembly lines in the manufacturing process of this business as for every candle is hand crafted due to its unique characteristics. The wax mixture is a Soy / Paraffin mixture (70/30) that is proprietary to DiamondCreek Candles.
Risk Free~ 30 Day Free Trial!
You will receive:

THE $9.98 Gold Candle Consultant Plan:

Your own fully functional website with 3 levels
Commission level 1 (for all products sold earn 25% of order total)
Commission level 2 (for all referrals brought into the consultant plan under you as a referral earn 10% of their sales)
Commission level 3 (for all sales under the level 2 referrals earn 5% of their sales)
Levels of Achievement Awards
Team Builder Commissions
Site Meter
Access to the 25% off consultant member only website
No monthly minimums to meet
No contracts and no Tax ID required
Guaranteed email support 24/7
No termination fees (upon cancellation)
Delivery: Candles guaranteed to leave our facility within 3 to 4 working days
You will receive commissions during your 30 day Free Trial.
When your 30 day trial is over, and you would like to sign up as a paying consultant...we have new and exciting packages you can chose from!
You can get your own website for $5.00, $9.98 and $29.99 a month. Or you can get one of the following!
DCC is now offering 4 Great Consultant Starter Packages.
All Packages will come with your choice of Website. The Silver $5.00 a month or The Gold $9.98 a month or the Patinum Package $29.99 per month.

(8) Traditional Votives
(8) Color Blast Votives
(6) 2.5oz Jar Candles
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for 39.99

4) Traditional Votives (4) Color Blast Votives
(3) 2.5oz Jar Candles
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
20 Piece Sample Case
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for $49.99

(4) Traditional Votives
(4) Color Blast Votives
(3) Larger Than Tee Lites
(1) Classy Oval
(1) 7.5oz Diamond Jar Candle
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
20 Piece Sample Case
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for $55.99


4) Traditional Votives (4) Color Blast Votives
(3) Larger Than Tee Lites
(4) Potpourri Wax Melts
(1) Classy Oval
(1) 7.5oz Diamond Jar Candle
(1) 4oz Scoopable Tart
(1) 4" Diamond Pillar
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
20 Piece Sample Case
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for $69.99

After you purchase this, the next month you can just pay for the website. Not a candle package each month. Unless you want to that is :)

So take a look! Join for the free 30 day trial! You have NOTHING to lose and everything to gain with DiamondCreek Candles!

Please let me know if I can answer any questions that you might have!
Anna Sampson

Anna Sampson
DiamondCreek Candles Team Leader
Sign up with me for a FREE 30 day trial. Go to this site for more info

Mineral Makeup!

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Messages in this topic (1)

24a. Printing 24/7 Profits for you... Automatically!
Posted by: "Dorian" dym_game
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:48 am ((PST))

Printing 24/7 Profits for you... Automatically!

The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...Introducing...
"The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits For You Automatically, The Lazy Way!"
Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!

Blast your ads to 1,200,000 opportunity seekers for only $5.95 or less! or

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Messages in this topic (11)

25a. NetMoneyNet News
Posted by: "NetMoneyNet" jimmyebooky
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:49 am ((PST))

Can't see any images? -Click to view! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a BusOnNet Sponsor Update
Please see the bottom of this mailing for subscription information.


Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,
I'm sure you have heard it before: "you must have your own products in order to make any real money on the internet"
Everything you need to run your business on the web
Online Businesses Package has the business tools you need to work from anywhere, anytime - securely and easily.It gives you the flexibility to make money a lot of different ways.

When you have your own products you can:
Sell them on their own mini sites, and that is how you will make most of your money Sell Resell rights to your products and charge hundreds of dollars for this Develop free online courses so you can collect thousands of targeted leads you can market to any time you want Cut up your already existing products and make smaller more targeted products out of them Assign tasks and more...

Be working in just 60 seconds!
In less than one minute, you'll see how you can use Online Businesses Package every day to run your own business on the web.

Do you Want the Most Recent Articles about Business Opportunities?
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Do you want a program with an amazing earning potential? You are in the right place.
Fast money


By the way....

Do you know anything about AGLOCO?

AGLOCO is a Member-Owned Internet Community
This business may become Standard of Internet such as Google and Yahoo
Registration and participation -free of charge
AGLOCO's purpose is to get its members their share of the money generated on the Internet
Have questions? The community website has all the details so go there now

NetMoneyNet is a BusOnNet, Inc. promotion --
BusOnNet 2749 Richworld Road, Lexington, KY 43509
@2007 All Rights Reserved


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Messages in this topic (20)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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