Thursday, November 22, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 35630

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. 100% FAIL PROOF, Earn while you Learn
From: Lulu

From: HOT ! HOT !

3a. Unique Crafters Christmas Fair - "The finest in online shopping"
From: The Ultimate Mall

4.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
From: 41 Marketing

5. [Business Tips] How To Avoid Shooting Yourself in the Foot on the In
From: Thomas Tsai

6a. Receive at least 30,000 visitors a month
From: Ross

7a. Increased My Traffic, Sales, and Profits By At Least 100%+!
From: Mary

8.1. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.2. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.3. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.4. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.5. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.6. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.7. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.8. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.9. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.10. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.11. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs
8.12. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
From: Nevs

9a. 21 Power Principals of Internet Marketing (free ebooks)

10.1. -|- -|- Build a Profitable Business -|- -|-
From: 41 Marketing

11a. ----- THE ONLINE TEA HOUSE -----
From: d l

From: i_robot_asimo

From: Fran Galton

14. typist positions from home - sign up now
From: Fred Wilkonson


1a. 100% FAIL PROOF, Earn while you Learn
Posted by: "Lulu" dym_game
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:30 am ((PST))

100% FAIL PROOF, Earn while you Learn

You're About To Discover How To Get A Risk Free Return Of Between 3% and 9% In Just 2 Hours. Again And Again - Guaranteed!
"This Explosively Profitable Little Known Secret That Has Been Used By Banks For Centuries Is Now Available To You Thanks To The Power Of The Internet!"
"It's So Simple That Even A 14 Year Old Could Understand It. There Are Literally Thousands Of These "Profit Loopholes" Every Single Day, Each Paying Between 3% & 90% On Your Capital - 100% Risk Free & Guaranteed!"
"It Doesn't Matter Where In The World You Are - If You Have An Internet Connection & PC You Can Claim Hundreds Of Dollars For Just A Few Minutes Of Easy 'Work'

Blast your ads to 1,200,000 opportunity seekers!! or

This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".

Messages in this topic (4)

Posted by: "HOT ! HOT !" pen7ok
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:37 am ((PST))

Hi Friends,

You can afford to RETIRE in just a few months from now if you are willing to take the risk investing in this No 1 HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) € ¦'¶

Launched in Apr€ ¦'²07, Minvestment has been paying for nearly 7 months.

Minvestment is a private investment company that operates internationally and has been in business since 2000. Minvestmnet is officially registered in the BVI, a well-known and reputable tax haven. It is involved in a variety of offline and online business activities all over the world.

Its main areas of interest are oil, real estate, forex, stock and commodity training and offer a clear strategy: you deposit funds with them and they, in turn, allow these funds to earn interest for you. The simplicity of the offer allows even new investors the assurance that Minvestment is worth trying.

It offers 3 plans as follows € ¦'¶

Plan 1 : Variable Rate from 1.4 - 1.7% daily, min investment : $15

Plan 2, 1.9% daily, min investment : $1,000

Plan 3, 2.3% daily, min investment : $25,000

You can however earn much more if you compound your interest with a choice from 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% € ¦'¥ right up to 100% compounding. This means that if you choose say 50% compounding, 50% of your principle will earn compound interest while the other 50% will earn simple interest.

To earn even higher rates, you can opt for Progressive Compounding and earn an extra 0.01% for each day of Progressive Compounding. For example if you opt for Progressive Compounding for 100 days, you will earn extra 100 x 0.01% = 1% interest, so instead of say 1.5% daily interest, you will earn 2.5% interest !

You can use the Compounding Calculator on the site to compute how much you will earn.

$1,000, with 100% Simple Compounding will yield $1,758.82 in just 30 days.

$1,000, with 100% Progressive Compounding will yield $1,920.97 in just 30 days.

Progressive Compounding will earn a lot more for longer terms. For example, $1,000 will become $16,831.58 in 150 days under Simple Compounding but a whooping $184,908.37 under Progressive Compounding !

So if you can afford to invest just a few thousand dollars and set it to 150 days Progressive Compounding, you can certainly afford to retire in just 1/2 year from now !

Withdrawal is completed in hours; your withdrawal will be deposited to your egold account in a matter of hours once you submit your withdrawal ! I know because I have withdrawn 4 times since I invest in minvestment; once in Sept, twice in Oct and just recently this month.

Most members use e-gold to invest in Minvestment; if you don't have an e-gold account, register for one now -

If you look at the chart of Minvestment, you can see that traffic is continually rising and rank 38,800 now.

Here's to YOUR Success !



Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.
Messages in this topic (1)

3a. Unique Crafters Christmas Fair - "The finest in online shopping"
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:39 am ((PST))


"The finest in online shopping"


Expect the best!

Quality products

Great prices

And the convenience of online shopping!

Each merchant is putting on a special that can only be found from this
page <>. Please tell your
friends about these unique craft site and order early for Christmas. This
sale is on from November 1st thru December 15th!

Unique Crafters

Messages in this topic (17)

4.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41marketing02
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:45 am ((PST))

Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business
featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!

GBAN... What is it?

The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of
international businesses and business people who are willing to work
together in order for all members to benefit through education,
international relationship building, and increased sales!

Why Join?

€  · Forming Strategic Alliances is an important part of any marketing

€  · Increase your potential customer base through networking

€  · Create mutually beneficial relationships with other companies.
This can happen many ways, such as through the referral process, word-
of-mouth, and advertisement exchange.

€  · Learning from others by sharing knowledge, experiences, and
gaining new perspectives.

€  · With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other similar

Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!

€  · Your business featured in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for two days.

€  · Your Link and business info in our directory published on our GBAN

€  · Your business will also be featured (one time) in our weekly

Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in

Its absolutely FREE!!!

Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (593)

5. [Business Tips] How To Avoid Shooting Yourself in the Foot on the In
Posted by: "Thomas Tsai" a.007energy
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:46 am ((PST))

Foolish, short-sighted marketers have created a "crisis" in
email in much the same way unscrupulous telemarketers gave
THAT business a bad name. (There`s nothing wrong with
telemarketing, per se, just with shady telemarketers and the
ones who interrupt dinner!)

By sending millions upon millions of unsolicited messages,
"bulk marketers" have turned consumers into enemies and
their email boxes into barricaded fortresses with fortified
perimeters. Utter the wrong word -- one of the "dreaded"
TRIGGER WORDS that email filters know and hate -- and
you`re wasting your time.

Your message will be deleted instantly and your carefully
crafted offer -- with all those brilliant headlines and
benefits, the terrific bonuses, the zero-risk guarantee, and
the irresistible post-script...none of it will ever be read!
What a waste.


The U.s. Congress has even gotten in on the act (pardon the
pun) of trying to cut down on the garbage truckloads of
unsolicited email that`s flying through cyberspace. In
2003, the CAN SPAM Act became official, with laws that
supercede state spam laws and fairly clearly spell out what
is and is not acceptable and required when it comes to
sending email. Janet Wilson, owner of Empowerism, has
written a user-friendly summary and article about the CAN
SPAM act, which is available in the latest issue of
Empowerism`s Excellence magazine.

So how can you ensure that your emails make "safe harbor" in
a cold, cruel, and unwelcoming cyber-world? Good question.

The best way to help your message reach the eyes that you
want to see them is to familiarize yourself with the TRIGGER
WORDS AND CHARACTERS that activate filters and get your
message a one-way ticket to the trash. Get to know them and
then never use them.

Here`s the trick: JUNK AND ADULT CONTENT FILTERS work by
looking for specific KEYWORDS, key phrases, and key
characters (like the dollar symbol, for example). Filters
check the To and From addresses for these keywords. Then
they go hunting for those words in the subject line and the
body of the message, or in a combination of the two to see
what`s being used and over-used.


"Over-used" is an important part of the trigger word
equation. A single use of the word "fr ee" (as an example),
probably won`t "raise an eyebrow" on a common filter. But
use the word a dozen times and it`s "Goodbye Charlie."

=> THE EMPOWERISM "Z" LIST (as opposed to the "A" list)

To serve you better, Empowerism has compiled an
up-to-the-minute list of common "trigger" words and
combinations that when used - or overused - activate spam
filters. Use this information to wrap your messages in a
protective "force field" that even the most powerful filters
will pass right over.

Triggers That May Cause Email Filters To Delete Your Email
AKA: The Empowerism "Z" List

- First 8 characters of the From address are digits
- Subject contains "advertisement" or "adv"
- Body contains "money back"
- Body contains "cards accepted"
- Body contains "spam removal instructions"
- Body contains "extra income"
- Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "$"
- Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "free"
- Body contains ",000" AND Body contains "!!" AND Body contains "$"
- Body contains "Dear friend"
- Body contains "for free?"
- Body contains "for free!"
- Body contains "Guarantee" AND Body contains "satisfaction" OR
- Body contains "more info" AND Body contains "visit " AND Body
contains "$"
- Body contains "SPECIAL PROMOTION"
- Body contains "one-time mail"
- Subject contains "$$"
- Body contains "$$$"
- Body contains "order today"
- Body contains "order now!"
- Body contains "money-back guarantee"
- Body contains "100% satisfied"
- To address contains "friend@"
- To address contains "public@"
- To address contains "success@"
- From address contains "sales@"
- From address contains "success."
- From address contains "success@"
- From address contains "mail@"
- From address contains "@public"
- From address contains "@savvy"
- From address contains "profits@"
- From address contains "hello@"
- Body address contains " mlm"
- Body address contains "@mlm"
- Body address contains "///////////////"
- Body contains "check or money order"
- Body contains "click here" or "click below" (try using "visit here"


It`s going to take a little more creativity on your part to
write emails that won`t be deleted by filters. You`ll need
to replace trigger words with equally effective non-trigger
words. But don`t worry -- that`s why the Thesaurus was

To Your Health and Wealth,
Thomas Tsai <>

P.S. My favorite sites for your reference:

Business Tips & Opps =>

Health & Opp =>

Online Education =>

Ads & Opp

Messages in this topic (1)

6a. Receive at least 30,000 visitors a month
Posted by: "Ross" dym_game
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:52 am ((PST))

Receive at least 30,000 visitors a month

Brand New SEO Software Has Web Hosts Everywhere SCREAMING...

"Cut The Bandwidth...Quick!"

Uncover The Brutally Effective SEO Software That "Average Joes and Janes" Are Using To - Quickly and Easily Blow Up Their Bank Accounts, Explode Their Traffic, and Triple Their Sales - With Little Or No Extra Work...

Version 4.0 Just Released!

Blast your ads to 1,200,000 opportunity seekers!! or

This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".

Messages in this topic (7)

7a. Increased My Traffic, Sales, and Profits By At Least 100%+!
Posted by: "Mary" dym_game
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:54 am ((PST))

Increased My Traffic, Sales, and Profits By At Least 100%+!

Turn any website into an instant success with this powerful new software!
*NEW* Mind-Blowing Technology Delivers An Endless Flood Of Traffic To
Your Website Automatically At The Push Of A Button! Enjoy Unlimited
Hits For Life!
Top quality traffic!
Unlimited hits dail!
Save time and money!
Easy to set-up and use!
100% Guaranteed!

Blast your ads to 1,200,000 opportunity seekers!! or

This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".

Messages in this topic (4)

8.1. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:56 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.2. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:56 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.3. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:58 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.4. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:58 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.5. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:58 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.6. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:58 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.7. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:31 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.8. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:31 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.9. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:36 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.10. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:36 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.11. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:37 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

8.12. Ground floor opp here, must read if you like myspace
Posted by: "Nevs" nevspaps
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:37 am ((PST))

Get paid to have a social site like myspace. Ground floor opp here. less than 300,000 at this time, expected growth in 18 months 5 to 20 million!! Get paid for MLM 10 levels deep!! potential in a year to make 5 to 50k a month SERIOUSLY!!

This is 100% FREE. and like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.

Use Yuwie - Get Paid!

Get paid to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.

for more information see the following ;

Messages in this topic (303)

9a. 21 Power Principals of Internet Marketing (free ebooks)
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:00 am ((PST))

21 Power Principals of Internet Marketing

download now
its free

Messages in this topic (4)

10.1. -|- -|- Build a Profitable Business -|- -|-
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:02 am ((PST))

You will be provided with a solid, long-term income !!!!

Look at everything you will get !!!

Powered by Mach5 Mailer:

Messages in this topic (123)

11a. ----- THE ONLINE TEA HOUSE -----
Posted by: "d l" gaby199702
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:05 am ((PST))

DIVINE ET THE, the online tea house, sells more than 75 specialty
loose-leaf teas (green, black, white, semi-fermented, herbal) from all
parts of the world.
DIVINE ET THE invites you to join our member list, where you will
receive our monthly newsletter, forthcoming promotions and valuable
information about our tea products and accessories. You will receive
our latest free newsletter upon signup.


You will not be added to our list if you do not respond or if you do not
click on the link.

DIVINE ET THE - 2007 copyright

Montreal, Quebec Canada H2C 2L7

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (26)

Posted by: "i_robot_asimo" i_robot_asimo
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:10 am ((PST))

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera;

Selamat Datang ke Program Reseller Amaljariah.Net !!
Jana pendapatan sehingga RM8xx,xxx.xx

Pada hari ini, anda telah berjaya menjumpai satu program reseller
yang paling terkini, bukan MLM, bukan HYIP, online investment atau
skim cepat kaya. Program reseller yang dibangunkan oleh anak tempatan
bagi membantu anda semua mendapatkan pendapatan yang diinginkan. Jana
pendapatan sehingga RM 8xx,xxx.xx dengan hanya membeli dan menjual
kit VCD pelbagai jenis, Panduan Solat dan sebagainya pada harga
istimewa dari kami.

Daftar sekarang, ianya sistem yang mudah dan berkesan! Anda tidak
berseorangan dalam perniagaan ini. Kami akan bantu anda untuk
berjaya! Hanya berbekal modal sebanyak RM30 dan 3 orang rakan,
InsyaAllah impian kita semua akan terlaksana.

Tiada pihak yang akan teraniaya kerana semua Reseller Amaljariah.Net
yang membayar RM30.00 akan mendapat pilihan produk dari kami yang
berharga RM29.90 di pasaran. Anda juga akan mendapat koleksi eBook,
Template Web dan belbagai lagi koleksi tersebut akan ditambah setiap
masa dan anda boleh download dengan PERCUMA.

Anda hanya perlu mempromosikan URL yang diberi dan wang akan terus
mengalir ke eWallet anda.

Sertai Kami Sekarang, Kami Akan Membantu Anda Mengecapi Impian Sambil
Beramal. Sebarkan ayat-ayat Allah keseluruh dunia.

Sertai kami, dan jadilah seorang yang bebas dari belenggu hutang dan
kesempitan hidup!

Produk HEBAT yang di cari-cari oleh SEMUA orang!

Dengan Pembelian VCD RM 30,
Anda mampu menjana pendapatan Sampingan sehingga RM 800,000.00!!!

Pemasaran Berkumpulan

Dengan kaedah pemasaran berkumpulan, anda mampu menjana pendapatan
sampingan sehingga RM 8xx,xxx.xx untuk setiap CD yang anda beli di
samping menambah ilmu pengetahuan. Dengan membeli pakej ini, dan
kenalkan kepada 3 orang kawan, anda mampu menjana pendapatan seperti
ilustrasi di bawah:
Level Komisyen Jumlah
1 RM 5.00 RM 15.00
2 RM 2.00 RM 18.00
3 RM 2.40 RM 64.80
4 RM 2.00 RM 162.00
5 RM 2.00 RM 486.00
6 RM 2.10 RM 1,530.90
7 RM 1.00 RM 2,187.00
8 RM 1.00 RM 6,561.00
9 RM 1.05 RM 20,667.15
10 RM 1.00 RM 59,049.00
11 RM 1.00 RM 177,147.00
12 RM 1.01 RM 536,755.41

Jumlah Terkumpul = RM 804,643.26

Untuk maklumat lanjut;

Perniagaan ini sungguh MUDAH. Cuma SMS dan EMAIL laman web anda
kepada kawan2. Selainnya, kami buatkan untuk anda.

Anda juga di jemput menyertai kami dalam pemasaran produk HEBAT ini,
juga produk-produk lain sebagai alternatif kepada menambahkan
pendapatan anda dalam kemelut kegawatan dan kos kehidupan yang makin

Terima kasih

Messages in this topic (3)

Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair63
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:12 am ((PST))

MSN Groups€ ¦'¹, Yahoo Groups€ ¦'¹ and Google Groups€ ¦'¹ are great places to advertise! We have had FANTASTIC SUCCESS! We wondered if it might be possible to send to all the groups without having to log in and send to them all individually or type in turing codes in order to be able to send.

We have figured out a great way to reach most of them without having to log in and send to the groups individually. In fact, we have the capability to send DIRECTLY to the inboxes of the individuals who have subscribed to the groups and advertise to them on a regular basis. What we are referring to is over 32 MILLION email addresses which we have harnessed in our databases, and we can do it 100% spam free.

This is a great opportunity to get in on what will be the most lucrative and functional program in years. Revolutionary and innovative, Super-Grouper will change the way you do business forever.

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14. typist positions from home - sign up now
Posted by: "Fred Wilkonson" homebasedtypist
Date: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:22 am ((PST))

At home Data Entry Position, great opportunity for stay at home moms or anyone who wants to work in the
comfort of your own home.
Requirements: You will need a computer with Internet access, valid email address, good typing skills and basic
Internet knowledge. You will be processing orders from your computer. How much you earn is up to you. The average salary is $250 -
$500 per week depending on if you are working part or full time. If you would like more information, please
contact or visit for complete details and to sign up.
Please only SERIOUS applicants.

Fred Wilkonson
Home Based Data Entry

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