Saturday, November 24, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 35687

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. High Income Home Business
From: Brandon Luke

2a. Is your future worth $5.00?
From: 41 Marketing

3. I woke up to $40 cash in my Inbox This Morning...

4.1. Drive Truckloads of Targeted Traffic To Your Website From Google!
From: Hassan

5.1. Receive $70,000 In Free Grant Money Today!
From: Ryan

6.1. SEO Software for Top Ranking Position in Google!
From: Mary

7.1. Get Paid $7,000/Month To Shop and Eat!
From: Zeynep

8.1. Make Over $158,000 Dollars Online Every Single Month!
From: Gardenia

9.1. Get Paid To Drive Your Own Car!
From: Eva

10.1. Become A Millionaire Now!
From: Salkim

11.1. Earn Over A Million Dollars Without Even Owning A Website!
From: Ferdi

12a. Build A Money Making Blog Now!
From: Bengu

13.1. Relax At Home ... And Get Paid For Your Opinion!
From: Deria

14a. Software Shows What ACTUALLY sells on eBAY!
From: Bektas

15a. The Negative Calorie Diet!
From: Esire

16.1. Email 2.3 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects Every Day!
From: Jale

17.1. Earn Over $300 Every Single Day!
From: Doga

18.1. Make $11,212.00 A Month On eBay!
From: Ferzan

19.1. Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects!
From: Deborah

20a. Get THOUSANDS of Other People Selling YOUR PRODUCT!
From: Queen

21a. Got $1. in EGold? Want an Easy $1,000+ before Christmas?
From: Deb's Ad Service

22a. Generate Thousands of Unique Visitors From Major Search Engines FREE
From: Bindal


24a. Earn 30000 Rs. every month,adsense,india tour,immigtaion,jobs
From: Amrita Bhalla

25a. Your Simple Opinion Worths $3.500 A Month!
From: Feyza


1.1. High Income Home Business
Posted by: "Brandon Luke" zxcvbnbu11
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:00 am ((PST))

Untitled Document

This business is soooo easy. Virtually everybody wants to make
money and our product generates money. It definitely has mass

I make money in two ways and I can do this while I am sleeping
or on vacation.

Firstly, with the set-it-and-forget-it feature of the product
itself, which I could easily leave it alone to make me money
automatically. Skeptical? Visit my website below and subsribe
to my newsletter to see my rock-solid result.

Secondly with the automated binary marketing system which
feeds people into my binary compensation plan. It just
doesn't get any easier than this! With the binary
compensation plan you not only benefit from your own efforts
and the efforts of your downline organization, you also
receive spillover from your upline. When your upline refers
new members some of those members will be placed below you and
become part of your organization. That is powerful! You could
begin to see new members in your downline even before
you've referred your first one. Could you believe I am
a Bronze member within a month?

So let's see, a product that generates you income by
itself, a super compensation plan, no competition, high
retention and spillover from your upline! This business
oppo.rtunity is hard to beat.

Now, if you're ready to get started in this perfect
home is the next step

- Visit my website here ==>
- Fill in the form
- Turn up your speaker and review both online movie presentations
- Review the FAQ area to get the answers to most of your
- Review the testimonials
- Participate in the training calls with the founder/software
- Start earning & building toward YOUR 6-figure income

Your Partner in Success,

Brandon Liew

Life is for living - not for working. <>
- Seniors join FREE to earn up to US$80,000

Messages in this topic (59)

2a. Is your future worth $5.00?
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:01 am ((PST))

Want a Amazing business ?
A perfect online business?
but your always doing the wrong things.
We'll show where you go wrong.
We'll give you an opportunity no one else has or will offer you.
We'll Let you make an informed decision.

$5.00 gets you
1:a business
2: an ebook
3: a future you deserve and

Go here Now

Powered by Mach5 Mailer:

Messages in this topic (8)

3. I woke up to $40 cash in my Inbox This Morning...
Posted by: "" nonpermission
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:02 am ((PST))


Exciting news today! I woke up to $40 in
my inbox. It came from a brand new site
Derrick VanDyke has set up.

I can tell you from experience you will
earn cash from this and fast. I started
earning in less than 7 days.

Get going now for full details. He is only
letting 500 members into this and has
only about 200 left.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker
If you have any questions at all visit:

Messages in this topic (1)

4.1. Drive Truckloads of Targeted Traffic To Your Website From Google!
Posted by: "Hassan" ayse_marketing_001
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:05 am ((PST))

Would You Like To Have A Website Generating Thousands of
Unique Visitors From Major Search Engines Like GOOGLE
and Making Money On Auto-Pilot While You're Sleeping,
Eating, Sipping A Margarita On The Beach Or Even On Vacation?
STOP Everything You Are Doing and Read This Now.

Messages in this topic (70)

5.1. Receive $70,000 In Free Grant Money Today!
Posted by: "Ryan" ayse_marketing_002
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:05 am ((PST))

Did You Know!
Millions of dollars yearly go back into state and Federal Treasuries
because no one applied for this funding.
Start today and discover these little known resources.

Messages in this topic (40)

6.1. SEO Software for Top Ranking Position in Google!
Posted by: "Mary" zeynep_marketing_005
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:06 am ((PST))

Uncover The Brutally Effective SEO Software That "Average Joes and Janes" Are Using To - Quickly and Easily Blow Up Their Bank Accounts, Explode Their Traffic, and Triple Their Sales - With Little Or No Extra Work...
Version 4.0 Just Released!

Messages in this topic (30)

7.1. Get Paid $7,000/Month To Shop and Eat!
Posted by: "Zeynep" ayse_marketing_003
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:10 am ((PST))

Imagine if you could get paid to:
Shop locally at your favorite stores.
Eat for free at restaurants.
Take surveys from your computer.
Travel for free on airlines and cruise lines.
Mystery shoppers are reimbursed and most often get to keep what they buy on top of being paid for time spent shopping!
We can help you on your way to becoming a mystery shopper. You could be having fun doing something you love, while making money doing it!

Messages in this topic (57)

8.1. Make Over $158,000 Dollars Online Every Single Month!
Posted by: "Gardenia" bestt_marketing_010
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:10 am ((PST))

Make Over $158,000 Dollars Online Every Single Month!
Discover Step-by-Step How I Make Over $158,000 Dollars
Online Every Single Month
without A Website or a Product...

Messages in this topic (61)

9.1. Get Paid To Drive Your Own Car!
Posted by: "Eva" bestt_marketing_008
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:11 am ((PST))

Get Paid To Drive Your Own Car!
Make A Choice Now!
Would you like to get paid to drive your own car?
Would you like to drive a brand new car for FREE?
Click for more details!

Messages in this topic (74)

10.1. Become A Millionaire Now!
Posted by: "Salkim" bestt_marketing_009
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:13 am ((PST))

Become A Millionaire Now!
As incredible as it may sound you're about to discover just
like I did how you can become a Millionaire
in less than 15 minutes!

Messages in this topic (168)

11.1. Earn Over A Million Dollars Without Even Owning A Website!
Posted by: "Ferdi" bizim_marketing_000
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:13 am ((PST))

Earn Over A Million Dollars Without Even Owning A Website!
Let Me Virtually Take You By The Hand and Teach You From Scratch How To Create Multiple set-and-forget Passive Income Streams That Will Have You Automatically Earning Over A Million Dollars A Year Without Even Owning A Website!

Messages in this topic (56)

12a. Build A Money Making Blog Now!
Posted by: "Bengu" kalimerana
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:16 am ((PST))

Would you like to discover how to get more traffic and make more money from blogging?

Today, there are millions of blogs on the Internet, but only a fraction are making any profit for their writers.
How To Build A Money Making Blog is a complete guide to making
money from a blog!

Messages in this topic (16)

13.1. Relax At Home ... And Get Paid For Your Opinion!
Posted by: "Deria" sernedal
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:16 am ((PST))

THIS IS A DREAM JOB! No gimmicks. No catch.
Work from home whenever you want!
Work whenever you want, early morning, after lunch, after dinner,
even 3:00 in the morning.

It's up to you! Just go online, pick the surveys
you want to answer, and start getting paid.

This is a great way for almost anybody to make extra money,
or even a full time income. It's ideal for moms who want to stay
at home with their kids, anyone who's tired of the 9 to 5 grind,
retirees or college students.

Wouldn't you like to lounge
in your pajamas and earn a paycheck?

Messages in this topic (27)

14a. Software Shows What ACTUALLY sells on eBAY!
Posted by: "Bektas" katrevesu
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:22 am ((PST))

Are you looking for ideas to make
a KILLING on eBay?
Want to know which products are in
HOT demand with LOW competition from other sellers
and What ACTUALLY sells on eBay!

Messages in this topic (20)

15a. The Negative Calorie Diet!
Posted by: "Esire" panda_humor
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:25 am ((PST))

Did you know that it is now possible to drop up to 14 POUNDS in only 7 DAYS? That's right... The Negative Calorie Diet™ can make it happen for you! Since 1997, thousands of people from all over the world use our weight loss program. Our eBook reveals the weight loss secrets of consuming negative calorie foods to lose all the weight you want!

Messages in this topic (16)

16.1. Email 2.3 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects Every Day!
Posted by: "Jale" bestt_marketing_007
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:36 am ((PST))

Email 2.3 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects Every Day!
Increase Web Traffic & Sales Overnight!
Every Month! Email 2.3 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In
Prospects Every Day!
Targeted, Safe and 100% Opt-In

Messages in this topic (51)

17.1. Earn Over $300 Every Single Day!
Posted by: "Doga" bestt_marketing_003
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:36 am ((PST))

Earn Over $300 Every Single Day!
"Finally! A No-Hype, No-Fluff Profit Formula
That Real People Are Using
To Make REAL Money Online!"

Messages in this topic (55)

18.1. Make $11,212.00 A Month On eBay!
Posted by: "Ferzan" bestt_marketing_004
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:37 am ((PST))

Make $11,212.00 A Month On eBay!
Wish You Could Find Just One REAL LEGITIMATE WAY To Make REAL MONEY Right From Your Kitchen Table - Starting Today? Well... Listen Up -- In The Next 4 minutes I'll show you how!

Messages in this topic (96)

19.1. Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects!
Posted by: "Deborah" bestt_marketing_001
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:39 am ((PST))

Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects!

Every Month! That's 2.3 MILLION Every Day!

Increase Web Traffic & Sales Overnight!

Targeted, Safe and 100% Opt-In

Messages in this topic (34)

20a. Get THOUSANDS of Other People Selling YOUR PRODUCT!
Posted by: "Queen" yakiting
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:40 am ((PST))

How to get thoursands of other people selling your product and
you NEVER Spend a Penny on Advertising Again...

Messages in this topic (13)

21a. Got $1. in EGold? Want an Easy $1,000+ before Christmas?
Posted by: "Deb's Ad Service" prowealthmom
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:41 am ((PST))

Amazingly Easy

--- Turn $1 into $3,125.00+ ---
It's possible to turn that $1 into $1000s
before christmas!

How much can you earn?
As much as you can. The sky is the limit here�FFFF85
These are a little calculations on how much
you'll earn with number of downlines at each

4 downlines, you'll earn $1,024
5 downlines, you'll earn $3,125
6 downlines, you'll earn $7,776
8 downlines, you'll earn $32,768
10 downlines, you'll earn $100,000

Messages in this topic (3)

22a. Generate Thousands of Unique Visitors From Major Search Engines FREE
Posted by: "Bindal" xakarselx
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:51 am ((PST))

Would You Like To Have A Website Generating Thousands of
Unique Visitors From Major Search Engines Like GOOGLE
and Making Money On Auto-Pilot While You're Sleeping,
Eating, Sipping A Margarita On The Beach Or Even On Vacation?
STOP Everything You Are Doing and Read This Now.

Messages in this topic (22)

Posted by: "" slaverne_gc
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:53 am ((PST))

TURN $10 into 2 MILLION!

Our revolutionary accelerate cycle system will provide a wonderful opportunity
to turn your $10 into 2 million!
No matrix to fill or sponsoring is required.
A simple and true working no-sposoring system will pay you from day one and
month after month!

How 10DollarsWonder works

10DollarsWonder is an advertising company.
Every time you purchase a position, your ad will be placed on our rotation list
and earn 10 credits towards your advertising.
Your ad will be effectively displayed to our members.
You will receive the same services that are offered at other advertising
companies, but without paying outrageous fees.
You can purchase up to a total of 500 positions at this time.

When a purchased position is purchased, a total of 70 positions will be cycled
and each position will recieve $0.1 commission.
Since the cycling process is 70 times faster than purchasing, the cycling
process will continue to accelerate when more positions are puchased.
Therefore, 100% of positions will continue to cycle and cycle again. Each
position can earn up to 2 million.

For example:
If 1,000 positions are purchased, a massive 70,000 positions will cycle.
If 100,000 positions are purchased, 7 million positions will cycle. It will continue
to create the excitment.

3 Easy Steps to Get Started

Step#1, join as a FREE member.

Step#2, login to the member area and purchase your advertising positions.

Step#3, You will be credited $1 immediately from each purchase position of your
direct referrals. For each of your positions, you can earn up to 2 million.
You can withdraw your earnings, re-purchase more advertising positions, or


Messages in this topic (1)

24a. Earn 30000 Rs. every month,adsense,india tour,immigtaion,jobs
Posted by: "Amrita Bhalla" amritabhalla
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:54 am ((PST))

The secrets of adsense

Find anythig

Data entry Jobs

Nurse Jobs

Promote your business by direct emails

Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Click here to know how.
Messages in this topic (17)

25a. Your Simple Opinion Worths $3.500 A Month!
Posted by: "Feyza" bestt_marketing_000
Date: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:54 am ((PST))

Start Making Money Today
Just For Sharing Your Opinion!
Plus HUGE Bonuses Never Before Seen!

Messages in this topic (14)

Cash in on the Blog that will make history....

"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!

Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"

Go here for details:

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