Topics in this digest:
1.1. I have received 164,313 unique targeted visitors with 806,446 hits
From: Kia
2a. SHOCKING...New Keyword Software Breaking All The Rules!"
From: Mine
3.1. Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily!
From: rain
4a. Get paid up to $250 per hour Taking Surveys At Home!
From: Selin
5.1. Make $7,400 Per Week!
From: Mine
6a. Run Your Own Article Directory Website Now!
From: Betul
7a. Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month!
From: Volga
8. Turn your PC to TV!
From: stephanie gills
9a. 1MILLION Website Hits ONLY $9.95 @ eBay
From: Premium Downloadable Products
9b. 1MILLION Website Hits ONLY $9.95 @ eBay
From: Premium Downloadable Products
10.1. Re: No purse, wallet or credit card needed. biz forever
From: Debbie Merritt
11. PHENOMENAL PROG FOR 2008 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
12a. Traffic Packages From $12.99 Real Visitors!!!
From: WM
13.1. New Passive World Wide Opp...Networkers You Will Love This...Must Se
From: Brett Gurney
14. Hello My Friend, check out this affordable health insurance
From: brandie bertram
15.1. Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
From: tata
16a. FREE TRIAL!!!
From: Neil Clues
17a. Over $170 in hours...
From: Mania
18.1. Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
From: Hana
19. Double advertising
From: The Ultimate Mall
20.1. Make $384,000.00 With This Brand New Unique Idea
From: Nala
21a. Prière Universelle / Universal Prayer
From: Michel Labonte
22.1. MAKE EASY MONEY - $2000+ A DAY!
From: Tim
23.1. Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
From: Zeyna
24. Change Your Thoughts...Change Your World
From: josephine
1.1. I have received 164,313 unique targeted visitors with 806,446 hits
Posted by: "Kia" dym_game
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 3:55 pm ((PST))
I have received 164,313 unique targeted visitors with 806,446 hits
Top Search Engine Ranking Secrets In Google Revealed.
Unlock The Secret Code To Generating
164,313 Unique Targeted Visitors From
Major Search Engines!
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (37)
2a. SHOCKING...New Keyword Software Breaking All The Rules!"
Posted by: "Mine" beniyokde
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 3:56 pm ((PST))
How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Software Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World...Instantly Elevating Their Income and Boosting Their Qualified Traffic...All With Just A Few Clicks of A Mouse...
Messages in this topic (24)
3.1. Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily!
Posted by: "rain" dym_game
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 3:56 pm ((PST))
Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily!
Instantly Put Your Product In Front Of Millions Of Customers!
Submit Your Ads To 735 Million Double Opt-in Members!
Instantly Explode Your Web Traffic & Sales.
You can now submit your ads to
735 million double opt-in members.
Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily! That's virtually the ENTIRE INTERNET !
The actual number of people you can reach using Traffic Booster is 723,800,000+.
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (29)
4a. Get paid up to $250 per hour Taking Surveys At Home!
Posted by: "Selin" dogustanole
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 3:57 pm ((PST))
Your about to discover the perfect job! You can set the hours and work as much or as little as you like. You decide when you want to work leaving you in total control, and the best part about it is that you can get paid up to $250 per hour.
Messages in this topic (19)
5.1. Make $7,400 Per Week!
Posted by: "Mine" posedoner
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 3:57 pm ((PST))
Learn Exactly How Easily You Can Make $384,000.00 Every Year Without Any Investment Or Experience!
No Experience, No Selling, No Shipping, No Investment!!
"I'm making over $400.00 per hour with this!" I'll show you exactly how I do it so you can do it too!"
Messages in this topic (175)
6a. Run Your Own Article Directory Website Now!
Posted by: "Betul" jasminecount
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 3:59 pm ((PST))
Here Is How To Run Your Own Amazing And Easy-To-Use Article Directory Website, Instantly Generates Search Engine Friendly Web Pages, Explode Your AdSense Revenue and All This By Using Other People's Content!
Messages in this topic (11)
7a. Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month!
Posted by: "Volga" best_marketing_000
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:00 pm ((PST))
A Simple and Effective Way To Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month. That's Over 3.1 Million Targeted Recipients Daily!
Messages in this topic (7)
8. Turn your PC to TV!
Posted by: "stephanie gills" stephanie_20903
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:02 pm ((PST))
Never miss that BIG Game or Favorite TV Show again!
Unlimited shows and instant access!
Safe, affordable Satellite TV with three times the TV selection!
All for a One-time $29.95!
Go now to:
Messages in this topic (1)
9a. 1MILLION Website Hits ONLY $9.95 @ eBay
Posted by: "Premium Downloadable Products" bodysoultv
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:02 pm ((PST))
Dear Yahoo Group Members,
Get your 1 Million Website Hits for only $9.95....
ONLY 2 Days left.....
To View our 100% Positive Feedback:
Enter One Website, Get 1 Million Hits !
Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
Messages in this topic (6)
9b. 1MILLION Website Hits ONLY $9.95 @ eBay
Posted by: "Premium Downloadable Products" bodysoultv
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:04 pm ((PST))
Dear Yahoo Group Members,
Get your 1 Million Website Hits for only $9.95....
ONLY 2 Days left.....
To View our 100% Positive Feedback:
Enter One Website, Get 1 Million Hits !
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (6)
10.1. Re: No purse, wallet or credit card needed. biz forever
Posted by: "Debbie Merritt" debbie.daretodream
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:02 pm ((PST))
I just explored your website and want to give you kudos on a job well done! It€ ¦'²s obvious you are committed to creating financial freedom by using the Internet as a tool. I€ ¦'²m sending you this email because I believe I have an exciting way for you to increase your income and create an additional stream of income by taking advantage of My Power Mall.
My Power Mall is a free online Shopping Mall with 1000+ of America€ ¦'²s leading retail stores. It's FREE, there is nothing to sell, there is no qualifying for your income, and all the business tools are free € ¦'¶ from classified ads to banners, in addition to a complete email campaign. It would take you just minutes to integrate it in with your existing website and generate unlimited income € ¦'¶ all from giving people their very own online Shopping Mall for free!
Check it out by watching the video at
If you have any questions..Let me know..
Have a great day!
"Jeff W." <> wrote: You get website, training, support, marketing
resources and tools,
classes on how (and why) to use those tools.
This includes f.ree safe list submitter memberships,
pro ffa accounts,
ffa and se blasters, advise on how to put groups to
work for you,
upgraded safeadlist and tr.affic exchange
memberships, auto marketing tools,
permanent link spots, and so much more ...Check us
out and sign up N.ow
Looking for last minute shopping deals?
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
Messages in this topic (38)
11. PHENOMENAL PROG FOR 2008 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Posted by: "FOREVERYOUNG GROUP" aaaggg54
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:03 pm ((PST))
PHENOMENAL PROG FOR 2008 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Friends, whatever else you are doing, you should definitely € '¶
100% DEFINITELY!!!! Add this to your portfolio.
I€ '²ve seen a lot of programmes over the years, good, bad, and worse!!!
It€ '²s a total € '³Breath Of Fresh Air€ '´ when you find the most superb;
It launched a few weeks ago, and it€ '²s going great.
Get in this now and make 2008 the year you made it!!!
That€ '²s all I can say.
Paul Julian
Helping Hands Team
Messages in this topic (1)
12a. Traffic Packages From $12.99 Real Visitors!!!
Posted by: "WM" smakpro
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:10 pm ((PST))
Our Internet Advertising and Online Marketing solutions deliver targeted, qualified traffic directly to your website. We offer ad campaign tracking abilities in real-time, aggressive pricing, and, customer service second to none. We will maximize your online exposure and thus, create more opportunities for you, our customer. You will be amazed at the amount of traffic our network will provide to your website, guaranteed.
Have your website swarming with traffic shortly after your purchase! Other companies advertise that they can deliver effective hits, however, what they are not telling you is that hits do not equal page views. At FastOnlineHits we deliver real VISITORS, not just hits to boost your rankings. We believe that if you own a website, and want to increase sales, then nothing does that better than effective targeted visitors.
Full Page Views, Stats login for you to monitor your campaign, Choose Categorities and Country.
Get Started TODAY!
Messages in this topic (2)
13.1. New Passive World Wide Opp...Networkers You Will Love This...Must Se
Posted by: "Brett Gurney" brett.gurney
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:11 pm ((PST))
Greetings Everyone...Brett Gurney here with a big heads up
This is huge and it is passive...meaning no sponsoring to earn....early positioning is not mandatory, but it helps
Those who know me well enough know that I am a full time network marketer earning a comfortable living working from home and that I help others do the same
You also know that I do not send junk... and if I say something is new, or just in pre-launch, or that we are taking pre-registration before launch, or that it can be a passive income with no sponsoring required...then that means just exactly that...and if you follow my lead you will get the jump on everyone else
Well folks this is one of those times...this IS new, but it has been in development for over a IS passive, and it IS early bird registration
This is your need to ask for the special can do that right now, and get registered right now by replying to this email and asking me for the Early Bird URL...and include your phone number if you would like a call from me to answer any questions
Heres your chance to align yourself with the next internet giant
Not only will this not interfere with whatever it is you are presently doing, but you can use it to advertise whatever it is you are presently doing
If you join the program YOU WILL BE PAID.
Sponsoring is NOT REQUIRED....BUT you do get a 100% matching bonus on everyone you sponsor
This is a new Global phenomenon and a Home for EVERY Network Marketer!
Never Been Done Before
Reply to this email right now and ask me for the Early Bird URL ...and include your phone number if you would like a call from me to answer any questions
You will then receive all the information needed to make an informitive decision
Brett Gurney
Home Based Business Entrepreneur
Messages in this topic (54)
14. Hello My Friend, check out this affordable health insurance
Posted by: "brandie bertram" sahm_of_twins
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:13 pm ((PST))
Hello My Friend,
I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know about my new work from home job with ASI. ASI is a national doctor referral service, and I am very excited about the health care plan and the free cell phone that they provide to me as an associate, my family and the people I know.
For just $29.00 per month (the normal rate is $52 per month) ASI provides me with coverage for Hospitalization and Emergency Room visits, Doctor and Dental Appointments, Prescriptions, Vision, Chiropractic and much more!!! In addition to all of the great health benefits, they also provide us with a free cell phone & with 250 free minutes a month. I thought of you when I learned that ASI has allowed me to offer my associate discount to a limited # of friends and family members.
Please call 1-877-483-1830, make sure you mention my associate code 215030 to receive my discount. If you call and enroll in a plan by next Friday, you€ ¢ll also receive a free cell phone with 250 free minutes each and every month provided by GoVios, At Govios there are no contracts, no overages, no credit checks and no cancellation penalties.
P.S. Feel free to share this with anyone you know so they too can benefit from our great programs.
Brandie Bertram
ASI Rep Id #215030
Do you need affordable Health Insurance? Vist:
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
Messages in this topic (1)
15.1. Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
Posted by: "tata" dym_game
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:16 pm ((PST))
Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
Place your ad on 3,000,000 websites daily!
All members receive Life-Time Memberships and have total access to our members area 100% of the time! We make it easy to get your ads out on the Internet with minimal work.
You will not be required to sign up to 10 different services in order to get the maximum amount of traffic like many of our competitors require from you. With Total Advertising Network you can radically reduce the hours you spend each day advertising. Just insert your ad and hit blast one time and your done!
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (117)
16a. FREE TRIAL!!!
Posted by: "Neil Clues" donny160181
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:17 pm ((PST))
Personal Domain Name, Hosting 10 Personal Email Accounts!
If you like it... pay only $10 per month!!!
Check It Out NOW Before This Special Promotion Ends!
Neil Clues
Messages in this topic (8)
17a. Over $170 in hours...
Posted by: "Mania" dym_game
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:17 pm ((PST))
Over $170 in hours...
Am I saying you will make $152,327 in one month?
It's Time You Experienced Real Results...
"Finally! A No-Hype, No-Fluff Profit Formula That REAL People Are Using To Make REAL Money Online!"
For less than the cost of a pizza, you can copy the exact tactics my clients and I have been using to make a full time online income. See PROOF below...
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (17)
18.1. Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
Posted by: "Hana" dym_game
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:19 pm ((PST))
Why Pay Google for PPC if You can Get Them FREE!
Are you stil paying Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks?
DO you know that you can Get Them FREE! Amazing Secret Revealed Here!
"Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million in
Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE! ... And
Makes Over $314 Million as a Result! ...
And Now He's Going to Give You This
Same Secret for Next to Nothing!"
That's right - Start Sharing in the *Incredible* Secret So Few Others Know About
that Allow Them to Actually Get All Their Pay-Per-Click Advertising Absolutely
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (252)
19. Double advertising
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:19 pm ((PST))
*Stop by and check out the New Craft Mall*
I'm still adding to it so there is more to come, Just added a update list
and a few other things
so stop by and check it out and add your plug free while your there...
Add your site to our new Craft Mall and I will double your order today only
get 1 month, 6 months so forth and I will add to it
example get 1 month = 2 months etc,.
Mary Blake
Messages in this topic (1)
20.1. Make $384,000.00 With This Brand New Unique Idea
Posted by: "Nala" dym_game
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:20 pm ((PST))
Make $384,000.00 With This Brand New Unique Idea
Get Paid Every Day - Make Money - I make $7,400 per week
I will personally give you access to my Video showing my Formula of how I earned over $14,800.00 within 14 days of starting & THE MONEY NEVER QUITS!!
Make $7,400 Per Week
Learn Exactly How Easily You Can Make $384,000.00 Every Year Without Any Investment Or Experience!
No Experience, No Selling, No Shipping, No Investment!!
"I'm making over $400.00 per hour with this!" I'll show you exactly how I do it so you can do it too!"
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (29)
21a. Prière Universelle / Universal Prayer
Posted by: "Michel Labonte" fiftyplatinum
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:23 pm ((PST))
*Seigneur, je vous laisse entrer et agir En Moi et € à Travers Moi comme bon vous semblera.
*Seigneur = Jesus, Bouddha, Allah, Energie Universelle, etc...
En Moi = Prenez une respiration
€ à Travers Moi = Sentez l€ énergie se propager en douceur dans tout votre corps (sentiment de chatouillement).
....Peut € être utiliser en Mantra (r€ ép€ étitif)....
*God, you can fulfilled yourself, In and Through Me in your own way.
*God = Jesus, Bouddha, Allah,Universal Energy, etc...
In = beathe in
Through Me = Feel the energy propagating gently in all your body (feeling of prickle).
....May be use as a Mantra (repetitive)....
FOR ONLY $9.95 !!
Messages in this topic (9)
22.1. MAKE EASY MONEY - $2000+ A DAY!
Posted by: "Tim" best_marketing_000
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:25 pm ((PST))
Anyone can do it and it is easy!
Messages in this topic (170)
23.1. Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
Posted by: "Zeyna" zeynep_marketing_004
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:27 pm ((PST))
Amazing Secret System Reveals How You Can Easily Generate TONS Of FREE Traffic, Signups And Sales On Complete Autopilot!"
Get As Many As 1.571 MILLION Unique Visitors
To Your Website For FREE With This System!
Messages in this topic (70)
24. Change Your Thoughts...Change Your World
Posted by: "josephine" autumnjos
Date: Thu Dec 6, 2007 4:27 pm ((PST))
Dear , You're tried Manifesting. You're doing everything recommended
in The Secret. You've experimented with Cosmic Ordering. You've learned
about Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction. But you're STILL not
getting great results, right? Bradley Thompson knows why. He's
manifested a dream lifestyle over the past twenty years - and he knows
the TWO MISSING STEPS that "The Secret" doesn't tell you. He'll prove
to you that manifesting works brilliantly -- BUT ONLY when you follow
his six step system. Not only that, he'll hand over $150 if it DOESN'T
work for you. I urge you to learn more. Visit - TODAY! Enjoy, Josephine
Messages in this topic (1)
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