Topics in this digest:
From: Neil Clues
2a. Prière Universelle / Universal Prayer
From: Michel Labonte
3.1. ~~~~~~~ Cash In on the Next VORTEX Upgrade. ~~~~~~~
From: Charles Hansen
5a. We get paid every day
From: Raymond E Bess
6a. Retire From Your 9-to-5 Day Job Forever
From: Medusa
7a. My Test Project That Made $5327.81 From Less Than 2 Hours Easy Set U
From: Petra
8. Are You Looking For Holiday CASH OR Holiday Hype?!!
From: Phillip Carr
9a. Make $3500+ Per Month From Your Opinion!
From: Wilhem
10a. Email 81 Million Target Prospects Monthly!
From: Linda
11a. Blast your ad once per day to over 3.1 million targeted prospects
From: Tom
12a. Search Engine Submission - Yahoo, Google More...
From: Gina
From: bussiness_info_group
14.1. Earn $250 A Day With Your Camera!
From: Zeynep
15. *~*~Free to join for a Limited TIME! Ends 12-31-07!! *~*~*
From: Anna
16.1. Is This What You were Looking For?
From: Hudson Trading Company
17a. How to create REAL wealth 15 year track record
From: Diane Cleak
18a. You Have No Reason to be Broke!
From: Jo Ann Dossey
19. LOVE CANDLES? Why not sell them FREE for 30 Days!!!!!
From: Anna
20.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
From: 41 Marketing
20.2. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
From: 41 Marketing
21. join for a BUCK !
From: vince belanger
22.1. The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
From: Mega
23.1. Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
From: Denise
Posted by: "Neil Clues" donny160181
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:12 am ((PST))
FREE 7 day trial, with an Inc magazine TOP 50 American company!
Get started today!!
Neil Clues
Messages in this topic (11)
2a. Prière Universelle / Universal Prayer
Posted by: "Michel Labonte" fiftyplatinum
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:17 am ((PST))
Pri€ ère Universelle / Universal Prayer
Messages in this topic (15)
3.1. ~~~~~~~ Cash In on the Next VORTEX Upgrade. ~~~~~~~
Posted by: "Charles Hansen" starbound777
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:25 am ((PST))
Hello Potential Friend Marketing Associate,
May all your online marketing efforts be meaningful, satisfying and immensely successful !
As a founding affiliate with a technology marketing company, I have been granted the ability to Benefactor (pay your way in)
a certain number of people into the program.
I am offering you a chance to join my team at an UPGRADED level (SILVER) in the company at no cost.
Go to this website and activate your voucher as your super gift for the year 2007:
Warm Regards,
Charles Hansen
Vortex Marketing Specialist
Messages in this topic (130)
Posted by: "XXXL WOMAN MOVIES- ÈáÊæË ßæíÊíå ÊÑÞÕ ãÕÑì" sherkhanphase4
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:29 am ((PST))
€ Çáíæã € ÍÇØíä € áßã € ÈáÊæË € æÕæÑ XXL € ÎáíÌíÉ
€ Ýì € ÕæÑ € ÈäÇÊ € ãÚ € ÑÌÇá € ÈÏæä € Ôì € æÈÏæä € ãÇ € íÏæÑä € Çä € ÇÍÏ € íÕæÑåã
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Messages in this topic (2)
Posted by: "XXXL WOMAN MOVIES- ÈáÊæË ßæíÊíå ÊÑÞÕ ãÕÑì" sha_she_red
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:30 am ((PST))
€ Çáíæã € ÍÇØíä € áßã € ÈáÊæË € æÕæÑ XXL € ÎáíÌíÉ
€ Ýì € ÕæÑ € ÈäÇÊ € ãÚ € ÑÌÇá € ÈÏæä € Ôì € æÈÏæä € ãÇ € íÏæÑä € Çä € ÇÍÏ € íÕæÑåã
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Messages in this topic (2)
5a. We get paid every day
Posted by: "Raymond E Bess" gbess
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:34 am ((PST))
Good gosh I knew we would make money but holy cash cow!
Micro payments just keep on blasting my account so fast I cant
keep up with my withdrawls. This is the hit of the summer time!
Who says good things dont come in small pacs? (Money does)
No need to go on and on about how much I am making, go see for yourself.
Lookie here no sponsoring to be paid.
Great admin thats here to stay.
I plan on letting it ride to over $100,000.00 in weeeks.
Happy summer you lucky dog.
Messages in this topic (11)
6a. Retire From Your 9-to-5 Day Job Forever
Posted by: "Medusa" dym_game
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:36 am ((PST))
Retire From Your 9-to-5 Day Job Forever
Earn $25,000+ Every Single Month
DO NOT TRY THIS Until You Witness The Real-Life Methods That Can Earn $25,000+ Every Single Month Legitimately Working At Home.
NEWS: 19-Year Old College Dropout Bets His Money That Six IDIOT-PROOF Secrets Can Earn YOU A Full-Time Income Using Nothing But A Computer...
.. it costs nothing and ANYONE can replicate it.
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (7)
7a. My Test Project That Made $5327.81 From Less Than 2 Hours Easy Set U
Posted by: "Petra" dym_game
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:37 am ((PST))
My Test Project That Made $5327.81 From Less Than 2 Hours Easy Set Up...
"How To Totally Eliminate The Hard
Work To Making Money Online & How
YOU Can Easily Copy His 'Lazy' $5,327.81
Pure Profit From A Couple Of Hours
Easy 'Set Up' As Many Times As You Like..."
..That Can Make You Hundreds Of Dollars A Day, Everyday, On Auto-Pilot For Months - If Not Years To Come...
..Using The Internet Without A Website, Selling Any Products Or Doing Any Marketing Whatsoever - Even If You€ '²re Currently Flat Out Broke With No Time Or Energy To Spare"
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
Free Foreclosure Report
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (6)
8. Are You Looking For Holiday CASH OR Holiday Hype?!!
Posted by: "Phillip Carr" philliplcarr
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:39 am ((PST))
Im Phill and I have a simple question to ask you. Are looking for HYPE or Results?
I know that seems like a strange question to ask but during this holiday season my email is crammed with every offer under the sun with people promising the moon and if thats what youre looking for then please dont let me stop you from reading those OTHER messages Im sure youve got plenty of them!!
However if you would prefer to skip the HYPE MACHINE pushing the next BIG THING. Please allow me the opportunity to show you a REAL program that has been producing LIFE CHANGING results for people with the desire and courage to make a better life for themselves and their families for over 5 years!!
Now Im not here to bore you or make outrageous claims in fact you will never see the words PROMISE or GUARANTEE used at all in reference to this program ever!!
So Ill get to the point you are 4 very easy steps away from changing your life.
The 1st step is to watch our 4-minute movie presentation that will explain to you how much money you can make with this program, and how you get 100% of the cash, with no company and no upline to share. Heres the link to our 4-minute presentation:
2nd Step is to listen to real results of our team members:
3rd Step is to listen to our 24-hour recorded presentation:
1-618-355-1933 or 1-618-355-1694
The last step is to visit our website and make your appointment today:
Thats it!! Once youve had a chance to look over everything, I will contact you within the next 24 hours to introduce myself to you, and to give you more information about our NO products to buy or sell, cash generating program.
If you have any questions you can email me directly anytime at:
The next step is yours.
Best Regards,
Messages in this topic (1)
9a. Make $3500+ Per Month From Your Opinion!
Posted by: "Wilhem" bestt_marketing_004
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:51 am ((PST))
Make $3500+ Per Month From Your Opinion!
If you would like to know how you to can take advantage of this. and make $3500+. per month, this is going to be the most important website you will ever stumble upon.
Here is why:
Fortune 500 Companies Need Me.
A 34 Year Old Work From Home
Mother Of Two
And as if that isn't enough:
They Also Need You!
Messages in this topic (8)
10a. Email 81 Million Target Prospects Monthly!
Posted by: "Linda" bestt_marketing_007
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:54 am ((PST))
Email 81 Million Target Prospects Monthly!
That's 2.7 Million Target Prospects a Day!
Simple To Use - Increase Traffic With 1 Click
100% Compliance With US & International Laws
Messages in this topic (7)
11a. Blast your ad once per day to over 3.1 million targeted prospects
Posted by: "Tom" dym_game
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:55 am ((PST))
Blast your ad once per day to over 3.1 million targeted prospects
100% SPAM free
Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients
Safe Mail Services is the leader in email marketing for small businesses. Our web based server allows members to blast over 3 Million emails per day. All recipients are double opt-in making us 100% SPAM law compliant. Our recipient database is filled with prospects who have asked to be included in our safe-list, so you know your ad will reach real customers.
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (23)
12a. Search Engine Submission - Yahoo, Google More...
Posted by: "Gina" dym_game
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:57 am ((PST))
Search Engine Submission - Yahoo, Google More...
Millions of people are searching on the internet every second and the marketplace is enormous. To attract these visitors to your website people need to be able to find you. The solution is having your site listed on all the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN which combined send over 90% of all internet search engine traffic.
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (24)
Posted by: "bussiness_info_group" bussiness_info_group
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:58 am ((PST))
free free free free free free free free free free
just want to share this cool site to all
Place your ads for FREE
you can place whatever ads you want for 7 day to
a hole year for FREE
Lot of hit a day Plus income generating site for
just click the link below
hope you like it.......
Earn without a sweat GUARANTEED it's impossible not
to earn
A NEW XBOX ALL FOR F.R.E.E. free free free
clink the link
Messages in this topic (3)
14.1. Earn $250 A Day With Your Camera!
Posted by: "Zeynep" ayse_marketing_003
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:58 am ((PST))
"Genuine home-based photography system lets you earn
up to $250 a day and also gives you the opportunity to earn
monthly residual income off every photo that you submit
Discover How to Make Money
- Lots & Lots of Money -
With Your Digital Camera!
Messages in this topic (286)
15. *~*~Free to join for a Limited TIME! Ends 12-31-07!! *~*~*
Posted by: "Anna" rdnecgirl
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:02 am ((PST))
The Simply Tempted Bath & Body Co. Affiliate Program is perfect for those that are wanting to indulge their senses while earning some extra income on the side.
By Joining Our Affiliate Program You have the Opportunity to EARN EXTRA CASH off the sales generated through...
~Your Simply Tempted Affiliate ID/links via your own website~
~Home Parties~
~Ebay sales~
~Drop Shipping~
Our affiliates earn a 25% commission on all sales, & a 5 % commission on downlines (before S&H)PLUS they receive a 25% discount on all personal orders! All referred commission/activity is tracked by a individual code that is built into the link you have displayed on your website. If someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase from us, you receive 25% of that sale!! The more customers that you initially refer to us, the more $$ you can earn.
FREE TO JOIN!!! (Ltd. Time Only...ending Dec 31/07)
Here is what you will receive...
You will receive a 25% commission on all referred sales, 25% discount on personal orders & 5% commission on downline orders, and a FREE mini website personalized with your name and location. Minimum order/sale requirement, 1 every 60 days.
If you decide to join, put my name (Anna Sampson) in the referred by box :)
Email me if you have further questions. I just put in an order, and can't wait to smell all the yummy scents!!!!!!!
Email me with questions :)
Anna Sampson
DiamondCreek Candles Team Leader
Sign up with me for a FREE 30 day trial. Go to this site for more info
Simply Tempted bath and body products!
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (1)
16.1. Is This What You were Looking For?
Posted by: "Hudson Trading Company" rivercityusa
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:02 am ((PST))
Is This What You were Looking For?
This business venture is the Complete Package.
1. A dynamic 5-year-old international company with over
20,000 customers in 60 countries. A solid based poised
for explosive growth.
2. Their target markets are the 250 Billion-Dollar health,
wellness and preventative health care market. Their products
are innovative, effective and affordable. Basically the products
make you look and feel 10 years younger.
3. The Compensation Plan - Simple and Lucrative- designed to
put $$$ in your pocket right away, as well developing for you a
high end, recurring income stream.
4. Lastly we like their System, a Proven Plan to follow.
Since they help you market your business online you don€ '²t have to
call on friends and family. And you dont have to waste time talking
to people who are not interested in an Internet business.
The Marketing System does it all for you.
To get the facts for yourself go to this link:
and find out how to get started for ~Free~
Hudson Trading Company
P.S. Through a special Promotional Offer
we€ '²ve arranged with the company, you can actually test-drive
this business for the next 30 days for free.
Messages in this topic (48)
17a. How to create REAL wealth 15 year track record
Posted by: "Diane Cleak" davii7
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:08 am ((PST))
Hi Friend,
Introducing: The Ultimate Entrepreneur Club
€ 'µ A financial programme the likes of which you will never have seen before
€ 'µ Learn how to cancel credit card debts
€ 'µ Learn how to clean up credit rating
€ 'µ Learn how to create wealth
€ 'µ Learn how to invest, about private banking, off-shore tax havens and taxation
€ 'µ Discover secrets of the financial world that only the incredibly wealthy know
€ 'µ Benefit from a money-making plan that is the best source of real money today
€ 'µ Have a Director of the Club personally guide you through the first steps to financial freedom
€ 'µ Join a group of like-minded people, all members, who support and encourage each other to break free, cancel debt and create real wealth
Helping people to help themselves.....
Government is now the largest growth industry in Europe and America, with ever greater hordes of bureaucrats descending on the public, demanding and exacting their tolls, under threat of violence and loss of freedom. Are we truly free when you can be jailed for what they term tax evasion? We are now in more servitude than the lowest serfs of the Middle Ages who paid less than a twentieth of their income in tax. Combine Federal, State and local taxes and we now pay more than half of what we earn in tax! Is that progress? In the UK, we pay income tax, national insurance, council tax, water rates, stamp duty, the highest tariffs on fuel, alcohol and cigarettes in Europe, inheritance tax, road tax. And they are continually thinking of new ways to tax us. Is that progress? If so, for whom?
We are living in the richest times in history. We earn more than our parents could imagine, and yet we have the highest rate of personal debt the world has ever seen!
Best wishes
Messages in this topic (23)
18a. You Have No Reason to be Broke!
Posted by: "Jo Ann Dossey" oklahen
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:11 am ((PST))
If People Are Serious Leaders they know when something they see is good info or not.
People either Do or Don't!
If you even use the word TRY, you are wasting your time. Rich people Do and the others Try which means Don't.
If you are not Receiving at least $5000 a week you need to Call Me!
CALL ANYTIME: 863-858-1881
God Bless,
Sherry Dossey
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Messages in this topic (2)
19. LOVE CANDLES? Why not sell them FREE for 30 Days!!!!!
Posted by: "Anna" rdnecgirl
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:14 am ((PST))
Join my team NOW for a 30 day free trial!!!!!!!!!
Let me show you how!
We do not use assembly lines in the manufacturing process of this business as for every candle is hand crafted due to its unique characteristics. The wax mixture is a Soy / Paraffin mixture (70/30) that is proprietary to DiamondCreek Candles.
Risk Free~ 30 Day Free Trial!
You will receive:
THE $9.98 Gold Candle Consultant Plan:
Your own fully functional website with 3 levels
Commission level 1 (for all products sold earn 25% of order total)
Commission level 2 (for all referrals brought into the consultant plan under you as a referral earn 10% of their sales)
Commission level 3 (for all sales under the level 2 referrals earn 5% of their sales)
Levels of Achievement Awards
Team Builder Commissions
Site Meter
Access to the 25% off consultant member only website
No monthly minimums to meet
No contracts and no Tax ID required
Guaranteed email support 24/7
No termination fees (upon cancellation)
Delivery: Candles guaranteed to leave our facility within 3 to 4 working days
You will receive commissions during your 30 day Free Trial.
When your 30 day trial is over, and you would like to sign up as a paying consultant...we have new and exciting packages you can chose from!
You can get your own website for $5.00, $9.98 and $29.99 a month. Or you can get one of the following!
DCC is now offering 4 Great Consultant Starter Packages.
All Packages will come with your choice of Website. The Silver $5.00 a month or The Gold $9.98 a month or the Patinum Package $29.99 per month.
(8) Traditional Votives
(8) Color Blast Votives
(6) 2.5oz Jar Candles
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for 39.99
4) Traditional Votives
(4) Color Blast Votives
(3) 2.5oz Jar Candles
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
20 Piece Sample Case
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for $49.99
(4) Traditional Votives
(4) Color Blast Votives
(3) Larger Than Tee Lites
(1) Classy Oval
(1) 7.5oz Diamond Jar Candle
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
20 Piece Sample Case
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for $55.99
4) Traditional Votives
(4) Color Blast Votives
(3) Larger Than Tee Lites
(4) Potpourri Wax Melts
(1) Classy Oval
(1) 7.5oz Diamond Jar Candle
(1) 4oz Scoopable Tart
(1) 4" Diamond Pillar
(5) Catalogs w/ 10 order forms
20 Piece Sample Case
Your Choice of Website Silver, Gold or Platinum for $69.99
After you purchase this, the next month you can just pay for the website. Not a candle package each month. Unless you want to that is :)
So take a look! Join for the free 30 day trial! You have NOTHING to lose and everything to gain with DiamondCreek Candles!
Please let me know if I can answer any questions that you might have!
Anna Sampson
Anna Sampson
DiamondCreek Candles Team Leader
Sign up with me for a FREE 30 day trial. Go to this site for more info
Simply Tempted bath and body products!
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Messages in this topic (1)
20.1. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41marketing02
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:15 am ((PST))
Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business
featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!
GBAN... What is it?
The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of
international businesses and business people who are willing to work
together in order for all members to benefit through education,
international relationship building, and increased sales!
Why Join?
€ · Forming Strategic Alliances is an important part of any marketing
€ · Increase your potential customer base through networking
€ · Create mutually beneficial relationships with other companies.
This can happen many ways, such as through the referral process, word-
of-mouth, and advertisement exchange.
€ · Learning from others by sharing knowledge, experiences, and
gaining new perspectives.
€ · With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other similar
Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!
€ · Your business featured in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for two days.
€ · Your Link and business info in our directory published on our GBAN
€ · Your business will also be featured (one time) in our weekly
Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in
Its absolutely FREE!!!
Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (947)
20.2. Put Your Business in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for FREE!!!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41marketing02
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:17 am ((PST))
Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business
featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!
GBAN... What is it?
The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of
international businesses and business people who are willing to work
together in order for all members to benefit through education,
international relationship building, and increased sales!
Why Join?
€ · Forming Strategic Alliances is an important part of any marketing
€ · Increase your potential customer base through networking
€ · Create mutually beneficial relationships with other companies.
This can happen many ways, such as through the referral process, word-
of-mouth, and advertisement exchange.
€ · Learning from others by sharing knowledge, experiences, and
gaining new perspectives.
€ · With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other similar
Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!
€ · Your business featured in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for two days.
€ · Your Link and business info in our directory published on our GBAN
€ · Your business will also be featured (one time) in our weekly
Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in
Its absolutely FREE!!!
Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (947)
21. join for a BUCK !
Posted by: "vince belanger" vincemarybelanger
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:17 am ((PST))
To celebrate the season of giving we have a VERY special offer for
In December you can join the Stayin' Home And Lovin' It Team for
only $1.00!!!
AND receive FREE gifts, valued $100.00!
Work from home and create the life you want!
Stayin' Home And Lovin' It helps you work from home while still
being totally available to your family! Special Holiday Promotion:
You can join for only ONE DOLLAR in December, 2007 ONLY. You are
then also eligible to receive FREE gifts valued $100!!!
This is incredible and we didn't want you miss the opportunity to
take advantage of this awesome promotion.
What is the Stayin' Home And Lovin' It Team?
Our team is dedicated to assisting, training and supporting others
who would like to work from home with their own business. We provide
unlimited support, FREE training and FREE web-site.
What kind of business is it?
All members of Stayin' Home And Lovin' It are simply customers of a
wonderful company where we save time, money, provide a safer
environment for our homes and improve our health.
Everyone also has the option to own their own business and earn
residual income. We can help you add to your income, replace an
income or more, depending on your own personal goals.
How much income can you earn?
It's up to you. You can earn a few hundred dollars a month or even
thousands each month depending on you and your own personal goals.
Do you have to sell products?
No. We don't sell or stock any products. We don't have to deliver
anything or collect any money. We work from home, without having to
leave our home.
What do I need to be able to run this business from my home?
You need a computer (or access to one with internet), a telephone,
and a willingness to become part of our team.
How much does this cost to get started?
(Regular start up cost is $29.00 US)
In December ONLY --- IT'S JUST ONE DOLLAR!!!
100% guaranteed and there is absolutely NO risk.
Would you like to know more???
Please respond to this email ASAP with your phone-number and the
best time and day you would like to talk, so we can schedule a phone-
appointment. I will email you back to confirm. Information will NOT
be sent out in an email. There is simply too much information to
send in an email, and we always prefer a personal approach, to make
sure this is what you are looking for. There is no obligation and no
Happy Holidays!
Vince & Mary
Vince & Mary Belanger
Messages in this topic (1)
22.1. The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
Posted by: "Mega" bestt_marketing_008
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:24 am ((PST))
The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
Do You Want Instant & Unlimited Access to The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet?
Messages in this topic (54)
23.1. Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
Posted by: "Denise" bestt_marketing_009
Date: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:25 am ((PST))
Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
Amazing Secret System Reveals How You Can Easily Generate TONS Of FREE Traffic, Signups And Sales On Complete Autopilot!"
Get As Many As 1.571 MILLION Unique Visitors
To Your Website For FREE With This System!
Messages in this topic (99)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!
Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
Go here for details:
Yahoo! Groups Links
<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
<*> Your email settings:
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