Topics in this digest:
1. Easiest Way To Investments For Serious Investors
From: Pat
From: jason stevens
3. How To - Become a Millionaire
From: Jialia
4. 5$ forex
From: moetazhd
5a. Earn $2475 for every 100 visitors you send to a FREE report!
From: buz_info
6.1. Your Simple Opinion Worths $3.500 A Month!
From: Feyza
7.1. Send Ads to 600,000 Hourly
From: Roy
8.1. PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
From: Karen
8.2. PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
From: Sam
9a. Make $5,000 Monthly with Google & Clickbank
From: Hans
10a. Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects Every Month!
From: Steve
11.1. The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
From: Elif
12a. Blog for Dollar$ (free ebooks)
13.1. Submit Your Ads to 12 Million Links!
From: Neo
14a. ***Your Own FREE Power Mall!***
From: Barbara Koenigsknecht
14b. ***Your Own FREE Power Mall!***
From: Barbara Koenigsknecht
15. ~~~~ MAKE $200 - $1000+ A DAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
From: Best Money Opportunities
16a. * * * Let me Post Your ADS to OVER 800 Groups and growing * * *
From: Mall Mom
17. __Try This R.ISK F.ree! Most Incredible Company On The Planet!
From: Lorna Thurston
18.1. Free Classified Ads Work!
From: Mary
19.1. Post Your BIz Opp Ad In These 2 New Yahoo Groups
From: select_income
20.1. MAKE EASY MONEY - $2000+ A DAY!
From: Tim
21.1. Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month!
From: Volga
22.1. Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily!
From: Rean
23.1. Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
From: Mars
1. Easiest Way To Investments For Serious Investors
Posted by: "Pat" dym_game
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:48 pm ((PST))
Easiest Way To Investments For Serious Investors
A registered company that offer a clear strategy, you deposit funds and in turn,allow these funds to earn interest for you.
This is a private investment company with realistic terms and time-proved experience that operates internationally involved in variety of off line and on line business activies all over the world and has been in business since 2000.The main areas of interest are forex, oil production, real estate, stock and commodity training.
Operanting future opportunities and involved in real estate development in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, two of the most rapidly growing regions of the world.In addition, the company participate in a variety of investment projects related to the search and development of new oil fields in highly promising areas of the globe.
Being proficient in a range of fields allows to achieve three main investment goals: higher yields, diversification of assets, and the minimization of risks.
The team consists of experienced investment advisors, skilled market analysts, professional traders and legal experts.
Each member of team is a professional who possesses not only excellent formal education, but also extensive experience in the investment and trading industry.
Looking for a reliable investment offer?
Three different investments plans. Progressive Compounding and VIP interest rates are available.
Investment Plan 1 offers variable daily interest rates from 1.4% to 1.7%.
Investment Plan 2 offers fixed daily interest rate of 1.9%.
Investment Plan 3 offer fixed daily interest rate of 2.3%.
Progressive compounding option means that will add an extra 0.01% for every business day you choose to have progressive compounding in your account.
For example, if you choose to have progressive compounding for 150 business days, you will earning an extra 1,5% every day in addition to your basic interest rate.This way if your daily rate is 1.9% you will earning 3.4% daily (1.9% basic rate + 1,5% for using progressive compounding mode during 150 business days (0.01% extra a day multiplied by 150 business days).
Evaluat and see the benefits of investing without having to raise substantial investment capital.
One-Time Investment Amount Available
$ 15.00 $ 1,407.47
$ 30.00 $ 3,039.30
$ 50.00 $ 5,367.28
$ 100.00 $ 11,605.09
$ 300.00 $ 41,364.01
$ 500.00 $ 77,982.51
$ 1,000.00 $ 184,908.37
The simple compounding mode simply adds the chosen part of your daily interest to your account principal without giving you any extras on your daily interest rate.
Visit the site open an account and start earning interest now:
P.S. Multilingual site and operating your funds professionally with guaranteed income.Live chat, professional phone, and email support.
P.P.S. Benefit from referral program.
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Contact Owner for $40.00 rebate with this Coupon Code:
YG2007AD. More information at:
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
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Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "jason stevens" yuwieyuwie
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:49 pm ((PST))
The Hottest NEW Social Networking Website just launched. It is a lot like MySpace or Facebook but the owner is paying you just to be a member. Tom from MySpace makes about 20 MILLION a month from the companies that advertise on his site. Is he sharing it? Not. Check out the new site - it's the world's first social networking site that pays its members! TO GET YOUR PIECE OF THE 20 MILLLION DOLLAR PIE GO TO:
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Messages in this topic (1)
3. How To - Become a Millionaire
Posted by: "Jialia" dym_game
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:50 pm ((PST))
How To - Become a Millionaire
"Announcing a Proven Plan to Fire Your Manager, Put Your Income
On Autopilot, And Reach a Secure Retirement Within 5 Years"
Do you know the #1 most common characteristic nearly all
millionaires share?
If you said, "owning their own businesses" - you're
absolutely right.
Nearly every millionaire today owns their own business.
Coincidence? I don't think so. Why should you waste your
talents and skills as someone else's employee...while you
help make them rich? Let's face it: You're either building
your dream, or your building someone else's.
Isn't it time you fired your manager? It's easier than you
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Maybe you're thinking: "But, I don't have the skills or
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Don't worry. Successful users of our program come from all
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moms, retired couples. All you need to succeed is the right
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Our company spent the last 3 years devising a low risk,
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Now maybe you're worried about losing the benefits of
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But with the income you'll be generating from using our
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invest in your own retirement fund, even pay for a college
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Or just keep your day job and use our program for
supplemental income. After all, who couldn't use an extra
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we know you'll be ready to leave your current job behind and
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More freedom: Spend time with your family and children. You
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More money: Even with annual raises, no employee ever became
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Empowerment: You set your schedule, you choose your salary,
you work where and when you want without punching a time
clock or working under the watchful eyes of a supervisor.
Less stress: No deadlines (except the self-imposed variety),
no manager, no co-workers, no cubicles, no stress.
Sounds great, right?
Here's what to do now...
Urgently Go Here:
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So what is holding you back? The road to becoming your own
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P.S. It doesn't cost you anything to investigate this
further. Who knows, it could just be the "break" you've been
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URGENTLY GO HERE to secure a position at the TOP of my group.
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Of Website Sales & Traffic
With A Single Touch!
Get Google Pay-Per-Click Ads Free!
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
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Messages in this topic (1)
4. 5$ forex
Posted by: "moetazhd" moetazhd
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:52 pm ((PST))
take real 5$ for trade in forex just open an account in this company
Messages in this topic (1)
5a. Earn $2475 for every 100 visitors you send to a FREE report!
Posted by: "buz_info" buz_info
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:53 pm ((PST))
Discover how you can earn $2475 for every 100 visitors you send to a
Free report! That's $12,375 for 500 people & $49,500 for 2000 people
For Free.
When you join the Affiliate Junktion Affiliate Program, you will be
provided with a personalized affiliate website. With this affiliate
website you will be promoting Affiliate Junktion. You will be paid on a
Pay-Per-Lead basis. Every time you refer someone to
our website and that person will register with us for free, you will be
paid a commission.
Our conversion rate is extremely high, up to 65%! This means for every
100 visitors you send to our website, up to 65 people could register
with us and you will be paid a commission for all of these sign ups.
The potential to earn big money with our program
is at a record high, making it one of the best paid online programs in
the industry.
Messages in this topic (6)
6.1. Your Simple Opinion Worths $3.500 A Month!
Posted by: "Feyza" bestt_marketing_000
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:54 pm ((PST))
Your Simple Opinion Worths $3.500 A Month!
Start Making Money Today
Just For Sharing Your Opinion!
Plus HUGE Bonuses Never Before Seen!
Messages in this topic (39)
7.1. Send Ads to 600,000 Hourly
Posted by: "Roy" dym_game
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:54 pm ((PST))
Send Ads to 600,000 Hourly
Also Send Ads to 60 million from the member center
1-Click Send -- No Validation Spam-Free
100% Opt-in Database. Database contains a large number of opt-in members & lists
Highly Targeted
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
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Messages in this topic (164)
8.1. PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
Posted by: "Karen" zeynep_marketing_005
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:55 pm ((PST))
PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...Introducing...
"The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits For You Automatically, The Lazy Way!"
Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
Messages in this topic (348)
8.2. PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
Posted by: "Sam" bigpencere
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:52 pm ((PST))
The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...Introducing...
"The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits For You Automatically, The Lazy Way!"
Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
Messages in this topic (348)
9a. Make $5,000 Monthly with Google & Clickbank
Posted by: "Hans" dym_game
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:55 pm ((PST))
Make $5,000 Monthly with Google & Clickbank
Make $3500 Weekly. I'll Show You Proof!
Start Making Big Money On the Internet By Next Month!
Learn A Simple Internet Income Secret
That's Making People Over $345,000 Yearly Everyday!
Just Give Me 3 Minutes Of Your Time.
No games, tricks, or schemes. I will show you how you can make over $6,750 a
week using the internet.
Get your ad posted to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers for only $5.95 or less!! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (26)
10a. Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects Every Month!
Posted by: "Steve" zeynep_marketing_004
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:56 pm ((PST))
Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects
Every Month! That's 2.3 MILLION Every Day!
Increase Web Traffic & Sales Overnight!
Targeted, Safe and 100% Opt-In
Messages in this topic (17)
11.1. The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
Posted by: "Elif" ayse_marketing_004
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:57 pm ((PST))
The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
Do You Want Instant & Unlimited Access to The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet?
If you are looking for reliable Product suppliers that stock a variety of genuine & quality products then you have found the best source! You will get full, instant access to drop ship, wholesale, liquidation & manufacturing suppliers from around the global that are wanting to do business with you!
Messages in this topic (49)
12a. Blog for Dollar$ (free ebooks)
Posted by: "" preplugin01
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:00 pm ((PST))
In this book will guide you through 10 essential steps
to create a successful,
interesting and profitable blog that can,
at the end, generate money 24/7 even if you are asleep.
download now
its free
Messages in this topic (2)
13.1. Submit Your Ads to 12 Million Links!
Posted by: "Neo" bizim_marketing_011
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:01 pm ((PST))
Automatically Have Your Ad Blasted To 12,000,000+ Sites With Our Unique
Set and Forget Technology !
Blastomatic is aimed to provide one goal. RESULTS!!!
Trying to promote on the Internet can be disheartening and costly.
Unless you find the right tools you're simply wasting your time and money.
We make it easy for you by submitting your AD to millions of pages
with just one click.
Messages in this topic (134)
14a. ***Your Own FREE Power Mall!***
Posted by: "Barbara Koenigsknecht" successbee
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:04 pm ((PST))
It can't cost less than FREE! You owe it to yourself
to check out My Power Mall. No fees!
It's FREE, you don't have to sell anything, there is
no qualifying for income, and all your tools are free.
Here is your chance to finally succeed!
Click here:
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
Messages in this topic (6)
14b. ***Your Own FREE Power Mall!***
Posted by: "Barbara Koenigsknecht" successbee
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:05 pm ((PST))
It can't cost less than FREE! You owe it to yourself
to check out My Power Mall. No fees!
It's FREE, you don't have to sell anything, there is
no qualifying for income, and all your tools are free.
Here is your chance to finally succeed!
Click here:
Be a better friend, newshound, and
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ
Messages in this topic (6)
15. ~~~~ MAKE $200 - $1000+ A DAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted by: "Best Money Opportunities"
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:04 pm ((PST))
*Welcome Friend,*
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Messages in this topic (1)
16a. * * * Let me Post Your ADS to OVER 800 Groups and growing * * *
Posted by: "Mall Mom" momsads
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:12 pm ((PST))
Let me post your ad to over 800+ groups and growing everyday.
In most cases there are over 2000+ members x 800 that is close to 2 mil and growing.
Simple and easy, I have it all set up just send your ad and I will post it once or twice a day for 5 days in a row, weekdays or we can set up a schedule that you are looking for.
These are to groups that are looking for what you have. Work at home seekers and shoppers.
1 aday for 5 days = $10
2 a day for 5 days = $15
Payable via paypal (cash only)
paypal address: mallmom @ yahoo . com
email me at
momsads2 @ yahoo . com for more info and to set it up.
Have Fun & Much Success,
OBABY - Finds for Baby, Mommy & Family
A Worlds First ~ Certified Organic Bath, Body & Beauty
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Messages in this topic (2)
17. __Try This R.ISK F.ree! Most Incredible Company On The Planet!
Posted by: "Lorna Thurston" lorrae50
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:13 pm ((PST))
__Try This R.ISK F.ree! The Most Incredible Company On The Planet!
Hello ,
I was just introduced to the most incredible company on the planet!
The p.roduct is a powerful liquid vitamin/mineral that is designed to
replace the 10 most popular nutritional products in the m.arket today.
10 X more ingredients!
10 X more absorption!
10 X less than your p.aying now!
High quality p.roducts at D.iscount P.rices!
No s.ign-up fee, a 60 day, empty bottle
This is the WAL-M.ART of the industry!
We even beat's p.rices!
Try it r.isk f.ree!
Have a wonderful day
Lorna Thurston
If you wish to de.list just hit reply with the words de.list in subject line. Thank you
Messages in this topic (1)
18.1. Free Classified Ads Work!
Posted by: "Mary" zeynep_marketing_005
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:23 pm ((PST))
I built a very successful online business using nothing but free classified ads. You can do the same thing with my proven Free Classified Ad Course.
Messages in this topic (48)
19.1. Post Your BIz Opp Ad In These 2 New Yahoo Groups
Posted by: "select_income" select_income
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:29 pm ((PST))
Post Your Biz Opp Ad In These 2 New Yahoo Groups
Messages in this topic (67)
20.1. MAKE EASY MONEY - $2000+ A DAY!
Posted by: "Tim" best_marketing_000
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:30 pm ((PST))
Anyone can do it and it is easy!
Messages in this topic (201)
21.1. Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month!
Posted by: "Volga" best_marketing_000
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:30 pm ((PST))
Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month!
A Simple and Effective Way To Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month. That's Over 3.1 Million Targeted Recipients Daily!
Messages in this topic (32)
22.1. Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily!
Posted by: "Rean" dym_game
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:38 pm ((PST))
Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily!
Instantly Put Your Product In Front Of Millions Of Customers!
Submit Your Ads To 735 Million Double Opt-in Members!
Instantly Explode Your Web Traffic & Sales.
You can now submit your ads to
735 million double opt-in members.
Reach over 700,000,000 Global CONTACTS Daily! That's virtually the ENTIRE INTERNET !
The actual number of people you can reach using Traffic Booster is 723,800,000+.
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
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Messages in this topic (34)
23.1. Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
Posted by: "Mars" dym_game
Date: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:39 pm ((PST))
Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
Place your ad on 3,000,000 websites daily!
All members receive Life-Time Memberships and have total access to our members area 100% of the time! We make it easy to get your ads out on the Internet with minimal work.
You will not be required to sign up to 10 different services in order to get the maximum amount of traffic like many of our competitors require from you. With Total Advertising Network you can radically reduce the hours you spend each day advertising. Just insert your ad and hit blast one time and your done!
Blast your ads to 4,600 groups for only $5.95 or less! or
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your groups message delivery setting to "no email" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - (your groupname)".
Messages in this topic (122)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
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Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
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