Friday, December 21, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 36336

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. Post Your BIz Opp Ad In These 2 New Yahoo Groups
From: select_income

2a. Automatically Submit to 1000 and 1000s of Free Classified Ad Sites!
From: Robert Montijo

3a. Make $5,000 or More Monthly!
From: Brooke

4a. E-Mail to 3.1 Million Targeted Recipients Daily!
From: Simon

5a. 600 GB of Website Hosting Space for only 5.95 a month? They have to
From: Dismart Global


From: Fran Galton

8a. You Have To Check Out This Email Service
From: rick Schultz

9a. Only $1 to Start your Business
From: Mall Mom

10a. It Pays To Read
From: hope_floatac

11a. Guaranteed 3% Profit Daily with Sport Arbitrage!
From: Willma

12a. 52,000 Strong can't be Wrong
From: hope_floatac

13.1. Join Our Affiliate Program and Earn 70% on Every Sale
From: Danette Ingemansen

14. Fuller Brush - Free Kit - Free Web Site
From: Melody Schafer

15.1. Millionaires's Software --- Earns You Tax-FREE Millions!
From: London

16.1. Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
From: Grekk

17.1. Would you like to be a millionaire?

18. 100% automated, 100% internet based.Lots of Free training.
From: cindy allbusiness

19.1. Socialize and Network - GET PAID TO DO IT!
From: BJ Colasito

20.1. Do you shop online? Cash in on the online shopping craze!!
From: BJ Colasito

21.1. Important Anouncement, Content nearly banned
From: G Generalfoundation

22a. The Magic of Learning – Making Learning FUN!
From: Mall Mom

23.1. Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.
From: James Williams Jr

24a. A MILLION here ... A MILLION there!
From: FXProfits

25a. Are You Looking For Holiday CASH OR Holiday Hype?!!
From: Phillip Carr


1.1. Post Your BIz Opp Ad In These 2 New Yahoo Groups
Posted by: "select_income" select_income
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:58 am ((PST))


Post Your Biz Opp Ad In These 2 New Yahoo Groups

Messages in this topic (122)

2a. Automatically Submit to 1000 and 1000s of Free Classified Ad Sites!
Posted by: "Robert Montijo" progressengines
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:03 am ((PST))

Hello Members:

Ask yourself if you want to do any of the

€  · Increase and/or automate your profits, website
traffic, sales and leads generation without it
costing you a dime of your ad dollars - now or

€  · Effortlessly and automatically
promote/advertise an unlimited number of
products, services, opportunities, websites and
more at the same time using state of the art
automation that only increases your advertising
reach over time?

€  · Take unlimited advantage of free advertising
opportunities worldwide on unlimited number of
websites using state of the art automation on a
repeat basis - daily, weekly, monthly...?

€  · Instantly send your classifieds ads to 1000s of
worldwide and local classifieds websites online
everyday free and have your ads seen instantly by
millions of people worldwide?

€  · Reduce your daily work load and save 100s of
hours or more of your time in manual work on a r

€  · Automate sending your ads / getting the word
out to an unlimited number of more websites -
all types, in any language with no added costs -
now or ever?

€  · Add your own choice advertising/promotion sites
automatically without limitations of any kind to
laser target your audience and reach more people
plus increase this advertising reach daily,
weekly and monthly?

€  · Submit your ads / promote your websites
regularly to new websites as they come online
automatically to reach even more people at no
extra cost?

€  · Drastically reduce your advertising budget /
business costs? If you answered yes to any of
the above then please check it out the website
for more information:

Power Submitter

Yahoo! Groups:
Youre invited! Join AdlandPro-FreeAds today.

Messages in this topic (5)

3a. Make $5,000 or More Monthly!
Posted by: "Brooke" bizim_marketing_007
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:05 am ((PST))

Make $5,000 or More Monthly!
Let Me Help You Make $5,000 or More Monthly
with Google & Clickbank Using a Simple
System Which I Will Perform for You:

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Messages in this topic (11)

4a. E-Mail to 3.1 Million Targeted Recipients Daily!
Posted by: "Simon" bizim_marketing_008
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:06 am ((PST))

E-Mail to 3.1 Million Targeted Recipients Daily!
A Simple and Effective Way To Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month. That's Over 3.1 Million Targeted Recipients Daily!

***This is not spam. You receive this e-mail because you are the member of this yahoo group. If you no longer wish to receive postings from this group, please go to the bottom of this page and find the yahoo groups links and change your group message delivery settings to "no mail". If you wish totally unsubscribe from this group, please find the unsubscription link at the bottom of this page.******If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - your groupname"***

Messages in this topic (12)

5a. 600 GB of Website Hosting Space for only 5.95 a month? They have to
Posted by: "Dismart Global" davida7534
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:07 am ((PST))

This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo,Hotmail and Google customers to your website now....

Imagine sending your ad every day to a potential 96 million Yahoo, Hotmail and Google users all across the globe, with just one click! Imagine what that could do to your sales if even a small percentage actually read your ad and was intrested in what you were offering.

This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo, Hotmail and Google customers to your website now.

We have developed a state-of-the-art mailing system whereby you can
access your account unlimited times per day, and simply place your ad copy for submission. This is truly powerful and was developed with the novice marketer at heart. No need to validate your email, no need for spam filters or junk mail boxes. No need to worry about losing your ISP either!

TargetPro Blaster
TargetPro Blaster Instantly Puts Your AD In Front Of real people, With An Automated Marketing System That Multiples Your Ability To Generate Substantial Traffic to any website and Profit Quickly. I just started using it and have already seen good results.

Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million inGoogle Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE!

"Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million inGoogle Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE! ... And Makes Over $314 Million as a Result! ...And Now He's Going to Give You This Same Secret for Next to Nothing!"

Everyday Google sells several million€ ¦'²s in pay-per-clicks adwords ads. But I get all mine absolutely FREE € ¦'¶ and now I am going to show you
how to get yours FREE also!€ ¦'´

That€ ¦'²s right € ¦'¶ Start Sharing in the *Incredible* Secret So Few Others Know About that Allow Them to Actually Get All Their Pay-Per-Click Advertising Absolutely FREE!

Gain access to over 200,000 Top level name brand products at true wholesale prices!

If you're really serious about making money on the internet then you need
access to the best products at the lowest prices. I have found dropship design fits the bill perfectly and that's why my site at is doing even better than I could ever dreamed.

Whether you are a seasoned ebay power seller, a webmaster with your own website or a novice with no experience at all, we have the perfect package for you! You'll gain access to over 200,000 products at true wholesale prices!

Think about this, what if there was a company built for wholesale dropshippers by the people from the dropshipping industry. What if there was a company built to take into consideration every concern that YOU may have when working with your very own dropshiping business, either from an ebay store or from your very own online store. incorporates consideration such as these into its philosophy in an effort to build a customer Service based on the customer perspective.
€ ¦'³You sell, We ship, You profit!€ ¦'´

This is what you can expect from our company customer service:
24 hours access to our services
Unprecedented customer service for you and your customers
Complete order fulfillment service
Exceptional selection of wholesale products
An incredible selection of products with REAL wholesale prices
A growing inventory of the latest products to hit the market
An absolute drop shipping service with no minimum With our company, you are guaranteed the type of service you should
expect, the type of service you desire.

A lot of promises are made in the € ¦'³Dropship & Wholesale€ ¦'´ industry,
but a great deal of the time, they often result in failure and upset customers. At, we will not make any promise that we cannot keep and we will always be there to provide you with first rate service.
Get your own www. website

Pre-loaded with all our products

No merchant account required!

Accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard

Update product prices

Customize your website

Add your own products

FREE domain name of your choice

FREE email address / FREE hosting!

FREE dropship services to all our member with no minimum orders.
FREE customer care directly to your buyers (we handle returns).
FREE order fulfillment. We place orders with the manufacturers for you.
FREE email address with the website plan.
FREE domain name of your choice with the website plan.
FREE hosting with the website plan.
FREE sales tax service. We pay & report the sales tax to the State for you!
FREE payment processing. Pay no Credit Card/PayPal fees
Unlimited Access to ALL our products at unbeatable wholesale prices!
No Monthly Fees and No Hidden Fees
So what are you waiting for get your own web business for fraction of what
it would cost you to go it alone get busy.


Are you Still trying to make money online?
What if I can show you a way to get thousands of visitors absolutely FREE?
Better still, what if I can show you how instantly?
But wait€ ¦'¥
I must warn you. It has got nothing to do with Adwords! It€ ¦'²s the ULTIMATE alternative solution to buying traffic. It€ ¦'²s the same unique formula that your competitors are now using, called the FREE Click Formula. The easy part is you have a website, but the money only comes when people buy at your site not just visit your site? Right?
If you're using Adwords, Like I was then you're only getting a ton of hits and no sales and of course google makes a fortune off of you I'm I right so far?

What if I can show you a way to bring thousands of buyers, not just visitors, to your site INSTANTLY? That would be great wouldn't it?

Don€ ¦'²t you think its time to grab the lion€ ¦'²s share of your market or niche and start cashing in those dollars in 6 figures rather than 3 figures a month as you€ ¦'²re doing right now?
I won€ ¦'²t spoil the fun by telling you everything here, however even if you use 1 method, you will increase your bottom line!

Large Fortune 500 companies and internet marketing gurus are finally scared of the € ¦'±little€ ¦'² people as many are now entering their turf. I must warn you though as this method is flying off the shelves in LARGE numbers by your competitors as you read this page.

Once you learn this FREE traffic formula,
I guarantee you, you'll never look back!
To your success,

P.S. It's was priced at $997 for the big players,
but now it€ ¦'²s virtually next to nothing€ ¦'¥
see for yourself€ ¦'¥


600 GB of Website Hosting Space for only 5.95 a month?
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Check it out at:

Now you can Become the person
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shyness in just sixty minutes.
You can begin to realize it's okay to be confident and feel comfortable in your own skin.
Change from the inside, when you start
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These CD's can change your life if you use them
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Amazing Memory - instantly recall anything with your photographic memory
Secret Agent - unveil your inner, adventurous James Bond spirit
Quit Smoking - put an end to your smoking addiction once and for all
Rocketing your Self-Esteem - become confident on the inside
Releasing your Past - let go of old events holding you back today
Perfect Lucid Dreaming - enjoy exciting adventures in the dream world
Love Power Pack - everything you need to attract the ideal partner
Amazing Public Speaking Skills - grip the audience with your speech
Lose Weight Quickly - lose those extra pounds, while you sleep!
Learning to Love Yourself - begin to love the inner and outer you
Get Motivated! - stop procrastination and begin making things happen
Handling Criticism - stop over-reacting to criticism and learn it can be good for you!
Fantastic Business Success - all the attributes you need for sure-fire biz success
Excellent Speed Reading - read hundreds or thousands of words a minute!
Superior Decision Making - making split-second decisions with laser accuracy
Creative Thinking Mindset - develop new ideas, thoughts and inventions
Accepting your Physical Self - start to accept you and your body
Stress Free Day - let us soak away the stresses of your day
Be Decisive... and Get What You Want! - learn to make decisions that benefit you.

Messages in this topic (13)

Posted by: "30 DAILY SURF" newproone
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:10 am ((PST))

- Your Computer Is Running Slow !!!!
- You Have Spywares !!!!
- Viruses !!!!!
Let Me Tune Up Your Computer Online.
Every Step I Will Be Doing Will Be Confirm By You Before I Start.
Only $39.95 !!!

Slumber Parties by Luanne
The HOTTEST Party in Town!

Earn Six Figures Ask Me How

Book Your Own Slumber Party
A women-only Adult Ladies Night Out

Men can order too Online at my website

Get Information or contact me at

Messages in this topic (17)

Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair63
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:13 am ((PST))


I am a psychic and writer who has helped thousands of people through my
readings. I am here to tell you the truth about your life. My words are
full of optimism with a touch of humor. Along the way you will laugh and
experience many emotions from hearing what I see but in the end you will
known we truly connected.

Call me if life makes your head spin.
Call me so I can direct you down the right path.
Call me to help find romance and your true love.

and always remember to ASK FRAN if you want to hear the truth.

Your first 3 minutes are FREE talking live with me.

Call me right now at: 1-800-275-5336 x0160

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (34)

8a. You Have To Check Out This Email Service
Posted by: "rick Schultz" ricks21053
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:17 am ((PST))

Activate your account today and send email to 80 million
interested prospects! All 100% opt-in, 100% spam-free and
100% legal. All subscribers agreed to receive mail and
only wait for your product advertisement.
Sign up for Premium ($39.95) or Trial ($19.95) Membership:

Messages in this topic (10)

9a. Only $1 to Start your Business
Posted by: "Mall Mom" momsads
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:21 am ((PST))

The Women's Dream Team is an online community of Women who have the desire to achieve more out of life while having the time for their family and children. We offer a home based business where you can earn part time or full time income and you can set your own hours, leaving time for the important things in life. Whether you are looking to simply supplement your income or are looking to become the family income, the Womens Dream Team has a place for you.

This home based business is so easy anyone can do it. We offer:

Free simple step by step training
Free website geared towards women
The freedom to work when you want
No selling...ever
No stocking or delivery of products
No parties
No large investment, only $1 to start thru December 31, 2007
No business overhead costs
We are not MLM
Huge potential in an expanding marketplace
Many Tax advantages!
To become a member of our growing team you will need a telephone and a computer with internet access. We also require that you have a "can-do" attitude, women with goals and dreams who want more out of life. At the Women's Dream Team you are in business for yourself but never by yourself. Your personal mentor cares as much about your success as you do and will commit to helping you reach your goals. Please let me show you how to change your life for the better.

Please visit my website and request your free information. I will call to schedule you to watch our business overview on the internet, which will have all of the details about our business and you can decide if the Women's Dream Team is what you have been searching for! Remember, it doesn't matter where you begin, only where you finish.
Incredible Women Achieving Extraordinary Lives

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Messages in this topic (5)

10a. It Pays To Read
Posted by: "hope_floatac" hope_floatac
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:27 am ((PST))

It's 100% free to join this home business.
You get paid $50 to read e-mail & visit web sites.
Refer others and increase your earnings.
Just for signing up we are giving you USD250 FOR FREE !!!

Messages in this topic (6)

11a. Guaranteed 3% Profit Daily with Sport Arbitrage!
Posted by: "Willma" bestt_marketing_002
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:27 am ((PST))

You're About To Discover How To Get A Risk Free Return Of Between 3% and 9% In Just 2 Hours. Again And Again - Guaranteed!
"This Explosively Profitable Little Known Secret That Has Been Used By Banks For Centuries Is Now Available To You Thanks To The Power Of The Internet!"
"It's So Simple That Even A 14 Year Old Could Understand It. There Are Literally Thousands Of These "Profit Loopholes" Every Single Day, Each Paying Between 3% & 90% On Your Capital - 100% Risk Free & Guaranteed!"
"It Doesn't Matter Where In The World You Are - If You Have An Internet Connection & PC You Can Claim Hundreds Of Dollars For Just A Few Minutes Of Easy 'Work'

***This is not spam. You receive this e-mail because you are the member of this yahoo group. If you no longer wish to receive postings from this group, please go to the bottom of this page and find the yahoo groups links and change your group message delivery settings to "no mail". If you wish totally unsubscribe from this group, please find the unsubscription link at the bottom of this page.***
***If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - your groupname"***
Messages in this topic (13)

12a. 52,000 Strong can't be Wrong
Posted by: "hope_floatac" hope_floatac
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:28 am ((PST))

Free traffic anyone?
We are the best site for surfing we offer:
1:1 surfing, 5-levels referral program, bonuses, contests & so much
Paid commission, fast delivery & quick surfing.
Join me and let's go surfing you will be glad you did.

Messages in this topic (2)

13.1. Join Our Affiliate Program and Earn 70% on Every Sale
Posted by: "Danette Ingemansen" ingemansen_danette
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:30 am ((PST))

Affiliates join Traffic Payouts and we can put a lot of extra cash in your pocket. We have some of the best converting work at home sites on the net. Send some test traffic our way and see what we can do for you. Here are just a few of our affiliate program benefits:

Earn 70% profit on each sale.
Get paid on time, every time.
Get paid on our follow-up auto responder sales.
Get paid for offline payments - when someone mails in their payment.
Get paid twice monthly - via PayPal or check.
Lifetime cookies means youre customers are tagged for life so you are guaranteed to get the credit you deserve for every one of your referrals.
Real time stats let you see your sales instantly.
Detailed campaign sub tracking enables you to create custom links to track which ads are earning you the most profits.

We offer responsive webmaster support and tons of marketing materials to help you succeed.

And finally .... the best reason of all to join Traffic Payouts is that we convert like crazy!!!

Visit our affiliate site to sign up and start earning commissions:

Messages in this topic (133)

14. Fuller Brush - Free Kit - Free Web Site
Posted by: "Melody Schafer" melodyathome207
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:35 am ((PST))

Join The Fuller Brush Company today!
a.. Superior Cleaning Products for over a century.
b.. FREE or choose a kit of your choice.
c.. FREE web site included.
d.. FREE online training.
e.. 101 Years old this year.
f.. No Inventory.
g.. No Minimums.
For more information or to get started today please visit

Melody Schafer
Ind. Fuller Brush Distributor, Director

My Power Mall - Shop & Earn Rebates

Nationwide Newspaper Advertising Here!
Liquidations & Closeouts! 25,000+ Products For Your Business!
FRE.E Business Cards
FRE.E Advertising

Messages in this topic (1)

15.1. Millionaires's Software --- Earns You Tax-FREE Millions!
Posted by: "London" bizim_marketing_003
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:40 am ((PST))

Millionaires's Software --- Earns You Tax-FREE Millions!
You're About To Learn Secrets That Most People Will Never Know About Making Money And Living Your Dream Life ..."
100% Money Back Guarantee! Try it out and if it doesn't work I'll give you your money back. You risk nothing and lose nothing!

***This is not spam. You receive this e-mail because you are the member of this yahoo group. If you no longer wish to receive postings from this group, please go to the bottom of this page and find the yahoo groups links and change your group message delivery settings to "no mail". If you wish totally unsubscribe from this group, please find the unsubscription link at the bottom of this page.******If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - your groupname"***

Messages in this topic (91)

16.1. Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
Posted by: "Grekk" bizim_marketing_001
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:40 am ((PST))

Advertize FREE in GOOGLE!
Internet Multimillionaire is deliberately out to show up Google, Yahoo, MSN and every other big search engine by giving away this monster of a secret! (But he doesn't even care!)...
"Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million in
Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE! ... And
Makes Over $314 Million as a Result! ...
And Now He's Going to Give You This
Same Secret for Next to Nothing!

***This is not spam. You receive this e-mail because you are the member of this yahoo group. If you no longer wish to receive postings from this group, please go to the bottom of this page and find the yahoo groups links and change your group message delivery settings to "no mail". If you wish totally unsubscribe from this group, please find the unsubscription link at the bottom of this page.******If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please email with the subject "remove - your groupname"***

Messages in this topic (192)

17.1. Would you like to be a millionaire?
Posted by: "ANN TATE"
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:40 am ((PST))

Would you like to be a Millionaire?

I know that sounds like a STUPID question, but I had to ask it.
Some people want to be, but, dont want to DO anything to be one!
IF YOU are one of these people, you might as well DELETE this message NOW!

Even tho this is EASY to do, some will not do it!

Could YOU do two little steps, that will start YOU on your way to being a MILLIONAIRE?

If you can........Than this message is for YOU!

I will SHOW you how EASY it is to reach YOUR goal!
You will have my full support to help you SUCCEED!

ALL you have to do is visit this site, and be able to follow INSTRUCTIONS,
and YOUR success is Guaranteed! Can you do that?

Good. I knew you could! Here is the link to YOUR future.

To your success,

Messages in this topic (34)

18. 100% automated, 100% internet based.Lots of Free training.
Posted by: "cindy allbusiness" cindy24allbusiness
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:40 am ((PST))

100% automated, 100% internet based.Lots of Free training.
We can prove it and this means you can make real money.

Messages in this topic (1)

19.1. Socialize and Network - GET PAID TO DO IT!
Posted by: "BJ Colasito" bino1966
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:44 am ((PST))

Yuwie's a new social network which really isn't that different from every other social network out there, except that it actually pays its members for networking.
Every action a member takes, and the actions resulting there from are
compensated. This means everything from updating your profile, posting
a video, picture or a new blog post, and getting profile views earns
members money.


Be a better friend, newshound, and
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

Messages in this topic (67)

20.1. Do you shop online? Cash in on the online shopping craze!!
Posted by: "BJ Colasito" bino1966
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:44 am ((PST))

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their motto. Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at

You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
Messages in this topic (45)

21.1. Important Anouncement, Content nearly banned
Posted by: "G Generalfoundation" kevin_maverick05
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:46 am ((PST))

Hello my Friend:

This one should be bigger than Giblink for various reasons:

The front end matrixs can definitely payout far far more
than Giblink. I think this is going to be very strong from
what I have seen so far:

1,000 people in two days, now multiply that!

Giblink is being promoted by thousands of people right now.
The advertising is saturated to be honest.

Secret MLM is getting thousand people per day now,
and hardly anyone is promoting. It is the best time to get people in,
and the return on your promotions will be VASTLY bigger
than promoting Giblink right now.

Plus you will know that the people you will bring in
will be positioned very high up.

In a situation like this, the key is to hit it hard and fast.
If we bring in a strong group of people this early,
they have a chance to do the same, all our people will
be extremely well positioned, and our group can grow very fast.

I am in touch with admin, and they are very responsive.
I think this is going to be huge, and we are in truly at the start.
I am hitting this very hard, and will bring in dozens.

The money in the 3 cycling matrixs is enormous. The front end
money for those who can sponsor can easily be 5 figures.

This is way more front end potential than Giblink.
The masses will come into this to get time/date stamped into the
Secret MLM, single file, and meanwhile the whole thing is driven
by those who sponsor who are going to cycle over and over
through these matrixs and make a fortune. Its really big.

The benefit I offer you, is that I will sponsor many dozens
of people in the next 2 weeks. I have been in for 24 hours
and have 20 sponsored so far. I have barely started.

These will follow me, and some of these will build strong teams,
which will follow me. The way this will work is those who sponsor
will get caught up in the ongoing spillover that I will create from
new sales as well as follow me sales, and that will help YOU
tremendously in your cycling.

I am also full time in the industry and will always be here to
support your team anytime. I will also have various ways and
means to promote to share with my valued team members.

You see, why you have to BE in this NOW!
And remember, if you want, it can be totally PASSIVE:

All the best
<a href=>

Messages in this topic (46)

22a. The Magic of Learning – Making Learning FUN!
Posted by: "Mall Mom" momsads
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:10 pm ((PST))

Great Gifts at Great Prices
If you are looking for great gifts for those special people, look no further. I carry a line of over 3,000 items for just about anyone on your shopping list. Need candles, home d€ ¦écor, jewelry, pajamas, garden and patio d€ ¦écor - no problem, I have them! I have lowered my prices to over 40% off. I will ship to any U.S. address. Check out my site at € ¦'¶ Where your gift dilemma is a wrap!

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (5)

23.1. Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.
Posted by: "James Williams Jr" james_williamsjr1
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:15 pm ((PST))

Work at home with a company with 20 years of experience.

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or
less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the
first place?
Go here to learn how to earn additional income in a proven work at
home business.
Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start TODAY
€ ¦'µ Technical know-how,
€ ¦'µ Large capital investment or overhead,
€ ¦'µ Jeopardizing your current career,
€ ¦'µ Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.
€ ¦'µ Go here to begin:
€ ¦'µ The tools and techniques are provided for you instantly with
simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
Do you want to work 40 years of your life and still not have enough
money to retire or live the type of lifestyle you wish to enjoy?
Why not take that important first step:

Messages in this topic (144)

24a. A MILLION here ... A MILLION there!
Posted by: "FXProfits" bestt_marketing_003
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:17 pm ((PST))

.. and soon we're TALKING real money
Let me explain to you once and for all
how to lose your money in the forex market.

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Messages in this topic (21)

25a. Are You Looking For Holiday CASH OR Holiday Hype?!!
Posted by: "Phillip Carr" philliplcarr
Date: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:19 pm ((PST))


Im Phill and I have a simple question to ask you. Are looking for HYPE or Results?

I know that seems like a strange question to ask but during this holiday season my email is crammed with every offer under the sun with people promising the moon and if thats what youre looking for then please dont let me stop you from reading those OTHER messages Im sure youve got plenty of them!!

However if you would prefer to skip the HYPE MACHINE pushing the next BIG THING. Please allow me the opportunity to show you a REAL program that has been producing LIFE CHANGING results for people with the desire and courage to make a better life for themselves and their families for over 5 years!!

Now Im not here to bore you or make outrageous claims in fact you will never see the words PROMISE or GUARANTEE used at all in reference to this program ever!!

So Ill get to the point you are 4 very easy steps away from changing your life.

The 1st step is to watch our 4-minute movie presentation that will explain to you how much money you can make with this program, and how you get 100% of the cash, with no company and no upline to share. Heres the link to our 4-minute presentation:

2nd Step is to listen to real results of our team members:


3rd Step is to listen to our 24-hour recorded presentation:

1-618-355-1933 or 1-618-355-1694

The last step is to visit our website and make your appointment today:

Thats it!! Once youve had a chance to look over everything, I will contact you within the next 24 hours to introduce myself to you, and to give you more information about our NO products to buy or sell, cash generating program.

If you have any questions you can email me directly anytime at:

The next step is yours.

Best Regards,


Messages in this topic (8)

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