Topics in this digest:
1. Earn $250 An Hour Taking Surveys Online???
From: Rose
From: Mall Mom
3.1. Email 81 Million Target Prospects Monthly!
From: Linda
4.1. The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
From: Mega
5.1. New Passive World Wide Opp...Networkers You Will Love This...Must Se
From: Brett Gurney
From: Bruce Tyler
From: Kem
8. Free Traffic To Your Web Site
From: Melody Schafer
9.1. candle making formula
From: Maria Lopez
10.1. Homemade_Beauty
From: Maria Lopez
11.1. skin care_homemade recipes
From: Maria Lopez
12a. Start A Risk Free Business-From Home
From: Melvin Light
12b. Start A Risk Free Business-From Home
From: Melvin Light
12c. Start A Risk Free Business-From Home
From: Melvin Light
13a. How to Send Email Ad to 2218 YAHOOGROUPS With One Click?
From: Robert Montijo
14.1. Advertise FREE in GOOGLE!
From: Elma
15.1. Email Over 96 Million Quality Prospects Monthly
From: rick Schultz
16. Own An Online Mall FREE- Free Web Site.
From: Melody Schafer
17a. Stop Being An Internet Marketing Failure!
From: David Macneil
18. Advertising Sale at Our Mall
From: The Ultimate Mall
19.1. Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
From: Denise
20.1. Join Our Affiliate Program and Earn 70% on Every Sale
From: Danette Ingemansen
21.1. Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
From: LIsa
22. Your invited.............
From: Lisa
23.1. Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients
From: Ana
1. Earn $250 An Hour Taking Surveys Online???
Posted by: "Rose" ayse_marketing_003
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:03 pm ((PST))
Would You Like to Earn $250 An Hour Taking Surveys Online???
You are on your way to the relaxing and
rewarding lifestyle of making money with surveys online...
Imagine waking up, logging on, filling out a few online paid surveys, and getting a paycheck at the end of the month! You can do it in your underwear!
If you're unemployed you absolutely need to consider this opportunity -- and if you are employed, you might want to consider quitting! Or just sit back and enjoy the extra income from the paid surveys. Read on to discover how to get started -
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Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "Mall Mom" momsads
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:03 pm ((PST))
A Testimonial:
As a stay at home mom, I have spent countless hours on the internet searching for a real work from home opportunity only to finally decide that I couldn't believe any of it. I cannot tell you how many hyped up business opportunities I have looked at and found that there is always some kind of "catch". Either you have to spend a lot of money to maybe make some or you have to hound your friends and family to buy something that they don't really want or need.
When I was first introduced to My Power Mall I believed it would just be like all the others. Sure it was free but a lot of things out there are (at least until you sign up!) but I figured I'd sign up, anyway, to see what the "catch" was. Boy, was I surprised and excited to find that there is no catch! This is an unbelievable system and I'm very proud to be a part of it. I'd love for you to see for yourself...
My Power Mall is a high vibrational opportunity that stands apart from the rest. To see why you should have your own Power Mall watch Ginny's short movie at the website.
Here are 10 things that you need to know about My Power Mallt
1. It Really is Free...Completely
Don't worry that once you sign up you will find that you need to "upgrade" to really earn money or that they really want you to join so that they can make money from selling you all the marketing tools that you need. It's all free. This company won't ask you for money. It's that simple.
2. All you do is shop for what you normally shop for anyway and in turn your team does the same. You won't have to jump through any hoops to get the money that you make. When you earn it you keep it. Again, it's that simple.
3. It's Completely Legal and listed with the Better Business Bureau.
You won't see that claim on every business opportunity out there and there's a good reason for that...many are not. My Power Mall is legal in all 50 states and has members in195 countries. My Power Mall launched on March 19, 2007 and currently has over 61,000 members.
4. You Don't Have to Sell Anything at All.
Some companies will claim that and then once you are signed up you'll find that they mean "the product sells itself so there's no selling." Well, selling is selling even if the "product sells itself" which none of them really do anyway. In My Power Mall there really is NO selling. All it takes to grow your business is to GIVE away free Power Malls. Your friends and family won't run away from that! They'll love having their own online mall.
5. Every Time You Purchase Something Disadvantaged Children Are Being Helped
6.5% of Corporate Profits Go Directly to the One-Child-At- A-Time Project to Help a Child With Special Needs and proceeds from the new debit cards will go towards building orphanages around the globe.
My Power Mall is designed as a tool for helping others. It is the heart of the company. You are not only building a solid income for yourself but providing opportunities for those in need at the same time. Now that feels good!
6. It's a Great Fundraiser for NPOs.
My Power Mall helps everyone. Non Profit Organizations can create amazing amounts of funding through the My Power Mall system. Your supporters get to have their own mall and shop for the things that they would buy anyway with a portion going directly to your cause! Religious organizations, schools, booster clubs, foundations and other nonprofits are using My Power Mall as a way to raise ongoing funds. No one is ever asked to give a financial donation, they just shop for things they would buy anyway and the stores pay rebates on all purchases made.
7. You Earn Passive Residual Income When You And Others Shop
All you do is simply give malls away to others and they do the same. The stores pay you rebates on all your purchases and those of your team members. The system is so simple and created in a way that any person can succeed. My Power Mall was designed to empower the average person to change his life.
8. You Will Get a Mall of Over 1100 Stores When You Join.
These are stores that you most likely already shop at. Imagine owning your own online mall full of your favorite shopping places. You will be amazed as you browse through your mall and find the incredible assortment of stores that there really are. You can literally buy anything in your mall.
9. My Power Mall Gives You All the Training You Will Need
The back office has pre-written letters, banners, business cards flyers, e-cards, everything you need to share My Power Mall with your friends, family and associates. You will get new advice and direction every single day. You won't be left in the dark with My Power Mall.
10. Joining My Power Mall is Like Joining a Happy Family.
It's a company with heart and integrity. Power Mall CEO Ginny Dye wants to see every person and organization on the planet prosper, regardless of their current financial situation. My Power Mall members are dedicated to helping others achieve their financial dreams, just by shopping for things they normally would buy anyway. Ginny sends out regular updates and members share their experiences through the back office bulletin board.
My Power Mall is a high vibrational opportunity that stands apart from the rest. To see why you should have your own Power Mall watch Ginny's short movie at the website.
Get your own free online shopping mall. Save on all your online purchases and get rebates too!
Free website and tools.
check out this ad here, where you can set your own up free too >
Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
Messages in this topic (20)
3.1. Email 81 Million Target Prospects Monthly!
Posted by: "Linda" bestt_marketing_007
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:10 pm ((PST))
Email 81 Million Target Prospects Monthly!
That's 2.7 Million Target Prospects a Day!
Simple To Use - Increase Traffic With 1 Click
100% Compliance With US & International Laws…
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Messages in this topic (112)
4.1. The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
Posted by: "Mega" bestt_marketing_008
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:10 pm ((PST))
The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet!
Do You Want Instant & Unlimited Access to The Best Wholesale Product Suppliers on the Internet?
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Messages in this topic (159)
5.1. New Passive World Wide Opp...Networkers You Will Love This...Must Se
Posted by: "Brett Gurney" brett.gurney
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:11 pm ((PST))
Greetings Everyone...Brett Gurney here with a big heads up
This is huge and it is passive...meaning no sponsoring to earn....early positioning is not mandatory, but it helps
Those who know me well enough know that I am a full time network marketer earning a comfortable living working from home and that I help others do the same
You also know that I do not send junk... and if I say something is new, or just in pre-launch, or that we are taking pre-registration before launch, or that it can be a passive income with no sponsoring required...then that means just exactly that...and if you follow my lead you will get the jump on everyone else
Well folks this is one of those times...this IS new, but it has been in development for over a IS passive, and it IS early bird registration
This is your need to ask for the special can do that right now, and get registered right now by replying to this email and asking me for the Early Bird URL...and include your phone number if you would like a call from me to answer any questions
Heres your chance to align yourself with the next internet giant
Not only will this not interfere with whatever it is you are presently doing, but you can use it to advertise whatever it is you are presently doing
If you join the program YOU WILL BE PAID.
Sponsoring is NOT REQUIRED....BUT you do get a 100% matching bonus on everyone you sponsor
This is a new Global phenomenon and a Home for EVERY Network Marketer!
Never Been Done Before
Reply to this email right now and ask me for the Early Bird URL ...and include your phone number if you would like a call from me to answer any questions
You will then receive all the information needed to make an informitive decision
Brett Gurney
Home Based Business Entrepreneur
Messages in this topic (90)
Posted by: "Bruce Tyler" jwcashbiz
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:15 pm ((PST))
Ablewise Free Classifieds
This is a very easy to use and from my experience people use it and look at your ads...I would check it out.
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "Kem" kem55
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:19 pm ((PST))
You can have an online store just like mine.
Buy your stuff at wholesale prices and have your own business for $99. You
can even dropship through Ebay for no additional charge.
All you need is a domain name and an email address. The rest is done for
you. What could be easier?
Some of the items you would be selling are leather goods, Zippo lighters,
household goods, tools, gags and pranks, collectibles and much, much more.
You carry no inventory. You ship no product. And the coolest thing is, you
can buy any of this great stuff at your cost!!!!
Check out my online store at . Just look around to see
what is offered. If you would like more information on starting your own
store, click on the icon on the left side on my web site which says "Own
Your Own Business!". If you have additional questions, please write and
your questions will be answered.
biker grocery
Messages in this topic (2)
8. Free Traffic To Your Web Site
Posted by: "Melody Schafer" melodyathome207
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:22 pm ((PST))
Hi, one of web sites I use to advertise Fuller Brush or My Power Mall business is called and thought I would tell you about it. At this web site you get extra traffic to your web site for FREE. They offer loads of great services to increase your traffic. Click on the link below and see for yourself.
Hope you like it,
Melody Schafer
Ind. Fuller Brush Distributor, Director
My Power Mall - Shop & Earn Rebates
Nationwide Newspaper Advertising Here!
Liquidations & Closeouts! 25,000+ Products For Your Business!
FRE.E Business Cards
FRE.E Advertising
Get Paid To E-mail, Chat, Blog, Update Pictures & More
Messages in this topic (1)
9.1. candle making formula
Posted by: "Maria Lopez" mariapavletic
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:23 pm ((PST))
Messages in this topic (35)
10.1. Homemade_Beauty
Posted by: "Maria Lopez" mariapavletic
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:24 pm ((PST))
Messages in this topic (40)
11.1. skin care_homemade recipes
Posted by: "Maria Lopez" mariapavletic
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:25 pm ((PST))
Messages in this topic (44)
12a. Start A Risk Free Business-From Home
Posted by: "Melvin Light" mlvnlight10
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:26 pm ((PST))
Hi Fellow Marketers,Please listen to this 3 minute Recorded Message 1-641-715-3900 code14525.If you prefer turn up your speakers and listen to the Audio Card. you desire further information call 1-228-392-7446,or email me at We have Conference Calls & Training Calls Daily. Thank you you,Melvin Light
Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
Messages in this topic (10)
12b. Start A Risk Free Business-From Home
Posted by: "Melvin Light" mlvnlight10
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:26 pm ((PST))
Hi Fellow Marketers,Please listen to this 3 minute Recorded Message 1-641-715-3900 code14525.If you prefer turn up your speakers and listen to the Audio Card. you desire further information call 1-228-392-7446,or email me at We have Conference Calls & Training Calls Daily. Thank you you,Melvin Light
Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
Messages in this topic (10)
12c. Start A Risk Free Business-From Home
Posted by: "Melvin Light" mlvnlight10
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:32 pm ((PST))
Hi Fellow Marketers,Please listen to this 3 minute Recorded Message 1-641-715-3900 code14525.If you prefer turn up your speakers and listen to the Audio Card. you desire further information call 1-228-392-7446,or email me at We have Conference Calls & Training Calls Daily. Thank you you,Melvin Light
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
Messages in this topic (10)
13a. How to Send Email Ad to 2218 YAHOOGROUPS With One Click?
Posted by: "Robert Montijo" progressengines
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:33 pm ((PST))
No need the time consuming task of subscribing
groups and send and one by one.. Now you can do
it with a system... Your email ads will be sent
using servers. not from your ISP.. therefore you
do not have to worry about having to get
thousands of email into your mailbox.. No more
sifting through emails for hours
No more missing out on most of the GOOD
advertising because you just didnt have the
time. Continued System Server Upgrades To
Handle Unlimited Members!
Earn Substantial Monthly Income Referring Others!
Yahoo! Groups: Join AdlandPro-FreeAds today.
Get Paid $25 to $125 an hour TO WORK ONLINE!
Blast Your Ad To 3 Million Sites Instantly!
Messages in this topic (2)
14.1. Advertise FREE in GOOGLE!
Posted by: "Elma" ayse_marketing_004
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:41 pm ((PST))
Everyday Google sells several $10 million's in pay-per-clicks. But
I get all mine absolutely FREE - and now I am going to show you
how to get yours FREE also!"
That's right - Start Sharing in the *Incredible* Secret So Few Others Know About that Allow Them to Actually Get All Their Pay-Per-Click Advertising Absolutely FREE!
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Messages in this topic (150)
15.1. Email Over 96 Million Quality Prospects Monthly
Posted by: "rick Schultz" ricks21053
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:41 pm ((PST))
Safe Mail Services is the leader in email marketing for small businesses.
Our web based server allows members to blast over 3 Million emails per day. All recipients are double opt-in making us 100% SPAM law compliant. Our recipient database is filled with prospects who have asked to be included in our safe-list, so you know your ad will reach real customers. All blasts go out from our own email server which members access through login from this website. You will not be taken to a 3rd party service like many of our competitors. And since all blasts are done by our server your ISP will have no idea you are even using an email service. Life time membership cost $29.95. You will not be required to pay any monthly or service fee ever again. Members receive instant access to the system. Click the order link below and be mailing in as little as 5 minutes. Members are allowed to blast once a day, everyday, for life.
Messages in this topic (62)
16. Own An Online Mall FREE- Free Web Site.
Posted by: "Melody Schafer" melodyathome207
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:46 pm ((PST))
My Power Mall is a member of the Better Business Bureau. My Power Mall is offering a FREE home based business opportunity to anyone in the world, any age and no experience needed. No cost to you EVER.
In August 2001, our Founder, Ginny Dye, had a vision of utilizing the power of the Internet to change the world. In the almost 6 years since then, that vision has resulted in Together We Can Change The World, Inc. - the parent company to Shop For Charity Day, Together We Can Change The World Day, Together We Can Change The World Publishing, and now our newest division - My Power Mall!
a.. No Selling!
b.. FREE Sign Up.
c.. FREE Web Site.
d.. FREE Tools.
e.. FREE Support.
f.. We give you EVERYTHING you need to succeed
g.. 95% of work is done for you. Easiest business you've ever been involved with.
h.. No Quotas.
i.. No Qualifications To Receive Income.
j.. No Meetings.
k.. No Obligation and No Strings Attached.
See for yourself what My Power Mall can do for you and what you and My Power Mall can do together to help the children in need around the world. Watch Business Mall video at
Melody Schafer
Ind. Fuller Brush Distributor, Director
My Power Mall - Shop & Earn Rebates
Nationwide Newspaper Advertising Here!
Liquidations & Closeouts! 25,000+ Products For Your Business!
FRE.E Business Cards
FRE.E Advertising
Get Paid To E-mail, Chat, Blog, Update Pictures & More
Messages in this topic (1)
17a. Stop Being An Internet Marketing Failure!
Posted by: "David Macneil" dmacnei1_1
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:47 pm ((PST))
Still Looking for a Solid Money Making Program?
We have joined just about every program out
there. We have tried everything...We have
been promised the Moon...only to have
it pulled out from under us..
We were ready to give up until a good
friend Jane Mark from JPE Advertising
showed us her earnings from 1 simple
program...A Program run by people with
Integrity...A program that anyone can
do...A program that you can teach to
anyone so they can duplicate your success!
If you are tired of all the Crap, like we
were, then take a look at a Good, Honest,
Paying Program...It will take Work, but
nothing in Life is FREE..
Decide for yourself...Come visit us and
see if it is for you!!
Its not for everyone...because everyone
will not be successful....and everyone
does not want to work!
The program is there...Do You Have What It
Your Partner In Success-
Dave MacNeil (yes my real addy)
Messages in this topic (8)
18. Advertising Sale at Our Mall
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:49 pm ((PST))
This sale starts on January 19th and ends on January 21st 2008
To get these special prices order below then go to this site and fill out
form to be added to our C & M Crafts Mall
Lifetime Banner ad - Place your banner on the main page this is our rotating
Banner was $41.50 on sale for $20.75
Lifetime Button ad - Place your button on the main page was $20.00 on sale
for $10.00
Lifetime listing - list your site in all of our category pages was $28.50 on
sale for only $14.25
Lifetime sponsor Button - Place your button in the sponsor section on our
main page was $47.50 on sale for only $23.75
Go to
to order Visit our Mall at
Thank you
Mary B
Messages in this topic (1)
19.1. Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
Posted by: "Denise" bestt_marketing_009
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:51 pm ((PST))
Get 1,571 Million Unique Visitors for FREE!
Amazing Secret System Reveals How You Can Easily Generate TONS Of FREE Traffic, Signups And Sales On Complete Autopilot!"
Get As Many As 1.571 MILLION Unique Visitors
To Your Website For FREE With This System!
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Messages in this topic (193)
20.1. Join Our Affiliate Program and Earn 70% on Every Sale
Posted by: "Danette Ingemansen" ingemansen_danette
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:55 pm ((PST))
Affiliates join Traffic Payouts and we can put a lot of extra cash in your pocket. We have some of the best converting work at home sites on the net. Send some test traffic our way and see what we can do for you. Here are just a few of our affiliate program benefits:
Earn 70% profit on each sale.
Get paid on time, every time.
Get paid on our follow-up auto responder sales.
Get paid for offline payments - when someone mails in their payment.
Get paid twice monthly - via PayPal or check.
Lifetime cookies means youre customers are tagged for life so you are guaranteed to get the credit you deserve for every one of your referrals.
Real time stats let you see your sales instantly.
Detailed campaign sub tracking enables you to create custom links to track which ads are earning you the most profits.
We offer responsive webmaster support and tons of marketing materials to help you succeed.
And finally .... the best reason of all to join Traffic Payouts is that we convert like crazy!!!
Visit our affiliate site to sign up and start earning commissions:
Messages in this topic (147)
21.1. Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
Posted by: "LIsa" dym_game
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:59 pm ((PST))
Auto Submit To 3,000,000+ Websites
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Messages in this topic (130)
22. Your invited.............
Posted by: "Lisa" godnmewutateam
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:06 pm ((PST))
I am having a business overview to inform you about a distribution company that has been around for over 50 years and has been on Oprah 6 times since February 2007. Also, we have been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, CW11 NY Morning News, and Times magazine, just to name a few. If you would like to work from home while providing optimal health an and wellness for your family, as well as making a difference for our environment; join us on Sunday, January 20th, 2008 at 7pm EST, 6pm CST, 5pm MST, 4pm PST. Come as you are!
Location of this meeting is -
I look forward to seeing you there. If you cannot make it, please email me back at and I can talk to you one on one about this business opportunity. Have a blessed day!
Lisa Bush
Bush's Variety Shop
Messages in this topic (1)
23.1. Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients
Posted by: "Ana" dym_game
Date: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:09 pm ((PST))
Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients
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Messages in this topic (42)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!
Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
Go here for details:
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