Topics in this digest:
1.1. Come Join the 600,000 Team !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
2.1. Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
From: rn_reza_del_04
3.1. The internet millionaire secrets
From: rn_reza_del_04
From: rn_reza_del_04
5.1. Ride the equation to success
From: rn_reza_del_04
6.1. Even if you're a newbie, this WORKS !
From: rn_reza_del_04
7.1. I want to take my 200+ downlines to join your program
From: rn_reza_del_04
8.1. People are making thousands every month !
From: rn_reza_del_04
9.1. Post to 600,000 Active Networkers!
From: rn_reza_del_04
10.1. WARNING: Please Take Note Of This!
From: rn_reza_del_04
11.1. I'm making $5000/mo from my team. I can share them with you.
From: rn_reza_del_04
12a. Your's FREE- Self-Funding Business Feeder System
From: tigerfan2426
13a. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
From: rn_reza_del_04
14a. Making business online easier and hot
From: buatduit online
15a. Are you interested to hear more on
From: buatduit online
16a. Rahsia RM245,752 Dari Rumah DiBongkar!
From: buatduit online
17. ~~New Comedy Scenes~~
From: Dana Danson
18. Lucrative Global Vision for Success 4 Step Plan
From: David Hall
19a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Children Available for FREE Download
From: rachana choudry
20a. Shop ANYWHERE for EVERYTHING you need anyway and make MONEY !
From: Mall Mom
21a. Receive a check within one week! FREE Signup!!!
22. ABC News ~ Modern MIRACLE from the Sea! GREAT Opportunity!!!
23a. STOP what are you waiting for?
24. FREE Lifetime Membership to NEW Entertainment Club!!!
25a. Leads on Sale
From: $10 Leads Packages
1.1. Come Join the 600,000 Team !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:09 am ((PDT))
Come Join the 600,000 Team !!
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (88)
2.1. Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:09 am ((PDT))
Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (100)
3.1. The internet millionaire secrets
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:12 am ((PDT))
The internet millionaire secrets
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 600,000 people which help each other,
support each other,
and motivate and push each other in every one step to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (95)
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:12 am ((PDT))
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (81)
5.1. Ride the equation to success
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:12 am ((PDT))
Ride the equation to success
If you are not good at taking referrals then this is definitely for you.
Join our entire group of over 690,000 people which help each other,
support each other, and motivate and push each other in every one step
to earn money online.
You also will be paid earning cash by Reality-Networkers.
Just follow the link below, you can thank me later.
Messages in this topic (92)
6.1. Even if you're a newbie, this WORKS !
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:12 am ((PDT))
Even if you're a newbie, this WORKS !
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (87)
7.1. I want to take my 200+ downlines to join your program
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:13 am ((PDT))
I want to take my 200+ downlines to join your program
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (92)
8.1. People are making thousands every month !
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:13 am ((PDT))
People are making thousands every month !
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to,
click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (88)
9.1. Post to 600,000 Active Networkers!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:13 am ((PDT))
Post to 600,000 Active Networkers!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (80)
10.1. WARNING: Please Take Note Of This!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:13 am ((PDT))
WARNING: Please Take Note Of This!
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (85)
11.1. I'm making $5000/mo from my team. I can share them with you.
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:14 am ((PDT))
I'm making $5000/mo from my team. I can share them with you.
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !
If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:
Messages in this topic (90)
12a. Your's FREE- Self-Funding Business Feeder System
Posted by: "tigerfan2426" tigerfan2426
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:15 am ((PDT))
Do you know what a business feeder system is?
It's A system that you use to build multiple businesses and income
There are a few very good feeder systems
currently available on the Internet. But in every case, they have
one big drawback… that is, they require you to invest in a number of
businesses first, then require you to market and build an
organization second.
Most people can't afford to invest a lot of money and time into a
new business, let alone two three, or more of them.
That's why I developed a new system called
One Step 4 Income (OSI.) Based on the Reverse-Universal-Marketing
Build an organization first for free, then use your profits to join
and build multiple businesses.
As a fre.e member, you're also provided with
everything you need to build your organization
for free. That makes it easy to duplicate so every member receives
the exact same results using the exact same methods and spare time
But instead of rambling on, see for yourself what this incredible
system can do for you.
Messages in this topic (4)
13a. [Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:19 am ((PDT))
[Urgent] If you're in a matrix, you gotta see this !! may very well be the fastest growing program on
the internet today.
Why? Easy entry, low, low cost and huge potential payout. Check it out
for yourself.
Messages in this topic (5)
14a. Making business online easier and hot
Posted by: "buatduit online" buatduit13
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:32 am ((PDT))
Making business online easier and hot
Peluang-peluang perniagaan secara online yang boleh membantu anda menjana
walaupun anda sedang tidur,menonton tv atau membeli belah dan
sebagainya.Ianya menyatakan segala
rahsia kepada anda.Selamat mencuba ke arah itu.
sila dilink
Anda boleh iklankan ke yahoogroups dan sebagainya.
join yahoogroups
alamat-alamat yahoogroup boleh daftar kat sini
Messages in this topic (2)
15a. Are you interested to hear more on
Posted by: "buatduit online" buatduit13
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:34 am ((PDT))
Are you interested to hear more on
how I can make that much kind of money
with just sitting on my chair and surfing internet 3 – 4 hours every day?
If your answer "Yes", so you're on the right path now in
starting the fastest way to make money by using internet!
Now my goal is to earn about $1000 per day just from Google Adsense Program
see the link below
Messages in this topic (5)
16a. Rahsia RM245,752 Dari Rumah DiBongkar!
Posted by: "buatduit online" buatduit13
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:34 am ((PDT))
Rahsia RM245,752 Dari Rumah DiBongkar!
Mohd Nizam.
Tahukah anda sahabat saya, Mohd Nizam menjana wang secara automatik dari
Malah beliau menjana RM245,752 tanpa perlu berjumpa dan bercakap dengan
Jika anda hendak mengetahui rahsia menjana RM100 - RM500 sehari dirumah,
sila klik sekarang:
Anda akan mendapat satu laporan sulit yang pasti akan membuatkan mulut anda
Jumpa anda disana!
PS: Oleh kerana sambutan yang diluar dugaan, beliau berhasrat untuk menjual
laporan sulit tersebut tidak lama lagi. Klik sekarang jika anda mahukan
secara PERCUMA:
join yahoogroups
Messages in this topic (7)
17. ~~New Comedy Scenes~~
Posted by: "Dana Danson" dana_jones_200
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:35 am ((PDT))
New Comedy Scenes:
Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.
Messages in this topic (1)
18. Lucrative Global Vision for Success 4 Step Plan
Posted by: "David Hall" psh566
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:37 am ((PDT))
SUBJECT LINE: Residual Income Biz
Are you interested in looking at a side business that can generate a
very serious residual income? I'm launching something huge,
looking for leaders in your area, and I'd love to have you on the team.
I just began working with Randy Schroeder in a network marketing
business. Randy, if you don't know him, is a multi-million-dollar
producer with a long track record of helping people reach success in the
I joined because it's my first chance to work direct with some of the
most successful people in the industry, including Randy. So now I'm on
his team and we're looking for people who want to capitalize on a chance
to get in early.
Randy has uncovered a little-known new company that meets ALL of the
criteria to be the next billion-dollar company in the industry. I plan
to lock up a legacy position and I'm looking for leaders in North
America and across the globe who want to work with me and lock in their
own spots. You could be one of these people.
Here are the factors that make this such a powerful opportunity right
#1) The company is just launching now!
We have a real window of opportunity to get ahead in the race,
before most people even know there is one. I want my people to own
North America, before the mass market even hears of the
company. To do that, we're looking for 100 leaders in 100
cities. We'll be training those leaders with a daily, weekly, and
monthly method of operation, showing them how to own their
local market and springboard from there.
#2) The company is backed by a strong venture capital partner.
You have the allure and tremendous rewards of getting in a startup, but
without the financial risks normally associated with that
situation. The funding company was started by one of the founders
of WordPerfect, who sold that company to Novell for over a billion
dollars. They've got serious money and they've made a commitment
to fund this to the top.
#3 The product story is revolutionary.
The products are based on an amazing scientific breakthrough that
creates an entire new product category, so the market potential is
beyond enormous. Yet it is a simple concept that makes so much
sense people "get" it right away. Everyone in the world would
from the products and one use makes that clear to them.
#4 The compensation plan innovation.
The company is offering eight different ways to earn, with most of
them residual income. More importantly they have pioneered the
biggest innovation in compensation of the last 15-20 years, the
Leveraged Matching Bonus. If you know anything about how these
plans work, you're going to be extremely excited when you understand
this feature.
Because of the nature of the compensation plan, positioning and
timing are important. Right now I am looking for leaders who
understand the power of being in at launch and want to lock in a
legacy position. I believe you have what it takes to do something big
with this. We have about a two year window when legacy positions
will be created.
So do you want to hear about this?
Or are you too busy with your other stuff to look?
Please get back with me right away. Thanks,
David Hall
Messages in this topic (1)
19a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Children Available for FREE Download
Posted by: "rachana choudry" rachana_ebooks
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:50 am ((PDT))
Dear All, Best is world's largest FREE download website for ebooks. You can find a full range of ebooks - from Computers to Spirituality, from Business to Arts. If you are looking for any tutorial or ebook, your first destination is
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Bullying is a problem that we hear a lot about these days, and we hope our free e-book, The Bully, will help both children and adults deal with the problem.
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Old heads on young shoulders
A ChildLine study has revealed the hidden problems of some of the UK's most isolated children, whose family circumstances have forced them into prematurely 'adult' roles.
No Bullying! Toolkit
Bullying is a complex issue, needing solutions that support children and young people as well as empowering them to deal with problems themselves. No Bullying! is a 4Children publication produced in association with Childline and enables childcare providers and all those who work with children to develop and sustain positive responses to bullying.
How peer support schemes make schools better
Using first-hand accounts from teachers, pupils and staff, this 16-page report highlights the incredibly positive effects peer support can have on pupils and schools. In the report, teachers and staff discuss how peer support schemes at their schools have reduced bullying and other discipline problems while increasing attendance. Pupils explain how peer support has improved their self-confidence, helped them overcome problems, and turned their schools into better places.
Setting up a peer support scheme
Interested in setting up a peer support scheme at your school? The best place to start is our 12-page guide for teachers and other professionals who wish to set up and assist with peer support schemes. ChildLine also offers a video demonstrating how to set up a peer support scheme. For more information about the video, which was jointly produced by the in Wales CHIPS team and St Teilo's Church in Wales High School, Cardiff, email CHIPS or call 020 7650 3230.
Talking Families, Talking Communities - A Calor report in consultation with ChildLine
This report includes new research commissioned by Calor and conducted by YouGov into parent/child communication today. It looks at the views of parents and their children - and compares the answers. It also includes enlightening examples of how, when adults and children do get talking it has a really positive effect on families and communities.
Can I talk to you again? Restoring the emotional and mental well-being of children and young people
Can I talk to you again? tells the often harrowing first-hand stories of some of the young people who have turned to ChildLine for long-term counselling to deal with problems including sexual abuse, self-harm and bereavement. As well as showing how ChildLine's counsellors have helped these children, Can I talk to you again? suggests ways the government can improve children's mental health services in the UK.
Boys Allowed - What boys and young men tell ChildLine about their lives
Four times as many young men as young women commit suicide, with suicide accounting for a quarter of all deaths among young men. Boys Allowed looks at the problems that boys talk to ChildLine's volunteer counsellors about, while also discussing the constraints, prejudices and expectations that prevent them from addressing those problems before they reach crisis point. Read more about this report, or get a free copy.
Boys Allowed - What boys and young men tell ChildLine about their lives
Four times as many young men as young women commit suicide, with suicide accounting for a quarter of all deaths among young men. Boys Allowed looks at the problems that boys talk to ChildLine's volunteer counsellors about, while also discussing the constraints, prejudices and expectations that prevent them from addressing those problems before they reach crisis point. Read more about this report, or get a free copy.
I'm in control – Calls to ChildLine about eating disorders
Every year more than 1,000 young people talk to ChildLine about their eating problems. In I'm in Control, award-winning journalist Brigid McConville tells the compelling and often gruelling stories of these young people and the counsellors who strive to help them. Read more about this report, or order a copy.
A Visit to the Library with Mrs Radvelli
Lively animated book in the Mrs Radvelli adventure series: A few bruises was not the only thing Mrs Radvelli took home after a ladder incident at the library; she also ended up with a bag of books she did not choose.
Saving young lives – Calls to ChildLine about suicide
Every year more children call ChildLine feeling suicidal; some even call in the act of trying to take their own lives. Bullying, sexual or physical abuse at home, and eating disorders are some of the problems that lead these children to such a point of despair. Award-winning journalist Brigid McConville has produced a fascinating - and often shocking - account of ChildLine's experiences of helping thousands of suicidal young people and saving lives. Read more about this report, or download a PDF copy.
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Messages in this topic (11)
20a. Shop ANYWHERE for EVERYTHING you need anyway and make MONEY !
Posted by: "Mall Mom" momsads
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:55 am ((PDT))
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Messages in this topic (9)
21a. Receive a check within one week! FREE Signup!!!
Posted by: "" mof3wah
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 9:07 am ((PDT))
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Messages in this topic (2)
22. ABC News ~ Modern MIRACLE from the Sea! GREAT Opportunity!!!
Posted by: "" mof3wah
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 9:07 am ((PDT))
ABC News ~ Modern MIRACLE from the Sea!
William Shatner is taking Seabiotics, a _Miracle from the Sea_
( , to over 10 million American households on TV, Sept.
11th! Get in now FREE and learn how you can not only drastically improve
your health with this modern MIRACLE, but also earn a _MIRACULOUS income!_
Seabiotics, the modern miracle that science promised, was chosen to receive
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Seabiotics has been proven to immensely improve chronic symptoms related to
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All of this is yours with just one tablespoon a day!
The importance of Omega 3's and AKG´s have been scientifically and medically
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pharmaceutical quality obtainable! There is no question that Seabiotics is
leading the way with solutions to challenging health issues.
Seabiotics truly is a Miracle of the Sea!
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Messages in this topic (1)
23a. STOP what are you waiting for?
Posted by: "" iwinulose61944
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 9:09 am ((PDT))
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Messages in this topic (18)
24. FREE Lifetime Membership to NEW Entertainment Club!!!
Posted by: "" mof3wah
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 9:10 am ((PDT))
You've seen Netflix and Blockbuster advertised on TV...
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Messages in this topic (1)
25a. Leads on Sale
Posted by: "$10 Leads Packages" thebossymommy
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 9:19 am ((PDT))
Current $10 Specials:
-15 female surveyed leads plus
40 non-surveyed female leads
-30 male/female surveyed leads plus
225 male/female non-surveyed leads
To order, email us at:
For other leads packages:
Prices and available quantities change regularly,
so act now to get this price.
Messages in this topic (3)
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