Tuesday, September 4, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34156

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. STOP what are you waiting for?
From: iwinulose61944@yahoo.com

2. {JM} How To Get 1Million People To Send You $5
From: James McCully

3. - Don't Miss Out On All This FREE WEB Promotion!
From: nonpermission@yahoo.com

4a. $111,110 Free Money I want to give you within 60 Days
From: D F

From: Duke Davis

6. >> Wasn't Able To FedEx Your Package To You Today!! <<
From: peluang_paidmail

7. Passport to Wealth Video.........
From: rylcash20

From: koinonia_consignments

9a. Earn money from your home
From: rahav kannan

10. Start Your Own BOOMING eBay Business In The Next 5 Minutes -- Risk F
From: peluang_paidmail

11. Find out how you can make money fast!!!
From: yv51175

12. >>> Tired of hearing that "the money is in your list"? <<<
From: peluang_paidmail

13a. Get a Free* Sample of Clinique Lip Plumper, from YourProductSamples!
From: Shopforhours.com~Unique Gifts

14a. Get Dream Job In USA.More Huge Jobs Opening Now. Get Visa Sponsershi
From: kelly.badi@gmail.com

15a. Care to join?
From: bussiness_info_group

16. HALF Price ADS!
From: Trisha Quintana

17. {JM} Marketers Needed- Get Paid Immediately!
From: James McCully

18a. Profed Money Maker System !
From: preplugin01@yahoo.com

19. Hollywood Movie Trailer
From: Terri Schaffer

20.1. Put Your Business in the GEM Spotlight for FREE!
From: 41 Marketing

21. Get rich from internet...free!!
From: Ryo

22. After Labor day BOX sale!
From: purples-treasures-4-u

From: yv51175

24a. $100K in Free Money -
From: Deb's Ad Service

25a. Want something better than GDI? Better Hosting Package? More Money?
From: Deb's Ad Service


1a. STOP what are you waiting for?
Posted by: "iwinulose61944@yahoo.com" iwinulose61944@yahoo.com iwinulose61944
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:55 pm ((PDT))

Because We're So Sure Our System Works We'll Let You TRY IT FOR FR*EE
FR*EE Product*, Business, Websites; FR*EE Support & Training
*Product S&H $2.95

Larry Dull

Here's a fr&ee advertising gift for you.

Messages in this topic (22)

2. {JM} How To Get 1Million People To Send You $5
Posted by: "James McCully" poohswim2000@yahoo.com poohswim2000
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:55 pm ((PDT))

This is a tremendous chance for people of all ages to earn more money!
Put aside everything you have learned or heard about Internet based
marketing programs. This type of system has been proven time and time
again on Nationally televised shows like Oprah, 20/20, 60 Minutes,
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This is a Matrix Commission Payment System, not a pyramid scheme or
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When was the last time you had no debt?
We have finally taken this simple, successful program and added a
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faster and better than ever before!

If you can follow 2 simple steps, you can be earning this money in as
little as 7 days!
Ready to start making real money with a simple to use program? Go to
All Ages Earn today! Everything you need to know is right there!
That's right, read everything on one page and you have all of the
information you need to confidently enroll.
Here is my affiliate list,you will need these to enroll, so take a
second now to COPY them or write them down:


A one time payment of $35 enrolls you as an Affiliate for life! Your
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You can use these resources to promote any program of your choice and
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Meet your goal and retire! If you decide you want to earn more,
simply pick up where you left off.
Real Support from Real People!
Have questions before or after you join? Just send us an email.
One of our staff will answer your questions promptly and

So, go now to:

Watch Your Money Grow!

Messages in this topic (1)

3. - Don't Miss Out On All This FREE WEB Promotion!
Posted by: "nonpermission@yahoo.com" nonpermission@yahoo.com nonpermission
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:58 pm ((PDT))

Don't Miss Out On All This FREE WEB Promotion!

Free Classifieds, Lead Generation, Auto-Submitters,
Message Boards, Forums, Reciprocal Links, URL
Submission, Social Networks, Mailing lists, Ezine
CLICK HERE <http://www.duckerpromotion.com/linkspage.html>
P.S. Short On Time? Get the top picks by email:


Messages in this topic (1)

4a. $111,110 Free Money I want to give you within 60 Days
Posted by: "D F" entreprenuer0@yahoo.com entreprenuer0
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:58 pm ((PDT))

$111,110 Free Money I want to give you within 60 Days
The sign up link is on my own site of


Yes, $111,110 can and will be yours if you sign up and take it.

Whats the catch?

We help build the marketing teams Ezine business. So we help build
their membership base and they pay us money.

Thats the catch.

The $111,110 is the Free Part. Its free just to sign up others to
their business also free.

Want more money?
Pay the one time upgrade fee of $10, and be set to earn much much

I'm sure I'll see many of you soon.
Also Join

This has been a free posting in FFA yahoo business groups.

Messages in this topic (3)

Posted by: "Duke Davis" ljgroup1@yahoo.com ljgroup1
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:01 pm ((PDT))

We are an online database of special offers and deals. The offers and deals are searchable and organized so they can be found quickly and easily. We save consumers valuable time (no need to search through magazines and newspapers). And, of course, NOC saves them money when they use the coupons. Another benefit is that we will have many exclusive deals available ONLY from NOC. http://www.moreinfo247.com/9374280/NOCM

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Messages in this topic (2)

6. >> Wasn't Able To FedEx Your Package To You Today!! <<
Posted by: "peluang_paidmail" peluang_paidmail@yahoo.com peluang_paidmail
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:06 pm ((PDT))

Hurry, Limited Time !!!!

I noticed that you missed filling out some of your
information to receive your 30-Day Trial of our
"Insider Secrets To Selling on eBay."

... So I wasn't able to FedEx your package to you today!

I'm planning on discontinuing these trials soon,
but I wanted to give you one last chance to check
them out.

If you're at all serious about succeeding online, I know
you'll want to discover EXACTLY how we've been showing
people how to use eBay to make $1,000 to $10,000 a month --
within a matter of WEEKS.

(And they don't even need to build their own website or
create their own product to sell!)

We reveal tons of our most closely-guarded secrets about
finding dirt-cheap wholesale products... writing eyeball-
grabbing listings that create a bidding frenzy... using
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And the best part is that when you grab your 30-Day
Trial, you get to review these eBay secrets in your own home
in their entirety!

CLICK HERE!!! <http://www.auctiontips.com/t.cgi/840861/powersellers>

Don't Miss-Out!!!

Messages in this topic (1)

7. Passport to Wealth Video.........
Posted by: "rylcash20" rylcash20@yahoo.com rylcash20
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:13 pm ((PDT))

This 14-minute video is paying out millions....
See why:


Messages in this topic (1)

Posted by: "koinonia_consignments" koinonia_consignments@yahoo.com koinonia_consignments
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:17 pm ((PDT))

<http://www.friendswin.com/?sponsor=5230> Click here
<http://www.friendswin.com/?sponsor=5230> to take a look at
Friendswin.com It's like Myspace but it's on STEROIDS.

It is a forced matrix that the company is going to market.

We can also use their systems to market other products.

It is free to sign up and if you choose to upgrade it's only 9.97 a

So again take a look now by clicking here

Messages in this topic (1)

9a. Earn money from your home
Posted by: "rahav kannan" rahavkannan@yahoo.com rahavkannan
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:19 pm ((PDT))

hai everybody,

I m sakthi from India. I am going to make you
earn money from your home.I have earned 27$ within an
hour. For this you just click the following link and
signup for that website and give reply for their
questions. The questions value will be range from 1$
to 25$. Earn money from your home.You dont spend any
money for this.



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Messages in this topic (2)

10. Start Your Own BOOMING eBay Business In The Next 5 Minutes -- Risk F
Posted by: "peluang_paidmail" peluang_paidmail@yahoo.com peluang_paidmail
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:21 pm ((PDT))

Start Your Own BOOMING eBay Business In The Next 5 Minutes -- Risk Free!

eBay levels the playing field for ANYONE to start a wildly profitable
Internet business.

Without any start-up capital or technical know-how, even a complete
newbie can make a profit in less than 48 hours!

CLICK Here <http://www.auctiontips.com/t.cgi/840861/powersellers> to



Sell your ad space with BidVertiser


Messages in this topic (1)

11. Find out how you can make money fast!!!
Posted by: "yv51175" yv51175@yahoo.com yv51175
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:26 pm ((PDT))

I gurantee that most people out there if you and me don't know that
you can make real money working at home-especially for stay at home
parents who are looking to create an extra income. I know that 85%
of the people all across america is searching for work at home
program, but end up loosing more money than they can afford. But I
promise you that what I will reveal to most of you if you read this
email that you will have a chance to make a change in life and it is
a real opportunity that you can turn your dream into reality in such
a short month using what most successful affiliate today used to
make over $10,000 to $100,000 a month.

Just take 5 minutes of your time and tour the opportunity that can
change your whole life around and other home based busines that I
have listed on my website that are available if you are interested
in working from home.

If you are into sports, I have listed all the NFL schedules for the
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playing on what date of the year, so you won't miss out on the fun!
http://homejobfair.tripod.com/packersnflschedules/ (copy&pates)

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out your credit report. Here is the website to check it out for
best proffessional debt management programs that can help cut your
debt in half in 12-24 months easy as that.

Do you like to get paid for every click on your website. Click
website for more information.

Messages in this topic (1)

12. >>> Tired of hearing that "the money is in your list"? <<<
Posted by: "peluang_paidmail" peluang_paidmail@yahoo.com peluang_paidmail
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:33 pm ((PDT))

Tired of hearing that "the money is in your list"

It has never been easier to build your own opt-in list than it is now
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efforts of others in the matrix.

Tired of finding yourself at the bottom of the matrix?

CLICK HERE <http://www.thelistmachine.com/index.php/Peluang> TO JOIN


Messages in this topic (1)

13a. Get a Free* Sample of Clinique Lip Plumper, from YourProductSamples!
Posted by: "Shopforhours.com~Unique Gifts" gr8t_invest@yahoo.com gr8t_invest
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:43 pm ((PDT))

Get a Free* Sample of Clinique Lip Plumper, from YourProductSamples!
Click the link below to view this Special Offer!


Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.
Messages in this topic (9)

14a. Get Dream Job In USA.More Huge Jobs Opening Now. Get Visa Sponsershi
Posted by: "kelly.badi@gmail.com" kelly.badi@gmail.com kelly_badi
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:51 pm ((PDT))

Get Dream Job In USA - ALL States.

Huge Jobs Opening USA - ALL States.

Apply : http://www.best4career.com/jobsInUSA.asp

Get Workpermit - H1B Visa Sponsership here.

100% Free to Apply. Get Ineterview Call Today Now.

Messages in this topic (4)

15a. Care to join?
Posted by: "bussiness_info_group" bussiness_info_group@yahoo.com bussiness_info_group
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:52 pm ((PDT))

I'm building a new team using a new support
duplication scheme. Utilizing one of the most stable
internet company to date.

Care to Join me?

Business opportunity program with 7 days FREE trial
Plus 2 months reimbursement from me just to try the
duplication Scheme.

Business link


1. Watch the business opportunity video and sign up
for 7 days FREE trial.


2. Email me at this email address

With the Following information:
*Subject: P@10
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for sign-up confirmation.
*Plus plus home mailing address for the

This Is no B.S. and you wont lose a thing


Other programs

Wan't new Cell Phone, Ipod and other Cool Stuff

Survey scout make money online


Messages in this topic (5)

16. HALF Price ADS!
Posted by: "Trisha Quintana" trisha.quintana@gmail.com trishaflaquitaquintana
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:53 pm ((PDT))

Ads needed at Diva-Mommies.com!

So from now until Sep 21, ALL ad spots are half off! Email me with what you would like, you can see the ad options at http://www.diva-designed.com/BuyNow/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=5

Thanks much!


Trisha Quintana

Messages in this topic (1)

17. {JM} Marketers Needed- Get Paid Immediately!
Posted by: "James McCully" poohswim2000@yahoo.com poohswim2000
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:58 pm ((PDT))


$40 per sale - average 3-5 easy sales per day part time from


Compensation: $40 per sale
Telecommute: OK
Part time: Yes

Nationwide marketing company seeking reliable, Money Motivated

- No sales experience necessary (product sells itself & has a 90%

- You keep 100% of the $40 sale ( You OWN the site )

- Get paid direct - every day for each sale made ( paid to your
AlertPay acct. IMMEDIATELY)

- Marketing Plan and Leads included FREE!

- Never need to speak with anyone in person, phone or email

- It doesn't get any better than this!!!

For complete FREE info/training go now to:


Messages in this topic (1)

18a. Profed Money Maker System !
Posted by: "preplugin01@yahoo.com" preplugin01@yahoo.com preplugin01
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:00 pm ((PDT))

Find in http://www.moneypuller.com

many kind of profed money maker system

best regard



Messages in this topic (7)

19. Hollywood Movie Trailer
Posted by: "Terri Schaffer" terijanesite@yahoo.com terijanesite
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:07 pm ((PDT))

Enjoy this Hollywood Movie Trailer.


To your PROSPERITY, Terrihttp://www.yourprosperitynow.comhttp://www.yourwealthhappens.com

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.

Messages in this topic (1)

20.1. Put Your Business in the GEM Spotlight for FREE!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" advertising@41marketing.com my41mkt02
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:12 pm ((PDT))

Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business
featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!

GBAN... What is it?

The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of
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Why Join?

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2. Increase your potential customer base through networking

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5. With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other
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Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!

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Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in


Its absolutely FREE!!!

Powered by Mach5 Mailer: http://mach5-mailer.com
Messages in this topic (91)

21. Get rich from internet...free!!
Posted by: "Ryo" geel20042003@yahoo.com geel20042003
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:19 pm ((PDT))

Get rich from internet, just click www.duitku.co.nr

Messages in this topic (1)

22. After Labor day BOX sale!
Posted by: "purples-treasures-4-u" purplepigsplease@yahoo.com purplepigsplease
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:22 pm ((PDT))

Okay here is how my sale is going to work!
All items shipped priority flat rate ,sale price will be $16.95, so what's in the box is what stays in the box.Can not change what is in the box.I will run this sale until gone!
Photo's will be of all products in that box.
Thanks for taking the time to l@@k there are some really good deals!
Lot's of New & Vintage Misc!

Messages in this topic (1)

Posted by: "yv51175" yv51175@yahoo.com yv51175
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:23 pm ((PDT))

Dear Members,

I'm not asking for any thing, but if you can...please help donate a
few dollars to Paypal email (s81xiong@hotmail.com). This donation
will help paid for a family court lawyer for my brother who is in
battling for child custody. My brother Toupheng is looking for any
support out there that can help in any way of donating.

My sister-in-law Mary just pack and left a year ago with his two
kids, a 8 and 3 year old. She thought that if she left him, she'll
find something better for her, but when she realized that she has
made the biggest mistake of her life and my brother found a new
relationship. She turn nasty and force my brother to do every thing
she asked from when to take care of the kids and paid child support
even thought the kids are mostly with him through the year because
she can not find a baby sitter. We have found that the kids
grandmother lock them in the basement room with only one window and
will not allow them to turn on lights while they are at their
grandmother's house last winter. These kids are afraid to return to
their home because they don't have any one to watch over them and
it's been a nasty custody battle since the mother will not give up
the child due to that she needs the child support money to survive
and paid for her bills, while the children gets no dime out of the
child support money my brother was to paid to these kids. He has
not miss one single child support money since they been divorce. My
brother work as a welder for a company, but they paid very little,
so he's pilling out bill for lawyer's fee, so that he can get
custody of his child. I know that there are people out there who
are facing the same situation and maybe some of you might be nice
enough just to danate much, but just a dollar will help him one step
further in this child custody battle. The day that his wife left
has bring misirable to our family because her mother has calling to
threaten my mother that she wasn't able to help watch the children
that's why her daughter left my brother. But the truth was, my
parents help raised those two kids, with buying milk, diaper, food
and take good care of those children most of the time while they
stay with my parents for the past 8 10 years of marriage. My
parents paid for all the mortgage and my sister-in-law Mary work for
herself. She has not help paid one single dime on mortgage since
they moved to live my parents. My brother is not a perfect man, but
he has a loving heart, help others when he can.

I am not asking for much, but any kind of donation will be
greatfully appreciated and when I received your donation, I will
sent you an email thanking for your kind heart.
I hope that this child custody battle will be over soon, so that my
sister-in-law and her mother will stop calling to threaten my
brother and my mother for once and for all. These child has been
through enough since their parents got divorce and I think the
deserve to choose who they want to live with. My niece Annie has
been through alot since living with her mother. She spend most of
her time with her grandmother in GreenBay WI, she spend most the
year of 2006-2007 livng down the basement of their grandparent's
home, eat very little food and they lost alot of weight since then.
When we found out that the kids are lock down the basement, the
mother has moved out because she and her mother had moved out of her
mother's home due to the fact that Mary was not able to provide food
and help with money for mortgage. The older daughter Annie spend
one day in police custoday last spring due to that her mother was
alway gone, and never come home. My niece has no place to stay and
she has no choice, but to walk to her grandmother's house and spend
the night. The next morning, the police arrived and took her in
custody and she stayed with these nice American people with two
wonderful children her age. The mother was no where to be found and
my brother was still out of the country for vacation. Mary was out
of town at that time, senting her youngest daughter Fantasia to my
house on April 2007 with no warning that she will drop the kids off
because she was going to a party that weekend and her mother will
not help watch the kids. My niece Annie the 8 year old was home
alone at the time, had no idea where her mother was when she came
back from school that day, that's why she had to spend the night
with ther grandparents who doesn't really like her when the police
took her in custody the next morning.

Right now the kids is with their father in La Crosse WI for the
summer. My brother was to sent them back at the end of July, but
the mother insist that she will not be available to watch the kids,
so she asked him to take care of them for a few more weeks and she
will be picking them up. But she was no where to be found until
last week of August calling to threaten my brother and my parents to
sent her children back or she will called the police. My brother
told her that it will be her responsibility to pick the kids up
since she insist that he should take care of the kids a few more
weeks agreeing to pick them up before school starts. But now, she
cliam that she will not pick the kids up, but expect my brother to
sent them immediately. My brother has enough of his ex-wife's lied
that he will tried to get full custody of the children because they
will be better off with him. His ex-wife stated once that after she
paids off her car with my brother's child support money, she will
give my brother full custody of the children.

My brother will accept any donation, if you can't, thanks for your
support anyways. I will do one last post when the custody is
complete, hopefully soon. We have found an expert lawyer that had
win many child custody before, so I have good feeling about this
custody battle for my brother.

Thanks for any one's support.

Messages in this topic (1)

24a. $100K in Free Money -
Posted by: "Deb's Ad Service" safelistdb@gmail.com prowealthmom
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:28 pm ((PDT))

What If We Told You That You Could Make

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The Next 60 Days That Your Bank Tellers Eyes
Will Be Bugging Out Of Her Head And Want To
Know How The Heck You Did It!!!!!

CLICK HERE: http://thepowerof10.ws/?thepowerof10=6526

Messages in this topic (2)

25a. Want something better than GDI? Better Hosting Package? More Money?
Posted by: "Deb's Ad Service" safelistdb@gmail.com prowealthmom
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 8:33 pm ((PDT))

Want something better than GDI?
Better Hosting Package?
More Money? Better bonuses?


Messages in this topic (18)

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