Topics in this digest:
1a. Build an income without competition!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
2. ARM based WinCE/Embedded Linux Development Board (SBC) @
From: marina.mlik
3a. Shop from my various links Something for everyone!!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
4. Thriving online business
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
5.1. "Cleanse" & Lose Weight Fast - Huge Financial Opportunity!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
6a. Get Your Business Noticed
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
7.1. Society won't exist if we destroy the ENVIRONMENT!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
8a. AVON--Free and Fun Stuff!!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
9a. Grand Opening!! Enter to Win $25.00 Gift Certificate
From: The Ultimate Mall
10a. Experience The Breakthrough Energy Drink of the Decade! Over 12,000,
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
From: %%%SEXY ARAB GIRL%%%
12. Featured WAHM Ad Available
From: Michelle Hansen
13a. Join Pink Papaya Today!
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
14. Learn how to start a direct sales company with this comprehensive
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
15a. Ever wanted to get involved in Real Estate, Mortgage or Insurance
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
16a. Get your business noticed with these fantastic prices!!! Hurry sale
From: Michelle's Advertising Service
17. New Pictures Added-World's Tallest Tower BURJ DUBAI, See from TOP
From: Rebeca Mon
18. Specials & Our First Free Christmas E-book
From: The Ultimate Mall
19. Global Domain International Test Drive the best home business on the
From: GoldenDolphin
From: GoldenDolphin
From: GoldenDolphin
22.1. Put Your Business in the GEM Spotlight for FREE!
From: 41 Marketing
23. Can Your Opp.ortunity Do This?
From: tigerfan2426
From: %%%SEXY ARAB GIRL%%%
25. Quality Leads - Check this out!!!
From: Corine
1a. Build an income without competition!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:31 am ((PDT))
Build an income without competition!
Germs are found in places you would least expect them. Office desks and keyboards are germier than the toilet seat at work. Outdoor port-o-potties are actually cleaner than picnic tables, shopping cart handles, escalator handles, and playground equipment. A simple rub to your eye or wipe across your nose can introduce germs into your body from your hands. That is why everyone needs PureWorks: doctors, teachers, parents, kids, students, food service workers. Anyone with skin is a potential customer. All skin contains bacteria and all of us have skin!! PureWorks products have already been widely tested and accepted in the professional medical field for 2 years and we are the FIRST to manufacture and distribute this caliber of products approved by the FEDERAL DRUG ADMINSTRATION AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AGENCY
Join now and be a part of a company that has no competition! Distributors earn up to five different ways!! The PureWorks Compensation Plan is one of the most lucrative and fair compensation plans in the industry! The PureWorks compensation plan pays 50% commissions to distributors! This is a product that everyone needs that you don't have to be uncomfortable sharing with EVERYONE! With the right product and the right tool to share your product with others, you cannot help but succeed! If you would like to learn more about our product and how you can make money starting TODAY then stop on in at: and take the business opportunity tour and become a believer!
Messages in this topic (4)
2. ARM based WinCE/Embedded Linux Development Board (SBC) @
Posted by: "marina.mlik" marina.mlik
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:35 am ((PDT))
We at Join Tech Ltd Hong Kong manufacturer and Distributors of ARM based
WinCE/Embedded Linux Development Board (Single Board Computer) offers at
a very economical cost for development and learning projects. Please
visit our website <> to
know more about these products
Messages in this topic (1)
3a. Shop from my various links Something for everyone!!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:35 am ((PDT))
Shop from my various links Something for everyone!!
The Gourmet Cupboard - look on the main site and email me your order:
Greeting Cakes - look on the main site and email me your order:
Dog Yumys:
Cello in a box: rep 512
Stuff n Snuggle:
Power Pops: Fun Unlimited:
At Home America: Look on main site and email me your order:
Bodega Chocolates: Look on main site and email me your order:
Doggie Dress Up:
Gold Canyon Candles:
Home Interiors:
Young Living Oils:
Messages in this topic (17)
4. Thriving online business
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:38 am ((PDT))
Thriving online business
Thriving Online Biz. Make Your Own Hours. Computer & Speedy Internet Required. Retired? Come Aboard! 618-310-3561
Messages in this topic (1)
5.1. "Cleanse" & Lose Weight Fast - Huge Financial Opportunity!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:41 am ((PDT))
"Cleanse" & Lose Weight Fast - Huge Financial Opportunity!
Revolutionary new cleansing technology helps the body burn fat and amazes health care and fitness professionals.* The products work so well; they are attracting business professionals and everyday people who are making extraordinary incomes. Ask how
"9-Days" can change your life
Messages in this topic (30)
6a. Get Your Business Noticed
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:43 am ((PDT))
Get Your Business Noticed
Hi everyone,
Looking for advertisers! List your business ad with us on ! Put your business in front of lot's of visitors! Get Noticed!
Receive a month free, and a month coupon listing.
Many advertising options available and many openings for Exclusive Ads. Get your business listed, be the only Rep for your company on the site & you receive all the leads!
Enjoy reading all the articles & try some recipes.
You'll find helpful info for your home business, or get some new business ideas you may not have thought of.
And while you are there, sign-up for our newsletter & join our Yahoo Group! You can do some advertising & add your info to the database, so everyone knows what you sell & where to find you.
Link exchange available.
***If you are interested in being one of our Featured Businesses, send me an email. Free advertising for you!***
Visit us today!
Thanks and have a great day!
Messages in this topic (4)
7.1. Society won't exist if we destroy the ENVIRONMENT!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:44 am ((PDT))
Society won't exist if we destroy the ENVIRONMENT!
Don't just become a business owner, become a business builder! Be your own boss and control your own life. Get involved in the #1 health and wellness company. Oprah is a HUGE fan and has had the CEO on her show twice in the last 4 months!
What can we offer you? A business that has been around over 50 years. A company who never tests on animals and is ENVIRONMENTALLY safe! EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) has awarded Shaklee as the climate leaders offsetting 100% of its greenhouse gas emissions.
This is a legitimate opportunity that everybody can enjoy. No more working 50 to 60 hours a week. If you have the passion and desire to be healthy and strive to save our planet, then this business is for you! Stop in today and live the dream that you deserve.
Messages in this topic (31)
8a. AVON--Free and Fun Stuff!!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:45 am ((PDT))
AVON--Free and Fun Stuff!!
Hi everyone!
I have some awesome sales and new for you!! I have 6 years experience with Avon and after quitting at the beginning of this year, I have decided to come back(with a BANG!!)
Avons FREE Catalogs and Samples:
If Online Shopping isnt for you, Please email me anytime at for a free catalog and if you want to test out/try any product please email me for samples!! We have samples for almost anything(makeup and skincare).
My Personal Avon Website:
Here you can shop any day any time!! My personal website is
Click on SHOP, then Register. Choose represenative delivery and I will give you 15% OFF your order plus a free gift with any purchase. Choose direct delivery and get FREE SHIPPING with any $40.00 order AND I will send you a free gift as soon as your order is placed!!
Avons Personal Beauty System:
As an Avon Represenative, I am here to help you with your skincare and makeup needs! No more guessing on products and wasting money on products that arent right for you.
To view your personalized regimen in a matter of minutes, click here, or enter in your browser. When you get to the log-in page, you will need to enter your name and email address and then my email address( My email acts as a password and grants you access onto the site.
I will be notified when you have completed your profile and will also be able to see your regimen. Together, we can discuss each of the products.
I hope you hear from each of you soon!!
Thank you for your time!
Terra Ruiz
Independent Sales Represenative
Messages in this topic (2)
9a. Grand Opening!! Enter to Win $25.00 Gift Certificate
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:45 am ((PDT))
Grand Opening!! Enter to Win $25.00 Gift Certificate
Welcome to our Grand Opening!!
Sign up for our newsletter and be entered for a chance to win a $25.00 Gift
Your Diaper Store offers AFFORDABLE WAHM made diapers for baby.
We also do custom orders, wipes and bib cloths!
Dharma Rain
Messages in this topic (2)
10a. Experience The Breakthrough Energy Drink of the Decade! Over 12,000,
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:45 am ((PDT))
Experience The Breakthrough Energy Drink of the Decade! Over 12,000,000 A.C.T. energy drinks served in the first 20 months. - The Healthy $1 Energy Drink that Works Faster, Lasts Longer & Costs LESS! Distributors urgently needed
make 1000s weekly no start up cost at all!
A.C.T. is a breakthrough energy drink that generates a super- charged nutrient uptake into your body's cells within 10-15 minutes! As a result, you will experience the healthy, full body revitalization that only A.C.T. can deliver... for hours at a time!
Messages in this topic (8)
Posted by: "%%%SEXY ARAB GIRL%%%" best_in_2007
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:45 am ((PDT))
hotel usA <>
Messages in this topic (1)
12. Featured WAHM Ad Available
Posted by: "Michelle Hansen" wahmhansen
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:46 am ((PDT))
Featured Wahm - You will be featured in the box on the homepage titled "Featured Wahm." This ad includes up to 150 words of text and up to 2 images. The images can be banners/buttons or an image of yourself and some products you offer. This spot is $20/month, simply submit your story to us by email for consideration and use the pay button below to purchase this slot.
*This is a super solo ad from one of our sponsors. Want us to promote your business for you? Visit our solo ads page at: *
Messages in this topic (1)
13a. Join Pink Papaya Today!
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:46 am ((PDT))
Join Pink Papaya Today!
Join Pink Papaya Today! Pink Papaya is recruiting nationwide! We are still at GROUND LEVEL with a little over 100 consultants in the whole USA! Be one of the FIRST to build a team!
Pink Papaya is a new home party plan/direct sales company founded in 2004 and is a member of the Direct Selling Association! Our company offers the highest quality spa products for all to enjoy, while creating career opportunities for women allowing them to escape the stresses of a nine to five job. Our spa collection includes three wonderful product lines: Aromatherapy, using 100% pure essential oils; Body & Bath, made with luxurious scents and botanical extracts; and Skincare, fusing science with nature.
Pink Papaya is a state of the art party plan company with terrific compensation, reward and support services for its consultants. Earn 35% commission - more as you grow a team!
Join for as low as $30! - and you will have everything you need to get started! We offer a variety of starter kit options and I will be delighted to help you choose the one that is right for you! Some of our benefits include: company paid hostess rewards, company submits state sales tax for us, free credit card processing and consultant websites coming in JUNE!!! Visit:
to view our catalog online, request more information on becoming a consltant, hosting a party or to receive a FREE catalog!
Connie McRae - Consultant #105 Ind. Pink Papaya Consultant RECRUITING NATIONWIDE! Promoting Inner Balance/Outer Beauty
Messages in this topic (21)
14. Learn how to start a direct sales company with this comprehensive
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:47 am ((PDT))
Learn how to start a direct sales company with this comprehensive
hands on 74 page ebook written by Tara Burner.
Get your copy at
So, you want to open your own direct sales company and don't know how?
Need direction, input and guidance?
You don't have to look any further!
Simply purchase "Start A Direct Sales Company" ebook by Tara Burner
and you'll soon be on the path to success with your very own company.
This 74 page ebook will cover these areas and many many more:
Business Formation
Hobbyist vs Business Owner
WAHM vs Business Owner
For Fee or For Free?
Profit Margin
Return On Investment
Call the waaaaaaaaaaaambulance
Shopping Carts
Merchant Accounts
Consultant Commission Structure
Business Checklist
Web Do's and Don'ts
Cost Effectiveness
Growth Factor
How to use message boards & forums
and many other areas
Buy Start A Direct Sales Company ebook for the introductory rate of
Buy Start A Direct Sales Company ebook PLUS an hour coaching call or
You can get BOTH the ebook (introductory sale price of $29.95) AND an
hour coaching phone call or online chat session (Normally $60/hour)
for the LOW PRICE of: $59.95
Get yours NOW:
Where you'll get all the info to get started and keep you going!
Messages in this topic (1)
15a. Ever wanted to get involved in Real Estate, Mortgage or Insurance
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:47 am ((PDT))
Ever wanted to get involved in Real Estate, Mortgage or Insurance
Programs? Become a Referral Agent and earn $$$. No Experience or
Investment Required.
Beverly Black
Senior Referral Agent
1-800-968-9183 ext. 324
voicemail 1-206-203-1296
fax 1-206-203-1296
Messages in this topic (20)
16a. Get your business noticed with these fantastic prices!!! Hurry sale
Posted by: "Michelle's Advertising Service" adservice1002
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:48 am ((PDT))
Get your business noticed with these fantastic prices!!! Hurry sale ends Friday!
This weeks Sale includes:
Monthly Advertising Sale!!
Advertise to 100 groups twice daily $50.00 On sale for $25.00
Advertise to 200 groups twice daily for 30 days $70.00 On sale for $35.00
Advertise to 400 groups twice daily for 30 days $150.00 On sale for $50.00
Messages in this topic (4)
17. New Pictures Added-World's Tallest Tower BURJ DUBAI, See from TOP
Posted by: "Rebeca Mon" rebeca_mon
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:50 am ((PDT))
New Pictures Added now € ¦'¥.
More on:
Pictures At:
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
Messages in this topic (1)
18. Specials & Our First Free Christmas E-book
Posted by: "The Ultimate Mall" ultimatemallads
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:51 am ((PDT))
Our first Ultimate Mall Christmas E-book
Stop By and get our First e-book to down load Full of places to shop for
Christmas online!!!
The Ultimate Mall for any solo ad's or other ad's
Get € ¦½ off any advertising at The Ultimate Mall
Use code: 401080050
Expires: 12/31/07
PHP Online Mall for any ads. block, link, banner, etc..
Buy any ad and I will double it - Example buy 1 year you will get 2 years.
C & M Crafts crochet patterns
Special - Buy any 2 patterns and get your third pattern free.
(don't order extra pattern or it will charger you )
Add the name of the free pattern in the notes section of the order form.
The Crochet Doll Magazine
Special - Buy any membership and I will double it.
(don't order extra membership or it will charger you I will do this for
Plus your first issue will be free!!! (after paid subscription)
C & M Crafts Crochet Pattern club
Special - Buy any membership and I will double it.
(don't order extra membership or it will charger you I will do this for
Plus your first issue will be free!!! (after paid subscription)
Mary B
Messages in this topic (1)
19. Global Domain International Test Drive the best home business on the
Posted by: "GoldenDolphin" zorro5_99
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:52 am ((PDT))
500 Million Customers
A Multi-Billion Dollar Market
Currently there are around 60 million domain names registered globally. Industry experts are predicting that in the next ten years, more than 500 MILLION domain names and web sites will be active annually.
Imagine if YOU could get a piece of this multi-billion dollar per year global market, which will include ongoing annual domain renewals AND the web based services utilized with each domain name. Most of the good .com domains are already taken, but the .ws "Web Site" domain Registry (GDI) has an unbelievable amount of the very best names still available, and only GDI offers the opportunity for YOU to benefit from the enormous residual revenues being generated.
Even before launching the amazing "Income for Life"€ ¦'¹ program in June of 2004, GDI achieved a five (5) year track record of incredible success and currently maintains customers with annual renewals and web services in more than 180 countries. Now it's YOUR CHANCE to cash in on the huge demand for domain names and web services worldwide. All you have to do is take a FREE test drive and see the Income Potential!
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Building a website is a piece of cake.
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "GoldenDolphin" zorro5_99
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:54 am ((PDT))
The Greatest Vitamin in the World was designed to nutritionally support your entire body! We use only the highest grade Whole Food Vitamins, Chelated Minerals, Probiotics, and Vegetable Enzymes, all in one amazing vitamin! Your health is worth everything. Start treating it right, and give your body the nutrients needed to support optimal health. Learn all the ways our vitamin nutritionally supports the body.
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.
Messages in this topic (22)
Posted by: "GoldenDolphin" zorro5_99
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:54 am ((PDT))
Deluxe Family Survival Kit
(All items are packed securely in our Deluxe Hikers Backpack which contains extra space available for your personal items)
The kit includes the following:
Food and Water:
6 Boxes of Aqua Blox Water Boxes - twice the amount of water as leading suppliers and has a 5 year shelf-life
12 - 200 Calorie Food Bars - 5 year shelf-life
10 Water Purification Tablets - each tablet purifies 1 liter of water
Light and Communication:
Am/Fm Radio with Headphones and Batteries
Rechargeable Squeeze Flashlight - contains lithium batteries which last up to 30 hours and also is able to generate power through squeezing
30 Hour Emergency Candle - can also be used as a stove
Green Emergency Glow Stick - lasts for 24 hours
5-in-1 Survival Whistle - compass, signal mirror, flint starter, waterproof container, lanyard, and shrill whistle
Box of 50 Waterproof Matches
Bic Style Lighter
Shelter and Warmth:
Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag - Recommended over common "space blankets"
16 Hour Body Warmer
2-Person Tube Tent with Rope
Emergency Poncho with Hood
16 Function Knife
Leather Palm Working Gloves
N95 Respirator Dust Mask
60 Feet of Nylon Rope
Hygiene and Sanitation:
Hygiene Kit - Includes soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and 9 wet wipes.
3 Tempo Pocket Tissue Packs
First Aid:
42 Piece Bandage First Aid Kit - Contains 42 Pieces - 10 Spot Bandages, 10 Sheer Junior, 5 Sheer Medium, 5 Sheer Strips, 2 Antibacterial, 3Clear Strips, 2 Fabric Strips, 1 Extra Large, 2 Alcohol Pads, and 2 Gauze Pads&
Guardian First Aid Essentials Kit - 1 Trauma Dressing (5"x9"), 3 Sunscreen Lotion Packs, 1 Sting Relief Prep Pad, 1 Burn Cream Pack, 4 Non-Aspirin Tablets, 4 Antacid Tablets, 4 Ibuprofen Tablets, 1 Lip Ointment Pack, 1 Antibiotic Ointment Pack, 1 Pair of Vinyl (non latex) Gloves, 2 Finger Splints, 10 Cotton Tip Applicators, 1 Roll of First Aid Tape, 1 Roll of Gauze Dressing, and a First Aid Instruction Guide
Deck of playing cards for entertainment
Infectious Waste Bag
Emergency Survival Kit Information:
This survival kit was designed using advice from experts in the emergency preparedness industry. It follows guidelines given by government agencies and non-profit preparedness organizations. This 1-person deluxe emergency kit has a retail value of $120.
Located in our Sporting Good Section get them while we still have them in stock. their going FAST!
Selling Price: $120.00
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Now's The time to get out of the E-Mail rut no more Spam, Viruses, phising, get the mail you want and its totally Secure and Private.
Looking to find new friends and hook up with others with the same interests, new net friends has that and its private .
Shape Yahoo! in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today!
Messages in this topic (8)
22.1. Put Your Business in the GEM Spotlight for FREE!
Posted by: "41 Marketing" my41mkt02
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:56 am ((PDT))
Join the Global Business Alliance Network and get your business
featured in The GEM Spotlight for 2 whole days for FREE !!!
GBAN... What is it?
The Global Business Alliance Network is a GEM sponsored group of
international businesses and business people who are willing to work
together in order for all members to benefit through education,
international relationship building, and increased sales!
Why Join?
1. Forming Strategic Alliances is an important part of any
marketing plan.
2. Increase your potential customer base through networking
3. Create mutually beneficial relationships with other companies.
This can happen many ways, such as through the referral process, word-
of-mouth, and advertisement exchange.
4. Learning from others by sharing knowledge, experiences, and
gaining new perspectives.
5. With GBAN there is no cost or obligation like some other
similar groups.
Here is what you'll get for joining NOW!
1. Your business featured in THE GEM SPOTLIGHT for two days.
2. Your Link and business info in our directory published on our
GBAN webpage.
3. Your business will also be featured (one time) in our weekly
Just click HERE now and Join Us TODAY to get you're business in
Its absolutely FREE!!!
Powered by Mach5 Mailer:
Messages in this topic (88)
23. Can Your Opp.ortunity Do This?
Posted by: "tigerfan2426" tigerfan2426
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 6:58 am ((PDT))
Most people waste a lot of time, mo.ney and energy
searching the Internet trying to find the quickest and
easiest and most cost effective way to start a bus.iness
and earn an in.come.
You know... that once in-a-lifetime opp.ortunity... the
kind that sells itself, generates tremendous profits, has
little or no costs involved... and can be offered on a full
auto-pilot basis?
Well there is such a program out there and you
won't believe how simple and effective it is.
In fact... it's probably not what you'd expect. Because
it's actually a business "feeder" sys.tem... the likes
you've never seen before.
This new sys.tem gives ANYONE the ability to create
wealth by reversing the entire business building process.
You've probably tried and failed in many other programs
before, but this system makes it impossible to fail
...unless you do absolutely nothing.
And the best part is... it doesn't cost you a thing to
join, and you use a portion of your profits to finance the]
entire process so there's absolutely NO risks involved.
So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
And it makes NO DIFFERENCE whether you're new to the
Internet, have a small budget, or currently work full time,
because the sys.tem will NEVER interfere with your job or
your lifestyle.
There are just too many incredible features and benefits to
explain in this short message.
So if this sounds like something you'd be interested in,
just click on the link below and check it out for yourself...
I guarantee you won't find anything else that offers so
much... for so little.
Besides, what do you have to lose... are you currently
happy with your inc.ome and your lifestyle?
Warm regards,
Ryan Reed
P.S. Don't put this off any longer, you're just spinning your
wheels with everything else that's out there.
Free Leads, Free Traffic- Free Advertising:
Discover how to make FREE money online:
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "%%%SEXY ARAB GIRL%%%" best_in_2007
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:00 am ((PDT))
Messages in this topic (1)
25. Quality Leads - Check this out!!!
Posted by: "Corine" ascentforcents
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 7:08 am ((PDT))
Go ahead......stick your nose in my business.....
Enter Our Weekly Drawing to Win a FREE 16oz. Gourmet Soy Candle & Soy Bath & Body Bar!
Click here!
Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Messages in this topic (1)
Cash in on the Blog that will make history....
"Link To My Blog, Do Absolutely Nothing Else, And Make Money While I Promote Your Affiliate Programs For You!
Plus, Make Even More Money From The "Network" That Automatically Builds
Under You - All For Free"
Go here for details:
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