Tuesday, September 4, 2007

[Home_Business_Advertising_Center] Digest Number 34145

There are 26 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

From: Fran Galton

2a. Top HYIP Site€ ¦'¥Launched 10/06 € ¦'¥.Still Paying€ ¦'¥. 64% Per Mt
From: Easy Money !

3. Fwd: Free Marketing Guidance
From: Adelia R

4a. FriendsWin - MySpace on Steroids
From: Roger Silen

5a. I Made $5300 In 6 Hours See How
From: Stefan James

6a. A Girl's Best Friend -- Maybe A Guy's Too
From: Lillian Deitz

7a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Software Engineering Now!!!!
From: rachana choudry

8.1. This only cost six dollars and really works fast!
From: Irvin Young

From: Paul janko

10.1. I'm About To Drop A Bombshell!
From: Debra Haley

11a. Launched 7pm Last Night and Made 7000 by 6am Wow
From: David Dubbs

12a. ~~~ From Broke to $10,000 a Month ... Interested?
From: Steve Laycock

13a. Submit it easy text ad
From: preplugin01@yahoo.com

14a. Information and resources for making money online
From: hotpop pop
14b. Information and resources for making money online
From: hotpop pop
14c. Information and resources for making money online
From: hotpop pop

15a. Your losing money if you don't L ( 0 ) ( 0 ) K at this NOW
From: Roxanne Jenkins

16.1. ==> Real L E A D S ==> Real T O O L S ==> Real T r a f f i c
From: Dan Moraru

17a. A New Amazing Strategy In Network
From: David Ooi

18a. Become A Millionaire Easily Without Any Risk
From: manir senang
18b. Become A Millionaire Easily Without Any Risk
From: manir senang

From: for_your_service

20. Want to imprive your web page impression to round the world....
From: manir senang

21.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
From: rn_reza_del_04

22.1. Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
From: rn_reza_del_04

23a. BONUS€  '¥aneka resipi masakan dan kuih raya
From: manir senang


Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair63@yahoo.com thehair63
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 12:54 am ((PDT))

Imagine sending your ad every day to a potential 100 million Yahoo
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This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo customers to your
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powerful and was developed with the novice marketer at heart. No need to
validate your email, no need for spam filters or junk mail boxes. No need
to worry about losing your ISP either!


Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.
Messages in this topic (76)

2a. Top HYIP Site€ ¦'¥Launched 10/06 € ¦'¥.Still Paying€ ¦'¥. 64% Per Mt
Posted by: "Easy Money !" ccash38@yahoo.com.sg ccash38
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:03 am ((PDT))

Hi Friends,
You can easily make truckloads of Cold Hard Cash from this No 1 HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) € ¦'¶


Launched in Oct€ ¦'²06, A3Union has been paying for 10 months with total investments approaching $10,000,000.
It offers 4 plans as follows, but the Combined Portfolio pays the highest yields € ¦'¶

Aggressive Portfolio € ¦'¶ 1.6% profit in 2 days, min investment : $500
Classic Portfolio € ¦'¶ 12% profit in 7 days, min investment : $250
Combined portfolio - 28% profit in 14 days, min investment : $100
Long Term Classic Portfolio - 200% profit in 92 days, min investment : $50

A $1,000 invested in the Combined Portfolio will compound to $52,227 in just 8 months ! 28% in 14 days is about 64% per month !
Withdrawal is instant; your withdrawal will be instantly deposited to your egold account once you submit your withdrawal !

If you look at the alexa.com chart of A3Union, you can see that traffic is continually rising. Ranked 29,878 on Jun11, it has steadily gone up to rank 12,400 now.


Yahoo! Movies - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.
Messages in this topic (5)

3. Fwd: Free Marketing Guidance
Posted by: "Adelia R" ade_lia01@yahoo.com ade_lia01
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:04 am ((PDT))

Dear All,

Maybe one of you want to find marketing guidance to refference,you can check this site :


Maybe that site can help you to find the way.


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.

Shape Yahoo! in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today!
Messages in this topic (1)

4a. FriendsWin - MySpace on Steroids
Posted by: "Roger Silen" wealthym1@yahoo.ca wealthym1
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:16 am ((PDT))

Ever Heard of FACEBOOK?

100,000 Sign Ups per day!

Now you have a ground floor opportunity

To Sell Video Social Networking! (It's like MySpace on Steroids)

Refer Members...... Get Paid!!!

In the Super Matrix




P.S. Our group has more than 700 sign ups in just the last few days. This is HOT!!!!

Messages in this topic (4)

5a. I Made $5300 In 6 Hours See How
Posted by: "Stefan James" onetopdollar@yahoo.com onetopdollar
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:20 am ((PDT))

Ridiculous online system spitting out crazy cash
Once you see this I know you won't sleep tonight
You'd be silly not to check this out Click here now

Messages in this topic (20)

6a. A Girl's Best Friend -- Maybe A Guy's Too
Posted by: "Lillian Deitz" paulette_deitz@yahoo.com paulette_deitz
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:21 am ((PDT))

They say 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend'... but how about cash and diamonds for both guys and girls?

How good would it would feel to earn $8,000 over and over again? And all for only a one-time cost. Over 30 people have now earned $8,000, some more than once. And the company just started May 7, 2007. This one is paying big.

See you on the diamond!

Messages in this topic (21)

7a. Top 50 FREE eBooks for Software Engineering Now!!!!
Posted by: "rachana choudry" rachana_ebooks@yahoo.co.in rachana_ebooks
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:37 am ((PDT))

Dear All,

Best EBooksworld.com is world's largest FREE download website for ebooks. You can find a full range of ebooks - from Computers to Spirituality, from Business to Arts. If you are looking for any tutorial or ebook, your first destination is www.BestEbooksWorld.com.

Best EBooks World.com - World's Largest Collection of FREE EBooks over Internet Top 50 FREE eBooks for Software Engineering available for FREE downloads from Best EBooksworld.com

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Object-Oriented System Development
Object-oriented (OO) programming has a growing number of converts. Many people believe that object orientation will put a dent in the software crisis. There is a glimmer of hope that OO software development will become more like engineering. Objects, whatever they are now, may become for software what nuts, bolts and beams are for construction design, what 2-by-4s and 2-by-6s are for home construction, and what chips are for computer hardware construction.

Patterns for Effective Use Cases
This free online book is intended to help the reader better understand the role of analysis and design in the object-oriented software development process.

Software Engineering
This free software enineering online book includes the following chapters: Introduction, Software Specification, Software Design, Implementation, Software Verification, Documentation and Project Management.

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Programming from Specifications presents a rigorous treatment of most elementary program-development constructs, including iteration, recursion, procedures, parameters, modules and data refinement.


System Design and Analysis
This free book about System Design and Analysis is divided into 3 parts: Introduction to Systems, Systems Anaysis and System Design.

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This book is an attempt to provide an introduction to reverse engineering software under both Linux and Microsoft Windows�. The goal of this book is not to cover how to reproduce an entire program from a binary, but instead how to use the Scientific Method to deduce specific behavior and to target, analyze, extract and modify specific operations of a program, usually for interoperability purposes. As such, the book takes a top-down approach, starting at the highest level (program behavior) and drilling down to assembly when it is needed.

Software Architect
This book is about how individuals can take the lead in realigning our development efforts to that promise. In doing so, we shall in turn take our lead from the practice of Architecture, when Architects formed themselves into organisations determined to combat the problem of buildings falling on people€ ¦'²s heads.

Agile Software Development
Is software development an art, a craft, science, engineering, or something else entirely? Does it even matter? Yes, it does matter, and it matters to you. Your actions and their results will differ depending on which of those is more correct.The main thing is you want your software out soon and relatively defect-free, but more than that, you need a way to examine how your team is doing along the way.

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Online Free Book

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This is a 78 page extract from the book: Surviving Object-Oriented Projects.

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Artificial intelligence is a hard subject to learn. I have written a book to make it easier. I explain difficult concepts in a simple, concrete way. I have organized the material in a new and (I feel) clearer way, a way in which the chapters are in a logical sequence and not just unrelated topics.

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Use ASP to send a wireless text message
Face it. Wireless devices are red hot. For example, the number of mobile phones is double that of PCs and continues to increase; sales of wireless Web devices are expected to grow from $10 billion in 2000 to $73 billion in 2005, according to consultants Strategy Analytics

Learn ASP ....
ASP--Active Sever Pages, ASP is a technology for building dynamic and interactive web pages using server-side scripting. It embeds VBscript or JScript within HTML and thus brings dynamic content to ASP web pages.

ASP.NET Tutorials and Tips
Welcome to the ASP.NET 2.0 QuickStart Tutorial. To access the ASP.NET 1.0 Tutorials hosted at DotNetJunkies.com , click here . The ASP.NET QuickStart is a series of ASP.NET samples and supporting ...

The J2ee Tutorial
The Java Tutorial has been an indispensable resource for many programmers learning the Java programming language. This tutorial hopes to serve the same role for developers encountering the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) for the first time. It follows an example-oriented focus similar to The Java Tutorial.

Linux/Unix ebooks
Links to GNU/Linux Websites and Books

Unix / Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial
Learn linux / Unix shell scripting by example along with the theory. We'll have you mastering Unix shell scripting in no time!

Basic Unix
If you are just starting with Unix, you should probably begin by reading the Unix: Getting Your Feet Wet document. If you're already using Unix, or know the information in the 'Unix: Getting Your Feet Wet' document, this 'Basic Unix' document includes a lot of further information.

Unix operating systems explained in detail through Links.

UNIXhelp for Users
UNIXhelp is mirrored around the world and freely available for local installation. This is Version 1.3.

Linux important
This document contains an index to the Linux HOWTOs as well as other information about the HOWTO project. A good one MUST READ...

The UNIX Kernel Source Tour!
Please don't download whole hypertext using hypertext copy tools. Our network cannot afford such traffic. Instead, you can generate same thing in your computer using GLOBAL source code tag system .

Unix Programming Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ was originally begun by Patrick Horgan in May 1996; I took it over after it had been lying idle for several months. I've reorganised it a bit and added some stuff; I still regard it as `under development'. Comments, suggestions, additions, corrections etc. should be sent to the maintainer at: .

VB eBook
I hope you'll find that these tutorials provide you with a good foundation on which to learn even more about VB! I also provide several sample applications which implement many of the features that are discussed in my tutorial sections.


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Visual Basic .NET articles
A complete book on VB.net with lots of examples and also in a simple and understandable way....

Complete Visual Basic
VISUAL BASIC is a high level programming language evolved from the earlier DOS version called BASIC. BASIC means Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is a fairly easy programming language to learn.

Learn whole of VB
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Using Windows API in VB Tutorial
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VBScript Tutorial
VBScript is a Microsoft scripting language. In our VBScript tutorial you will learn how to write VBScript, and how to insert these scripts into your HTML files to make your web pages more dynamic and interactive

VB tutorial (a to z)
As Web developers, our lives revolve around working with data. We create databases to store the data, code to retrieve and modify it, and web pages to collect and summarize it. This is the first tutorial in a lengthy series that will explore techniques for implementing these common patterns in ASP.NET 2.0. We'll start with creating a software architecture composed of a Data Access Layer (DAL) using Typed DataSets, a Business Logic Layer (BLL) that enforces custom business rules, and a presentation layer composed of ASP.NET pages that share a common page layout.

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VISUAL BASIC is one of the easiest programming tool to master.With some basic guidance, anybody could come up with a nice little windows-based program within a short time, age is not the limit.However, do not ever think that Visual Basic can only build simple programs, you could actually develop very advance and powerful applications

ou can do far more with € ¦'±Classic VB€ ¦'² than just display forms with buttons on them. In this series I€ ¦'²ll look at using the Graphics Device Interface or GDI to do some simple drawing operations.

Normally, 'digital' data input into a PC is just that € ¦'¶ you use your digits; just two of them in my case, as I have never graduated beyond the two fingered school of typing. However, there are other ways to get data into and out of your PC € ¦'¶ infra-red ports, network cards, the USB (Universal Serial Bus) and of course the good old-fashioned serial and parallel ports.

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What is ASP.NET? ASP.NET is a powerful and flexible server side technology, which is used for developing dynamic Web pages. The heart of ASP.NET technology is Microsoft€ ¦'²s .NET Framework, which provides the core technology.


Tutorials for ASP
Here we introduce Web application development with Microsoft's ASP.NET 2.0 technology. Web-based applications create Web content for Web browser clients.

ASP.NET in a Nutshell
ASP.NET is the next generation of Active Server Pages from Microsoft. More than a mere upgrade, it€ ¦'²s designed to support the development of dynamic and data-driven web applications and web services in much the same way Visual Basic enabled the rapid development of Microsoft€ ¦® Windows€ ¦® desktop applications.

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Messages in this topic (4)

8.1. This only cost six dollars and really works fast!
Posted by: "Irvin Young" syone90749@yahoo.com syone90749
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:43 am ((PDT))

Hello Everyone,

Easy Money-Investment

Make Money Fast And Easy!!!Make Money Fast And Easy!!!Make Money Fast And
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following months? May be $50,000 or $100,000. Well now you have the opportunity
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You can be making t

Messages in this topic (52)

Posted by: "Paul janko" ceo250k@yahoo.com ceo250k
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:53 am ((PDT))

looking for something different, legitimate and instantly profitable ? Call 212 990 6230 for RECORDED information about who we are and what we do and how you can earn a CEO income starting this month without any financial risk .If you like what you hear on the recorded call contact me directly to send you more information . Paul 810 875 2883

Messages in this topic (21)

10.1. I'm About To Drop A Bombshell!
Posted by: "Debra Haley" haley.key2net@yahoo.com haley.key2net
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:55 am ((PDT))

Despite your best efforts to get wealthy, have you ever wondered why it hasn't happened yet? ...Well, the good news is, you are in the right place for the answer. ... I'm talking about enough money to set you up for life with "copy and paste" technology.

Messages in this topic (129)

11a. Launched 7pm Last Night and Made 7000 by 6am Wow
Posted by: "David Dubbs" edctopearner@yahoo.com edctopearner
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:58 am ((PDT))

New site launched last night and made 7000 in 11 hours. Full automation. Sit back and watch this pay you daily. Are you ready to make 7000 today?
Call Us With Questions # is on the site

Messages in this topic (14)

12a. ~~~ From Broke to $10,000 a Month ... Interested?
Posted by: "Steve Laycock" brightfuture_0000@yahoo.com brightfuture_0000
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 1:58 am ((PDT))

Launch your very own money making website today that's 100% ready to take orders and pull in MASSIVE PROFITS for you right now ... GUARANTEED. Plus, you'll get your own pre-written ezine-in-a-box customized and setup for you absolutely free WITHIN 24 HOURS. Prepare yourself for an unbelievable adventure!


Messages in this topic (16)

13a. Submit it easy text ad
Posted by: "preplugin01@yahoo.com" preplugin01@yahoo.com preplugin01
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:01 am ((PDT))

Get Massive, "Laser-beam" Targeted traffic to your web site....
by placing your ad on 5 million sites!

Dear Internet Marketer,
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And set this up completely for you on Auto-Pilot
This is our best-ever advertising avalanche offer!
Its perfect for the modest budget...
and up until now Weve never offered this price point!
find it in http://www.moneypuller.com

Messages in this topic (3)

14a. Information and resources for making money online
Posted by: "hotpop pop" hotpop.pop3@yahoo.com hotpop.pop3
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:08 am ((PDT))

Information and resources for making money online


Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Messages in this topic (6)

14b. Information and resources for making money online
Posted by: "hotpop pop" hotpop.pop3@yahoo.com hotpop.pop3
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:08 am ((PDT))

Information and resources for making money online


Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.
Messages in this topic (6)

14c. Information and resources for making money online
Posted by: "hotpop pop" hotpop.pop3@yahoo.com hotpop.pop3
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:08 am ((PDT))

Information and resources for making money online


Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.
Messages in this topic (6)

15a. Your losing money if you don't L ( 0 ) ( 0 ) K at this NOW
Posted by: "Roxanne Jenkins" onlinesuccessfulbiz15@yahoo.com onlinesuccessfulbiz15
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:08 am ((PDT))

This is NO JOKE! I am up to $160 a day with this AWESOME money-making opportunity.

It will not cost you a single cent to learn how you can make some serious money real fast.


Messages in this topic (8)

16.1. ==> Real L E A D S ==> Real T O O L S ==> Real T r a f f i c
Posted by: "Dan Moraru" key2netadv@yahoo.com key2netadv
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:18 am ((PDT))

leads,surveyed leads,lead, verified leads,autoresponder leads, qualified leads,autoresponder leads,mlm leads,sales leads,telemarketing leads,network marketing leads, targeted leads,business opportunity lead,home business leads,internet leads,opt in lead,phone interviewed leads,verified leads,responsive,fresh leads,lead generation,targeted opt in lead,d

Messages in this topic (94)

17a. A New Amazing Strategy In Network
Posted by: "David Ooi" davidooi76@yahoo.com.sg davidooi76
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:54 am ((PDT))

Discover A Breakthrough
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http://Insider Blueprint.com/?id=2161

Messages in this topic (4)

18a. Become A Millionaire Easily Without Any Risk
Posted by: "manir senang" hidrabat@gmail.com kizo090
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:55 am ((PDT))

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Messages in this topic (7)

18b. Become A Millionaire Easily Without Any Risk
Posted by: "manir senang" hidrabat@gmail.com kizo090
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:56 am ((PDT))




* *



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Messages in this topic (7)

Posted by: "for_your_service" for_your_service@yahoo.com for_your_service
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:56 am ((PDT))

Dear Members,

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Wish you best of luck

The FreeMegaZone Team

Messages in this topic (1)

20. Want to imprive your web page impression to round the world....
Posted by: "manir senang" hidrabat@gmail.com kizo090
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:57 am ((PDT))

Want to imprive your web page impression to round the world....

use this programe...its really free for join ...




Messages in this topic (1)

21.1. Please stop sending your Ad to me!
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04@yahoo.com rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:58 am ((PDT))

Please stop sending your Ad to me!
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Messages in this topic (94)

22.1. Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
Posted by: "rn_reza_del_04" rn_reza_del_04@yahoo.com rn_reza_del_04
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:58 am ((PDT))

Want low cost, but huge potential payout?
I've got a team of over 200+ downlines and am making thousands every
month !

If you think you've got a program that I may be interested to take my
entire team to, click the URL below and tell me all about it:


Messages in this topic (95)

23a. BONUS€  '¥aneka resipi masakan dan kuih raya
Posted by: "manir senang" hidrabat@gmail.com kizo090
Date: Tue Sep 4, 2007 2:58 am ((PDT))

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Messages in this topic (2)

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